THE MICHITAN DATT.V TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1940 a .ai a. its y. may..;1 1 V SY L-\ y./ y:y y -.iL}- rt THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE REPLY CHURLISH By TOUCHSTONE Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. IAEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON " Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff THEN I WAS A KID I used to think Alexander Woollcott was pretty big stuff, and I would- n't sink so low as to mean his stomach by that. I read through the collected works, including While Rome Burns, Verdun Belle, the Readers, the Life of Irving Berlin, even Mrs. Fiske, Her Views on the Theatre, and all the stuff he had ever done in his Shouts and Murmurs column for the New Yorker. I patterned my style on him, and man oh man was it a style. I thought Dorothy Parker was the queen of American let- ters, and if I had been sure just what direction it was from Southeastern High School,'Detroit, I should probably have bowed three times every morning to the far distant Algonquin hotel. One of the biggest thrills of my life, and the first time I wore a tuxedo and my father's derby, was when Alex came to Orchestra Hall to raise money for his Seeing Eye fund. Invitation was limited to the aristocracy of the automobile, for after all, it was big dough Alex wanted, not hero- worship, but by conniving on the part of my dad's boss, I got two of the Four or Five Hun- dred's seats, and sat in the midst of Detroit's flowers and prides listening to Woollcott, be- lieving firmly that I was the only one there who understood him. _ probably was. Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky . Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter . Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director A City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor * . Associate Editor' . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor tc The City Editor's ,0 K tch Pd Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager,. Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE LACHENBRUCH The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. The Little Red Schoolhouse .... UR PRESIDENT DR. RUTHVEN has once again givn the Michigan campus a mpoment to pause and think. In Chicago last week-end Dr. Ruthven made a new address in which he advanced the some- what befogged warning that "administrative officers and professors of colleges and univer- sities should rid themselves of the notion that romanticism, sentimentalism and indiscrim- inate tolerance are essential constituents of democracy." He also said that faculty members who coun- tenance indiscriminate criticism of the demo- cratic form of government should quit their profession. We call this warning befogged because it failed to define in terms of specific action, what' constitute "romanticism, sentimentalism, and in- discriminate tolerance." Thus, except in the broadest of terms, the warning can mean every- thing or nothing. We do not attach any fault to Mr. Ruthven in his failure to set down an exact yardstick by which we can measure tolerance, liberalism, or sentimentalism. It is obviously impossible to have a formula that will apply in all instances. We only regret that he found it necessary to continue a line of public action fraught with dangerous innuendos, veiled threats, and subtle inferences. It represents a 1940 turnabout in University of Michigan public policy which we deplore because of its possible influence on the total of American society and American democ- racy. We are convinced of the power of educa- tion as an, agent for good in a democratic society. THE CAMPUS has not yet forgotten that June Commencement address, wherein Mr. Ruth- ven informed the state of Michigan that: "Michigan welcomes .only students who are convinced that democracy is the ideal form of government for a civilized people. She will not be confused by sophistries built around meaning- ful but ill-defined phrases, such as 'freedom of the press' and 'freedom of the speech' but will deal firmly, without fear or favor, with subver- sive or so-called 'fifth column' activities." There's nothing theoretically bad in that brief statement. The words themselves ring well enough. Nevertheless the sentence is so crowded with hidden implications that it has received a dozen interpretations, according to the wishes of any certain group that desires to twist a certain meaning from it. Then there's the case of the nine students who were asked not to reenter this fall. It's best not to play with this little nugget-it's full of dynamite. It isn't necessary, however, to dis- cuss the background of the incident. It is suf- ficient to say that this simple action by the University has aroused varied reactions. It is highly possible that the officials never envisioned that their denial of readmittance would be con- strued as an encroachment of-academic freedom. The point is, this action has aroused a storm of bad feeling. Now we have this Chicago address. Frankly, we don't know what Dr. Ruthven actually meant by his message saying that "freedom of inde- pendent thinking, expression, and assembly in our schools is not license for students and fac- uilt to work arainst the very form of erovern- ANY WEEKEND is quiet when the lads at Columbus don't make a public lament about the raw deal their team received on Saturday. * * * Probably never in the history of the campus has there been 35 more gloomy mugs than those worn by the Michigan gridders as they disem- barked Sunday. Old lady luck just refused to climb in the train for the trip to Minneapolis. S * * Who's to be the first to claim divine coun- sel as the cause of the Rumanian earth- quake? * * * THERE'S A FRESHMAN on this campus who fancies himself a business man. He sells magazines, at a profit. His latest stunt was to buy a few dollar-a-thousand tags, stamp them with the rubber imprint of '43 and '44 and then sell them at a dime apiece to the Sophs and Frosh as identification for class games, It runs into big dough. Some of the "customers" have the impression that this super-salesman represents the Union, Student Senate, or The Daily. It ain't so. The lad's on his own. Joe Kennedy says Democracy is dead in Brit- am. On the Michigan campus there was a time when that statement would have been considered treason. 'Joe Kennedy also said our going to war would leave the U.S. in similar cirum- stances. created. If he does not realize this, we are satis- f ied merely by pointing out that the Uni- vrsity is being widely accused of attempting to narrow the thinking of its students and faculty by indoctrinating them with particular theories in politics, thus making young men and women mentally old before their time and making our school an academic monastery rather than an educational institution. W E FEEL that the meanings read into his re- marks by citizens throughout the state and nation are to be deplored. This policy appeals to persons who interpret academic freedom in only its narrowest sense. This has not been Mich- igan's virtue. Dr. Ruthven himself, in the spring of 1938, probably phrased our reactions better than we ourselves can. Speaking before a group of alum- ni, in an address entitled "The Red School- house," the president came out in behalf of "lib- eral education. We wish Dr. Ruthven had an opportunity to redeliver it today at a time when the whole nation knows not where it is plunging. In part, Dr. Ruthven said: "Social progress requires and is developing unhampered thinking in all fields ..... "When all areas of humian knowledge can be ,.freely explored and discussed both in and out of school, then we may hope to live intelligently as social beings.... . "Far from being 'red,' or even liberal, colleges are, on the whole, really the strongholds of con- servatism and important agencies in maintain- ing the status quo. Even more, these institu- tions tend with age to become crystallized by tradition, regulations, and departmentalization until with them the term "liberal education" is a travesty . .. . "Thus any evidence of unorthodox thinking, the slightest tinge of pink, becomes conspicuous as a departure from the norm and causes a spasm of hysteria in timid souls who are fearful of being disturbed ..... "Instead of ridiculing and criticizing stu- THAT'S a long way of telling you how I felt toward the patron saint of Broadway and, bless me, all the nostalgic things like Hamilton College, and Noel Coward, and lavender and old lace. What brings this critical pimple to a head is the birth of the new Stage Magazine, and the appearance within its somewhat-damp-behind - the-ears, but oh-so-very-suave pages of not only a long and commercially discursive article on the thayatuh by the great fat father, but the complete text of The Man Who Came to Dinner. Which, I take it, means that Alex is broke, and coming back. I want to serve notice here and now that if any cereal company or tobacco firm gets behind that man again this country will go to the dogs. We'll all be reading Goodbye, Mr. Chips again, and fifty thousand strong, like me divers years ago, the class of 1945 will de- scend on American universities armed with short papers on the essays of H. L. Mencken, which will begin "One blustery night in the year 1843, while thunder growled low on the horizon and lightning flashed, a single light burned behind the leaded glass panes of a hum- ble cottage window." Which will lead about page four into a few felicitous anecdotes about the vagaries of dear Henry, and a brief mention of the fact that he once wrote a book, maybe it was two books. It won't matter what the kids write about, be it Mencken, or Nathan or God, the essays will always begin "One blustery night in the year 1843." Ladies and gentlemen, I give you--Mr. Woollcott. WOOLLCOTT got his style from Max Beer- bohm, his subject matter from penny hor- ribles and the lesser works of C. Dickens, his tuxedo from a second-hand store, and his fame from the same people he made famous. I won't say he doesn't know every big name in the civil- ized or uncivilized world, because he does. So what? He can make anybody's book a best seller, and too often he does. He is one of those rare men who live in a world encompassed by the pages of Who's Who. There is everything in the world to pick fault with in Alexander Woollcott, but I am only kidding, I am very glad he's back. I have missed you, Alex. Con- gratulations to Stage if this ever gets that far, for Mr. W., for Arch Oboler's play, for the article on Maugham, and for the Saroyan squib auto- biography. But most of all for Alex. So long until soon. Dontlinfie Says WHAT IS THE MISSION of the Christian religion in our day? Granted that its mission in 1700 when the Pilgrims were developing the earlier Colonies was that of withdrawal from England to shift the control toward the free people; granted that Christianity's mission very soon was with the Baptists who had to move, over to Rhode Island and be separate in order to shift the center of social gravity toward the free peo- ple; granted that Christianity's mission was voiced by Lovejoy and Lincoln as to the dignity of the black man so that control could move toward the nobler freedom of all-what is the mission of Christianity today? This issue runs through all religious inquiry and comes to the Counselor almost daily. One solution is to withdraw and be holy. Says Emil Brunner of Princeton, "Only the promise of God in Christ, only the hope of real redemption, and the certainty of this hope in redemption can loosen the convulsive clutch with which we cling to the valueless present." (The Mediator, p. 535). The opposite reply is social participation, not withdrawal. Henry Wieman of the University of Chicago says, "The great danger in such times is that men will focus all their passion and all their loyalty on some definite goal. Such goals they must have, and they must strive for them with all their powers. But a noble religion enables them to pour out their passion and energy for this specific goal of life, but as a Symbol and metaphor of that which is infinitely higher." (A Normative Psychology of Religion, p. 525). IN OUR DAY it is the function of our faith in God and love for man to supply the individual with perspective while Christ's attitudes sustain the mind and impower the soul. To pour forth energy, to attain a driving force and to keep a poise of personality though Crosses rise on the hill and friends betray us while we take a part in the remaking of history either "profane" or "social", so called; this is to be Christian. What we want to make clear is that humanity is moving upwards and that the growing point of this movement is the present. It is in the present that endeavor and effort take form; it is from the present that they move towards the future. Because of this the present must supply man with the principles necessary to the building up of his life. "Whatever principles the past has bequeathed to man must be reform- ulated, and, if necessary, re-moulded by the present. Thus it comes about that the change characteristic of a growing present shapes even the holiest and the most abiding of realities." (E. E. Thomas, The Political Aspect of Religious Development, pp 134, 135). -- Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education Labor Peace Defense Commissioner Sidney Hillman soon will announce two surprise appointments to his labor advisory board. They will be John P. Frey. head of the AFL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: It was with eager apprehension that I opened my Sunday's Michigan Daily. But when I saw the picture of Hugo Reichard and Maurice Sugar on the front page, I knew that you had met the test of a free democratic, press. By covering an incident, which must be distinctly distasteful to the University administrative of- ficials, in the unbiased manner that you did, you must have earned the esteem of every thinking person on campus. It is an unfortunate comment on the "freedom of independent think- ing, expression, and assembly" when such determined opposition is evinced against a group so desperately eager to express itself as was the group sponsoring the Open Hearing. We must not permit ourselves to admit that efforts at the squelching of free expression are indicative of present or future trends in this nation. I do not think I am being unreason- able when I say that the very oppo- sition to the holding of the hearing is tantamount to admission by the opposing forces of fear for what might be said. But this does not justify the measures taken to pre- vent or belittle their privilege of be- ing heard. Let me make clear that I am not expressing any opinion on the merits of these individual students who were expelled (although Ido have an opin- ion), nor on the unquestioned power of the University to expel undesir- able students, but rather on the pro- cedure employed in carrying out the expulsion and the undeniable impli- cation that academic freedom does not exist for the student. On the matter of procedure, it is not too much for a student to ask, in view of the gravity of being expelled from a large university, to be told in straightforward terms why such a drastic course must be taken. The presence of 600 shivering souls on the baseball diamond Saturday bears out others' belief in this point. The Uni- versity seems to remaintsilent, and since silence gives consent, we are forced to conclude that the expul- sion of at least part of these stu- dents was based one their active par- ticipation in liberal movements on campus. If this be outside the in- nate privileges of a college student. then search for truth must be car- ried on outside the educational in- stitution. Permit me to affairm my hope and confidence that the Michigan Daily will continue its courageous policy of covering even the ticklish news and will remain the expression of student opinion. The student must be recognized as being as much a part of the "university" as the dis- tinguished scholars or the Board of Regents. -Robert M. Petteys DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) ments and Occupational Information has received announcements and reg- istration blanks concerning Five Fa- shion Fellowships offered by the Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Car- eer s. Applicants must register and complete first test questions before December 10, 1940. Complete infor- mation on file at the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13. Mr. Norman Bauer will speak on "Light Absorption of Electrolytes in Solution." Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319, West Medical Building at 7:30 tonight. Subject: "The Porphyrins." All interested are invited. Zoology Seminar will meet Thurs- da. Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Am- phi; heatre, Rackham Building. Mr. Claude W. Hibbard will report on "the Palcoecology of a Kansas Pliocene De- posit." Zoology Seminar will meet Thurs- day. Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre, Rackham Building. Mr. Claude W. Hibbard will report on "the Paleoecology of a Kansas Pliocene Deposit." IMathematics 370, Seminar, will meet today at 4 o'clock in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Bernard Vinograde will speak on "Analytic Quaternion Functions." Speech 127: Mr. Brandt's section will meet at 7 o'clock this evening. Physical Education-Women Stu- dents: The following classes are open to upperclass and graduate women students for the indoor season: Badminton, Friday 3:00, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10:30. Body Mechanics, Friday 3:00. Fencing, Friday 3:00. Ice Skating, Friday 3:00. Tap Dancing, Tuesday, Thursday,' 1:30. Beginning Swimming, Monday, Thursday, 4:15. Ballroom Dancing, Monday, Wed- nesday 4:15. Anyone interested in joining these classes may register in Office 15, Bar- our Gymnasium this week. Classes will start the week of November 18. History 49: Midsemester, Thursday, November 14,.10 a.m. Rooms: Abrams to Loughborough, B, Haven; Madi- gan to Zulauf, 231 A.H. pices of the Department of Fine Arts at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, November 14, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, The public is cordially invited. Marriage Relations Lecture: The lecture on "Family Finance" by Miss' Estelle Bauch will be given in Room 1225, Angell Hall, instead of in the Rackham Building as previously an- nounced. The lecture is open to the public. Food-Handlers' School: The Uni- versity Health Service is sponsoring the second in the series of three lec- tures for food-handling employees of the dormitories tonight in Natural Science Auditorium, at 8:00. "Religious Arts and Crafts," by Professor Avard Fairbanks of the Fine Arts Department tonight at 7:30, Lane Hall. Of special interest to per- sons interested in the creation of contemporary religious art. Sponsor- ed by the Student Religious Associa- tion. Events Today Mathematics Club will meet to- night at 8:00 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Pro- fessor Beckenbach will speak on "In- tegral Analogs of Differential Equa- tions." The Graduate History lub will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Clements Library. Dr. Adams will speak and there will be a tour of the Library. Election of officers. Refreshments. Polish Engineers Society meeting onight at 7:30 in the Michigan Un- ion: Election of officers. Sigma Rho Tau will hold its first intercollegiate debate of the year with Wayne University tonight. The ques- tion is, "Resolved that a canal should be built across Nicarauga." The reg- ular meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. and the debate will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the Union. Theta Sigma Phi meeting today at 4 o'clock in the Editdrial Room. Internationl -Center: The Ameri- can Social Customs Class wil meet at the Center this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Ruth Danielson, the Social Director of Helen Newberry Residence, will introduce the series of discussions. Her theme is "It's more fun when you know the rules." Anyone interested is welcome to at- tend. Pre-Medical Society: Dr. John H. Seabury of the University Hospital will be the guest speaker at the Pre- Medical Society meeting tonight at 8:00 in the East Amphitheatre of the West Medical School. He will talk on Pre-Medical problems related to medicine Alpha Nu: Athena debate tonight at 7:30 in 231 Angell Hall on the sub- ject, "Resolved, that women should be accorded"more acts of chivalry than they now receive. The Slavic Society will meet in the Interational Center at 8:00 o'clock tonight. All members are urged to attend. Michigan Party will meet tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan Union. The room number will be posted on the bulletin board. Committee chairman will present reports. J.G.P. Central Committee will meet tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the Women's League. Decorations Committee of Panhel- lenic Ball will meet today in the League at 4:15 p.m. J-Hop Committee will meet in the Crofoot Room of the Michigan Union tonight at 9:00 p.m. Appointments will be made at this time. Ann Arbor Library Club will meet tonight at 7:45 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dr. W. (Continued on Page 6) To the Editor: V. W. Crane Saturday the saddest possible com- mentary on the character of democ- racy in Ann Arbor was made. A Concerts group of individuals wanted a hall Palmer Christian, University Or- to express their opinions. By what ganist, will present an Organ Recital was obviously an organized effort at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in Hill Audi- to deny them their constitutional torium. Although these concerts are rights, they were refused all meeting open to the general public, for obvi- places suitable for their purposes ous reasons small children cannot be except the baseball diamond! It admitted. must have been thought that no _ one would travel so far or suffer the E ii o weather conditions to hear them Exhibitions speak and so they felt it safe to give The Annual Exhibit of Photography it in the park. But they were mis- by the Ann Arbor Camera Club will be taken! Six hundred citizens gave an held in the Mezzanine Galleries of the inspiring demonstration of their de- Rackham Building until November votion to free principles by attend- 18. The Exhibit is open daily from ing the meeting.1 . unis 0 n0ypom The evidence presented against the 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. University's action was incriminat- ing. We do not wish to jump to con- Exhibition: Paintings by Ozenfant clusions and have reserved an opin- and drawings by William Littlefield ion on the justice of the expulsions, are now showing in Alumni Memorial but if what was said Saturday (by men whose statements are not open to much doubt) and if the Univer- ity does not refute the statements, what conclusion does there remain? We trust that The Daily will re- main honest to the principles of free- -lom by courageously supporting Aca- demic Freedom (for all, not just the privileged on top) and by remaining true to the principles of freedom of expression. -Ernest London Tom Lovering Frank Ordon Marvin B. Rodney WTe Like It Our Way "Mexicans were so interested (in the United States Presidential race) they seemed to think it was their own election," an official of the Mexican government commented the morning after election. Republicans, Willkie-Democrats, and New Dealers can all be thank- ful that in this country election re- turns are not met with the conflict- ing claims, the plotted and sometimes actual revolution, and the spilling of blood that too many times have characterized electoral decisions in Mexico. Hall. afternoons 2:00-5:00 until Nov. 22. This is under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Members and students are admitted free. a Lectures University Lecture: Amedee Ozen- fant, French Artist and Director of the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts, will lecture on the subject "Modern Art" (illustrated) under the aus- RADIO.SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYz 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Dinning Sisters 6:15 Musical Newscast Evening Serenade 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day In Reiew 6:45 The World Today Lowell Thomas " Texas Rangers 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Meet Mr. Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes Education Week Ned Jordan 7:45 Haenschen Orch. Doo Sunshine {8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Forty Plus Ben Bernie E 8:15 Missing Heirs " Cats'n Jammers 8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers "Info," Please! 3:5 First Nighter " Interlude W e, w e ( J\e',' lrA of te Sf5ex Tr, i sym;pho iy i 1st'On lBec