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November 10, 1940 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-10

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Technic Issue
To Go On Sale
Here Tuesday
Bailey Article On Utilities
Industry To Be Featured;
Editorial Discusses Draft
Highlighting the second issue of
the Michigan Technic, which will go
on sale Tuesday, is an article by Prof.
Benjamin Bailey of the electrical en-
gineering department on the early
developments of the utilities industry
in the United States.
Entitled "From Arc Lights On,"
the story is written autobiographic-
ally and describes Professor Bailey's
experiences in helping to solve the
problems of the electric companies
during the late 1800's and the early
part of the 20th century.
The editorial for this issue is "Stay
Behind the Plow" which deals with
the position of the engineering stu-.
dent during conscription. According
to the members of the Technic staff,
the technical man (and the techni-
cian in training) are too valuable
to defense to become members of
combat units and that all of them
should be exempted from the draft.
Other articles which have been
included in the magazine are "Tires
and War" by Charles R. Tieman,
'41E; "Lubrication: Science" by Ar-
thur W. C. Dobson, '42E, and "Inter-
collegiate Flying" by Leslie J. Trigg,
'41E, and Edward T. Martin, '41E.
Korn Will Tall
At Hillel Today
Noted Expert To Discuss
Hebraic Mortar Here
Dr. Harold Korn, member of the
New York Historical Society and of
the American Jewish Historical So-
ciety, will be the guest speaker at
Hillel's Sunday morning service at
11:00 p.m. today at the Foundation.
Dr. Korn, who is noted for his study
of the part played by the Jewish peo-
ple in pioneering America, will deliver
the sermon on the topic "Herbraic
Mortar in American Culture."
His talk, which is sponsored by the
Hillel Cabinet, will be enhanced by
numerous stereoptican views and por-
traits, the originals of which are over
250 years old.
Dr. Korn graduated from Columbia
College in 1901 with honors in the
ifeld of Comparative Literature. A
few years later he was awarded the
degree of Master of Arts from the
School of Political Science and re-
ceived a medal for excellence in
American history.
New York University awarded him
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
and gave him a faculty graduate
Dr. Korn will be the guest of Phi
Sigma Delta fraternity for dinner,
and will lead a discussion there on
"War and Prejudice" at 2:00 p.m.
Everyone is cordially invited to come.


thor Vincent Burns Offers Athena, Alpha
Suggetsions To Young Writers Nu Will Debate
By BERNARD DOBER I suggested that all writing must snrin Chivalry INeed

Davis Speaks At Open Hearing

Continued from Page 1)
Ruthven declared that the Student



For a young writer to be success-
ful; "he's got to have something to
say, which he's just got to say," is
the opinion of Vincent Godfrey Burns,
author and poet, who will give read-
ings of poetry at 4 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
Author of the novel, "I Am A Fug-
itive From A Chain Gang," which
was written in collaboration with his
brother, Robert E. Burns, who was
the Georgia fugitive, Burns is on his
way to Hollywood to help prepare the
sequel to the movie which was adapt-
ed from the book.
In suggesting some methods by
which aspiring young authors may
help improve their writing, Burns
Art Professor
To Give Speech
To Talk On Religious Arts
In Lane Hall Tuesday
Prof. Avard Fairbanks of the Insti-
tute of Fine Arts will lecture on topic,
"Religious Arts and Crafts" at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday at Lane Hall under the
auspices of the Student Religious
Open to the public the first part of
the lecture will deal with the classi-
cal religious art of other ages. Second-
ly, Professor Fairbanks will describe
what may be done in modern sculp-
ture and handiwork on campus.
Professor Fairbanks is noted for
his creation of secular and sacred
pieces. His most outstanding was
his sculpture depicting the westward
migration of the Mormons. As pro-
fessor of sculpture here since 1929
he has the state memorial of Ore-
gon among thirty or more national
famous works. He has done busts of
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dr. Wal-
ter P. Pillsbury of the psychology de-
partment, and former Dean G. Carl


from life. Before one can write, he u 1 Senate wasn't important, to which I
fromlif. Bfor onecanwrie, e ;declared that it should be made so.
must live. Usually young writers Revive Traditional Rivalry Davis continued.
haven't lived long enougn to observe When Two Teams Meet I then asked the President why
carefully what goes on about them. George Stein of the Philosophy De-
It is important, he said, to see things In Contest Here Tuesday I partment had his teaching fellowship
that others don't see. revoked, and he said the action was
in Old collegiate rivalries will be re- taken because Stein had distributed
One of the most valuable aids in vived Tuesday when Alpha Nu, men's leaflets in behalf of the "dismissed"
his own experience, Burns pointed forensics organization, meets Athe- students, Davis related.
out, is the scrap book and note book na, women's honorary speech society I looked up the police record of
which he keeps. In this scrap book in the first debate of the season for Stein and they also had him charged
go all clippings about himself as well both groups at 7:30 p.m. in Room
as clippings which appear in the 231 Angell Hall.
paper about interesting incidents. In "Resolved: That women should be
the notebook are written all ideas accorded more acts of chivalry than
which come to him during his every- they now receive" will be the hum-
day thinking, but which, he empha- orous proposition in question in the
sized, must be written down as soon traditional speaking contest. Uphold-!
as they come to nim. ing the affirmative Athena will be Did
"Creative writing comes from bold- represented by Jean Maxted, '41,
ness of originality," Burns stated and Mary Martha Taylor, '41, and Rose-
quoted the passage from Goethe that bud Scott, '42.
"boldness has magic, power and geni- The negative of the debate open to
us in it." Writers must be familiar the public will be represented by El-
with the works of the famous authors mer Radka, '41, Eugene Plankey, '41,
and gain inspiration from them, but and Dick Steudal, '41, for Alpha Nu.
must be careful not to imitate. Be The contest will be judged by mem-
bold. he said, without fear or favor bers of the speech department includ- FA

on this charge, Davis said, although
a Supreme Court decision just re-
cently affirmed the constitutionality
of such action.
When Davis had concluded. Mar-
garet Campbell, '42, Alumni Scholar-
ship holder, took the platform and
said that she had been called up
by University officials and told that
if she didn't cease her activities as
a member of a campus political group
her scholarship might be revoked.
The meeting was closed with an,
address by Bert Witt, Secretary of the
American Student Union.



fJl rourI 4t

you know these salient

facts about


~ eot

RI 4 . L , 7; U, L1%LU 1.61 V 6yV
and imprint "your own personality
on what you say with absolute fear-
Engine School
Group To Hold
First Debate
Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engin-
eering speech society, will hold the
first of a series of eight intercolleg-;
iate debates with Wayne University
at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Union
on the topic: "Resolved: That a Canal
Should Be Built Across Nicaraugua."
In the debate the Stump Speakers'
Society plans to discuss the feasibility
of the canal as an engineering pro-
ject, the importance it might have
in national defense, the economic aid
it will afford the United States and
its importance in uniting the Ameri-
The four students who will uphold
the affirmative for Michigan are Dean
Woodbury, '42E, Edward Rutan, '43E,
Alexander Pentland, '42E, and John
Hammelef, '42E.
The style of debate used by Sigma
Rho Tau is different from that used
for ordinary college or high school
debating, being much less formal and
approximating business conferences.
Miss Brunson
announces the opening
Lynne S
Bcauty Shop
Mrs. Goodwin, operator
530 South Forest
Phone 2-4802

ing Mrs. Frederic O. Crandall and
Mr. Arthur Secord, director of men's
varsity debating.
Chairmen for the joint meeting of
the two groups will be Jane Sapp,
'41, and George Shepherd, '41. Time
keepers will be Merle Webb, '41, and
Margery Allison, '41. Speeches will
be five minutes in length for construc-
tion and three minutes for rebuttal.
Precedent for the alnost annual
meeting of the two groups go back
to the times when they both were
among the few speech and literary
societies on Midwestern campuses.
Rivalry has always centered on a
special prize offered by Athena to
the winner.
Graduate Outing Is Today
Graduate students interested in hik-
ing in the vicinity ot Ann Arbor, will
meet at 2:30 today at the Rackham}
Building. Bicycling and football are
to be included in the day's program.
After the hike there will be an in-
formal supper at the Rackham Build-

1. They are blended anc
mixed in their own "Powde
Room"to insure their purity
2. The colors are tested
on living models under both
day and evening lights.

h .. '/

3. The powders are sifted through yards of finest silk,
for gossamer texture and consistency.
4. There are about twenty shades to choose froml
lhlusiori Powder, $1.75, $3.00...Cameo Powder, $2.00, $3.00
OUTthe £eoyrry
On St* te at the head of North University


Reports 5
Are New


The University Hospital reported
yesterday that five students were pa-
tients in their service.;
Samuel Henderson, '41, was operat-
ed on for appendicitis Thursday. His
doctors report he is resting well. Oui-
dabon Henry, Grad., was admitted the
same day and is being held under
Milo Sukup, '41, a member of Mich-
igan's football team who was brought
to the hospital last Sunday with a
head injury sustained at the Illinois
game, is still a patient, although he
may be released today. Wallace Rat-
liff, '42, who was operated on for
appendicitis on Tuesday, and Jane{
Cayia, '43, who is under observation,
have also been retained as patients.

Fun rafter hours. too!

_ __ --- i

' ,
. :

Bon Bon Pastels
That new "light"~ look Perfect!)y
achieved in baby soft wool dresses!
EIrITLE WONDER dresses in pale luscious
candy colors that are surefire successes
for the "game and on". In peppermint
stick pink, porcelain blue, pale, pale green
and yellow. Sizes 12 to 20, 9 to 17.
PINCHERS . $7.95

.ti \

) .
., .
....... . .....'"....N: . .
.... ........
."..f"}: i
\ t
PAJAMAS that really fit, a clever
housecoat that you can zip into in
a hurry, a bathrobe that does more
for you than just keep you warm,
a little quilted jacket for study
sessions in bed - all these are
lingerie necessities for every co-ed.
$6).9. to 8J.
AWsg s-_g

outside your window. Inside
you'll be warm and cozy in
your sleek pajamas and snug-
gly robe. Lingerie can be just
as smart and probably twice
as practical as your favorite


i j


Bonbon colors in wool evening
jacket-blouses! Collins shop is
showing a delectable pink or
white with gold, pale blue with
silver soutache braid, or a brav-
er red with sequins. Be smart
and combine them with both
day length skirts for dressy
dates, and with evening skirts

Sfor iormal wear. Skirts in taffe-
ta, velvet, or silk jersey, from
5.00. Jackets from 5.95. They're
the best idea yet, since blouses
were first introduced to evening
You won't have
to hide your head
in a shawl at the
next formal if
l you have the Vogue beauty shop
design a smart new evening
coiffure. The operators are
adept at finding a becoming
style for you, and most ready,
willing, and able to copy any
photograph of your favorite
movie star's latest hair-do.
Danger in the air!
It's one of Ciro's
exotic perfumesf
now being intro-.
duced at Calkins-Fletcher. You
probably already know of this
fine French house with its
world-wide reputation as a
maker of quality scents. Re-
flection, Surrender, and Jas-
mine are others, made in co-
logne as well as perfume, just
in case you're not the Danger
type. Lovely fragrances all, so
sniff and suit your personality.
Spring freshness is
% already in the air at
the Marilyn shop.
Black date dresses are
garnished with white%
bead embroidery in
flower designs. One eye-catch-
ing model features a beautifully
j cut skirt and yoke effect of
beaded dots on the bodice. Good
for pepping up your wardrobe
and for favorable Thanksgiving
Be quaint at night
in challis pajamas.
Jacbso'sis show-
ing a new style in blue or pink,
plain or checked, with white
candlewick at the neck and
down the front. Or you may
have the same style in wine
with white polka dots. Pajamas
/are at 2.95, or matching gowns
at 1.95. Added features are long
sleeves for extra' warmth these
cold nights, and challis' pen-
chant for soap and water.
Skaty and Hood-
winker. The Dillon
has just re-
Sceived these two -/

outstanding models
styled by Sporteen
and featured in the newest
Mademoiselle. Skatv 8 ha. a


, 4.


DELUXE "BITS" called accessor-
ies that "make" your wardrobe
. ..that inspire giving. Gloves,
belts, jewelry . .. all around $1,
Iags . . . from $295



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