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November 13, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-13

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THE1TCI 1EN 1.111aTT V ."-"'.


Ozenfant Talks
On Modern Art
Paiviter Speaks Thursday
In University Lecture
"Modern Art" will be the topic of
a University lecture by M. Amadee
Ozenfant, eminent French painter
and critic, to be given at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 14, in the lecture hall
of the Rackham Building.
The lecture, open to the public, is
sponsored by the Department of Fine
Arts and is concurrent with a retro-
spective exhibition of M. Ozenfant's
works, which is now hanging in the
galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Originally a member of the Pari-
sian Post-Impressionist group with
Picasso, Brague, Geis, Leger and
others, his work and thought reflect
his interest in the newer and more
experimental trends in painting,
sculpture and industrial design.
M. Ozenfant was born in Saint
Quentin in northern France and has
been a leading figure among the con-
temporary artists of the school of

Daily Staff Alumni Contribute
Articles For Souvenir Edit
Special Issue Will Contain difficult for that advertiser
buy space.
Memories Of Michigan Ohio State's part in thed
Covering Fifty Years ng of the new football sta
recounted in an article by J.
Mo than50f rDailyeditorsHooker, '20, while other alum
Mor thn 5 fome Daly ditrsof the days when kindly Pr
and business staff members have re-
sponded to requests for articles to be Angell administrated the Un
included in a souvenir edition of The affairs. A. W. Tressler. '
Daily, that will appear with Satur- Marke Foote. *04. relate a
day's paper as a supplement. The of the popular president.
special issue is part of the celebra- An amusing bit was contrib
tinwihwilmr,0 er fF E. Gooding, '10M, whoe
continuous puication bh50yeasly, clippings from The Daily, he
and which will begin with a banquet as foilots, en successive days
Friday in the Union. In Conn o Of Student Puie
Among the by-lined stories are Hear Charges: Gooding Befor
those by Daily alumni from the first on Beer Bottle Charge; and,
years of publication, when the paper Gooding Resigns Daily Posit
was called the U of M Daily, down me paper will run six p
to men who were graduated as re- solid reading matter, inclu
cently as two years ago. I ads.
Lieut.-Col. Joseph R. Darnall, '18M,-

T echnic Issue
tion Featres Story
again to By B.F. Bailey

_ . _

Choral Union
Will Feature
Don Cossacks



iuews of ,the doris


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Second Edition Includes
Articles On Lubrication,
Flying, Electric Power

The 34 singing giants of the Some of the boys from Wenley and
Allen-Rumsey were invited to din-
Steppes will make their fifth appear- n1r at Couzens' Hall nurses' home,
ante in Ann Arbor when the Don Saturday night. There is a rumor
Cossack Chorus arrives here Mon- making the rounds that since the
day for the Choral Union Concert dinner many of the dorm students
in Hill Auditorium. are feeling mysteriously ill and are
! 11nef d-iof nurses' Carpe

contributed an account of the reac-
tion of some of the troops to the
news of the false Armistice and
brings back the atmosphere of the
War of 1918.
An advertising manager who han-
dled the business affairs of the paper
in 1911, Norman H. Hill, recalls that
he had less trouble selling ads than
in finding space for them. When
an advertiser became annoying, Hill
could easily replace him and it was

"T HE BAT" IPerspeetives Staff'
presented by To Meet Thursday

of the Speech Dept.
75c, 50C, 35c
Phone 6300

All members of the Perspectives
staff are urged to attend the general
staff meeting 4 p.m. Thursday in
the Student Publications Building,
Ellen Rhea, '41, editor-in-chief of
the campus literary magazine, an-
nounced yesterday.
Also invited to the meeting are any
students interested in trying out for
the staff, Miss Rhea added.
The deadline for contributions to
the Dec. 15 issue of the magazine is
Nov. 20.


Smart Night Life in-

~AJm 9

.. ,'''


yv .

Men wear Staeb & Day's for-
mal clothes with confidence
and real enjoyment.
TUXEDOS ... 27.50
Single or double-breasted in
black or midnight blue.
TAILS . " . 32.59
Smartly cut, well fitting dress
suits of black or midnight
Dress vests- 4.50 to 5.50,
Homberg Hats 4.00 to 5.00,
Dress Shirts-2.50, Dress Ties
-85c and 1.00, Black Silk
Hose-35c and 50c, Dress
Mufflers-1.95 to 3.50, Dress
jewelry-1.00 to 3.50 per set,
Dress Collars-35c.

Studentt Glider
Club Schedules
Full Activities
The University of Michigan Glider
Club, oldest and largest of its kind
in the United States, begins its 14th
year of activity this fall.
The club was organized in 1927
and at the present time has 60 mem-
bers. More than 600 students have
been trained without a serious acci-
dent, and they have won the Sher-
man M. Fairchild Trophy for the
greatest number of contests four
Students are instructed by members
who have proven themselves capable
and by licensed instructors. There
will be three licensed instructors this
year. A Franklin Utility glider is
used and the club has a Dodge truck
for ground tows. When the student
has reached the stage where he is
able to ascend to a height above 50
feet, a winch tows the glider into
the air.
Under the present plan of opera-
tion of the club, new members pay
an initial fee of five dollars. The
regular dues are eight dollars a sem-
ester. Each member is entitled to
one afternoon of flying each week.
Regents Name
Faculty Men
To New Post
(continued from Page 1)
Prof. Lee Carl Overstreet of the Uni-
versity of Missouri was appointed vis-
iting professor of law for the second
semester, and Dr. G. Howard Gower
was appointed to the position of pro-.
fessorial lecturer in public health for
a period lasting from Friday to June
30, 1941.
Fourteen sabbatical leaves were ap-
proved for the second semester by the
Board. They were granted Profs. Jo-
seph O. Alford of the chemistry de-
partment, Margaret E. Tracy of the
economics department, Albert H.
Marckwardt of the English depart-
ment, Warren E. Blake of the Greek
department, Benjamin W. Wheeler of
the history department, Carl J. Coe
of the mathematics department, John
F. Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment, Waldo Abbott of the speech de-
partment, Donald W. McCready of
the chemical and metallurgical en-
gineering departments, Robert D.
Breckett of the engineering English
department, John A. Van den Broek
of the engineering mechanics depart-
ment and Marshall Byrn of the Uni-
versity High School and Alumni Re-
lations Director Wilfred B. Shaw.

Featuring an article by Prof. Ben-Q
jamin F. Bailey of the electrical en-
gineering department on "From Arc
Lights On" the Michigan Technic
official publication of the Engineer-
ing College. made its second appear-
ance of the year today.
The story, sub-titled "The Grow-
ing Pains of Electrical Power," deals
with the early developments of the
utilities industry in the United States
with special reference to the work
done in it by Professor Bailey.
America's most vulnerable. most
vital import is considered in Charles
E.. Tieman's article on "Tires and
War." In it the Technic's senior
editorial director discusses the im-
portance of rubber and the various
methods of developing substitutes
if a blockade cuts off the nation's
present supply.
Other articles are by Arthur W. C.
Dobson, '42E, and Leslie J. Trigg,
'41E, and Edward T. Martin, '41E,
entitled "Lubrication: Science" and
"Intercollegiate Flying," respectively.
The former deals with the navy's oil
investigations while the latter is a
history of the National Intercolleg-
iate Flying Club.
Christian Gives
Organ Program Will Open
With Handel Concerto
Compositions by Handel, Pachel-
bel, Jongen and Mulet will be played
by Palmer Christian of the School of
Music in the fourth of a series of
Wednesday afternoon organ recitals
at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The program will open with Han-
del's "Concerto in F, No. 5," one of
18 organ selections written as special
attractions to the performances of
his oratorios at the Haymarket The-
atre in London, in the years succeed-
ing 1735. He will continue by play-
ing the "Praeludium," "Auf meinen
lieben Gott" and "Fugue" by Pachel-
Also scheduled to be heard are
"Sonata Eroica" by Jongen and "Nef,"
"Rosace," "Noel," and "Toccata" from
"Esquisses Byzantine" by Mulet. The
latter selections are part of a set of
ten pieces in which the author at-
tempted to put into music something
of a churchly as well as an archi-
tectural spirit, according to Profes-
sor Christian.
Sigma Xi To Hold
First Meet Today
Sigma Xi, honorary scientific re-
search society, will hold its first meet-
ing of the year at 8 p.m. today in
Room 1042 East Engineering Build-
ing, prior to a visit to the State High-
way Department Laboratory, Prof.
Franklin L. Everett of the engineer-
ing mechanics department, announ-
ced yesterday.
Prof. H. H. Willard of the chemistry
department is president of the local
chapter which conists of 550 faculty
members and graduate students elec-
ted for their scholarships and inter-
est in all fields of scientific research.
Mr. J. L. Byers, laboratory supervis-
or will conduct the visit.


Sponsored by the University Mu-
sical Society, the Chorus. which was
organized by its present leader, Serge
Jaroff. in a military camp near Con-
stantinople 20 years ago, will sing
a program of semi-classic musical
numbers coupled with distinctive
Russian airs.
The musical corps is the product
of diminutive Jaroff's enterprise.
Formerly a choirmaster, he fashioned
in his spare time a brilliant singing
ensemble out of a horde of bedrag-
gled, homesick prisoners in the World
Since their invitation to be the
official choir of the Orthodox St.
Sofia Cathedral in Bulgaria's capital,
the Don Cossack Chorus has sung
more than 4,000 concerts. They are
now spending their eleventh season
in America, offering folk tunes, Cos-
sack soldier songs and liturgies dat-
ing back a thousand years.
Newman Club
. MeetsTonight
Harold Smith To Speak
On Catholic Worker
Hai-old Smith, a representative
from the Catholic Worker and for-
mer head of the Boston House of
Hgspitality, will speak at a Newman
Club meeting at 8 p.m. tonight in
the auditorium of St. Mary's Chapel.
Mr. Smith, who also founded the
New Haven House of Hospitality,
famous throughout the country for
its splendid work, is at present trav-
eling around the United States to
present talks on the Catholic Worker,
Voluntary Poverty, Peace and Catho-
lic Copsumption and Demand.
At the meeting tonight, Mr. Smith
is particularly anxious to have his
udience participate actively in dis-
cussion by asking questions. After
'1he discussion, there will be a short
,usmess meeting and, following this,
a social hour.
Pharmacists Visit
Kalam azoo Today'
The Upjohn Company will play
host today to members of the Apoth-
cary Club and the Pharmacy Col-
lege, who are leaving at 8:30 a.m.
for Kalamazoo, where the company
has arranged an all-day excursion
and a conducted tour through the
This announcement was made at
the last meeting of the Apothecary
Club by Tilden Batchelder, president.
:n addition he appointed David Ott
and Sid Aronson co-chairmen of the
dance committee in preparation for
she Apothecary Ball.


Extra Added -
In Color!



Dorothy Lamour
"Moon Over BlurmA

SHOWS DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M.


Tro-diay and TIhursday!


Real Home Cooking
615 East

iF AA [1C'(1 l !J l l -C5 1. C.
Mabe thev're not grinds, but
n hoe cntlyireceived
recodin ofBrams'First Symi-
rhony from Prof. earl Litzenberg
the F ih daar'tment, direc-
f or of d'mitories, for maintaining
the highest dormitory scholastic
avera last year. Their average
was 2.45. Whew,
Thing, you didnt know about the

dorms till now: That every girl in
Mairtha Cook population, 125> can
hail each of her dorm-mates by
name . . . that the West Quad houses
a special branch of tie University
library (you'll hear more about this
later . . . that approximately 3.000
stucients live in dorms--one-fourth
of a campus . .
The large dormitory population
no doubt accounts for the popular-
ity of exchange dinners. To men-
tion some last night: Mosher ex-
changed with Green and Mins-
dale, the Jordan girls sampled the
cuisine of Greene House, and vice

ev.ica0' ROM 14Ij1~J
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1C.6v. . . . 6...*.wd .IA ... wi n . n ..w1AM.. reM. - wfl.J ' .. ..''' - mI i n o
"Lure of the Trout" NuGTs 40c
MATINEES 25c Paramount News Incl. Tax.


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