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November 09, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-09

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. -
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
- Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00: by mail, $450.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Represetative
420 MAO160iN AVE. NEwYORK. N.Y.-
Member, Assoc acted CoUegiate Press, 1939.40
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler . .
Alvin Sarasohn ..
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler I
Milton Orshefsk .
Howard A. Goldman . .
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter . .
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman .
business 3
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

. Managing- Editor
. Editorial Director
City.. Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* Associate' 'Editor
. Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
. Exchange Editor


Irving Outtman
Robert (i1mour
Helen Bohnsack
.Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Trade Barriers . .
IF THERE IS NEED for further in-
dictment of interstate trade bar-
riers, it is furnished by the concern evidenced by
the Federal government over the possible hin-
drance of defense measures caused by such
Virtually every state, many counties, and
even individual towns and cities have set up
regulations, inspections, licensing laws, and
"quarantines," all of which obviously have and
will work only to slow up the flow of trade and
create economic provincialism.
The Federal government cannot afford to
tolerate any state or local law which interferes
with the transportation of munitions, food, oil,
or any other of the essential defense materials.
To do so would allow the defense program to bog
down hopelessly. For this reason, during the
past two years the government has been con-
ducting a campaign against the evil of econom-
ic provincialism, and as a result such legisla-
tion has been halted in most states.
Soon, however, a new group of legislatures will
be called into service, and the lobbies and pres-
sure groups will again go into action. Trans-
portation bodies, marketing associations, cham-
bers of commerce all will be seeking new laws
to promote their own particular interests.
THE STATES should realize the problem before
it is too late. Either they must reconcile
their differences, and reach some sensible agree-
ment on a general principle of regulation, or
they may see the Federal government stepping
into the situation. The efficiency of the defense
program and of the country as a whole might
be seriously impaired by interstate trade bar-
riers. Before that happens, however, the gov-
ernment will take the matter out of the hands
of the states, through federal action based on
the constitutional guarantee of free trade.
- William Baker
The Populace
Denationalized ..
HERE IS A TENDENCY here in the
United States to denationalize the
Technically all those who are born or natural-
ized in the United States are Americans. Yet
people do not seem to realize that the word
"American" signifies a nationality. Why is it
that records and application blanks of all types
must have information on one's "nationality?"
"American" is not sufficient; are you TPolish;
are you German; are you Chinese; are you
Russian? It is as silly to say that I am Russian
and Chinese; I am German and Brazilian; I am
Spanish and Swedish. Isn't it ludicrous? Of
course the same does not apply to race, an en-
tirely different matter.
Those who are of such stock that is not
classified as "typical" American have undoubt-
edly been asked time and again the very sweet
question, "And what nationality are you?" Such
questions as these have a great tendency to
create a strong "un-American" feeling. This is
subversive propaganda.
AT A TIME LIKE THIS, such sentiment should

To the Editor:
N ANSWER to the flood of appeals for unity
and especially to Fred Niketh, I submit the
I, as you may have already surmised, was a
loyal supporter of candidate Wendell L. Willkie,
and moreover, I am still a firm believer in the
principles he crusaded for. Others may claim
that Willkie's principles did not differ from
President Roosevelt's, but a vote of twenty-one
million people should give strong evidence to
the fact that they did differ, and strongly so.
To those Willkie supporters who now switch
and pledge loyalty to President Roosevelt and
his principles I can have nothing but contempt
for theit insincerity. How can anyone fight for
principles and then when the candidate who rep-
resents these principles loses, turnabout and
support the opposing side on the fictitious
pseudo-patriotic plea that we are all Americans
and must therefore support President Roosevelt
in this time of crisis? Do clear thinking people
really believe that our sincerity can last only
during the campaign?
First, I am a free man, second, an American,
but never am I a supporter of the principles
endorsed by President Roosevelt. Therefore,
I sincerely believe that I can best serve the in-
terest of democracy and freedom by opposing,
not supporting, the principles of President
If this be petty partizanship, as Mr. Niketh
may charge, I can only say that the principles
of democracy and freedom must then also be
petty principles n his unenlightened mind.
-R. S. Kelley, '42
The Rep1y Churlish
meeting will be held today, win lose or draw.
The trial of students asked not to return will take
place on the baseball diamond at Island Lake
Park. The meeting spot is on the wrong side
of the tracks, for it is very tough to have a
meeting these days, but the important thing
is, here's how to get there. Glen Street runs
into Huron right behind the Rackham Building.
Glen Street also runs right into the park. Walk
about a mile from the Administration Building,
maybe occupying your time thinking about civil
rghts, and the Constitution of the United States,
and freedom of speech and press, and before
you know it, having crossed the Rubicon over
the bridge, and having renounced your right to
be blind and dumb and deaf, you will be there,
and you may hear some things that will start
you thinking.
It's very tough to buck against hidden influ-,
ences. Two ladies came in yesterday and told
me a little about the kind of hell it has been
trying to get this meeting a place to meet. But
it will meet. At one o'clock the trial starts.
They tried to hold it in the Masonic Temple, and
then in the Methodist Church, but refusal from
those places was all right, for those are private
properties, and it is the right of their directors
to refuse for any reason they see fit to advance.
Then the high school was refused by the pres-
ident of the school board on the grounds that
this was a political meeting. Then the County
Building was refused by the board of supervisors
on the grounds that the meeting was anti-Chris-
tian. The Armory was also refused on several
different scores.
Finally the Park Commission recognized the
remnants of the right of assembly, and perhaps
their own consciences, and gave permission in
writing to the committee of local citizens to
hold the meeting without any interference save
perhaps on the part of such shock troopers as
the forces for reaction here are able to gather.
Incidentally, the ladies tell me there will be a
police protection, so let's not have any good
clean American Ku Klux Klanners getting no-
The committee is made up of townspeople.

They are neither enrolled as students nor work-
ing for the school. The ladies want it under-
stood that they are only factually minded
housewives, and may the good lord forgive me
for ever having attacked their sex in my column.
It isn't possible to swear hard enough or long
enough to tell just how much a story like the
one the ladies told me gripes my soul. That
there should be such restriction of gatherings,
such sheer out and out rotten dealing to keep
a thing like this under cover makes me want
to get myself a baseball bat and take out after
the one prominent citizen who said that he had
told the directors of the Masonic Temple that
if they allowed such a meeting to take place,
he would meet the blank blank blanks on the
front steps with a club. Loud talkers like that
need a good mouthful of knuckles to tone them
down a little bit. Maybe it's about time the
left got its own American Legion, just as a sort
of chaser for the bitter drinks they continually
are served. I don't know how effective this
meeting will be. It may flop; it may be a hollow
excuse to permit a lot of malcontents to treat the
matter in their own one-sided way. Whatever
you think of the meeting itself, I think you as
an American should realize the right of this
group to air their views. I think you should 1e
opposed to any attempts to keep it from coming
off. I don't give a tinker's dam if you're Repub-
lican, Christian Socialist, Democrat, Farmer-
Laborite or Townsendite, get to that meeting.
You may not like what you hear, but if there is
any rightness in this whole affair it is the right

TWO DAYS AGO in a letter to The Daily, Mr.
Niketh stated his view that, with the elec-
tion over and the President re-elected, we should
all now join together and support him through
this crisis of democracy. Bygones should be
bygones--it is now time to become unified in
our support of the Administration so that we
can make our nation totally invincible. Mr.
Kelley, however, in his letter in the adjoining
column, believes that he will best serve America
by maintaining his opposition to the policies of
the President-they are no more defensible now
than they were before the election.
Probably both are right and are being good
democrats and good Americans-as far as they
go. The best position is perhaps one lying some-
where between the viewpoints presented by the
two writers. Wholehearted support of the Pres-
ident's program, or of any program, is un-
healthy-but, unity is needed at a time when
the ability of democracies to function with the
same efficiency as authoritarian states is being
seriously doubted. On the other hand opposi-
tion may become harping and stop all construc-,
tive work-but, it's very necessary to keep it
alive in this country, for it has been extinguished
almost everywhere else, and, with its abandon-
ment, comes dictatorship, repression and suf-
We believe that the views of both writers are
necessary in a degree to the preservation of
democracy in America. Opposition must be
maintained at all times-to guard against ex-
cesses by the Administration, to point our dif-
ferent and better methods of defense, to promote
efficiency in government by keeping the party
in power on its toes (there's always the next
election to watch out for), and, last and most
important, to keep alive that main principle .:
our American democracy: the right of minoritie
to be heard. Tke opposition must keep shouting
loud and long-except that now that oppositioh
should be exercised with a view toward helping
America, even though some may not like the
person elected by the majority to head the
The only unity we need is the unity wherein
we are all pitching to make the United States
the "best ole country" in the world and a de-
fended one. The campaign just past was a need-
lessly dirty one. It was cheap and did little in
itself to make this a better nation. For the
most part, it was childishly conducted by both
sides. Maybe that was a necessary part of
modern elections, but the fact remains that no
matter what names both sides called each oth-
er; we must now work, and work hard, to make
our country prosper. The only solidarity we
need is that of all working for America-Repub-
licans and Democrats and everybody else. If
eachman is sure in his heart that he is doing
what is right for himself and America, then
that is all the unity we need-unity of purpose.
Norman Thomas, the Socialist candidate who
never has a chance but who, nevertheless, will
never, in true democratic style, give up the
fight, spoke on election night over the radio.
He spoke after all the politicians had finally
stopped, he spoke after all the smoke and rub-
bish of the campaign had been cleared away.
He spoke after all the generalities and nonsense
had been finally uttered. And he spoke words
of wisdom. Norman Thomas, an American, said
that this has been a dirty campaign and that a
lot of nonsense had been tossed around. He
said, the election is over; NOW LET'S GET TO
- Alvin Sarasohn
"+ I

The Ann Arbor Art Association
opens its first exhibition of the sea-
son with a show in Alumni Memorial
Hall of thirty-five paintings by the
French artist, Amedee Ozenfant. For
two reasons it is a more than usually
stimulating exhibition. First, it pro-
vides a review of the technic and
manners of French painting, of the
past quarter-century, and, further
it illuminates the colossal difficulty
of the painter in this generation.
Amedee Ozenfant has acquired the
reputation of being one of the most
eminent teachers and art critics of
this day. That reputation is justly
deserved, and his schools, first in
Paris, then in London, and now in
New York, have had more than or-
dinary influence. In his painting,
Ozenfant still maintains the attitude
of the theorist, essentially intellec-
tual. Accordingly, it is a 'difficuit'
kind of picture-making to the lay-
man. This man's appeal is to the
mind, and to the technically trained
one, at that. Here, almost no appeal
at all is made to the emotions. Ozen-
fant's problem, which has cut deep
in his consciousness, is one which
exists in the mind of all modern
painters. It is the now old question
of acclimating one's self to an envi-
ronment to produce a truly personal
reaction to experience and inter-
pretation of it.
Ozenfant has arrived at a personal
expression by way of continuing ex-
periment. He started as a conserva-
tive landscapist. The View of Per-
onne, dated 1906, is completely in
the old French tradition, markedly
after the influence of Corot. In its
way, it is one of the most satisfying
of the exhibits. From 1911 till 1915,
the painter was working figure pieces
and landscapes which foreshadow
the later Derain and recall the ear-
lier Picasso, as in Nos. 4-7. In 1917
and 1918 Ozenfant hit his first real
style and made his first important
contribution to the theory of modern
painting. This work (Nos. 10-17)
was frankly derived from Picasso's
synthetic cubism; it is a decorative
style, dubbed 'Purism,' which he
and the architect, Le Corbusier,
evolved. It is admirable architec-
tonic and mural-like, with sober but
most elegant color. Nos. 18 and 19
are highlights in the exhibition, with

Ann Arbor'
By JOhN MAXON their pe

While about

and town children played their adap-
tat ion of "'The Princess and the Pea"
to an audience of approximately 600
children in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre yesterday, adults in the au-
ditorium took note of various lines
in the script which gave the play an
appeal beyond that seen by its more
youthful patrons.
Varying a great deal from the orig-
inal Hans Christian Anderson fairy-
tale, the play was set in the Dunkle
Museum of Natural Art and Unnat-
ural History, just the other day, from
where it reverted to the Castle and
the story of the princess and the pea.
In the words of its transposer and
director, Richard McKelvey, it was
a real "screwball comedy." Waiters
roller skated in to serve the king and
queen, one bearing a live cat on a
silver platter while varsity mega-
phones enabled the diners to hear one
another. The prince ran an ad in
the paper in his quest for a genuine
princess while pages were even sent
into the audience in real "Hellzapop-
pin" style to look for one. There were
cracks on, for example, social secur-
ity and the Unions, in every other
line of script for the adults, and slap-
stick comedy for the children. The
nature of the play helped add to the
ease and informality of the members
of the cast so that ad libs were not
infrequent even among the younger
The cast was a well chosen one
with each player quite at home in his
role. The leads, Marguerite Mink,
'41, as Queen Marie, and William
Mills, '41, as King Henry, were both
outstanding for their excellent speech
and mannerisms. Best subordinate
characters were Mary Ellen Wheeler,
'41Ed, as the fake princess Rosita,
and Nathalie Schurman, '41, as the
fake Queen.
- J. S. H.

1927, of
a deep
first hin

rsuasive color and well-built
No. 20, Mother and Child, of
a wiry, calligraphic line on
Indian red ground, is the
it of Ozenf ant's most original


30 University studentsI

Opening Exhibit

and mature paintings to come. the
bas-reliefs in paint. The Four Races
No. 23), La Belle Vie (No. 26), The
Lovers (No. 30), and The Bathers'
Grotto (No. 31). are the artist's most
impressive productions. These pic-
tures display the influence of the
prehistoric; Ozenfant has been stir-
red to his depths by the Venus of
Willendorf. the earth-mother twen-
ty-thousand years old, and by the
primitive African murals published
by Dr. Leo Frobenius. In this same
vane is the finest picture of the
show. No. 34, Sleepers, of 1930. It is
hauntingly beautiful hieratic in
character. In spite of the painter's
debatable use of his medium, it is
thoroughly distinguished in concep-
tion and form.
Ozenfant,, however, has had his
unhappy moments in his pictures.
Venus and Sunset, Nos. 2 and 3) are
:ompletely banal. Nocturne (No. 22)
Seems culled from the pages of a fan-
tastic anthology for the very young.
La Vie Biologique (No. 35), lent from
the Luxembourg collection, is a huge
composition of figures of crude colors
in Meretricious taste. The most to
be said for it is that it seems a mis-
understanding of contemporary Mex-
ican painting, especially that of Si-
Ozenfant is a scholar in all his
work, and he has faithfully mirrored
or predicted all of the significant
phases of recent painting in Europe.
But one cannot help feeling that, in
his work, he illuminates the pathetic
inefficiency of the modern artist,
who seeks only the solution of a per-
;onal problem, without ever occupy-
ing a real place in modern society.
Ozenfant represents the speculative
amateur, who, by circumstance, is
called professional. He stands apart
from the painter's true function and
craft. Technically, he is enormously
interesting, full of richly suggestive
ideas. As an answer to the ponder-
ous problem of resetting the artist
'ack into a proper booth in civiliza-
tion, Amedee Ozenfant is but one
more painter who, painting for his
own inner expression, lies without
the threshold of significance.
A word' must be added about the
installation of the show. The hang-
ing committee deserves considerable
praise for the taste and ingenuity it
employed in setting up the exhibition.



VOL. LI. No. 36
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union in good standing
who have not yet secured their copies
of Brahms' Requiem are requested to
call for them, before the next rehear-
sal, in the offices of the University
Musical Society, Burton Memorial
Graduate Record Examination Re-
sults are now available in the office of
the Graduate School, Rackham Build-
ing, and students desiring their scores
may call for them. A careful read-
ing of the instructions on the front
and back ofsthersheet which each stu-
dent will receive should make the
meaning of the several scores clear.
Senior Aeronautical Engineering
Students: Students who expect to
graduate in February, 1941, should
call at the Department office at their
earliest convenience for the purpose
of filling out personnel record cards.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each

y '
'Ithe photography was excellent. That, unfor-
tunately, is the elegy of "Kreutzer Sonata," the
French film that opened last night at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre under the auspices of the
Art Cinema League.
In spired by Tolstoy's novel and st to the
immortal music of Beethoven, the picture is
given also the advantages of superior acting, yet
because of exceptionally poor transition the po-
tentially great film is a series of disjointed, un-
believable sequences.
Essentially a 'heavy' drama, of the type that
European tradition usually makes an intense,
moving spectacle or a laugh provoking burlesque
to American audiences, "Kreutzer Sonata" man-
ages to strike the mean and emerges a strange
potpourri of dramatic intensity and laughable
As previously noted, however, the photogra-
phic effects are admirable. The French exhibit
genius in creating atmospheric moods without
resorting to the technical tricks of Hollywood.
Pierre Renoir, Gaby Morlay and Jean Yonnel,
the continental actors, do much to make the
film at least an unusual experience by breath-
ing realism into their characters. The story is
based on the psychological study of a man whose
tragic wastrel past forcibly injects tragedy into
his life when it has already become, in peace,
ing to permit the use of its facilities to the Civil
Rights Federation and the Michigan Commttee
for Academc Freedom, sponsoring the Mass
Meeting on November 9th, reaffirm the policy
adopted early in the depression that the church
facilities be made available to any serious group
for any lawful purpose which could not find
suitable accommodations elsewhere.
As to specific opinions expressed at any meet-
ing, not held under the auspices of any of the
church organizations, there is no necessary

held in the Mezzanine Galleries of the
Rackham Building until Novembert
18. The Exhibit is open daily fromt
10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings submitted by
students in competition for the Ryer-
son Travelling Fellowship offered by1
the Lake Forest Foundation for Arch-,
itecture and Landscape Architecture
are being shown through November
9 in the third floor exhibition room,
Architecture Building. The competing;
schools are Universities of Illinois,1
Cincinnati, Ohio State and Michigan,,
Iowa State College, and Armour In-
stitute. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun-
day. The public is invited.
Exhibition: Paintings by Ozenfant
and drawings by William Littlefield
are now showing in Alumni Memorial
Hall, afternoons 2:00-5:0 until Nov.
22. This is under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association. Members
and students are admitted free.
University Lecture: Amedee Ozen-
fant, French Artist and Director of
the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts,
will lecture on the subject "Modern
Art" (illustrated) under the aus-
pices of the Department of Fine Arts
at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, November
14, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
Warden Lawes Lecture tickets will
be placed on sale this morning and
all day Monday at Hill Auditorium
box office. Mr. Lawes, noted warden
of Sing Sing prison, will speak at

1:15 Monday evening in Hill Audi-
torium as the second number, of th
Oratorical Association Lecture Series.
Events Today
International Center Round Table:
This afternoon, 3:00-5:00, at the In-
ternational Center the Saturday
Afternoon Round Table will discuss
"The Place of Democracy in the World
Today." These discussions are giving
unusual interest because of the repre-
sentative character of the interna-
tional group at the Center. Anyone
interested is invited.
Freshman Roundtable will be held
tonight at 7:30 at Lane Hall. Mr.
Kenneth Morgan will lead the dis-
cussion on "Boy and Girl Rela-
Suomi Club meeting this evening
at 8 o'clock in Rooms 316-320 at the
Physical Education, Women Stu-
dents: Registration for the indoor
season in physical education will be
held today from 8:00 to 12:00 a.m. in
Barbour Gymnasium.
Informal Graduate Dance will be
held tonight from 9-12 in the Assem-
bly Hall of the Rackham Building.
A stag dance, with unescorted women
especially urged to attend. Admis-
sion charge. Refreshments and
bridge. Graduate students and facul-
ty only.
The Hillel Foundation will hold an
open house this afternoon during
(Continued on Page 6)

Junior Pharmacist, salary
November 25, 1940.


m-Tr ()TTr~

Messenger, salary $900, November
9, 1940.
Senior Technical Clerk, salary
$1,860, November 15, 1940.
Junior Accountant, salary $2,580,
November 15, 1940.
Complete information on file at the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and
Boarders for Cooperative Houses:
Intercooperative Personnel Commit-
tee is accepting applications for
boarders this semester. All interested
should call Harold Osterweil, 7350.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 350 (a), Short Course.
This course on "Additive Set Func-
tions" by Dr. A. Rosenthal, will meet
for five weeks, three hours a week.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Sons of the Saddle Day In Review
6 :15 Musical M. D. VanWagoner Sports News Sandiotters
6:30 Inside of ISports Sports Parade Jim Parsons Record Review
6:45 world Today S. L. A. Marshall Red Grange
7:00 People's Platf'rm Pastor's Study News--Val Clare Town Talk
7:15 People's Platf'rm Passing Parade The CharioteersdI H
7:30 News To Life I Want A Job Evening Serenade The Orpen Hornet
7:45 News to Life
8:00 Marriage Club Knickerbocker Play Concert Orchestra Jenkins' Orch.
8:15 Marriage Club " Football Roundup Man & the World
8:30 W. King Orch. Truth, C'nsequence NewsAce Hollyw'd Tomorrow
8:45 King Orch; News" Contact I
9:00 Your Hit Parade Nat'l Barn Dance Hope Tabernacle Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Your Hit Parade " " Will Hudson Orch.
9:30 Your Hit Parade " Don Turner Orch. John B. Kennedy
cawsRA~ QppnAA "Nat~pinal News Ree Norvo Orch.

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