1 Weather Fair and colder. LY 5k iau Iaiti Editorial Caution Urged For 'Blank Friday' . Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Regents Name First Faculty Men To Serve On New Board Professors Are Appointed To Serve In Advisory Capacity On University Policies, Functionings Regents Approve Sabbatical Leaves The Board of Regents yesterday ap- pointed five members of the Univer- sity faculty to serve as the first mem- bers of the Advisory Board on Uni- versity Policies, which was formed April 26. Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe of the English department will serve the Board until 1941; Prof Arthur W. Bromage of the political science de- partment, until 1942; Prof. William C. Hoad of the civil engineering depart- ment, also 1942; Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law School, untill 1944, and Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the busi- ness administration school, until 1945. All terms expire September 30. Formed Last April The Board was formed last April to study and analyze any matters af- fecting the efficiency, objectives and functionings of the University as an institution of higher learning. It is also to consider matters concerning the University's obligation to the state and community. In addition to these questions, the Board will take up for consideration the internal organization of the Un- iversity on general topics of educa- tional policy. The Regents reappointed Deans James B. Edmonson of the School oft ,ducation, Edward Kraus of the lit- erary college and Clarence Yoakum of the Graduate School to the Ex- ecutive Committee of Summer Ses- sion. Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School and Ivan C. Crawford of the engineering college were ap- pointed to the Committee to replace Dean Emeritus Henry M. Bates of the Law School and the late Dean' Henry Anderson of the engineering college. Eaton, Tracy Reappointed Profs. John W. Eaton of the Ger- man department and Margaret E. Tracy of the economics department were reappointed to the Board of Governors of Residence Halls for a three-year term beginning Nov. 1, 1941. The Regents accepted the resigna- tion of E. Lewis Hayes, assistant pro- fessor of industrial education, who is taking a position with the State Board in Control of Vocational Education. (Continued on Page 2)' Women Need Less Chivalry, Alpha Nu Says Women need more left hooks to the jaw and less chivalry, declared Alpha Nu, Men's honorary Speech society, in a debate last night with Athena, Women's society, who stated that men were nature's sole mistake. The question: "Resolved: Women should be accorded more acts of chiv- alry than they now receive," was won by the members of Athena, who held to the affirmative viewpoint. "Men, by their lack of chivalry, are forcing us to aid Japan," accused Athena. "If they will not pull out our chairs, we will get runs in our stockings. If we get runs in our stock- ings, we will have to buy more stock- ings and thus aid Japan in her con- quest of poor, defenseless China." "Generally speaking - and women are generally speaking," answered Al- pha Nu, "Men will always accord chivalry to deserving women." Too much courtesy, the men believe, would make women spoiled and selfish. "We want women to be independent and equal," they said. Debating for Athena, were Mary Martha Taylor, '41, Rosebud Scott, '42, and Irene Ferguson, '42. On be- half of the masculine interests, the debaters were Eugene Planke, '42; Don Smith, '42 and Elmer Radke, '42. Three members of the Speech faculty served as judges. Boy Found Dead CARTERSVILLE, Ga., Nov. 12- (P)-Missing nearly four days, two- year-old Murray Upshaw, Jr., was found dead today in the rugged mountain woodlands a mile and a half from his North Georgia home. Lying face downward under a pine tree, the sandy-haired child's body was found by one of hundreds of searchers who had combed the countryside steadily since the boy disappeared with his dog, "Nickie" last Friday noon. All Welcome At Union Open House Today Everybody has been welcomed - coeds can even walk through the front door of the Union tonight - and George, the doorman, will greet them all to the Union's 26th annual Open House. It happens only once a year, Bert Ludy, '42, Union executive explained, so the sacred tradition of the front entrance will be put in the closet for a full evening of fun. Free dancing to the music of Bill Sawyer's orchestra accompanied by vocalists Gwen Cooper and Bob Hol- land, free billiards and free ping pong are but a few of the activities that are offered to everyone merely for the price of ambling over to the Union between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. today. There will be a swimming demon-, stration by the varsity squad, a danc- ing exhibit by a group under the di- rection of Roy Hoyer and the Glee Club will give a concert of Michigan songs. Various departments of the Univer- sity will have exhibitions at the Open House, and in addition there will be a special bowling tournament; a bil- liards demonstration by an expert; the exhibition of a glider and a sail boat by the Glider and Sailing Clubs and the display of a famous Paris gun drawing by Prof. H. W. Miller of the mechanics and engineering drawing department. Numbers will be drawn for free cokes, but even if you're not lucky that way Ludy promises two hours worth of entertainment to everyone 1who comes.P Seniors Vie For Officers' PostsToday Election To Be Supervised By Judiciary Councils; Need Identification Card To Have Balloting In All__Colleges Election day is here once more for senior classmen from the Literary College and schools of Law, Business Administration, Music and Architec- ture, for they will go to the polls 'oetween 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. today to elect officers for the class of '40. The election is under the super- iision of the Men's and Women's Judiciary Councils, headed respec- tively by Ward Quaal, '41, and Doris Merker, '41. Identification cards must be pre- sented and no electioneering on the floor of the pliing boxes will be al- lowed. The bPlit b w be locat- ed in t'' 1,'-' , °"',- n Hall. the Ms> ' £ t-'_; , MaD the Architecture School and Room 225 Angell Hall. Candidates Listed Candidates from the Literary col- lege include: for president, Forest Ev- ashevski, Thomas Armstrong, Geof- frey Hall, Thomas Harmon and James F. Lovett; vice-president, Tad Lynch and Jane Krause; secretary, Arthur Bikoff, Arnold White, Alan England- er, Thomas Lawton, Francis E. Heydt, Warren Breidenbach and Ed Barrett; treasurer, Beth Castor and Margaret Van Ess. Candidates from the Law School follow: for president, James French and Frank Keller; vice-president, Walter Knutson and Eugene Kinder; secretary, Kenneth Nordstrom and Quentin Ewert; treasurer, Alfred Swi- gen and Stark Ritchie. School of Business Administration candidates: for president, Robert May and Wanzer D. Bosworth; vice-presi- dent, Sidney Davidson and Richard Babcock; treasurer, Joseph Gardner and Robert Ellis; secretary. Morgan Gibbs and Edward Olsen. Music School Candidates Candidates from the music school: for president, William E. Rhoades, Martha McCrory and Jean Bondur- ant; second highest candidate for president will be vice-president: treasurer, Margaret Woodruff and Catherine McDermott; the new sen- ior class secretary of the music school is Harold Mueller who re- ceived no opposition. The president of the architecture school will be chosen from among candidate: George H. Gaunt, G. Hen- ry Van Seen, and Charles M. Shaw. Art Treut, Linn Smith and Ann Ved- der are the new senior vice-president, treasurer and secretary respectively, Nazis Believe Soviet Union Will Become Partner Of Three Axis Powers Meeting Important rIo Entire World By LOUIS P. LOCHNER BERLIN, Nov. 12 In a "strict- ly business" atmosphere, Adolph Hit- ler and Soviet Premier Vyacheslaff Molotoff sat down today to talks which may prove portentous for the entire world. Out of them, some informed Nazis believed, the Soviet Union may emerge as a partner of Germany, Italy and Japan in their shaping of a "new world order." But authorized sources made it clear that nothing of- icial could be expected on the trend of the conversations for the time be- ing. The closely-connected Dienst Aus Deutschland News Service, however, offered one comment, saying that while the Axis continues its war against England, "attention is fixed tirelessly upon rearing foundations of an inter-continental system of peace." The meeting was the first between Hitler and Molotoff, neither of whom could speak the other's language, and they conversed with the help of an interpreter for more than two and a half hours in the Fuehrer's imposing Chancellery. With them were German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop and Russian Foreign Vice Commissar V. G. Dekanozoff. The sun had gone down on blacked- out Berlin before Molotoff, Joseph Stalin's closest collaborator, was es- corted out of the great bronze doors of the Chancellery by Von Ribben- trop and driven back to Bellevue Castle, the government's official guest house in the Tiergarten. Tonight, Germany's top men, evi- dently more than 100 in number, were invited to dine with the Russian -Premier, his entourage and the staff of Russia's Berlin Embassy. Speech Group Debates Toledo G-Men Probing Powder Blasts In Eastern Explosives Factories Sabotage Discounted In Woodbridge Plant Disaster; TrojanFirm Working On Defense Contracts (By The Associated Press) Three plants manufacturing explo- sives - one working on defense con-t tracts - were struck by death-dealing blasts within 50 minutes Tuesday, leaving a toll of 14 dead and at least 25 injured.E All three plants were in the impor- tant northeastern industrial area, al-{ though in widely-separated sections1 of Western and Eastern Pennsylvania, and the New York lnarbor shoreside New Jersey. The Federal Bureau of Investiga-1 tion quickly swung into action, an- nouncing operatives already were in- Gifts Accepted t For University Reach_$13,000 National Research Council, Grants $5,500 To Green For Link Trainer Work Gifts to the University totalling more than $13,000 were officially ac- cepted by the Board of Regents yes- terday at the regular meeting for No- vember. Largest grant was $5,500 from the National Research Council to con- tinue research by Prof. E. B. Green of the psychology department on the value of the Link trainer, mechanical device used in flight to simulate ac- tual flying conditions. More than $4,000 were accepted from the League Undergraduate Fund, $2,003 to be used for the Ethel Mc- Cormick Scholarship Fund and $2,000 for the Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellow- ship Fund. The study of pediatrics and com- municable deseases will be aided by a $1,500 gift from the Lederle Labor- atories of Pearl River, N. Y., going to the University Hospital. James Ing- lis of Ann Arbor gave the University $1,200 for the establishment of the James and Elizabeth Inglis Fund for Thoracic Surgery, and Willard Pope of Detroit donated $1,000 to the Lake Angelus Astronomical Support Fund. Among other gifts accepted by the Regents were a grant of $250 from Regent Harry Kipke for the purchase of Naval ROTC equipment, a col- lection of patriotic documents called the "pillars of American democracy" from Mrs. Pearl Ward of New York and a pair of woodworking tools used in the construction of University Hall, from Miss Martha Heitland of Quin- cy, Ill. The Board also accepted a gift of $750 from the E. I. duPont, deNem- ours and Co. to renew the duPont fellowship for the University year, 1940-41. vestigating the blast which took three men's lives at the Trojan Powder Company plant near Allentown, Pa. The concern has Army and Navy contracts totaling at least $202,150. In addition, the FBI said, "observ- ers" were sent to the plants of the Burton powder works of the American Cyanamid Corporation at Edinburg, Pa., near where three men were killed, and of the United Railway and Sig- nal Corporation at Woodbridge, N. J., where eight died and at least 25 were hurt. The Woodbridge blast shattered fourteen buildings and broke windows 17 miles away in Bayonne. The company had no government contracts and the possibility of sabo- tage was discounted by all investiga- tors. Nevertheless, a three-way inquiry was started immediately by agents of the Department of Justice, the Middlesex County Prosecutor's office and local police. Hugh W. Kelley, president-owner of the plant for 20 years, estimated damage at $50,000 and announced plans to rebuild soon. Drama Group Will Perform ' The Bat' Here Hopwood Mystery Play WTill Run Four Times; Tickets Now On Sale "The Bat," a mystery play by Avery Hopwood and Mary Roberts Rinehart, will open a four-day run at 8:30 today in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, presented by Play Pro- duction of the Department of Speech. With his royalties on this play alone. Avery Hopwood earned just about the amount he gave to the University for the annual Hopwood awards for creative writing. Burns Mantle said it earned two or three fortunes and set a fashion in mystery plays. The play was adapted from "The Circular Staircase," Miss Rinehart's novel, and added another section to it. It was later novelized. In the story, ]Miss Van Gorder rents a house on Long Island for the sum- mer and she immediately begins to receive threatening letters telling her to move out. She discovers that the house belongs to the president of a bank who had died the week before. The bank fails and a million dollars in its deposits turn up missing. When the suspicion develops that the money, is hidden in the house, Miss Van Gorder begins to have unwelcome vis- itors. Tickets are now on sale in the Lydia Mendelssohn box office for 75, 50 and -35 cents. All seats are re- served. Italians On Central Front Retreating Into Albania; Defenders Hold Koritza Rain And Snow HamperFighting (By The Associated Press) ATHENS, Nov. 12. - Greeks ex- pressed belief that immediate danger of a big Italian drive was over today as their troops reported pressing re- treating Fascists back toward Al- bania, where Greek and British planes pounded invasion bases. Except for one shallow salient in Greece, the invaders were said to have been driven into Albania on the whole central front. In the north the Italians made what were described as reconnaissance raids against Greek postitions around Koritza, ten miles nside Albania, but these were report- ed sharply repulsed. On the west, they were said to be digging in. Italians Attack Fiercely (In Belgrade, Yugoslavia, however, it was reported two fierce Italian in- fantry attacks had driven the Greeks from their heights dominating Kor- itza and forced them back to their side of the frontier.) Military experts said Greek posses- son of Albanian mountains in the Koritza region materially aided de- fense of this conutry, since the Ital- ians must fight through difficult mountain passes and, they said, are certain to suffer heavy losses even before reaching the main Greek de- fense line. These experts said the Italians ap- parently were not prepared in men or equipment to make such an attack and were not likely to muster any great strength in the near future. Stalemate Forecast With the frontline already impeded by rain and snow, some observers predicted the fighting must settle into a stalemate such as persisted last winter on the French-German front. British and Greek forces, it is point- ed out, are harassing shipping lanes into the Adriatic Sea, across which Italy must move her men and sup- plies, and some sources assert that entry to the sea is controlled by the Allied Navies. Opera Chooses Special Chorus Varsity Glee Club Selected For Mimes Production The Varsity Men's Glee Club has been drafted to serve as the 1941 UJnion Opera's special chorus, Jack Silcott, '41, announced yesterday. Departing from last year's prac- tice of choosing singing talent from the campus in general, the Mimes ^ommittee decided yesterday to make sure at least of the superior talent of a chorus by arranging with Charles Brown, '41, president of the Glee Club, to cooperate with their mem- bers. A special scene will also be built around the Glee Club, Silcott said. The Glee Club will appear on the porogram of the Union Open House 9 p.m. today.hAn important rehear- sal will be held 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at their rooms in the Union. Gargoyle Feature To Reveal 'Truth' About Rockwell III William Hearne Rockwell, III, and his hearse are the subject of the Pre- posterous Persons department in this month's edition of Gargoyle, campus magazine, coming out tomorrow. Rockwell, '41, is also known as presi- dent of Congress. A special pictorial feature will take students on a tour of a campus co- operative restaurant. Candid pictures of the football team will also appear in this issue, as well as another high spot, an es- Greek Troops Drive Back Fascists As British Planes Bomb Invaders; Molotoff, Hitler In Secret Session Sigma Rho Tau Over Wayne 'U' Victors Squad in( ee Be wa dei tai na curring no opposition. Polish Society Meets New officers of the Polish Engin- ring Society elected last night are enjamin Czajka, '41, president; Ed- ard F. Drewniany, '42E, vice-presi- nt; Arthur F. Pachulski, '43E, secre- ry-treasurer; and Waldemere Bej- ar, '43, s6cial chairman. 1936 Straw Vote Controversy Recalled By Freedom' Debate By CHESTER BRADLEY "These professors have a perfect As the campus once again debatesrht to te the issue of "academic freedom," old- choose," Regent Beal asserted. "I am timers are recalling a similar contro- satisfied that there is absolutely no versy which resulted from 10 faculty propagandizing in classes at the Un- members voting for Earl Browder, ivergsity." Communist candidate for U. S. Pres- ident, in The Daily's 1936 campaign . Regent Beal maintained that "it is a good thing that we do have some Initial response to the announce- Communists here. It is up to our ment of the poll's results was made youth and our intellgent men associ- by a member of the Board of Regents, ated with youth to keep our think- the late James 0. Murfin, who de- ing progressive." clared that if "I learn anybody on In the opinion of Regent Beal there the taxpayers' payroll in Ann Arbor is was "less radicalism at the University voting communistic, I will work for of Michigan than at any other edu- his dismissal." cational institution in the country. Regent David H. Crowley, former Persons even come here from other attorney general of Michigan, told colleges to get away from it." He con- the editors of The Daily that his chief eluded that "there is no need for concern was "that these professors alarm in the fact that 10 out of some don't try to teach the students their 800 faculty members decided to vote beliefs," but that they were "within for Browder." their rights to believe whatever they Included among the reactions to the wish." faculty poll was comment by Mrs. Junius E. Beal, at that time dean Esther M. Cram, the woman member of the University's governing board, of the Board of Regents, who stated M f Members of the debating team of Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineer- ing speech society, will travel to To- ledo today for a discussion with the University of Toledo. The subject will be Resolved: That a canal should be dug across Nicaraugua. The students who have been select- ed to make the trip are Dean Wood- bury, '42E, Edward Rutan, '43E, Alex- ander Pentland, '42E, and John Ham- melef, '42E. In their first intercollegiate de- bate of the year last night in the Union, Sigma Rho Tau emerged vic- torious over the Wayne University squad. Michigan upheld the affirma- tive. The main points stressed in the argument was the question of the aid of the canal in national defense, the feasibility of thecanal as an engin- eering project, the economic help it would give the country and the part it would play in uniting the Americas. I .' A ["Y7 Germany Apt To Get Little Oil From Rumania, Eardley Says ,j } , . r a r i Prof. Slosson Will Address AAUW Today Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his- tory department, will deliver the second in his series of lectures at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. This series is sponsored by the Ann Arbor- Ypsilanti Branch of the American Association of University Women. In the last lecture Prof. Slosson covered the developments in Eng- land and Germany, in the Balkans, By ROBERT CHAPMAN Whether or not the recent earth- auakes damaged the wells, Germany's prospect of getting a large supply of oil from Rumania is extremely thin, Armand J. Eardley, associate pro- fessor of geology, stated yesterday. There has been little precedent for determining what effect earth- quakes can have on oil wells, Pro- fessor Eardley stated, and except for the obvious vulnerability of long pipelines and intricate drilling and pumping equipment, no accurate es- timate of damages can be made yet. However, Professor Eardley said, even before the earthquake three main factors tended to decrease sharply the advantage of Germany's ,>ossible, Professor Eardley said, without complete knowledge of data -n structures and formations, which the British will certainly not disclose. Finally, Professor Eardley said, Rumania lacks modern drilling equipment. In 1939, eleven deep wells were drilled, indicating prob- zbly that the shallow wells were be- 2oming less productive. The United States is preeminent in the develop- ment of drilling tools and machinery, Professor Eardley said, and there is apparently no way for Germany to ;et the urgently needed equipment. Quoting Dr. I. A. Gardescu, a Texas petroleum engineer who has worked in Rumania, Dr. Eardley said that comprehensive prospecting during