Weather Snow flurries; much colder ig 5k6 ioIaitlj Editorial The Little Red Schoolhouse . Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 38 ANN ARBOR,'MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nazi, Russian Leaders Meet For Important conferences Premier Molotoff Leaves Russia For First Time To Confer On 'Policies World-Wide In Scope' U.S.-Soviet Meetings Seen Bogging Down BY LOUIS LOCHINER BERLIN, Nov. 11. -UW)s Soviet Russia's Premier-Foreign Commis- sar Vyacheslaff Molotoff arrived in German territory tonight en route to Berlin for conferences with Adolf Hitler and German leaders. It was the first time he had ever left Rus- sian territory. The first German point reached by his special train was Malkinia, a border town in what last year was Poland. He is due in Berlin tomor- row morning. Acting as Hitler's personal repre- sentative, SS Leader Herbert Sten- ger met Molotoff at the border. Foreign Minister Joachim von Rib- bentrop, with whom Molotoff also. will confer during his German stay, will meet the Russian at the Berlin railway station tomorrow. Turkey On Agenda Shortly afterward, Molotoff and German officials will open confer- "nces for the purpose of discussing' and agreeing' on policies of world- wide scope, informed sources said to- day, with the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis and British-guaranteed Turkey high on the agenda. "Molotoff's visit doubtless goes be- yond mere recognition of the inter- national position of the Soviet Jnion and the positive friendship between the two powers," said Dienst Aus Deutschland, commentary with close Foreign Office connections. " The general atmosphere attending this visit seems to be a progressive devel- opment of the Russian position." If this last cryptic sentence has any meaning, it would seem to indi- cate Russia willbe invited to play an active part on the Axis side in creating the "new order" of which Germany and Italy have made them- selves sponsors in Europe and Africa and under which, by the treaty of Berlin, Japan is recognized by the Axis as the leader in the Far East. Talks Reflect Soviet Function "It may be assumed," the commen- tary said, "the Berlin talks will re- flect the leading function of the Sov- iet Union within its 'grossraum' (its vast connected area.)" Although Dienst Aus Deutschland asserted plainly the forthcoming dis- cussions would be "global in char- acter," German officials were reti- cent regarding details to be taken up with Molotoff on this first trip of his life outside the Soviet Union. The National Zeitung said bluntly, however, the question of Turkey, guardian of the strategic Dardan- elles, lay within the scope of the con- ference. Russo-American Meetings May End WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. -(P)-. Slow-moving talks between the Unit- ed States and Soviet Russia toward a better understanding may be brok- en off entirely, it was believed to- night, as a result of Soviet Premier Vyacheslaff Molotoff's visit to Ger- many. The visit was interpreted generally here as an indication Russia was prepared to collaborate even more closely with the . Axis powers and that efforts of the United States and Great . Britain improve their rela- tions with Moscow were all but futile. State Department officials were silent on the implications of Molo- toff's visit and its probable effect on the negotiations which have been in progress here for sometime. In most quarters, however, it was considered probable the groundwork had been well laid in advance for Molotoff's talks with Adolf Hitler and other German leaders on means of increasing their collaboration. Speculation on the main purpose of Molotoff's journey centered on Turkey, the neutral ally of Great Britain and guardian of the Darda- nelles. Despite a widely-held belief that Russia would never accede to Ger- man control of the straits leading in- to the Black Sea from the Mediter- Seniors To Elect Class Officers In General Balloting Tomorrow Lit, Law, Business Ad., Music, Arch. Schools To Vote; Ballot Boxes LocatedAt Five Stations On Campus Greece Reports Italy Retreating, Balloting for -senior ofices in the Literary College, Law School School of Business Administration, Music and Architecture Schools will take place between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. tomorrow. it was announced yesterday by Ward Quaal, '41, and Doris Merker, '41. presidents of the Men's and Women's Judiciary Councils. All candidates from the Forestry and Conservation School have alreacil been elected, as they received no y position. The new senior officers fro that school are: president, Willia Ferrel vice-pesident, John F. Rea gan; treasurer, Shuman B. Worrel and secretary Donald Morgan. Ballot boxes will be located in th lobbies of Tappan Hall, the Musc School, Hutchins Hall, the Architec- ture School and Room 225 Angel Hall. Candidates from the Literary Col- Cast Named For The Bat,' Mystery Play Members of the cast of "The Bat," Play Production's second presenta- tion of the year, were announced yes- terday by Prof. William Halstead of the Speech department, director of the play. The mystery will run Wed- nesday through Saturday evenings in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. - Marguerite Mink, '41, will play Miss Cornelia Van Gorder, a 60-year old wealthy woman who is not adverse to a little excitement. Other parts will be taken by William Altman, '42, as the detective; Marian Conde, '41, Miss Cornelia's niece; Theodore Balgoyen, '41, her fiance; James George, '41, Dr. Wells; and Margaret Schiller, '41, as Lizzie, the maid. The cast continues with David Rich, '42, as Reginald Beresford, Joseph Lynn, '42, as an Iknown Man, Rich- ard Strain, '42, as Richard Fleming, and Joseph Gornbein, '41, as the Jap- anese butler. Tickets went on salebyesterday in the Lydia Mendelssohn box office, for 75, 50, and 35 cents. All seats are re- served. Robert Mellencamp designed the two sets, Emma Hirsch supervised the modern costumes in the play. The ac- tion of the play, in three acts, takes place in the summer house rented by Miss Van Gorder, This is the second presentation of the year by Play Production. Their first was "Three Men on a Horse" by George Abbot and John Cecil Holm. Rainsoaked Students Welcome Team Home More than 1,000 people braved the wind and rain Sunday to be on hand when the "football train" with Mich- igan's returning, though defeated, gridiron warriors arrived at the sta- tion. That part of the plans went perfectly. But preparation to revive the old tradition - which dates back to the days of Fielding H. Yost's "point-a- minute" teams of having members of the freshmen class pull the team up to the campus, failed to material- ize, when few players appeared. lege include: for president, Forest Ev- ashevski, Thomas Armstrong, Geof- frey Hall, Thomas Harmon and James F. Love tt; vice-president, Edith Lynch and Jane Krause; secretary, Arthur Sikoff, Arnold White, Alan England- r, Thomas Lawton, Francis E. Heydt, Warren Breidenbach and Ed Barrett: reasurer, Beth Castor and Margaret Tan Ess. Candidates from the Law School "llow: for president, James French nd Frank Keller; vice-president, Valter Knutson and Eugene Kinder; ocretary, Kenneth Nordstrom and uentin Ewert; treasurer, Alfred Swi- en and Stark Ritchie. School of Business Administration andidates: for president, Robert May nd Wanzer D. Bosworth; vice-pres- dent, Sidney Davidson and Richard 3abcock; treasurer, Joseph Gardner .d Robert Ellis; secretary, Morgan ibbs and Edward Olsen. Candidates from the music school: for president. William E. Rhoades, UMartha McCro:y ad Jan Bondur- ant; secocd ;i: hst cardidate for x~esidnt w I li M v - ,csi:,t treasuier, ia.gaiet Wooaru nai. Catherine McDermott; the new sen- ior class secreary of the n . school is H :d Mueller who re- ceiI no opposition. , The president of the architecture school will be chosen from among candidate: George H. Gaunt, G. Hen- ry Van Seen, and Charles M. Shaw. Art Treut, Linn Smith and Ann Ved- der are the new senior vice-presi- dent, treasurer and secretary re- spectively, incurring no opposition. British Lead New Offensive Of Wide Range Regions Before Untouched Bombed From Baltic As Far As Biscay Bay LONDON. Nov. l1.-/P)-Striking into Axis territory never before touch- ed by the war, Royal Air Force bomb- ers last night blazed trails of fire across two continents in violent at- tacks on the broadest range they so far have attempted, the government disclosed tonight. The far-flung picture was filled in' by reports from here and Cairo, from the Air Ministry and the Admiralty. Driving through icy storms, British planes aimed new bombs at crucial military centers all across the Ger- man-held territory "from the Baltic to the Bay of Biscay" and east to distant Danzig, the Air Ministry an- nounced. Important supply bases in Alban- ia for Italian troops attacking Fas- cist outposts in Africa felt the impact of British bombs, the Air Ministry's News Service added. The Italian Air Force, Joining the Germans in roaring Armistice Day raids on these islands with whom It- aly shared victory in 1918, lost 13 of 26 Axis planes blasted out of the air during the day, the Air Ministry an- nounced. A channel gale halted the night assaults eayly, however, and London's anti-aircraft atteries went quiet after five daylight alarms. Having Lost Battle In A11 Sectors; Rumania Hit By Heaviest Quake New Shocks Add To Toll As Capital Battles Fire; Oil Wells Endangered Flames Threaten Business District BUCHAREST, Rumania, Nov. 11.- (I) -Huge fires burning out the heart of Bucharest and new. earth shocks spread fresh terror in earthquake- devastated Rumania tonight and made vastly more dangerous the na- tional task of succoring thousands cf injured and homeless. German and Rumanian soldiers, Iron Guardists, police and voluntary workers combined forces to dig wher- iver possible in the flaming ruins for ictims, living and dead. Heaviest In History From 1,000 to 2,000 persons were :illed when the heaviest shocks in the recorded history of Rumania shook this Nazi-dominated country early Sunday. , There was no way of counting the injured and homeless, and the new shocks only added to the work of re- habilitations and the toll of the dead and injured. No Americans were reported killed or injured, but the American Lega- tion Staff ignored the Armistice Day holiday to make a definite check. What effect the disaster would have upon the military future of southeasterngEurope could not be foretold tonight. Soldiers Guard Oil Fields Rumania's rich oil fields lay a vast tinder box awaiting a match and the German soldiers guarding the wrecket wells and open fissures whera oil oozed to the top of the ground were especially vigilant against danger of fire. Some small blazes were detected in the rich oil fields, but thus far there had been no general outbreak which could not be controlled. Bucharest. once one of the Balkans' most beautiful cities, was blazing in many sections. Tremors Recorded Here Slight tremors from the distant lumanian earthquake were record- d on the delicate seisomograph of he University Observatory. Labora- :ory workers can not determine eith- er the severity or distance of the quake until reports come in from other stations. Prof. Ehrmann Delivers Talk At Civic :Forum Dominance of Germany in cen- tral Europe and the weakness of the European state system bordering Germany are the underlying causes for, the present European conflict, Prof. Howard Ehrmann of the his- tory department explained last night in an address before the Ann Arbor Community Forum at the Ann Arbor High School. Germany has been growing strong- er since its unification in 1871, ProfessorEhrman stated, and Eur- ope has been adjusting itself to the change since that date. Up to 1914, peace was maintained by the great powers through a sys- tem of armed peace, he continued. But the first World War and the ensuing peace put an end to that system. i With Versailles came a new step m Europe. A group of small and economically weak states were estab- lished around Germany. They did not prove strong enough to hold in the expanding German nation. The turning point in Germany's rise after the first war came with the occupation of the Rhineland, Pro- fessor Ehrmann pointed out. From then on France and England were not in a. position to help the Eastern European powers. If Germany is to be kept within treasonable limits in Europe, the states surrounding it must be made powerful enough to resist its expan- Strong Gale Lashes Ann Arbor; Cars, Planes Wrecked By Wind Similar Storms Are Reported Throughout Midwest As Falling Trees Disrupt Telephone Lines Ann Arbor felt the full blast of na- ture's fury yesterday when a 35-mile- an-houri gale lashed through the city. Reports of similar storms, rains and icy winds were reported throughout the entire mid-west and rocky moun- tain districts as far south as Dallas, Texas. In the wake of the pocket-sized hurricane were uprooted trees, smashed cars, wrecked airplanes, and disrupted power and telephone lines. At the Ann Arbor airport two New Technic Will Feature Letter Forum Utilities, Synthetic Rubber Are Important Subjects In Engineers' Magazine "Opinion," a column open to all types of comments from both stu- dents and members of the faculty, will be seen for the first time in the November issue of the Michigan Tech- nic, official Engineering College pub- lication, which goes on sale today. The first letter in the new column is one of criticism by Prof Norman Anning of the mathematics depart- ment, whose hobby is finding flaws in the various campus newspapers and magazines, and preparing manu- scripts on the subject.' Featured in the magazine is an article by Prof Benjamin Bailey of the electrical engineering department dealing with the early developments of the utilities industry and the part played by the author in their success. Other articles which will appear include a story on the possibilities of the development of synthetic rubber by Charles R. Tieman, '41E, a paper on several oil investigation of the navy by Arthur W. C. Dobson, '42E, and a history of "Intercollegiate Fly- ing" by Leslie J. Trigg, '41E and Ed- ward T. Martin, 41E. Also included are short biographies of Jack Harwood, '41E, 1940 J-Hop chairman, Reuben Kelto, '41E, tackle on the football team, and Prof. D. K. Kazarinoff of the mathematics de- partment in the section entitled "Technic Presents." Fairbanks Will Speak Prof. Avard Fairbanks of the Insti- tute of Fine Arts will lecture on the topic, "Religious Arts and Crafts" at 7:30 p.m. today at Lane Hall under the auspices of the Student Religious Association. planes were reported wrecked by the strong wind. One of the planes which was tied down was hit sudden- ly by a gust of wind and turned over on its back and into a pile of wreck- age. Another plane belonging to the Ann Arbor Air Service was also re- ported damaged, An ancient tree in front of the Na- tural Science Museum could not with- stand the fury of the gale and went crashing into several cars parked in front of the building. Many trees in other parts of the campus were re- ported felled by the wind. In many places trees fell across power and phone lines causing tem- porary disconnections., Telephone Company "trouble-shooters" soon re- paired the damage. In Detroit, WJR's 750 foot trans- mitter went crashing down in the strong wind, forcing the station off the air for a short while. In other parts of Michigan, similar damage was reported, with many regions re- porting thestorm as "the worst of its kind ever seen." BULLETIN Tom Harmon, '41, Michigan's gridiron ace, was admitted to the University Hospital at 11:45 p.m. yesterday. , Hospital officials as well as Dr. Hammond, the football team's physician, were unwilling to im- part any information as to the All-American's condition. Pacifist Group .. Hears Minister Rev. Geer Defines Position Of WarObjector A definition of the position of the conscientious objector and the man- ner in which he reaches his belief was the subject ofratalk today by Rev. Owen Geer of the Mt. Olviet Methodist Church of Dearborn, who spoke before a meeting of the Fel- lowship of Reconciliation, interna- tional pacifist group. Rev. Geer described the position of the religious conscience objector and the belief that the individual belongs to God-not the state. This is not anarchy, he said, but freedom of conscience is the essence of the ob- ligation of the state to the individual in our democracy. An alternative to violence men- tioned by Reverend Geer is passive, non-violent resistance, like Ghandi's in India. According to the speaker, this is a better way than that of vio- lence. Fascist Centaur Division Is Entirely Wiped Out, High Command Reports Aerial Victories ClaimedBy Rome By MAX HARELSON ATHENS, Nov. 11.-(1P)-Greece's mountain defenders have beaten the Italian invaders and they "are re- treating in disorder toward Albania," the Greek radio declared today. Despite superior forces, it said, the Italians "have lost the battle in all sectors." Thus, at the start of the third week of war, has Greece rebounded confi- dently from the initial shock of in- vasion. Her leaders feel that now not only have Greek defenses proved them- selves under fire, but also that in the four rainy months ahead Italy's mechanized forces can only mire in the mud of Greek mountain roads. Division Wiped Out Italy's highly-trained Centaur Di- vision, made up of Alpinists who had spent a year in Albania preparing to become the shock troops of a Fascist blitzkrieg, has been wiped out, the high command said. In the center, along the Kalamas River, the Italians were said to be digging in to hold what gound they have gained. Fighting was reported limited to patrol skirmishes. Although the radio said the invad- ers dropped their weapons and fled before Greek mountain fighters charging with bayonets and hand gre- nades, other reports indicated cavalry had played a singularly large role for modern wairfare. Greek cavalry men were said to have haressed the Italian forces, cut- ting their communications and split- ting them into small groups which fell easy victims to infantry. Proves Good Cover The mountainous Prndus Sector was said to have proved an excellen't cover for the quick maneuvers of the mounted troops and poor terrain for lumbering tanks and mechanized equipment. Another batch of 600 Italian pris- oners was taken to Salonika, Aegan Sea port, one of many such groups of captives which has arrived there in the last two weeks. Air raid alarms sounded in Saloni- ka fivetimes today within seven hours, but no bombs were dropped. Reports Greek fighters had shot down three Italian bombers north of that city were not confirmed. Italy Claims Widespread Victories In Aerial War ROME, Nov. 11-(P)-Premier Mus- solini's high command, silent on devel- opments in the Italian invasion of Greece, reported today that Fascist warplanes bombed two British naval squadrons in the Mediterranean and attcked other British defenses in the near East. Authoritative quarters said Italy had destroyed at least 515 "enemy" planes since her entrance into the war last june, with a loss of only 84 planes. Two British cruisers reportedly suf- fered bomb hits in a raid off the Grec- ian Island of Crete, while in another action, a communique said, British warships were "overtaken by one of our aerial squadrons" in the central Mediterranean, and "intensively bombed despite violent anti-aircraft reaction." Other Italian warplanes were re- ported to have bombed half a dozen African objectives, including the big British naval base at Alexandria, Egypt. Two Italian planes were listed as missing. British men-o'-war were said to have shelled Fascist positions at Si- di Barrani, Egypt, "without causing victims or damage," while British armored cars were reported "put to flight" 40 miles southwest of Sidi Barrani. A United States 'Over There': Unity Of Europe Would Bring Peace, Security, Archduke Says At The Debate Last Night: Witt Demands nternal' Defense; Slosson Calls British Fight Ours The formation of a United States of Europe based on stronger eco- nomic unions among the smaller states on the continent will lead to peace, security, increased wealth and prosperity, Archduke Felix of Aus- tria told the audience at the Ora- torical Association lecture in Hill Auditorium last night. His Imperial Highness spoke last night in place of Warden ,Lewis E. Lawes who was unavoidably detained by official duties in Sing Sing prison. Lawes will appear here later in the year. This coalition of states is an ideal the Archduke stated, and can only come after a victory of the democ- racies in the present struggle. In, < > The prospect of eventual American involvement in a war which would probably result in the complete dis- integration of the ideals of democratic government constitutes a problem facing every individual in the United States, Mr. Herbert Witt, National Executive Secretary of the American Student Union declared last night. Participating with Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department in a debate held last night in the Union on the question, "How Can We Best Defend America," Witt contended that national defense must be concen- trated in a direct attack on the 'symp- *-nrc ofriP Anny, '' cirwnl, c i , n v - many, Slosson pointed out, an Europe united under German domination and bent on unending conquest would necessitate a permanent program of preparedness in America. This pro- gram would involve continued com- pulsory conscription and would soon crush our econgmy under its enor- mous burden of expense to the people. Witt asserted that the final peace in this war will be dictated by the selfish motives of the victor and will not be modified much by which of the contenders is the winner. Professor Slosson vigorously denied Witt's as- sertion, insisting that "on the defeat