Straw Vote Results Show
Students Are Conservative
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
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. . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Refugees Not
Fifth Columnists ..
"Americans vs. Fifth Columnists"
sponsored by Survey Graphic magazine, Pro-
fessor William Haber, of the University faculty
and now executive director of the National Ref-
ugee Service, stresses the danger of accusing the
re'cent refugee immigrants of fifth-column ac-
tivity in America.
He observes that almost all refugees are whole-
hearted in their "complete condemnation" of
Nazism, and thus it is illogical to assume that
they would participate in the complicated ma-
neuvers of the Fascist "strategy of terror."
Professor Haber points out that England's
severe internment policy towards thousands of
refugees is generally considered a precautionary
measure rather than a policy growing directly
out of suspicious actions by the refugee them-
If Professor Haber's analysis is accurate, our
own American policy toward the refugees and
their relationship to the fifth-column movement
must be guided by caution and reason at all
times. Indeed since no evidence has been pro-
duced to prove refugee complicity in spreading
totalitarian doctrine, the whole fight against
the fifth-column must have a more clearly es-
tablished aim and purpose.
Pointed and acute is the Haber viewpoint on
this score:
"In my view -those striving to identify the
refugees with the fifth column are erring
through overzealousness. We have more to
fear from those of our own citizens of for-
eign or native birth who, in their respect for
they 'thoroughness, order and efficiency' of
totalitarian countries-Or perhaps their op-
position to some manifestation of the demo-
cratic process, such as free speech-secretly
embrace the Nazi doctrine and thus weaken
our defenses. They represent our greatest
Fifth Column threat."
It cannot be denied that the fifth-column
movement is a serious threat to democratic
institutions. Of that tendency the fate of Nor-
way and France provide eloquent testimony.'
But if the movement is to be effectively fought,
it cannot afford a misdirected aim. Innocent
peoples cannot be unjustly persecuted, simply
because they come from foreign shores.
As an alternative policy should we not at-
tempt to integrate the refugees into the fabric
of American life? Should we not attempt to
offer creative outlets for their immense talents?
That would be the desirable "positive approach"
to the refugee problem.
-- Chester Bradley
Tuesday's presidential election was important
to every man and woman in the country because
of its effect upon our national policy, but to the
college man it had an added meaning: it helped
prove to the public that he is definitely not
a radical.
The term "radical" is used advisedly and re-
fers to the rather general concept of many
Americans that universities are "hot-beds of
Communism," "seats of revolution" and the like.
Actually the college student is more con-
servative than the average, good American
citizen and universities could be more properly
termed as "pillars of conservatism"-all this
was proved in a comparison of the election re-
turns and the straw votes conducted at a large
number of schools throughout the country.
The nation showed that it was liberal by re-
electing the President and the various campuses
showed their conservatism by overwhelmingly
supporting the GOP choice. Out of 16 colleges
where straw votes were taken only two, the
by moscott
With the returns almost complete, Roosevelt
it seems, polled 55% of the popular vote. To
Fire and Water, which picked Roosevelt and
57.5%, there exists the consolation that we ac-
tually did pick Roosevelt and that we came
nearer to the final result than did Dr. Gallup.
We are momentarily awaiting offers for our
services as professional Yogi-a job which we're
more than willing to accept as long as the pay-
off isn't in used chewing gum.
* * *
Early during the election evening, the Asso-
ciated Press quoted Willkie as saying: "It's still
anybody's horse race." Bearing that quotation
in mind, we ponder over the truth of the rumor
that the G.O.P. is going to demand a saliva
test of F.D.R.
The elections are not so much a thing of the
past that we cannot reprint the following gag
from the New York Times, we believe: "There
is the story of the man in Jersey City who regis-
tered nine times for the draft. He thought it
was registration for voting."
* * *
Of course, it does seem a bit peculiar that
until Wednesday noon, New Jersey (which fi-
nally went Democratic) was strong for, Willkie.
Hague probably had his boys vote ,a few more
times Wednesday morning. The polls close
late in Jersey City.
We, however, are no longer interested in the
election. Unfortunately, we voted for Gallup.
* * *
In Fire and Water's estimation, Harmon al-
ways was a good football player. After reading
his guest appearance in yesterday's Daily, we
can honestly add that the Hoosier Hammer
also writes a damn good sports colunn.
* * *
The following typo appeared in yesterday's
Daily: "Featured speaker will be the Rev. M. S.
Rice of Detroit's Metroolitan Episcopal Church."
This "Metroolitan" Church is all new to us
What are they, conscientious objectors?
In Touchstone's column (dated November 7,
1940) he says: "Add to your notes for a rainy
day. Yesterday (November 6) was Guy Fawkes
day." To the inerudite, Lydian Basanite Mr.
Touchstone, we quote:
"Remember, remember, the fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot."
* * *
Fire and Water is not adverse to legitimate
"plugs." We, therefore, strongly recommend
"Kreutzer Sonata" appearing tonight and to-
morrow night at the Lydia Mendelssohn.
University of Texas and the University of Pitts-
burgh, were foung to be pro-Democratic.
And the results of these two schools certainly
do not reveal "radical tendencies" for, although
the University of Texas was behind FDR seven
to three, no votes were mentioned for Norman
Thomas. At Pittsburgh only 53.3% of the cam-
pus voted Democratic, a smaller percentage
than did so in the national elections, and only
five ballots were cast for Thomas.
Michigan' had the most outstanding straw
vote record, not only polling the largest num-
ber of votes but also having two straw votes
instead of one. In the Congress Independent
Mens' Association poll 2,676 votes were given
to Willkie while only 1,825 went to FDR. The
Student Senate straw vote showed Roosevelt
gaining but he still trailed 1,158 to 853. Thomas
votes were 204 and 172 respectively.
Princeton University came out the most solid-
ly for Willkie with 1,682 votes as opposed to 342
for Roosevelt and 52 for Thomas while Yale cast
1,457 Republican, 592 Democratic and 201 So-
cialist ballots. Interesting to note was that 60
of the Thomas votes came from the Yale Divin-
ity School-probably because the students there
are mostly pacifists.
The Harvard vote was almost three to two in
favor of the GOP nominee with more than
three thousand students participating and par-
tial returns at Dartmouth showed a seven to
six vote for Willkie.
651 for Willkie, 151 for Roosevelt and 9 for
Thomas were the returns tabulated at Colgate
University while at the University of Pennsyl-
vania (using the Wharton Poll) it was found
that 69% of the student body was pro-Repub-
Pennsylvania State College voted as follows:
Republican, 591; Democratic, 492; Socialist, 22.
At West Virginia University only 100 representa-
tive individuals were questioned and the results
were 51, 48 and 1 for Willkie, Roosevelt and
Thomas, respectively.
In the Midwest the Minnesota returns were
50% Willkie, 37.5% FDR, 6% Thomas and the
rest undecided or in favor of other candidates.
Iowa University reported 954 Willkie votes, 737
Roosevelt and 67 Thomas.
The movies and comics played some part in
the University of Indiana straw vote when Don-
ald Duck and Mickey Mouse captured between
them 1% of the campus vote.p69% of the stu-
dents were for Willkie and 30% for the Demo-
cratic choice.
On the coast the University of California
voted 1,247 to 901 for the GOP nominee with
no mention made of Thomas and the University
of 'Washington supported Willkie 1,008 to 767
with 84 Thomas ballots.
Several other schools and colleges are also
known to have taken campus polls but no re-
ports on these have been sent to The Daily of-
fice and all information used in this editorial is
reprinted from the latest publications received
from these various universities.
The reason given by most individuals for the
large Willkie vote in the colleges is the fact
that only a small percentage of University stu-
dents are children of the laboring classes-most
of whom are pro-Roosevelt.
But whatever the reason the fact still remains
that the university man today is more conserva-
tive than the "man on the street"-in fact he
is, according to some, almost too conservative,
for one usually expects to find liberal sentiment
among young people.
Mr. Serkin lived up to all that was said of him
in advance notices. His performance was fine to
a degree seldom surpassed in the pianistic field.
The technique displayed was exceedingly compre-
hensive, and he demonstrated an ability to
change tone to fit the composition played that
only the best possess.
The Variations and Fugue by Mozart was, it
seemed, a warmer-upper to the rest of the recital,
not particularly interesting or noteworthy. Mo-
zart's Sonata in G major was a piece of lovely
childish beauty, exemplifying the youthful spirit
characteristic of so many of his works. Mr. Ser-
kin's tone was pure and light as was demanded
of it throughout the piece.
The Appassionata oftBeethoven required a
much sturdier ability than the Mozart. The
changes are more obvious, the contrast more
powerful, and were very well handled. Mr. Ser-
kin showed as deep an insight here into the char-
acter of the piece as he did the sutble, prettily-
changing melodic line of Mozart, bringing out
forcefully the sudden fury of contrasting motion.
softening into quiet thoughtfulness.
Reger's Variations and Fugue was just too,
too long. The thematic material was lyrical
enough, but the almost-identity of variation-
type grew boring to the ear after it had gone on
awhile, and the audience grew restive under the
Mendelssohn's Rondo Capricioso saved the day
with' its clear, smooth-moving melody and the
facility with which it was performed. Liszt's
piano arrangement of Paganini's themes were
presented delightfully, and with still another
tonal touch. (The man was full of them).
As the first of his encores, Mr. Serkin chose
the Spinning Song by Mendelssohn. 'Twas good
. . . but ah ! . . . the Chopin! It was a revelation
1, I ': . her te Potlo ia its nA [Ia I jt rT' fre nd t
: pe-d of 1?t~eCcf1, .Ft rst bnen yyfar A
The Glory That Is Greece
\ \
(Continued from Page 2)
Architecture Building. The competing
schools are Universities of Illinois,
Cincinnati, Ohio State and Michigan,
Iowa State College, and Armour In-
stitute. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun-
day. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Amedee Ozen-
fant, French Artist and Director of
the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts,
will lecture on. the subject "Modern
Art" (illustrated) under the aus-
pices of the Department of Fine Arts
at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, November
14, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
A Lecture on the Use of Artificial
Lighting in Photography will be
given in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building by Mr. H. B.
Tuttle of the Eastman Kodak Com-,
pany tonight at 7:30. This lecture
is open to the public.
Lecture on "The Nature of Man"
by Dr. Robert Slavin O.P. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall tonight at
Events Today
Physical Education, Women Stu-
dents: Registration for the indoor
season in physical education will be
held today from 8:00 to 12:00 a.m.
and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., and on Satur-
day, November 9, from 8:00 to 12:00
a.m. in Barbour Gymnasium.
All Union Staff sophomores and
freshmen are asked to attend the
first Union Staff lecture today at
4:30 p.m. in Room 302, Michigan
Coffee Hour at Lane Hall today,
4:00-5:30 p.m. All students are wel-
Figure Skating: All women students
interested in a figure skating class are
invited to attend an organization
meeting in arbour Gymnasium to-
day at 3:00 p.m.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class to-
night with Dr. Brashares at 7:30 p.m
in Room 214. Subject for discus-
sion: "Isaiah." The Drama Club will
present the one-act comedy "Sup-
pressed Desires" at 9:15 p.m. in the
Social Hall. Open House following
the play.
Art Cinema League: Tickets for the
French film "Kreutzer Sonata" basec
on Beethoven's great musical wor
and Tolstoy's famous novel, are or
S (' ;0,the Lydia M endelssolmi ho
ri''r ("a~l. t('300 fur i fe'r iiW. T Ih
i 'Au will be, :hown tonght a r!i._af
Presbyterian Church will have Opend
House tonight, 8:30-12:00. Ping-t
pong, games and other entertain-
ment. Refreshments. All students
are invited.I
Harris Hall Students: There will4
be a tea this afternoon from 4:00 to
5:30. Eiscopal students and theira
friends are invited.t
Hillel Institute of Jewish Studies
will sponsor a meeting of the class
"Dramatic Moments in Jewish His-
tory" at the Hillel Foundation to-t
day at 4:15 p.m.
All people interested in playing int
a string quartet to be organized by,
the Music Committee of the Hillel
Foundation are requested to attend
a meeting at the Foundation this1
afternoon at 3:00.
Newcomers' Section, Faculty Wo-
men's Club: Welcoming tea, Ethelr
Hussey Room, Michigan League, to-
day, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Conservative Services will be held
tonight at 7:30 at the Hillel Founda-
tion. The speaker at the Fireside
Discussion entitled "This Changing
World," which will follow, will be
Professor Mentor Williams. The pub-
lic is welcome.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Faculty members interested
in German conversation are cordially
invited. There will be a brief talk
on "Ein Minnelied vom Jahre 1200"
by Mr. H. W. Nordmeyer.
Freshman Roundtable will be held,
Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at Lane Hall.
Mr. Kenneth Morgan will lead the
discusion on "Boy and Girl Rela-
The Students of the Institute of
Public and Social Administration at
40 E. Ferry St., in Detroit will have a
"get-together" Saturday, November 9,
at 2:30 p.m. It is being sponsored by
the Student Social Workers' Club, and
guests for the afternoon will be the
Student Social Workers of Wayne
University. Refreshments. Broad-
cast of the Minnesota-Michigan foot-
ball game will be heard.
A.S.C.E. Members and C.E. Stu-
dents: The student chapter of the
A.S.C.E. will leave East Eng. Bldg.
at 7:15 a.m., Wednesday, November
13, for projected Detroit inspection
International Center Roundtable:
The Saturday Afternoon Roundtable
at the International Center this week
will discuss "The Place of Democracy
in the World Order." These are
held 3:00-5:00 every Saturday after-
noon. Anyone interested is invited.
Suomi Club meeting Saturday eve-
ning at 8 o'clock in Rooms 316-320
at the Union.
Graduate Outing Club will meet on
Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2:30 p.m. in
the northwest rear of the Rackham
Building for a hike and bicycling.
Supper at the club, rooms. Open to
all graduate students and faculty.
Informal Graduate Dance will be
held Saturday, Nov. 9, from 9-12 p.m.
in the Assembly Hall of the Rack-
ham Building. A stag dance, with
unescorted women especially urged
to attend. Admission charge. Re-
freshment sand bridge. Graduate
students and faculty only.
To the Editor :
The Open Trial for the dismissed Michigan
students to be held here Saturday afternoon is
endorsed by prominent educators, artists and
labor leaders throughout the country. A group
of seven, including Rockwell Kent, Franz Boas,
Harry F. Ward, Lawrence Blythe, Frederick C.
Lendrum, Robert S. Lynd, and Jerome Shore
made the following public statement this week:
"We believe that those who attend this hearing
face a task of national importance, the task
of discovering to what extent the fabric of free
and democratic education has been violated at
the University of Michigan. We endorse the pur-
pose and spirit of this Hearing and deplore the
conduct of the University administration in this
latest breach of academic freedom. The demo-
cratic traditions of America's educational system
are under attack at the University of Michigan;
students and educators everywhere should spring
1'theil rtefense."
\V 17 1e r ~t atIfth,-- ni~i ica__ _1 %4-nx-
IIpre' i n ~ithr-deep f-4cl f any .of o!r heat
Will There Be A Fourth Term?...
The feeling with regard to the third term of
a President is not based upon an idle fear. The
power and prestige of the Chief Executive have
grown continuously since the foundation of our
Government. Students of politics, both Amer-
ican and foreign, properly regard the President
cif Ulh, United $tatfes >as he most powerful in 1t-
p h t r w- a ray den t th a o n etluau t 1 ro -,j F- to w iel
750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Friday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music " The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga. Time Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas Evening Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring val ClareNews Josef Marais
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Red Grange"
7:30 Al Pearce Studio Feature Carson Robison Lone Ranger
7:45 Al Pearce " Doc Sunshine
8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Hour Lew Loyal Harry Kogen Orch.
8:15 Kate Smith o
8:30 Kate Smith WEAF Dedication Sinfonietta Death Valley Days
8:45 K. mith; News
9:00 nv eirr * 'i,'W I)J1d7, Timew .mo "burl t'":t 'ii l I- g Buear,
io-1'Riar tf) "4 'Y ~-!t~ Vn ' f',%+ v'Tei+dtan C,9. i Ray Gam win