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November 10, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-10

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the American Way!



5-W IY~I -~- i({MR7o- - IP mw/ .i'a m o w w.._ ---"
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00: by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc. '
College Publishers Representatve
Member, Associated CoUegiate Press, 1939-40

Editorial Staff

8ervie Haufler .
Alvin Barasohn .
Paul M. Chandler .
Karl Kessler .
Milton Orshefsky . .
Howard A. Goldman . .
TAurence Mascott . .
Donald Wirtchafter . . .
,ather Osser .
Helen Oorman .
Business S
Business Manager.
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

. Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
. Exchange Editor


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause




. -' c -'_' _

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Meet The Football
Train Today .. .
ten, the Michigan football team had
not yet taken the field against Minnesota's
Golden Gophers. We're all confident that the
Wolverines will win, despite the weight advan-
tage in Minnesota's line. We have Harmon,
Evashevski, Ingalls, Wistert and the rest to
match Minnesota's best, plus a coach who hasn't
yet shoew us all that's in his bag of tricks.
Thfe h'as been talk that this is 'the year;
if we don't go through this season undefeated,
we never will. That may be; but whether they
win or lose, we've got a great team. Losing to
Minnesota will be no disgrace. The point is,
the team has shown how great it is-great
enough to win third place in the national rank-
ing and the plaudits of the leading sports ex-
perts-and it deserves the whole-hearted sup-
port of the student body.
to'see the team off Thursday; not many knew
about it. But plans have been made to give
them a different reception when they return
today. A big rally, sponsored by many of the
campus' leading organizations, will be staged
this afternoon at the Michigan Central Station
when their train, pulls in (2:23 p.m.). There'll
be a band and a public address system over
which cheer leaders will interview coaches and
It's the first time a demonstration of this
kind has been planned. Adequate preparations
have already been made; all it needs is the co-
operation of the students. A big turnout will be
gratifying to the boys; here's a chance to show
how we feel about the team. Let's make it BIG!
- Bernard Dober
Roosevelt's Opportunity
For National Unity .. .
their confidence in President Roose-
velt. This vote of confidence added to certain
opportunities available to the President place
him in a sound strategical position to achieve a
fundamental American hope: the desire for
national unity.
Mr. Roosevelt could take a long stride toward
this goal by appointing Wendell Willkie Chair-
man of the Defense Commission. By taking
this step, as is rumored he might, he would ap-
point a man who could do much to secure busi-
ness cooperation, a man who sees eye-to-eye
with himself on the country's defense needs and
a man who has the trust and support of a large
part of our nation. Mr. Willkie can justify this
trust and prove his sincerity and abilities by
accepting this post if it is offered to him.
NATIONAL UNITY, however, can be only a
dream when there are wide splits in the
ranks of labor. We are therefore enheartened
by a combination of factors which show positive
prospect of uniting American workers. 1) John
Lewis' expected resignation from the CIO, and
hopefully, the UMWA presidencies; 2) The re-
tirement of unprogressive John P. Frey from
the AFL molders' union; 3) The abilities of
Sidney Hillman and his chance to use them in
his present position, and 4) President Roose-
,plt's determined conneratinn

To the Editor:
With reference to S. R. Wallace's editorial of
November 5:
American amateur radio is maintained chiefly
by the good will of the Army and Navy. Through
the American'Radio Relay League it enjoys the
confidence and cooperation of the Federal Com-
munications Commission and the Federal Bu-
reau of Investigation. It furnishes without cost
to the government an abundance of radio oper-
ators whose technical and code training would
require two years. It provides communication
Possibility Of Union
THE SAME BALLOTS that reiterated
the nation's confidence in Franklin
Roosevelt last Tuesday constituted a vote of no
confidence for CIO president, John L. Lewis,
and gave rise to one of the brightest hopes for
labor unity in the last years.
For Lewis, in conformance with his own
pledge, will relinquish the leadership of the
CIO's four million workers at that organiza-
tion's convention this month, removing one of
the personalities that have blocked the com-
munion of the common interests of the AFL and
The split in labor's ranks occurred back in
1935 when the CIO under Lewis' leadership
broke away from its parent AFL over organizing
policies in the big mass production industries.
.But that conflict is over-time has proven that
industrial rather than trade unionism is the
order and today the AFL as well as the CIO
has gone far in adopting the principle.
T HAS NOT BEEN the conflict of '35 but the
personalities that the conflict gave rise to
who have blocked the union of the CIO and
AFL. The mass of both organizations have
common interests and are desirous of uniting
them. In many cities there are joint labor
councils; joint journals and joint strikes when
necessary. Consciously and unconsciously the.
workers in both organizations have been united
in political action as last Tuesday's election
strikingly pointed out
That the CIO and AFL are not joined in an
effective union today is an indictment of the
democratic processes within the organizations
that allow the leaders to block the will of the
members. And it becomes imperative, if organ-
ized labor is to justify the hopes and faith
placed in it, that there be a revitalization of
those p'rocesses within its own organization.
THERE COULD BE no more heartening sign
to those who see labor as the ever ener-
gizing force for democracy in this country than
the marriage of the interests of the CIO and
AFL, attended by the retirement of Mr. Green
as well as Mr. Lewis and the debut of leadership
in the ranks of labor that shall conscientiously
and rigorously reflect the interests and desires
of so great a portion of the American people.
- Robert Speckhard
Citizenship Day
And The First Voters . ..
S UNDAY will be Citizenship Day in
Washtenaw County, with new voters
the honored guests at a celebration program be-
ginning at 3 p.m. in the Ann Arbor High School,
under the sponsorship of the County Citizen-
ship Committee.
It is significant to note that the Committee
has held a three-month series of forums for
"first voters," persons recently turned 21 years
old and those who just completed naturalization
proceedings. These forums were pre-election
work, conducted on a completely non-partisan
basis, for the purpose of increasing first-voter
interest in national problems and election issues.
THE MEETING to be held Sunday will be a
formal recognition of the new citizenship
conferred the young voters and the naturalized
citizens. Keynote of the speeches to be delivered
will be the responsibilities and privileges of
American citizenship.
University students have been given a special

invitation to attend the celebration Sunday af-
ternoon. Many of them, recently turned 21, will
find a great deal of pertinent material, inspira-
tional to thought, in the addresses delivered
And it is a healthful sign that, even in the
post-election slump, some group can take the
time and trouble to hold such a meeting, con-
ducted, entirely on a patriotic, non-partisan
- William Newton
Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Uruguay; all of these applauded the
election result, and expressed their confidence
that the United States would continue to lead
the fight for democracy. And they backed up
their talk with action, for on Nov. 6, one day
after election, understandings were reached,
according to the New York Times, "with virtually
all of the Latin American countries by which
United States forces would be able to use air
and naval bases to the south if that should be
considered necessary to hemisphere defense."
WE AMERICANS should appreciate this faith
in us, for it is a faith which has overcome
many years of suspicion and fear of the United
States. It is a faith so genuine that it was not
shaken by two recent events which once would
have struck terrnr in Snuth Amnriean hents.:

The Editor
networks which supplement and replace the
wired systems in times of emergency.
At the present time though the number of
operators and stations is large, they are severely
controlled. The amateurs through their organ-
ization impose voluntary restrictions upon them-
selves which keep well ahead of federal regula-
tions. There have been no complaints. Only a
citizen of the United States may apply for li-
censes. He must pass an examination in radio
construction and operation, law, and code. His
connections and recent history are investigated,
and he is fingerprinted. He must have both an
operator's license and a station license. His sta-
tion must be fixed, and located on the premises
of an American citizen. No broadcasting is per-
mitted, and his point-to-point communications
are limited to other amateurs and definite bands.
He must identify himself at least every ten min-
utes. A detailed log is kept at both ends. The
operation of unlicensed stations or operation by
unlicensed persons as well as other infractions
of the.basic Communications Act or of the Reg-
ulations is punishable by penalties ranging from
$500 fine per day to $10,000 fine and two years'
The FCC about a year ago called for several
hundred radio amateurs to be employed in mon-
itoring stations. It has since then stated that
it has mdre volunteers than it can use and that
it is highly pleased with the result. The mon-
itoring facilities of the FCC have been vastly in-
creased, and there is no reason for believing
that they are inadequate.
The location of irregular or suspicious sta-
tions is much easier than your writer imagines.
With portable direction finders any station can
be located in a short space of time if it continues
to operate on a certain frequency and at a
stated time, which is what it would have to do
to be of any use to the espionage service of a
foreign government.
All amateurs are pledged to report irregular
activities to the FBI. If S. R. Wallace has any
exact information about the abuse of amateur
radio by foreign spies, it should be communicated
at once to the nearest office of the FBI or to
the nearest radio amateur.
-- W. H. Worrell
by mascott
IT WAS with a great deal of apprehension that
we read today's announcement in The Daily
about senior photos for the 'Ensian, and the
D.O.B. statement about job registration blanks
for seniors. For three and a half years of college
now, we've been discussing objectively the em-
ployment and unemployment problem and now
we realize that within a half a year that discus-
sion will be subjective.
It will, indeed, be a sad day when we are
forced (via graduation, I hope) to leave Ann Ar-
bor. Not that we are sentimental; we just hate
going to work.
WE CLAIMED recently that we weren't going
to mention the elections again. We feel im-
pelled, however, to indicate our sympathy to the
bulk of the nation's press which during the
summer and early fall of three campaigns in the
last eight years, calls Roosevelt everything but
virtuous, predicts the election of the Republican
candidate and then on the Wednesday after elec-
tion Tuesday suddenly discovers that Roosevelt
isn't so bad after all, that the campaign was dirty,
and that .the Republican vote was indeed, sig-
nificant. To much of the nation's press goes our
FIRE AND WATER now dedicates this column
and a moment of silent prayer to the four

Michigan men who began hitch-hiking to the
Minnesota game last Tuesday evening. They may
even get to the game in time, but we doubt if
they'll ever survive the Minnesota cold and the
reluctance of Minnesotans to pick up hitch-hik-
ers. They'll maybe be back here in time for fin-
als. Which is their own misfortune.
Robert S.Altes
THE STATE DEPARTMENT is absolutely op-
posed to it, but the question of breaking off
diplomatic relations with Germany may come to
a head very soon. -
Reason for the showdown is irrefutable evi-
dence gathered by the Dies Committee showing
the activity of German consuls in the United
States. Certain letters seized by the committee
reveal that Nazi consuls close to Hitler have gone
to such amazing lengths in their subversive ac-
tivities that publication of the letters would lead
to a tremendous public outcry and demand for





(Continued from Page 2)
and drawings by William Littlefield
are now showing in Alumni Memorial
Hall, afternoons 2:00-5:00 until Nov.
22. This is under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association. Members
and students are admitted free.
University Lecture: Amedee Ozen-
fant, French Artist and Director of
the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts,
will lecture on the subject "Modern
Art" (illustrated) under the aus-
pices of the Department of Fine Arts
at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, November
14, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
Warden Lawes Lecture tickets may
be purchased Monday at Hill Audi-
torium box office. Mr. Lawes, noted
warden of Sing Sing prison, will speak
Monday evening at 8:15 in Hill Audi-
torium as the second number on the
Oratorical Association Lecture Ser-
"Religious Arts and Crafts," by
Professor Avard Fairbanks of the Fine
Arts Department. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Of special interest to per-
sons interested in the creation of
contemporary religious art. Sponsor-
ed by the Student Religious Associa-
Food-Handlers' School: The Uni-
versity Health Service is sponsoring
the second in the series of three lec-
tures for food-handling employees of
the dormitories on Tuesday, Nov. 12,
in Natural Science Auditorium, at
8:00 p.m.
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club will meet to-
day at 2:30 p.m. in the northwest
rear of the Rackham Building for a
hike and bicycling. Supper at the
club rooms. Open to all graduate
students and faculty.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal at
2:30 p.m. today. Glee Club Room,
Mich. Union, for the final practice
before naturalization concert.
St. Paul's Lutheran Student Club:
There will be no meeting of the Club
this evening.
Lutheran Student Association will
meet Sunday evening at 5:30 in the
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper
will be served and a mission program
presented by members of the club.
All are invited.
Bethlehem Evangelical Reformed:
the Student Guild will join the Mich-

Coming Events
Physics Colloquim: Professor C. F.
Meyer will speak on 'The Twyman
Interferometer" on Monday, Nov. 11,
at 4:15 in room 1041 E. Physics Bldg.
The Graduate History Club will
meet on Tuesday, November 12, at
7:30 p.m. in the Clements Library.
Dr. Adams will speak, and there will
be a tour of the library. Election of
;officers. Refreshments.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day at 8:00 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Professor Beckenbach will speak
on "Integral Analogs of Differential
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Faculty members interested
in German conversation are cordially
invited. There will be a brief talk
on "Ein Minnelied vom Jahre 1200"
by Mr. H. W. Nordmeyer.
Mechanical and Aeronautical En-
gineering Students: Students who ex-
pect to graduatein February, 1941,
and who are taking the aircraft en-
gine design option may be interested
in the fact that a representative of
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft will be in
Ann Arbor for interviews on Novem-
ber 15, instead of November 14 as
previously announced. Students wish-
ing to obtain appointments for such
interviews should see Professor
Thompson, in Room B-47 East En-
gineering Building, or Miss Tag in
Room 221 West Engineering Build-
Pre-Medical Society: Dr. John H.
Seabury of the University Hospital
will be the guest speaker at the Pre-
Medical Society meeting Tuesday at

8:00 p.m. in the East Amphitheater
of the West Medical School. He will
talk on Pre-Medical problems related
to medicine.
Alpha Kappa Delta meeting at the
home of Professor R. C. Fuller, 2201
Brockman Blvd., on Tuesday, the 12th,
at 7:45 p.m. Professor L. A. White of
the Anthropology Department will
speak on "Anthropology and Socio-
logy." Cars will leave from Haven
Hall at 7:30.
Sigma Rho Tau will hold its first
intercollegiate debate of the year
with Wayne University Tuesday, No-
vember 12. The question is, "Resolved
that a canal should be built across
Nicarauga". The regular meeting will
start at 7:30 p.m. and the debate
will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the Union.
Polish Engineers Society meeting
on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Michigan Union: Election of offi-
The Slavic Society will meet in the
International Center at 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday. All members are urged to
J. G. P. Script deadline is Friday,
November 15. Turn them into Miss
Ethel McComick of the Women's
League or to Shirley Silver, 407 Ing-
Ann Arbor Library Club will meet
Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7:45 p.m. in the
Amphitheater of the Rackham Build-
ing. Dr. W. W. Bishop will speak
on "The Responsibilities of American
Libraries for the Acquisition of Ma-
terials for Research."
Seminar in Religious Music at Lane
Hall on Monday, Nov. 11, at 4:15
(Continued on Page 8)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1m0 C-NBC Blue
Sunday Evening
6:00 Silver Theatre Catholic Hour Double or Nothing Across Footlights
6:15 Silver Theatre ""
6:30 Gene Autry News Show of the Week News Ace
6:45 Gene Autry Heap 'o Livin' Detroit Cons'vatory
7:00 G. Smith Jack Benny Dr. DeHaan Pearson & Allen
7:15 G. Smith " " European News
7:30 Screen Guild Fitch Bandwagon " Better Speech
7:45 Screen Guild " Week-End Review
8:00 Helen Hayes Charlie McCarthy Music for Sunday Message of Israel
8:15 Helen Hayes
8:30 Crime Doctor One Man's Family Face the Facts Sherlock Holmes
8:45 Crime; News t
9:00 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Round Revival Walter Winchell
9:15 Ford Hour." Parker Family
9:30 Ford Hour Familiar Music Irene Rich

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