Prof. Emswiler,
Noted Engineer,
Dies In His Home
East Quadrangle Supplements Dormitory
Sellouts Predicted
For Choral Union
Concerts BySink
Chairman Of Mechanical
Engineering Department
Famed For Research
Served On College
FacultySince 1906
Prof. John Edward Emswiler, for-
mer chairman of the mechanical en-
gineering department, died of arter-
iosclerosis last Monday night in his
home on 1303 Granger Ave., at the
age of 60.
*He had been suffering from ill
health during the past two years and
was on leave from the University
during the year 1939-40. His con-
dition became critical Sunday, Sept.
22, when he suffered a stroke.
Served 34 Years
Noted engineer, teacher and auth-
or, Professor Emswiler had been a
member of the faculty for 34 years
serving as chairman of his depart-
ment since 1937. He became an
assistant professor in 1911, an asso-
ciate professor in 1916 and was ad-
vanced to a full professorship in 1918.
As a scientist Professor Emswiler
was best known for his work in ven-
tilation, heat power and steam tur-
bines, and as an author for his book
on thermodynamics. He was also a
member of both the executive and
standing committees of the Univer-
Lauded By Dean
Commenting on his death yester-
day Prof. Ivan C. Crawford, dean of
the Engineering College, declared
that Professor Emswiler's death was
a great loss to the University. "For
many years," he said, "Professor.
Emswiler had been an ornament to
the staff of the College. 'He was
well-known and highly respected
throughout the United States for his
work, and inside the School he was
outstanding for his ability, as an in-
structor and for the intense interest
he had in his students."
Professor Emswiler was born on
Feb. 13, 1880 in Lebanon, Ill., and
attended county schools, high school
and college in Ohio, graduating from
Ohio State University in 1903 with
a degree in mechanical engineering.
work Rushed
On Directory
Co-Op Members Included
As Innovation This Fall
Work is being rushed on this year's
Student and Faculty Directory to
bring out in record time the publi-
cation of miscellaneous personal in-
formation concerning campus resi-
dents and organizations.
In addition to the usual list of
names, home addresses, Ann Arbor
addresses and telephone numbers of
students will be published for the
first time a roster of students living
in cooperative houses.
Men's and women's dormitory per-
sonnel and members of general fra-
ternities and sororities and profes-
sional fraternities and sororities will
be listed along with various city in-
formation\such as addresses and tele-
phone numbers of churches, theatres,
hospitals and the police and fire de-
Copies of the University Calendar,
and a map of Ann Arbor will be in-
cluded in addition to several pages
of information concerning various
campus activities, their personnel,
their location and their telephone
The Directory, published annually
by the Michiganensian, University
year book, will be edited by Charles
B. Samuel, '41. John W. Cory, '41, is
business manager and John Bach-
man, '42, will serve as advertising
Faculty Men To Attend
Conferences In October
Three members of University fac-
ulties will attend professional confer-
ences away from Ann Arbor during
Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the
civil engineering department, will
read a paper before the National
Q -fl ..n-- er i Pi orn nof A-Q
950 Members
Form Largest
Student Co-op
The Michigan Wolverine, with 950
members, is now the largest student
cooperative in the world, according
to Joseph Gardner, '41BAd, treasurer.
The Wolverine is far from being a
mere restaurant. It is a club for
students run by students. Its activi-
ties vary from programs of sym-
phonic music to intramural athletic
teams. Sunday evening social hours
and dances form an. important part
of the Wolverine's activities.
The club is run by a board of direc-
tors, consisting of two faculty mem-
bers, Prof. Robert R. Horner of the
economics department and Prof. Paul
Mueschke of the English depart-
ment, and seven students elected from
the general' membership. Student
members of the board are Arthur
Kepka, '41L, Galvin Keene, '43L,
Calvi'n Chamberlin, '41L, Kenneth
Nordstrom, '41L, John Spencer, '42,
BAd, and President John Scheibe,
In addition to the board of direc-
tors there are three executive-officers.
Spencer is personnel manager, Gard-
ner serves as treasurer and Don
Counihan, '41, is purchasing agent.
The Wolverine was formed in 1932
in the basement of Lane Hall. In
1937 it moved across the street to its
present quarters, where it owns the
land and building.
Study, Don't Enlist,
FDR Tells Students
The call to patriotic service by
students should be an incentive to
further education rather than to
withdrawal from school to serve in
the army or navy, according to a
letter recently sent to the Federal
Security Agency's education division
by President Roosevelt.
Education, the President said, is
greatly needed today in order to build
up a large body of citizens who are
intelligent and sound of judgment.
Scientists, engineers, economists and
teachers are in great demand, and
they must do advanced work in col-
leges and universities.
Until they are otherwise notified,
therefore, the President said, all stu-
dents should consider it their pa-
triotic duty to contiue their educa-
tion in spite of defense work.
To Open Series
ew East Quad Offers Luxurious'
Accommodations For 400 Students
The University's newest building
is "Home Sweet Home" to 400 male*
The East Quadrangle of residence
halls began its first semester's oper-
ation yesterday, adding another link
to the University's rapidly expanding
dormitory system.
The new "Quad" on East Univer-
sity Avenue n(o-sists of four separate
and distinct houses. housed in one
large bu=ding. the oly communicat-
ing link between them t-ping the
large foyer surrounding the inner
court on the first floor.
Separate for . each house, too, is
the student government system,
which is patterned after that in use
in the West Quadrangle of dormitor-
Student life and staff personnel
is under the supervision of Prof.
Joseph E. Kallenbach of the political
science department, Chief Resident
Adviser. Physical operation, includ-
ing food service and housing, is under
the supervision of Miss Margaret
McLaughlin, dietitian.
Three of the four houses compos-
ing the East Quadrangle, Prescott,
Greene and Tyler, house undergrad-
uates, while 95 graduate and profes-
sional students are assigned to Hins-
dale House. It is expected that most
of the occupants of the undergrad-
uate houses during the first year or
two will be freshmen, but, to attain
a representative and balanced mix-
ture of all classes.
The East Quadrangle is luxurious-
ly furnished, the main motif being
huge oak paneling. As one enters
through the tremendous oak portals
Library Officials Attend
Historical Conference
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director,
and Howard H. Peckham, curator of
manuscripts of the University's Wil-
liam L. Clements Library, attended
the Maumee Valley International
Historical Convention, held progress-
ively at Toledo, O., Fort Wayne, Ind.
and Defiance, O., last weekend.
The meeting was attended by dele-
gates from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan
and Ontario.
into the main hall, one becomes con-
scious of a feeling of college tradi-
tion, in spite of the newness of the
The floors are covered with brick-
red tiling, and above the oak-paneled
walls emerges an elliptical ceiling of
green soundproof material. Ice wa-
ter circulates through a system of
emerald green drinking fountains.
Each residence hall contains a
well-appointed lounge. The main
For Engineers
Are Described
Dean Ivan C. Crawford
Presents First Address;
Defense Needs Are Cited
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the En-
gineering College made his first pub-
lic address here Friday night before
a meeting of the Ann Arbor Engin-
eering Club where he declared that
"mere hordes of manpower mean lit-
tle in present day warfare and it is
the engineers to whom the public
must turn to for defense."
"Every branch of the army and
navy is dependent upon some form
of engineering," Dean Crawford em-
phasized, "and today there exists
a great opportunity for every engin-
eer with the proper qualifications to
become a leader in the work of pre-
Describing the armies of the past,
Dean Crawford mentioned many ex-
amples of engineers who received
important posts in various military
forces and continued by asserting
that there was no reason why they
should not remain in positions of
"If we take engineering out of our
armed forces we will be going back
to the days of Alexander and Cae-
sar," he said, "for modern war has
become mainly a process of pitting
engineering skill against engineering
Dean Crawford quoted an article
by Maj. Gen. Lytel Brown in listing
the qualifications of a leader in a
military force and asserted that "the
engineers have everything except
'nerve'." He applied this to the mem-
bers of his profession, however, en-
tirely in a mental sense and criti-
cized his colleagues for bashfulness.
He began his talk by pointing out
the lack of military knowledge pos-
sessed by the average engineer dur-
ing the last war compared to the
knowledge they have today and
showed how the profession was in-
timately tied up with the infantry,
artillery, signal corps, air force, ord-
nance departmentand quartermaster
Exchange Asks
For Volumes
"Any old books? any old books?"
So wails Robert 'Samuels, '42, these
days as he tries to meet the de-
mands of hundreds of students for
second-hand textbooks.
Bob is the director of the Student
Book .Exchange, a revival of the old
medieval practice of barter that isn't
doing so badly toward providing stu-
dents with shop-worn gems of knowl-
edge without the trouble or expense
of a middleman.
The Exchange is operating back
at its old location in the South
Lounge of the Union 8:30 a.m. to 5
p.m. every day after a brief stay ir
212 Angell Hall.
This is the fourth operation of
the Exchange and sales have beer
steadily expanding. "There is a
great need for books of all descrip-
+inC." Saomuples deared_ ursine
lounge, however, is situated in the
Charles Ezra Greene House and is
equipped with a grand piano and
console radio-phonograph. Oak and
green is again the color scheme of
the room. Luxurious red and green
leather lounge-chairms and flow-
ered curtains compose the home-like
surroundings of the lounges. Indi-
rect lamps make them ideal places
to study or read. Each lounge also
houses a large fireplace.
In the center of the rectangular
building is a grassy green court,
shaded by a large oak tree and deli-
cately tinted with vari-colored hardy
flowers, still blooming despite the
cold spell. Stone benches surround
the court.
The halls contain two dining halls,
on either side of one common kitch-
en. One hall is used by Greene and
Hinsdale Houses, the other by Tyler
and Prescott.
And the best feature of the , new
dormshwas expounded by a freshman,
when he explained that the food was
"darn good, darn good!"
Absentee Vote
Service Set Up,
By Union Staff
Everyone knows you can't operate
a six-cylinder engine on four cylin-
ders for long but they expect that
democracy will go right on percolat-
ing on the same basis, Albert Ludy,
'42, said in announcing the Michi-
gan Union's drive to have all absentee
voters of the University express them-
selves come the first Tuesday after
the first Monday this November.
Every service is being provided
absent Joe or Josephine Citizen to
enable them to cast their choices
accurately whether they hail from
Maine or California. Just step into
the Union lobby any afternoon be-
tween 3 and 5 and the attendant will
tell you what special procedure your
state requires before you may ballot.
Ballots must be signed before a
certified notary, whose service the
Union will provide at no charge to
the voter. Registration is required
in all cases except New Jersey, but
10 states provide that the voter may
also register by mail.
All those who expect to have their
ballots accepted must act promptly,
because in some states ballots must
be requested 30 days in advance which
doesn't leave much time in view of the
fact that November fifth is the big
day, Ludy commented.
SRA To Feature
Varied Program
For This Year
Will Emphasize Religious
Music Interpretations,
Social Service Work
Extra-curricular religious activi-
ties centered in Lane Hall will swing
into action this week, for all students
as the varied program of the Student
Religious Association goes into oper-
Under the direction of Kenneth
Morgan and a student executive
council the religious organization will
feature seminars on current religious
topics, active social service projects,
a series on the interpretation and
appreciation of religious music, an
extensive library and the publication
of a religious quarterly.
Seminars on current religious sub-
jects will be inaugurated in five
fields of religious interest. Begin-
ning Oct. 14 the seminar of religious
music under the direction of Lonna
Parker, '41, will be headlined by the
playing of records from the newly
acquired library of religious music
from 4 to 5:30 p.m. each Monday.
The origins, content and literary as-
pects of the Old and New Testaments
will be discussed by the second semi-
nar headed by Kenneth Morgan open-
ing at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 17.
Consideration of the religious phi-
losophy of Maimonides, Kiekegaard,'
Dostoyevsky, Thomas Aquinas and
Barth will be led by Fakhri Haluf in
the seminar on theology. Devotional
literature will be specially treated
in the group meeting Nov. 6 under the
sponsorship of Mr. Morgan. Among
the five lectures will be "Confes-
sions of St. Augustine," ",The Cloud
of the Unknowing," and the "Imita-
tion of Christ."
Members of the faculty and Doyle
Seldenright will conduct the series
(continued on Page 5)
Season Ticket Sale High;
Enthusiastic Response
Given Annual Program
Sale Opens Monday
The music world's response to this
rear's Choral Union program has
>een so enthusiastic that sell-out
audiences have virtually been as-
ured to all ten concerts of the 62nd
annual series, which opens Oct. 23,
)r. Charles A. Sink, president of the
Jniversity Musical Society, declared
An unprecedented demand for sea-
on tickets. has literally "swamped"
hie Society's new offices in the Bur-
on Memorial Tower, Dr. Sink said,
>ut he emphasized that orders for
>oth single and season tickets will
till be taken, filed and filled until
tonday. Over-the-counter sale will
;et underway' \at 8:30 a.m. then in
he Society's offices.
'First In History'
Even the more conservative music-
:oers have already come out for the
940 series as "the finest in Choral
Jnion history." They offer as proof:
(1) The inclusion on the program,
or the first time, of three American
iajor symphony orchestras: the New
ork Philharmonic under John Bar-
irolli on Sunday, Nov. 24; the Bos-
n, conducted by Dr. Sergei Kous-
evitsky onDec. 11; and the Minnea-
>olis under Dimitri Mitropoulos on
fan. 28. Of the three, only the
Kinneapolis group is making its lo-
:al debut under the Greek-born con-
luctor, who, since his taking over of
he baton from Eugene Ormandy,
as led the orchestra into the leading
ymphonic ranks in the country. The
oncert by the New York orgaiza-
ion, 99-year-old leader of American
ymphonies, will be given interna-
lonal airing as one of the regular
inter Sunday afternoon broadcasts
f the New York Philharmonic So
Anderson Returns
(2) The return to Ann Arbor of
darian Anderson, Negro contralto,
vho still holds the local record of 17
urtain-calls set at the 1938 May
estival. Miss Anderson, Toscanini's
voice for this century," will open the
eries Oct. 23, singing a program of
ongs by Schubert, Handel, Belini,
ehanen, Sadero and Ravel. High
ight of her program for most listen-
rs, however, should be a group of
four Negro spirituals. At her last
ppearance in Hill Auditorium, Miss
Anderson, in the face of vociferous
protest, had to refuse to offer any
N[egro spirituals because she was ap-
pearing at the time on an all-Brahms
program. But, she promised to grati-
fy the requests during her next re-
Aital in Ann Arbor.
Horowitz To Appear
(3) Ann Arbor's first glance on
Jan. 15 at Vladimir Horowitz, Russ-
ian pianist, after a five-year a6sence
from the United States. The son-in-
law of Toscanini, famed in his own
right as one of the leading inter-
preters of Brahms, is making his
first tour of the country after five
years of concertizing in European
(4) The Don Cossack Chorus' re-
newal of acquaintance on Nov. 18.
The group, under the direction of
Serge Jaroff, has recently completed
its 11th season in this country.
Thirty-four strong, these Musco-
vite melodists will sing the folk tunes,
Cossack soldier songs and liturgies
dating back 1000 years with which
(Continued on Page 4)
Textbook Library
Opens For Needy
The Textbook Lending Library in
the Angell Hall Study Hall has begun
operations. The library may be used
by any needy student of the Univer-
sity, provided he is recommended by
one of the Deans, or by an academic
counselor of his college. The books
are made available by donations of
books from students who no longer
need them, as well as through finan-
cial aid from alumni.
Freshmen and sophomores in the
College of Literature, Science and
On Historical Film Series:
Art Cinema League To Revive
Four Doug Fairbanks Pictures'
Four of the most famous swash- gymnastics, will be supported in these
buckling Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. films films by stellar performers of the
will be brought to this campus, start- baby movie industries, some of whom
are still in the business.
ing at 8:15 p.m. Sunday at the Lydia- "Don Q" was directed by Donald
Mendelssohn Theatre, as the first of- Crisp, now a character actor. "The
fering in an ambitious Art Cinema Three Musketeers," directed by Fred
League series. Niblo, will offer Marguerite de la
The 'League, a University organ- Motte, the Oriental siren Barbara
ization designed 'to bring unusual La Marr and Hollywood's best dressed
moving pictures .to the student body leading man, Adolphe Menjou.
and faculty, starts its ticket sale this The League's choice of Fairbanks
week at the Union, the League and pictures was prompted by the un-
Wahr's book store. Early purchase usual interest being shown in the re-
of the $1 series tickets is urged. Stu- vivals throughout the country ,since
dents will not be able to buy admis- the actor's death in 1939. He started
sion to individual performances. his career in 1915, along with the
"The Man In The Iron Mask" will birth of moviedom, and made his
open the series Sunday, followed by last appearance in the English-made
"Don Q" on Sunday, October 20; "The Private Life of Don Juan."
"The Three Musketeers" Sunday, Introduced Thrillers
November 3; and "Robin Hood" Sun- Fairbanks' advent into the cellu-
day, November 17. These features are loid business introduced a then new
to be accompanied by musical scores technique into the growing art-form.
arranged by Caroline Rosenthal, '41, Where production had formerly been
and will be supplemented by selected the "heavy," slow-moving type, Fair-
short subjects. banks acted in and produced fast-
Stutz Is Manager moving, action-packed thrillers, a
Serving as general manager of the great deal like the Errol Flynn epics
Art Cinema League for 4he coming of today. He gained most of his pop-
year will be Albert Stutz, Grad. The ularity during the 1920's, and at
League, Board is composed of Prof. that time shared top box-office ap-
Harold McFarlin, of the geodesy aft peal throughout the world with
surveying department Prof. Otto G. Charlie Chaplin.
Graff, of the German department; "The Man In The Iron Mask,"
Prof. Mentor Williams, of the Eng- which will be shown Sunday, was re-
lish department; Madama Lila Parg- cently remade in Hollywood, but ac-
w1 nnf. f a ty--n aali ric e 1- nr i.. t -~ nr in - rl a f%+ 11-_...
His Bit For Defense:
Professor LaRue To Superviser
Rubber Expedition Into Bolivia
Prof. Carl D. LaRue of the botany
department has been chosen by thet
Department of Agriculture to head'
a five-month expedition over theG
Andes into the wild rubber country
of Northern Bolivia and the upper
Amazon to develop an American rub-k
ber for American defense.
Vital raw material in both war andl
peace, rubber has been placed near1
the top of the list of American de-i
fense needs. Professor LaRue's tripJ
into the Bolivian wilds is seen as a;
first step toward ending Western
Hemisphere dependence on the Ori-
ent for its rubber supply.
Widely recognized as an authority1
on rubber, Professor LaRue has been
selected for the task because of his
extensive knowledge of black rubber
which, while it is superior in yield
and quantity to the white rubber
now cultivated in the Far East, has
never been tried out in plantations.
- TaRue Will Survey
Sailing from New York, Sept. 27,i
with another representative of the
Department of Agriculture, Professor
LaRue will join the Bolivian mem-
bers of the expedition in South Amer-
Since 1918, Professor LaRue has
been urging the introduction of black,
rubber into cultivation. From 1917-
1920 he was research botanist of the
United States Rubber Company in
the Far East where he developed the
first methods of budding from high-
yielding trees on a plantation scale.
Methods Increased Yield
His methodsincreased rubber yield
by twenty times. Because black rub-
ber is a better producer in its natural
state, he explains, it is quite possible
that, if it can be cultivated in planta-
tions, its yield may be even greater
than the already large yield now
taken from white rubber plants.
Professor LaRue directed the De-
partment of Agriculture's expedition
to six South American countries in