T MU E _ -flDit =_ -_ .. 7
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40
Editorial Staff
Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman
f i
Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It's Up To You,
Mr. Roosevelt . .
0 1
SOMEONE leaves the radio in the
outer office of the Publications
Building and shouts, "The New York Herald-
Tribune has conceded. Sure and it's all over
nowy." It is election night and the droning voice
out of the radio, the steady tapping of the tele-
type spell out a third term for Roosevelt.
The radio network switches in Hyde Park
President Roosevelt tries to talk, but the yells
of the crowd are so loud that the newscaster is
unable to catch the words.
And now Willkie speaks, refuses to give up.
But it is only brave talk. All is over. All
that is left to wonder about is the effect of this
tremendous endorsement on Mr. Roosevelt. It
is time to ask ourselves, What bearing will to-
night's victory have upon the President's plans,
his policies?
PERSONALLY have supported him. If Ken-
tucky had had an absentee ballot I would
have cast my first vote for him. But it would
not have been a blank-check endorsement.
I wonder how many people have, like myself,
supported the President in spite of certain mis-
givings, doubts, unanswered questions. I think
about the vote of confidence given Wilson in
1916. It was not much less convincing than this
one tonight.
It is on my mind that President Roosevelt is
in an excellent position to repeat that 1917 per-
formance. He can obviously have his way. It is
in his power to decide between war and peace.
I remember how excited he became last spring
when Germany invaded Holland. I remember
his emotional speech then and I wonder if he
may not against react to hysteria-and not re-
cover his balance.
I think of the swift development of his sym-
pathies for England. How will he react if Eng-
land is at last overwhelmed, Will he be able to
let England lose? Or will he deem it necessary
to send ships and plane crews to England-the
prologues to outright war, America against Ger-
He has the draft. He has American youth.
America's productive machinery in his hands.
and there is apparently nothing to bridle his
use of them. What will he do with such a trust?
7 BELIEVE a suitable conduct of this trust will
cover the following points:
1. Think of America first. However much
you may sympathize with England, however hea-
vy a blow it may be to see democracy wiped out
in Europe, nothing can be of greater importance
to America and to the world than to keep
America at peace.
2. Think of conscription as a weapon only for
defense. Aid England if you will, but only so
far as the aid does not drain away America's
strength. Such subterfuges as declaring de-
stroyers and flying fortresses "obsolete" must
be regarded as backward steps in your defensive
3. Plan to abandon conscription as soon as
America's safety permits. Peacetime compulsory
military service is not an American institution.
It is one of Europe's evils from which we have
escaped. You have now embarked on a great
orgy of conscription-asking more men than
the Army dreamed of needing, surpassing even
war-committed Canada in your zeal. But if you
sincerely believe that these masses are needed
for America's safety, well and good. If there is
any other motive, our doubts are well-grounded.
tions profiteering. A war boom can lead only
to disaster sooner or later, yet it is apparent that
little has been done since your promise almost
a year ago.
6. Do not seek to divert popular attention from
the needs at home. Your New Deal reforms are
as necessary now as they were in 1932. Progres-
sive construction should not be surrendered to
the war.
Your present attitude on each of these points
contributes much to the doubt of us who, though
we gave you our support today, are still uncer-
tain of your intentions. It would take little
to resolve our doubts, but you still have it to
- Hervie Haufler
The Wages And
Hours Act . .
AGAIN THIS YEAR labo sympa-
thizers hailed the anniversary of
the Wages and Hours Law as a day memorable
in the advance of working conditions in this
country. They cited the passing of the 40-hour
week and the 30-cent hourly rate into effect as
strides forward by labor.'
But many workers who come under the juris-
diction of the Act will not be benefited by its
provisions only, because of the laxity of the
Wages and Hours Division, entrusted with its
By its own statement, the Division has claimed
a shortage of inspectors to investigate com-
plaints. Nevertheless, in July of this year, in
illustration of its "economy," Administrator
Fleming announced the return to the Treasury
of unspent funds amounting to $387,000-enough
to pay 180 inspectors a salary of $2,300 a year.
THE REASON FOR THIS was revealed a short
time later when Fleming released the se-
cret of the Division's economy-law enforce-
ment by the honor system. A form is mailed
to each employer against whom a complaint is
received and the employer is asked to include
an answer to the question whether he is guilty
of the violation. This is called a sort of "exam-
ination of conscience."
In one case cited by the Labor's Non-Partisan
League the union plaintiff received a "form
letter" saying that no action was contemplated
because the employer had stated that he had
not violated the law.
It is easy enough to quote statistics saying
that 2,000,000 workers have had their work week
reduced, while 900,000 have had their rates in-
creased, but under an Administration not work-
ing for the interests of labor, such figures are
meaningless. All we can say is that these work-
ers should have had their working conditions
bettered, which makes the purpose of the law
mean nothing.
-Jean Shapero
Rudolph Serkin comes to town tonight with
an unusually well chosen group of piano pieces,
written by some of our best dead composers.
This is, we hope no Rubenstein concert. We
still have unpleasant recollections of that.
The program is one which will show off the
dexterity of the performer, and which will de-
mand from him a good amount of technical
skill, a rounded knowledge of musical inter-
pretation, and a fine tone if he is to live up to
the standard of the works he has picked.
Mr. Serkin begins with two selections from
Mozart, a Fantasy and Fugue which is more
or less the usual polyphonic form of composi-
tion, and his Sonata in G major. Both are
happy works, light, entertaining, asking for
nimble fingers and thorough concentration.
The sonata is in the characteristic style of
mostMozart compositions, very pleasant, and
harder than it looks. It offers much in the way
of pretty contrast of theme, light harmonies
and flowing melody. The second movement is
a slow one, still light in thematic material, but
more serious in tone. The final movement is
faster than the preceding ones, louder, and not
so pretty, closing with what seems to be an un-
necessary lot of cadenza.
Beethoven's sonata in F minor (Appras-
sionata) is an extraordinarily long one (I know,
I looked). It has not the obvious thematic ma-
terial of some of his other works, takes much
longer than many in its developments of themes,
and seems to justify the exclamation of the
Master . ... "The piano will always be an in-
sufficient instrument for composition". This is
one of the most orchestral of his piano works,
one can follow the parts of the instruments
while listening. It is less pianistic than or-
chestral, we think.
The program continues with Variations 'and
Fugue on a Theme by G. P. Telemann, and was
done by Reger. Both of these names are un-
familiar to the usual concert-goer. They are to
us ... we can only remember that Telemann was
quite a musician in his day, and look for some-
thing brilliant from this piece.
Next we hear a lovely Rondo Capriccioso by
Mendelssohn, a piece with which many of the
music-minded are familiar, and which we wel-
come for its lyrical beauties.
Two Caprices, one in E major, and the other
in A minor by two of the most technically well
equipped men in the history of music, Paganini
and Liszt, close the concert. They will be in-
teresting, we are sure, from the standpoint of
curiosity and speculation on the men who collab-
orated on them, as well as from a listening view.
It is very unusual that two greats in the field
of music have given us works which demonstrate
the ability of each at the same time.
To the ear, this recital will seem to graduate
from soft lyrical works, through the strength of
much that is Beethoven until the brilliant, and
technically difficult climax is reached in the
The Reply Churlish
OLD, gloomy days these, and home-
sick too. Every night as I walk out
to dinner, there are houses, not fraternity or
sorority houses, nor dorms, but just plain houses.
where it is quiet, where there are lights in
the living rooms and dining rooms, where there
are sometimes fires burning in the fireplaces.
The wind howls in what is left of the trees,
and. sometimes the dry leaves scutter along-
side the walk, and sometimes the cold fine
rain beats into my face. I think about home.
I think about sitting in the easy chair. I think
about the books in my room.
Then I think about where are we all pushing
ahead to, where is this great place we are
coming to at the end of four years here, and
I do not know. I am a less educated person
now than I was when I came here. Less in
this way-I know more about writing hack stor-
ies, about turning out a column, about economics
and parliamentary government in England
and some faint echoes of zoology, but I do
not read anymore, I do not write what I want
to write, I cannot work all night at something
I want to do, for I must save my sleep for the
nights when I have to work all night at
something I do not want to do.
BUT WHEN I am home, I miss this place.
At home when I sit in the easy chair and
read, I smoke too much, and the house is too
quiet, and there is no one to talk to, my moth-
er is busy in the kitchen, and when I wander
out there she sends me down in the cellar for
a jar of something, or asks me to empty the
garbage or get a light bulb out of the top cup-
board, and I cannot work at home, life is too
soft there, it is too hard to sit down and work
without some kind of a deadline.
I find now, as always when I set something
down, that the answer to my mood lies in what
I have written. I have two bluebooks today,
and I must study for them. That means I
must go friendless and alone until they are
done with, but then I'll be back on top again
for awhile. Everybody around the office here
is tired today anyhow, they were all working
on the election- edition, and it took all night.
Nobody to cheer me up. Only the thought, like
hitting myself on the head with a hammer,
that it'll feel awfully good when I stop.
* ** *
ADD TO your notes for a rainy day. Yester-
day was Guy Fawkes day. No comments nec-
essary. Besides I have to study.
* * *
j LIKED the way the election came out. Before
the results came through it wasn't cricket
to say it, but I think Franklin D. Roosevelt is
as close to a great man as any of us will ever
see. Republicans, please don't throw things.
Final note to Jay Walker, which name is not
listed in the student directory, in re attempt
at understatement and what appears to be
a slight misunderstanding: The gall and worm-
wood, even as the turncoat, are perfectly sin-
cere. The fault probably lies in execution, for
it is always easier for me to get nasty about,
something than to build up something. I'll try
again, as I said to get what I mean down on
paper. In the meantime, the chameleon still
reacts more favorably to a Communist than
to a Coughlin. Please, do not write me any
more letters with Latin quotations, even though
they be cliches. I read only French, Sanskrit,
detective stories, pig latin, and when there's
time, English. Besides I have to study. So
long until soon.
To the Editor:
As one, of a group on this campus, I cam-
paigned for the reelection of Franklin D. Roose-
velt. Others, equally sincere and firm in their
desire to create a strong America, campaigned
for Wendell L. Willkie's election.
The election returns indicate that our can-
didate was chosen to continue in the Presidency.
But after today he is no longer the Democratic
candidate but rather he is the ]resident of the
United States. In that capacity he deserves
the whole hearted support of everyone, regard-
less of political affiliation, for his is the respon-
sibility of building a unified nation which wlli
make full use of national resources, our dynamic
energy, our inventiveness and resourcefulness,
our organizing ability and our huge economy
with its powers of expansion. Is is the respon-
sibility of making an invincible America capable
of repelling any mlitary or economic challenge
that the totalitarian powers may have to offer
us in the future.
This is not the task for the cynical or the in-
different partisan. It is a task which will de-
mand the utmost of a united free people; a peo-
ple strong in their determination not to devital-
ize their way of life in a useless struggle of petty
If we succeed America will keep alive, in the
hearts of troubled people the world over, a be-
lief in the democratic way of life.
- Fred Niketh
Prof. Moley's Ham
When Raymond Moley, erstwhile New Deal-
er, appeared for Willkie in Richmond, Va., the
crowning touch of the meeting was a ham act..
To indicate that the farners were turning
from Roosevelt, managers of the meeting ar-
ranged to have a Viringia farmer step up to the
platform and present Moley with a token of
NOW THAT all the highly organized
and extremely efficient forces of
despotism are focusing on the only
democratic continents left in the
world, UnitedcStates citizens for the
first time have really become con-
scious of a neighboring race of peo-
ple called Latin Americans. Self in-
terest, as usual, is the means of in-
terest in others.
As North America gathers its re-
sources for self-defense, it casts an
appraising eye on potential allies. The
result is somewhat disconcerting.
Canada is the most important ally in
United States defense, and has made
a creditable display of power in the
present conflict; but her first interest
seems to be in the Old World. Only
after Britain is hopelessly overcome,
will she rally her remaining forces
for a last stand in the Western Hem-
South America is the chief problem.
Mammoth barriers to Pan-American
cooperation challenge the best efforts
of all parties. First is the tradition
of United States exploitation which
is as undeniable as it is unpleasant
to consider. Attention must be called
also to the fact that South America
is hardly similar to the United States
in unity. Much past dissention be-
tween republics has but recently cool-
ed down enough to permit coopera-
tion. And United States competition
with Latin America in the market
Look ing South For Defense
(Continued from Page 2)
less than 24 hours of credit) may drop
courses without penalty through the
eighth week. Exceptions may be made
in extraordinary circumstances, such
as severe or long continuedillness.
Graduate Record Examination Re-
sults are now available in the office of
the Graduate School, Rackham Build-
ing, and students desiring their scores
may call for them. A careful read-
ing of the instructions on the front
and back of the sheet which each stu-
dent will receive should make the
meaning of the several scores clear.
Choral Union Members: Courtesy
tickets for the Rudolf Serkin concert
tonight will be given out to members
of the Choral Union in good stand-
ing who call in person at the offices
of the University Musical Society,
Burton Memorial Tower, today, be-
tween 9 and 12 and 1 to 4 o'clock.
After' 4 o'clock no tickets will be
At the same time copies of the
Brahms "Requiem" will be given out
to members.
Class election candidates are re-
quested to call at the Student Offices
of the Michigan Union for their eli-
gibility cards.
Registration: Students are remind-
ed that Thursday and Friday are the
last days to register with the Bureau
without payment of fee. Blanks may
be obtained at the office, 201 Mason
Hall, hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Both
seniors and graduate students, as
well as staff members, are eligible
for the services of the Bureau, and
may register in theTeaching Divi-
son or in the General Division,
which includes registration for all
positions other than teaching. Feb-
ruary, June and August graduates
are urged to register now, as this is
the only general registration to be
held during the year and positions
are already coming in for next year.
Everyone taking out blanks after
this week, by ruling of the Regents,
must pay a late registration fee of
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Academic N'totices
Doctoral Examination for Miss
Margaret Elizabeth Nalder, Biologi-
cal Chemistry; Thesis: "The Utiliza-
tion of Lactose by the White Rat,"
today at 4:00 p.m., 313 W. Med.
Chairman, A. A. Christman.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Mathematics 350 (a), Short Course.
This course on "Additive Set Func-
tions" by Dr. A. Rosenthal, will meet
for five weeks, three hours a week.
The first meeting will be on Mon-
day, November 11, at 3:00 p.m. in
3201 Angell Hall. Hours for future
meetings will be arranged at that
Choral Union Concert: Rudolf Ser-
kin, Czechoslovakian pianist, will
give the second program in the Sixty-
Second Annual Choral Union Series,
this evenin at 8:30A o'clocik in 'Hil
The Annual Exhibit of Photography
by the Ann Arbor Camera Club will be
held in the Mezzanine Galleries of the
Rackham Building until November
18. The Exhibit is open daily from
10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings submitted by
students in competition for the Ryer-
son Travelling Fellowship offered by
the Lake Forest Foundation for Arch-
itecture and Landscape Architecture
are being shown through November
9 in the third floor exhibition room,
Architecture Building. The competing
schools are Universities of Illinois,
Cincinnati, Ohio State and Michigan,
Iowa State College, and Armour In-
stitute. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun-
day. The public is invited.
Lecture on "The Nature of Man"
by Dr. Robert Slavin O.P. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall on Friday at
8:15 p.m.
Events Today
A.I.M.E. will meet tonight at 7:30
in the Seminar Room, 3201 East En-
gineering Building.
Professor O. W. Boston, of the De-
partment of Metal Processing, will
speakon "Production Problems In-
volved in the National Defense Pro-
A.I.E.E.: Mr. Montague A. Clark,
Manager Industrial and Public Re-
lations, of the U.S. Rubber Co. will
conduct a Roundtable Discussion on
Personnel Problems, tonight in the
Rackham Amphitheatre at 8:00 p.m.
Compulsory House Presidents' meet-
ing today at Michigan League at 4:30
Seminar in the Bible will be held
at 4:30 p.m. today at Lane Hall.
Sigma\Eta Chi will meet at 7:00 to-
night instead of the usual time.
Theatre Arts Make-Up Committee
will meet at 6:30 tonight in the
The class in Jewish Ethics, spon-
sored by the Hillel Institute of Jewish
Studies, will be held tonight at 8:00
at the Hillel Foundation.
The regular Thursday "P.M." will
for such goods as wheat, cotton, and
beef, can not be forgotten. All these
problems are inviting targets to Ger-
man ingenutiy.
Pan-i-American militry defense can
receive only small contribution from
the southern republics. The republics
combined have five battleships, not
all new, about 1,000 planes, some
new, and hardly more than 300,000
men under arms. The principle aid
the southern republics can now offer
are stragetic air bases around the
Canal Zone and on the south Atlantic
Economically, South America is
ripe for totalitarian exploitation. The
republics produce great surpluses of
raw material that must be sold on
foreign marts, and the present war
is ruining all markets except Ger-
many. Hitler offers to exchange vi-
tal manufactured goods for unsalable
raw materials.
It is up to the United States to ad-
vise agreeable methods of buying,
exchanging, or combining Hemisphere
surpluses for resale to foreign cus-
tomers. The. United States must al-
so assume leadership in military co-
ordination. As the richest; most uni-
fied, and most prepared (such is it
is) Hemisphere power, the United
States must be the primary contribu-
tor to Pan-American defense.
The greatest contribution, however,
can not be in arms, money or propa-
be held today at the Hillel Foundation
from 4:00 to 6:00. Secial guests will
be league house girls and men from
the West Quad. All students are
cordially invited to attend.
Hillel Photography Club will meet
at the Hillel Foundation this after-
noon at 4:30. All members and peo-
ple interested in joining the club are
urgently requested to attend.
The Interior Decoration Group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
today in the League. Tea from 3:00-
5:00 p.m. and a silver display.
Coming Events
The Students of the Institute of
Public and Social Administration at
40 E. Ferry St., in Detroit will have a
"get-together" Saturday, November 9,
at 2:30 p.m. It is being sponsored by
the Student Social Workers' Club, and
guests for the afternoon will be the
Student Social Workers of Wayne
University. Refreshments. Broad-
cast of the Minnesota-Michigan foot-
ball game will be heard.
International Dinner: This is the
last day on which reservaions may be
made for the International Dinner to
be given in the Ball Room of the
Michigan Union, Wednesday, Nov-
ember 20. Reservations will be re-
ceived in the office of the Interna-
tional Center until 5:00 p.m.
Fraternity Presidents: The Annual
Interfraternity Pledge Banquet will
be held on Tuesday, November 19, at
6:15 p.m. in the main ballroom of the
Michigan Union. The president,
pledge master and the pledges of each
house are invited to attend. Reserva-
tions must be turned in to the I.F.C.
office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, Novem-
ber 8.
Figure Skating: All women students
interested in a figure skating class are
invited to attend an organization
meeting in Barbour Gymnasium on
Friday at 3:00 p.m.
Coffee Hour at Lane Hal on Fri-
day, 4:00-5:30 p.m. All students are
Art Cinema League: Tickets for the
French film "Kreutzer Sonata" based
on Beethoven's great musical work
and Tolstoy's famous novel, are on
sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
office. Call 6300 for reservation. The
film will be shown on Friday and
Saturday at 8: 0 p.m.
ganda, but in sincerity. It must seem
queer to Latin Americans that they
were merelv guitar-strumming cabal-
leros to North Americans until the
present crisis. All this emphasis on
their welfare must appear strange.
One should remember that Uncle
Sam has often seemed to them a
grasping old miser with a big stick
behind his back. The sudden head-
patting attitude is bound to be slight-
ly conufsing.
Of 122 million South Americans on-
ly 2 million are white: 17 million
are Indian, 15 million Negro and the
rest are of mixed blood. One half
of the entire population is illiterate
and nearly all live on the rim of
existence. This heterogeneous mixture
presents many difficulties to Pan-
American brotherly love. There is
much likelillood of prejudice snuf-
fing out all sincerity of neighborli-
ness, and thereby arousing fatal hes-
itation on the part of the alleged
inferiors. It is imperative that when
North Americans extend the hand of
fellowship they are sincere, no mat-
ter what color palm meets theirs.
Huge problems confront united
Pan-American action and most of the
leadership must necessarily come
from the United States. But leader-
ship is no grounds for condescension.
The Americas will all fight as equals
for democracy or they will all slave
as equals for nothing.
I .
750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Musical Newscast " Evening Serenade
6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day in Review
6:45 to be announced Lowell Thomas Texas Rangers
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Meet Mr. Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Vox Pop Caravan Shall Not Pass Green Hornet
7:45 Vox Pop to ft
8:00 Ask-it Basket Good News English News Letter Pot of Gold
8:15 Ask-it Basket " Football Forecast
8:30 Strange as Seems Aldrich Family Child Welfare Tom Dorsey Orch.
8:45 Strange as Seems to Evening Serenade
9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hall Baptist Hour Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Major Bowes oftoTo Be Announced
9:30 Major Bowes " News Ace Frank Black Orch.
9:45 Major Bowes " Feature
10:00 Glenn Miller Rudy Vallee National News Wythe Williams
10:15 Selective Service Britain Speaks News Ace