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November 13, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-13

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.Q0: by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Issoctated (otegsate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

'N .te to my mother: Dear Mom, I'm not siek; men, as strong and husky as the Gopher line-
Iv(e just been studying for an ec bluebook. So Hal en, aro ad hund a s to le-
Wilsn, sports night editor who jaunted to Minne- men, were posted there, under orders to refuse
ap,is for the Minnesota clash, takes over for the admittance to everyone.
day.) Line Coach Clarence Munn stood outside the
Sometimes it's tough to lose a football game. door in the drizzling rain, parrying the questions
Especially one which you know you should have shot from all sides by the frustrated scribes.
won-one which you know ouhoul he Yes, it was a terrifically hard-fought battle.
-one in which you have fought your heart he had never seen one of his Michigan-
out, into which you have poured every ounce No
outne, trhchyouhavpoued every musenyoun coached lines charge more fiercely. Yes, it was'
of energy, stretched every muscle in your body one of the cleanest intercollegiate grid contests
to the point of exhaustion. h a vrwtesd
he had ever witnessed.
Just ask any one of the Michigan gridmen Then the policemen permitted just a half
who went down to defeat before the Golden dozen writers to enter the dressing room. There
Gophers of Minnesota at Minneapolis last Sat- was none of the light-hearted chatter and ex-
urday, 7-6. uberance which had characterized every pre-
On one of the sloppiest gridirons any two vious Wolverine dressing-room scene this sea-
teams ever had to perform on, a fighting Wal= son. There was just steamy silence. Occasion-
verine team, keyed up to an intense emotional ally someone would mutter some comment to
pitch, pushed and shoved Bernie Bierman's someone else.
vaunted Minnesota juggernaut up and down Leaning tiredly against a table. occasionally
and through the mud. puffing on his cigarette, Fritz Crisler received
With a cold driving rain beating into their the press in his characteristic manner. No, it
bespattered faces, Crisler's gridmen out-charged, wouldn't be justifiable to speculate on the out-
out-gained and thoroughly out-fought their come under more favorable weather conditions.
heavier foes from the Northland. Time and Yes, the team had played courageously and de-
again they scrapped inch by inch and yard by served every bit of praise. Bernie Bierman's
yard through and over the determined Gopher eleven played a fine game. Yes, it's a shame
giants. Only to be repulsed by an inspired de- to have to disappoint Michigan's student body
fense whose defensive might and fury ascended once again.
to unbelievable heights in the shadow of the Minnesota's magnificent triple-threat back,
Minnesota goal. George Franck, walked in, contentedly munch-
One dynamic, devastating 80-yard run from ing an apple. He extended his sympathies to
scrimmage - by brilliant Bruce Smith, speedy Crisler and to the team, congratulated them for
Gopher halfback, plummeted the Wolverines their brilliant performance.
from an undefeated season dedicated to Retiring Bob Westfall, subjected to a terrific pounding
Director Fielding H. Yost into the gridiron depths by the Gopher forward wall and secondary, was
of defeat as sombre and gloomy as the morass sitting dejectedly on another table in the corner.
of mud on which they struggled. Capt. Evashevski, battered and bruised as never
As the final gun barked into the saturatr before, was having a minor leg wound doctored
atmosphere the Michigan fans were forced to while listening abstractedly to an aggressive
realize what they had refused to believe until little Minneapolis scribe quiz him on some minor
the last second had ticked away. The Maize point. Obviously desirous of a little peace and
and Blue band, 135 strong, sorrowfully arose quiet to think, Evy courteously forced his an-
from its section, sloshed across the muddy field, swers.
and with an almost defiant drum-beat, marched Then in groups of twos and threes the Wol-
out of the stadium. verines straggled out of the dressing room into
Down at the Michigan dressing room a mot- the damp night air, with an unbearably long
ley crowd of rain-soaked sports writers, Wolver- 700 miles ahead of them.
ine well-wishers, and just curious onlookers It's tough to drop a grid game you know you
assembled outside the door. Two burly police- should have won.
Washington Merry-Go-Round


Not Sticking His Neck Out?

Hervie Haufler .

Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. Managing Editor
. .Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. .Associate Editor
. . .Sports Editor
W .omen's Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

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Caution Urged
For 'Black Friday'

. . .


FRIDAY, NOV. 22, is "Black Friday,"
Ftraditional day of warfare between
the freshman and sophomore classes. Tonight,
at 7:30 p.m. in th7e Natural Science Auditorium,
the frosh will hold their organization meeting
to discuss plans for the occasion and tomorrow,
at the same place and at the same time, the
sophs will hold theirs. Interclass rivalry is really
getting under way.
But there is more to say about "Black Friday"
than merely the fact that it will take place.
'A warning should be given to members of both
the Classes of '43 and '44 to make the day suc-
cessful. In the past decade it has not been
noticeably so, for, when the spirit was not there
nothing happened and when the spirit was
there damage was done.
WTE URGE all underclassmen to take "Black
Friday" seriously, attend their respective
meetings and turn out on Nov. 22 for the great
Ann, Arbor "free-for-all." We know that they
will have a great deal of fun "depantsing" one
another, marching the streets singing victory
songs and doing all the other things which are
usually associated with that day.
Caution and care, however, must also be ad-
vised. There is no necessity of destroying prop-
erty or of putting local merchants or the Uni-
versity to any expense. Posters should not be
put up on any buildings, painted notices should
not be resorted to and great care should be
taken to prevent any sort of breakage.
NOST IMPORTANT of these "don'ts" has to
do with the dormitories. Back in 1937 a
group of sophomores attacked the Allen-Rumsey
Houses and were repulsed by fire hoses wielded
by freshman residents, and President Ruthven
had to be called to quell the disturbance. This
should not happen again. The dorms are Uni-
versity property and must be considered at all
times as neutral ground.
So come on out and have a good time, but.
don't forget to consider other people and the
importance of safeguarding their property.
--Albert Paul Blaustein
Released Convicts
Face Ostracism . .
tice" is a powerful story of crime
and punishment-a young man, a forgery, a
sentence, a release, a suicide.
So what? There are a million and one or
more other cases likethis. Exactly! What hap-
pens to all these people when they are released
either before or after sentence and thrown back
into society?
For sustenance, they look for some sort of
position, -any position, a job, any job. If for-
tunate they obtain work, but as soon as the
employer and fellow employes discover their
past, they are blacklisted. And so they trudge
the rounds once more.
T IS perfectly understandable why there is
discrimination, but unfortunately it is some--
times perverted. It is one of the human failings,
a tragedy in itself. Many of these "criminals"
are petty thieves, shop-lifters, forgers, first of-


Rumors that Wendell Willkie will be offered
a cabinet post or chairmanship of the Defense
Commission are just rumors and no more. Roose-
velt has no intention of unifying along such lines.
After the 1936 campaign, the President and
Alf Landon went out of their way to be friendly.
The mellow Kansan called at the White House
when he went to the Capital in December for
a Gridiron Club dinner, and a year later Roose-
velt appointed him a member of the U.S. dele-
gation to the Pan-American conference in Lima.
But with Willkie the situation is entirely dif-
Roosevelt deeply dislikes and distrusts him-
a feeling, incidently, that is strongly reciprocated
by Willkie.
Privately, the President believes that the GOP
standard bearer's campaign was motivated
chiefly by personal malice and went far out of
bounds of legitimate political warring in delib-
erate misrepresentation and distortion.
On his side, Willkie feels just as hotly regard-
ing Roosevelt. When Rev. John Carruthers,
visiting pastor of the Convent First Presbyterian
Church, Washington, suggested making peace
with Roosevelt, Willkie snapped, "I wouldn't
think of it. You can't trust him. I refuse to
have anything to do with him in any coalition
Note: Even if Willkie would accept a job,
Roosevelt has fought shy of creating a chairman
of the Defense Commission. To all such sug-
gestibns he has replied that he was boss of the
commission and intended to continue that way.
Merry Go Round
The Roosevelt campaign wagon came to rest
only after some bitter inside circle carnage.
To the Editor:
It was a disagreeable surprise to me to notice
that the University failed to observe Armistice
Day officially. It seems to me that in this in-
stitution where students are dismissed, presum-
ably to uphold the ideals of democracy, the
administration would certainly carry through
their patriotic aims and do all in their power
to recognize and maintain the tradition of
Armistice Day.
The student body itself shows very little pa-
triotism on its own part. To most students, the
Star-Spangled Banner holds no more signifi-
cance than the Dipsy Doodle. It is not often
that I have seen students stand at attention
of their own accord in the privacy of their
rooms or in public establishments, when they
hear the national anthem. Must we respect our
country only when bayonets are thrust in our
T man h p. -,,Pnt in tie niversitr of Mich-

Two of the President's closest advisers, Harry
Hopkins and Tom Corcoran, are at sword's
points . . . Republicans are wondering whether
there isn't something awfully significant about
Tom Dewey's majority in up-state New York. It
was more than 750,000 in 1938 while Willkie's
up-state majority was only 94,000. This, coupled
with the fact that Dewey did most of his cam-
paigning for Willkie in the west-not in New
York-makes some of the boys wonder whether
the young District Attorney wasn't just as glad
to have Willkie lose. After all, Willkie's defeat
leaves Dewey with a far better chance to take
the Republican nomination-and election-in
1944 . . . Friends are kidding Henry Wallace
about being disqualified for the job of vice-
president because, unlike Jack Garner, he does
not "strike a blow for liberty." After eight years
in Washington, Wallace does not drink,
European Appeasement
The story of imminent European peace deals
which floated around London, Berlin and Wash-
ington just before election was no myth. Inside
fact was that some very, very tentative ideas
had been discussed by Sir Samuel Hoare, British
Ambassador in Madrid, and a leader of the Brit-
ish appeasement group.
Since November 5 these ideas are dead. But
the motives behind them are extremely im-
R portant. Inasmuch as they may crop up again,
here is their background:
Ever since Hitler's proposed invasion of Eng-
land was frustrated last September, Nazi diplo-
mats have sent out feelers to the effect that
Germany now had almost the entire continent
of Europe and might be satisfied to drop the
war, leaving England to stick to its own islands.
This, of course, would be an excellent set-up
for Germany. Economically, she now has some of
the wealthiest areas of Europe under her thumb,
especially with the penetration of Rumania.
Her trading area, under the now rewritten map
of Europe, is vast and wealthy. Hitler could
well afford to sit tight for the time being and
concentrate on the development of these new
Such a peace, of course, meets no response
from the great majority of the British people,
nor the Government, and absolutely none from
Winston Churchill. However, it has been re-
ceived favorably by the little group of "City"
men (London's Wall Street) which encouraged
the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia so they
could get Czech factories, and who actually
lent money to Hitler after Munich.
Wall Street And Willkie
This group sees British factories blasted,
argues that it will take months to rebuild them,
and that meanwhile British trade will lose out to
the U.S.A. So this group has been encouraging
the backstage peace feelers with Berlin, via
Spain and Sweden.
Furthermore, all diplomatic reports indicate
that had Willkie been elected, this group would
have launched a strong drive for appeasement.

VOL. LI. No. 39}
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
.Members of the Faculty and Cler-
ical Staff of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: A representa-
tive of the Michigan Health Service
will be in Ann Arbor again on Thurs-
day, November 14, to explain the
group plan for surgical care. The
meeting will be held in room 1025
Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m.
Edward H. Kraus
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Fores-
try and Conservation at 10:00 a.m.
Friday, November 15, in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building,
at which Mr. Jay H. Price, Regional
Forester in charge of U.S. Forest
Service activities in the Lake States
and Central States regions, will speak.
All students in the School of Forestry
and Conservation are expected to at-
tend, and all others interested are
cordially invited.
College of Architecture, School of
Education, School of Forestry and
Conservation, School of Music: Mid-
semester reports indicating students
enrolled in these units doing unsatis-
factory work in any unit of the Uni-
versity are due in the office of the
school or college on Saturday, No-
vember 23, at noon. Report blanks
for this purpose may be secured from
the office of the school or from Room
4, University Hall.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
Women Students Wishing to At-
tend the Ohio State-Michigan foot-
ball game are required to register
in the Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be in this office not later than
Wednesday. November 20. If the
student does not go by train, special
permission for another mode of travel
must be included in the parent's let-
ter. Graduate women are invited to
register in this office.
Byri Fox Bacher.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, November 23.
Report cards are being distribut-
ed to all departmental offices. This
year for the first time special green
cards are being provided for fresh-
men reports. Green cards should be
returned to the office of the Academic
Counselors. 108 Mason Hall; white
cards (reporting sophomores, jun-

to the school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
my office, 1220 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter
'Assistant Dean
Freshmen from high schools in the
following cities are reminded of the
conferences with their former prin-
cipals in 'the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies Thurs-
day morning, November 14:
Adrian, Albion, Ann Arbor, Battle
Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, Bir-
mingham, Bloomfield Hills, Caro,
Chelsea, Coldwater, Culver, Dearborn,
Detroit, Dexter, Dowagiac, East
Grand Rapids, East Lansing, Ecorse,
Farmington, Fenton, Ferndale, Flint,
Grand Blanc, Grosse Ile, Grosse
Pointe, Hamtramck, Hanover, Hast-
ings, Highland Park, Howard City,
Howe. Howell, Jackson, Kalamazoo,
Lansing, Lapeer, Lincoln Park, Man-
chester, Marine City, Marshall, Mel-
vindale, Milan, Milford, Monroe, Mt.
Clemens, Mt. Pleasant, Niles, Owosso,
Plymouth, Pontiac, Pt. Huron, River
Rouge, Rochester, Royal Oak, Sagi-
naw, St. Clair, St. Johns, St. Joseph,
South Lyon, Standish, Tecumseh,
Three Rivers, Toledo, Trenton, Walled
Lake, Wayne, Winnetka, Wyandotte,
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
Upperclassmen: Former students of
?he junior colleges at Bay City, Flint,
Grand Rapids, Highland Park, Jack-
son, Muskegon and Port Huron are
reminded of the conferences with
their former deans in the Main Lec-
ture Room of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies on
Thursday morning, November 14. Stu-
dents from these colleges who may
not have been notified by mail are
also invited.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar

Approved Student Organizations
for 1940-41. The following organiza-
tions have indicated a desire to be
officially recognized for the present
school year and the Committee on
Student Affairs has approved their
request. Any society not listed is con-
sidered inactive for the year. Fratern-
ities and sororities maintaining resi-
dences on the campus are not in-
Abe Lincoln Cooperative House
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Nu
Alpha Phi Alpha
Alpha Phi Omega
Al Thaqufa
Am. Inst. of Chemical Engineers
Am. Inst. of Electrical Engineers
Am. Inst. of Mining and Metallur-
gical Engineers
Am. Society of Civil Engineers
American Student Union
Anti-War Committee
Apolthecaries Club
Armenian Students Association
Bethlehem Evangelical Reformed
Student Guild
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Cercle Francais
Chi Gamma Phi
Chinese Students' Club
Christian Science Organization
Congregational Student Fellowship
Congress of Indqpendent Men
Delta Omega
Deutscher Verein
Disciples Guild
Eastern Society
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Flip Flap Fraternity
Forestry Club
Glee Club (Men)
(Continued on Page 6)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast ' The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " Evening Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade World Today Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Mr. Meek Cavalcade Carson Robison The Lone Ranger
7:45 Mr. Meek " Doc Sunshine
8:00 Question Bee Hollywood Playh'se Melody Street Quiz Kids
8-15 Question Bee
8:30 D. Thompson Plantation Party Education Week Manhattan Midnite
8:45 D. Thompson '. News Ace"
9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Cantor To Be Announced Yukon Challenge
9:15 Fred Allen r-o'.Old Traveler
9:30 Fred Allen District Attorney Citizens All John B. Kennedy

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