Weather Continued cloudy. LL $fi te C t anbi Bk i4ga F~it~ VI~rre 0 Ap ilatt Editorial Meet The Football Train Today.,. r.ew ._ wsn Y E' 5 .L~'VNl.J7A N BOI i IPHI G, NYI( NE(.M E I 94UZ(j& t-tL2 VOL. Ll. No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1940 Z323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Gridders Students Bow Plan To Golden Gophers, 7-6; Rally For Squad Today French Troops Are Reported ToBeFighting Axis In Africa Italian Centaur Division Is Reported Entrapped By Greeks In Mountains Fascist Surrender Viewed Imminent (By The Associated Press) "Free Fench" troops carrying on the war against the Axis powers un- der Gen. Charles de Gaulle, are en- gaged in bitter fighting at Gabon, French Equatorial Africa, the Vichy government acknowledged today. The government's statement said the men landed near Libreville un- der the guns of light British ships which for several days had been crusing along the coast. British planes bombed the port before the troops went ashore, the French said. The activity was interpreted here to mean that de Gaulle's forces hope to open a new west-to-east route from the Gulf of Guinea to the Egyp- tian Sudan for the British. Communications between the out- side world and portions of the French territory south of the equator have been cut off, officials said. Operations Less Ilimportant They declared the operations there were less important than the un- successful action of the British and oe Gaulle's men against Dakar, French West Africa, Sept. 23-26. The French government's admis- sion that troops had landed came after Gen. Auguste Nogues, military commander of French Morocco, and Admiral Jean Esteva, resident gen- eral, conferred with French Minister of Finance Yves Bouthillier and other cabinet ministers, presumably 'on French African matters. (The French radio, in a broadcast heard in New ork by NBC, said Vice Premier Pierre Laval had left France for Rome "on a special diplomatic mission.") Meanwhile Italy's Centaur Divi- sion of perhaps 15,000 men-one of the best known units of the Fascist forces-was reported today to have been so hopelessly entrapped by the Greeks in the Pindus mountains that its surrender was imminent. Fascists Without Food Greeks said the Fascist troops were without food and with lines of supply cut. Military informants said hundreds of the division's men and its com- manding general already had been taken prisoner. The Greeks said the Italians, in at- tempting to take a road leading southward to the strategic Greek town of Ioannina, had gone so deep into the mountains as to permit a break in their own communications. Big Italian guns and much war material were said to have been dumped into a ravine to prevent their seizure. All along the 100-mile front there was action today, and the heaviest fighting yet seen was reported from the Koritza sector, where the Greeks appeared to be slowly pushing back the invaders. Contingent Arrives A new contingent of 2t0 Italian prisoners-31 of them Alpinists with feathers in their caps-arrived in Sa- lonika under circumstances suggest- ing that the British and Greek naval patrol of the Adriatic was sharply limiting Italy's efforts to supply her troops. The prisoners, their Greek guards reported, offered their money-and some even their wedding rings-for food. Salonika had an air raid alarm this morning, but no planes were sighted over the city. Honor On Trial As Father, Son Plead Causes By BERNARD DOBER Drama, and not defense testi- mony took the stand for a few mo- ments at the open hearing held yes- terday at Island Park, when a "sur- prise witness," Victor Lawn, followed his son. Roger Lawn, '43, to the platform. Forgotten for these few moments was the issue of academic freedom for students as Victor Lawn pleaded that man should remain true to his word and maintain the rela- tionship between father and son, which, for him, had been so rudely shattered by the press of circum- stance. Roger; after receiving a letter from President Ruthven during the sum- mer asking him not to return be- cause of poor academic work, was given the alternative by his father of returning to school without par- ticipating in any extra-curriculuar activities, or remaining at home for a year before going to school again. He gave his word and returned to school. Under the present circumstances, young Lawn was faced with the most difficult decision of his young life -to keep his word with his father, or testify for a cause in which he firmly believed. He chose the latter. When the elder Lawn finished speaking, the audience applauded this man who had "crucified" himself by speaking as he did for something he believed in as firmly as his son had believed in his cause. Roger Lawn ran up to his father after he descended from the platform and embraced him, but he continued once again to the platform to reas- sert his justification in acting as he had done. Slosson, Witt To Hold Debate Will Discuss American Defense Tomorrow Mr. Bert Witt, National Executive Secretary of the American Student Union, will debate with Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department, on the question, "How Can We Best Defend America," at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union Ballroom. Witt will present his position by asserting that "The best defense is peace in building up a democracy at home." According to Margaret Campbell, '42, of the ASU, he sees the internal problems of the nations as the most important of the moment. Professor Slosson will assert that defense may be best assured by aid- ing the allies in the present war against the totalitarian states. The debate is to be sponsored by the local chapter of the ASU and will be open to the public free. A similar debate was presented last May when Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department, Prof Arthur Smithies of the econom- ics department, and Witt discussed, "Can America Stay Out of War?" In that discussion Witt maintained that American participation in the war would be a useless waste of life and natural resources. Scabbard And Blade Initiates Twenty-Five Sham battles, guard mounting, mil- itary drill, duckwalking and sundry forms of manual labor were only a part of the tasks completed by the 25 "squires" who were inducted into Scabbard and Blade "knighthood" yesterday. Blue denim fatigue uniforms adorn- ed by cartridge belts, red-white-and blue ribbons and white number cards mporp !;.andnnt-d y tp.+n itminpcunenI Students Testify At Open Hearing' - Daily Photo by Will Sapp Shown above are Hugo Reichard, '39 and Maurice Sugar, Detroit labor attorney, who acted as the "prosecuting attorney" in the open "hearing" held yesterday on the baseball diamond at Island Park. The case of the 13 students who were asked not to return to the University this semester was reviewed, though there was no one present to represent the stand of the University. Reichard is not now a student at Michigan, but is working in Chicago. Indiscri-m incite Criticis M_ Not To Be Supported, Ruthren Dec lares (ByThe Associated Press) danger of Federal control has been CHICAGO, Nov. 10.-Dr. Alexander increasingly imminent." G. Ruthven, president of the Univer- "If the United States is to continue sity of Michigan asserted today that to exist as a democracy, it must make faculty members of state universities representative government work bet- who countenance indiscriminate crit- ter than it does at present," he said. icism of the democratic form of gov- "A most effective way of accomplish- ernment should quit their profession. ing this would be to strengthen the "Freedom of independent think- schools, and protect them from every ing, expresion, and assembly in our influence which would interfere with schools is not license for students and the attainment of their labor objec- i'aculty to work against the very form tive - the training of good citizens." of government which allows such rights to exist," he said. n u Union Ruthven's remarks were made in IRnn R LI a prepared speech at the National Association of State Universities Con- -Oen H ouse vention. Faculty members, he said, shoulde recognize an obligation to the State s W ednesday to create in the minds of their stu- -____ dents "a respect for the good things in our method of government." Exhibits of several University de- No Place for Cynics partments and of various Union activ- "They should, of course, point out ities will be displayed at the 26th weaknesses, but criticism should in- annual Union Open House from 8 to variably by sympathetic and con- 10 p.m. Wednesday, Bert Ludy, '42, structive rather than cynical and de- chairman of the arrangements com- moralizing, to the end that democracy mittee announced yesterday. may gradually grow stronger and en- Free dancing will be held in the joy increased esteem," he said. Union Ballroom to the music of Bill "Any faculty member who cannot Sawyer and his orchestra and lucky conscientiously subscribe to such a numbers will be drawn for free cokes. policytshould recognize hissunfitness The list of numbers will be posted at as a teacher, and should seek some the soda bar. other means of livlihood." h od a.' othr m enoflivlihod."h dmn- Both men and women students. Dr. Ruthven averred that admin- members of the faculty and towns- istrative officers and professors of people will be welcome to the Open colleges and universities should rid House and the front door ban on themselves of the notion that roman- women will be officially lifted for the ticism, sentimentalism, and indis- occasion. criminate tolerance are essential con- stituents of democracy." He termed Among the various departments them "only evidences of indecision which will have exhibits at the Open fuzzy-mindedness." House are the Department of Astron- Davis Speaks At Trial Of 13 Students Told Not To Return Sugar Acts As Prosecutor In Questioning Lawn, Reichard And Rinzberg E. A. Ross Criticizes University's Action "President Ruthven told me that therewas no such thing as academic freedom for students when I inter- viewed him several days ago," Prof. Jerome Davis of the New School for Social Research testified yesterday before 600 shivering people who had gathered in Island Park to hear the open "hearing" of the 13 students who were asked not to return to the University. The "hearing," sponsored by the Michigan Committee for Academic Freedom, featured the testimony of Hugo Reichard and Nat Rinzberg, former Michigan students who an- swered the queries put to them by Maurice Sugar, prominent labor at- torney. Poulson Relates The proceedings of the hearing be- gan when Harper Poulson, arrange- ments chairman, related the story of the four-week searc- throughout Ann Arbor for a place to hold the 'hear- ing' that finally ended at the baseball diamond at Island Park. "We beg your indulgence for the conditions," Poulson told the frigid crowd, but even here we were not allowed to erect a tent or a wind-break." After Poulson's resume, Rev. Owen Knox, president of the Michigan Committee For Academic Freedom, introduced Prof. E. A. Foss of the Un- iversity of Wisconsin and chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union. Remarking that in the 49 years of his academic career he had never heard of such treatment to students, Ross declared that "if some of these students have given ill-conceived opinions it is the responsibility of others to refute them rather than deny the students the opportunity to express them." Reichard Testifies Reichard then read the letter which he received from President Ruthven in June stating, "It is the decision of the authorities of the University of Michigan that you cannot be readmit- ted to the University." Neither before or after this note were any charges or complaints pre- ferred, Reichard declared. In my in- terview with President Ruthven he intimated that it was I who had an- nounced the dismissal, Reichard said, in declaring that to keep quiet about the affair would have been an ad- mission of being guilty of charges he had never been informed of. I am here today, Reichard ek- plaiped, to try to obtain the affirm- ation Of the campus that there at least ought to be an open hearing where University officials present the charges and students gave the de- fense. Reichard's tesimony was followed by that of Nat Rinzberg, who quoted from Ruthven's letter to him stat- ing that he had been a disturbing in- fluence among the students on the campus. Rinzberg Speaks What constitutes a disturbing in- fluence on the Michigan campus has never been defined, Rinzberg said. When the President was asked on what authority he expelled me, he told me that if he were expelling me I should have a hearing, but that he was not expelling me but only asking me not to return, Rinzberg related. Then Roger Lawn, '43, testified that he had received a warning telling him he should go "right" and shouldn't spend so much time with a "certain aomm of students." Team LosesAgain To Bierman Jinx; Title Honors Fade Tommy Harmon Stopped By Muddy Turf As Bruce Smith, Joe Mernik Combine To Help Maintain Minnesota Superiority By DON WIRTCHAFTER MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 9.-Michigan's mighty 1940 gridiron empire crumbled before the jinx of the Golden Gophers here in Memorial Stadium today. In a drama-packed spectacle that made a record breaking throng of 63,894 rain-soaked spectators forget all about adverse weather conditions, Minnesota's thundering herd blasted Wolverine dreams of a Western Con- ference championship with a 7-6 triumph. It was Michigan's first defeat of the campaign. A spectacular 80-yard gallop over a sloppy stadium sod by Blond Bruce Smith combined with the trusty toe of little Joe Mernik, the Gopher's mighty mite, spelled disaster for the battling Wolverines. Michigan Deep In Gopher Territory All afternoon Michigan smashed and passes, stumbled and slid through its Minnesota opponent. Time after time the Wolverines drove deep into Gopher territory only to be repelled by a hefty Minnesota forward wall that proved imprgnable when the chips were down. Michigan went down, but it did so fighting like a band of furious, ray-, aging tigers. A muddy surface stopped the Wolverines' great offensive threat, All-American Tommy Harmon, with a running average of two yards per attempt But the Wolverines, struggling to smash a six-year Gopher grasp on the Little Brown Jug, uncovered a screen pass play and shot plunging Bob Westfall through the Minnesota front line to roll up 15 first downs to the Gophers' six. For the third straight year Harmon, who has tallied at least one touch- down against every other Wolverine opponent this year, failed to cross the Minnesota goal line. If Gopher fury wasn't enough to stop him, the weather was. He carried the ball 29 times for 59 yards. On his favorite off-tackle slashes he slipped and slid like a baseball player diving into home plate' Harmon Passes, Puyts Well But try as they might, the Gophers didn't stop the Michigan ace from putting on a brilliant display of football. His courageous punting averaged 43.1 yards per try. His passing was exceptionally accurate. Soggy ball and all he completed nine out of 14. Michigan scored first early in the second period on a pass from Harmon to Capt. Forest Evashevski in the end zone. But it was a short-lived lead, for the Gophers came back with amazing rapidity and were out in front before the half was completed. Minnesota made just three flashes of brilliance all afternoon. The first came directly after the opening kick-off, the second on Smith's long run, and the third shortly before the final gun. The rest of the time it was Michigan on the march, driving, plunging, fighting, but to no avail. The Gophers started the struggle like a bat out of a hot basement. Speedy George Franck grabbed Harmon's opening kick-off, weaved in and out o (Continued on Page 3) ,m Austrian Duke Rally Planned For 2:23 P.M. Today To Speak Here Now, more than before, with the probability that the Wolverine foot- Will Replace Le sLa sbal team is dejected, is it necessary that a large crowd of students be In Oratorical Series on hand at the Michigan Central Sta- An unavoidable postponement of the lecture scheduled to be given by Warden Lewis E. Lawes tomorrow night in Hill Auditorium was an- nounced by oficials of the Oratori- cal Association last night. In his telegram to Lecture Series officials, Lawes stated that offical duties would make it necessary for his to remain at Sing Sing Prison for the next few days. He also stated that he hoped to be able to fulfill his engagement here during the present school year. Instead, His Imperial Highness, the young Archduke Felix of Austria, will speak. The Archduke agreed by long- distance phone call last night to come to Ann Arbor tomorow night and speak on the subject "The Struggle in the Balkans." The Oratorical Association an- nounced that it is presenting this lecture as a complimentary number' on its series. Season ticket holders will use the tickets for the Lawes lec- ture and are asked to retain them for the appearance of Warden Lawes at some later date. Tickets for the lec- ture Monday night may be purchased at the box office of Hill Auditorium which will be open all day tomorrow. TTC c 1 -_ tion this afternoon at 2:23 p.m. to indicate the faith the Michigan Cam- pus has in the team, said Carl Rohr- bach, '42, chairman of the affair from the Union staff yesterday. Elaborate plans have been com- pleted to give the returning team the largest demonstration of its kind ever seen on the campus. There will be a public address system over which cheer leaders will interview coaches and players. The American Legion band will be there to supply music. Many of the leading campus or- ganization are sponsoring the affair including: Congress, Assembly, Inter- fraternity Council, Pan-Hellenic,; Michigan League, Michigan Union, and The Daily. Here is what some of the cam- pus leaders have to say about this demonstration today: Doris Merker, League, "We're sure for it. It's a sign of good sportsman- ship that we support the team in vic- tory or defeat because they played a beautiful game. They gave Minne- sota a fight and should have won." Betty Keppler, Pan-Hellenic, "They did a wonderful job. Certainly they showed up better than Minnesota. I hope everyone turns up to make this a big welcome." Attack Taking Form The Michigan educator also assert- ed that "a well-developed attack upon higher education is in the making" and that for a number of years "the Union Shows Minnesota Game In Movies Today omy, Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Transportation, Me- chanical Engineering and Aeronau- tical Engineering and the Military and Naval R.O.T.C.'s. In addition there will be a resident league bowling tournament showing; student participation in billiards and a demonstration by an expert; the ex- hibition of a glider and a sail boat