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November 07, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-07

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State Educators
Will Interview
675 Freshmen
Luncheon, Program Also
Planned For Principals,
Teachers At Meeting
Over 150 principals and teachers,,
representatives of 95 high schools in
four states, will assemble for the
14th annual Principal-Freshman
Conference Nov. 14 in the Rackham
Building and the League.
Approximately 675 University
freshmen will be interviewed by their
former high school principals
throughout the entire morning of
Nov. 14, on the second floor of the
Rackham Building. Following this,
a. luncheon will be held at the League
ballroom for the secondary school
representatives and members of the
University faculty who have come
into contact with the freshmen this
Twelve representatives from other
colleges in Michigan have been in-
vited to attend the conference. Seven
deans from junior colleges in Mich-
igan have also been invited to attend,
if they wish to interview the transfer
students from those schools.
The purpose of the Principal-
Freshman Conference is three-fold:
1) to benefit the students of the
University who may be having diffi-
culties with their academic work;
2) to benefit the secondary schools
so that they may better prepare stu-
dents who will later enroll at the
University; and 3) to aid the Uni-
versity itself in discovering how bet-
ter to orient incoming students.
After the luncheon there will be
a program at the League, in which
the high school teachers, members
of the University faculty( and Uni-
versity students will participate. The
program will be in the form of a
panel discussion entitled, "Pre-Col-
lege Guidance."
Men's Glee Club
To Rehearse Today
The Varsity Men's Glee Club will
continue rehearsing the "Ballad For
Americans" at 7 p.m. today at the
club's rooms at the Union.
Prof. David Mattern, of the School
of Music, will conduct the group, and
Jack Osserwaarde, Grad., will act as
Plans for the reception to be ten-
dered the Don Cossack Chorus on
Nov. 18 will also be discussed at the
rehearsal. The Chorus is to be feat-
ured in the Choral Union concert on
that evening, and later will appear
at the Glee Club's entertainment in
the Union. A spacial program for the
famous Russian singers is being

Parisians Wait In Line For Dairy Products

Arab Students
Plan Reception
More than 250 students and fac-
ulty have been invited to attend the
annual Arabic semi-formal reception
of Al-Thaquafa, campus organization
of students interested in Arabic cul-
ture, at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Inter-
national Center.
Dressed in the flowing Arab robes
the students will receive guests with
their traditional Near-Eastern hospi-
tality. A classical program of music
including songs famous in Arab lands
will be played. Several native dances
will be given by members of the
Refreshments for the reception wil
include the pudding-like cookies of
the country and Arabic coffce.
Among the special guests will be
Dr.. Raleigh Nelson, director of the
International Center and counselor
to foreign students and Mrs. Nelson.
Faculty representatives of the var-
ious schools and colleges and their
wives have also been invited.
Al-Thaquafa is an organization for
all students interested in Arab cul-
ture including those born in Arab
lands and exchange students who
have attended the American Univer-
sity of Beirut.

iews of the dorms

Glenn "Gunner" Slade, a marks-
man with no small reputation, was
the first Hinsdale House member to
Je drafted. Slade's fame is wide-
pread-he holds the National De-
_, r Course Intercollegiate Record as
vell as six other collegiate target-
ihccting records. He is a member of
:he Illinois Civilian Rifle Team
w;hich placed Class A in the National
ifle Matches this summer. Slade's
iraft number is 34.
And speaking of the draft-four
dorm newspapers were drafted in-
to print Monday, two of them
brand new. The West Quad's
Spectator made its initial appear-,
ance Monday-you'll hear more
about the Spectator in the near
The first issue of the STOCKwell
"ICKER saw print Monday, too, un-
der the editorship of Helen Green-
4one, '44-the managing end being
aken care of Florence Light, '44 . .
Jordan's Information Please came
iut today too, in case you're inter-

But there are even more young
journalists in the University resi-
dance halls, Carroll Karkalits. '44,
won first prize in East Quad's mam-
moth newspaper-naming contest,
with the label, The East Wind,
which now becomes the official
handle of the weekly from that
dorm on East U. It's a lot better
than ? ? ? ?, last week's name,
don't you think?
Whoever initiated the exchange
dinner idea certainly had a brain-
stoin--292 assorted people partici-
pated in two held Tuesday - one
between Mosher and Victor Vaughan,
the med doim, and the other between
Sto(kweli and Prescott and Hinsdale.
At Martha Cook, Deans Alice Lloyd
and Jeanette Perry will be guests
of honor at a formal dinner tonight,
Dorothy Lindquist, '42, chairman,

Residents of Paris have become accustomed to many new things since occupation of the city by con-
quering German troops. Among them is standing in line for food rations. Here a group of Parisian house-
wives wait patiently in front of a "butter-eggs-cheeses" store for their allotments.


Students, Townfolk
Will Judge Prints
At Photo Exhibit
Townfolk and University students
will be the -judges at the Ann Arbor
Camera Club's 113 print photographic
show which closes this Saturday in the
mezzanine exhibition gallery of the
Rackham Building. The three prints
receiving the highest number of votes
will be entered in national photo
Virtually every type print and pho-
tographic process is represented in the
display, according to Mr. Frank F.
Clever, in charge of the exhibit. In-
cluded are still life, portraits, land-
scapes, action and candid pictures,
and bromoil, bromoil transfers, gold-
tone and double paper negative pro-
The galleries are open from 10 a.m.
to 10 p.m. daily. The attendance at
this show, the club's fourth annual
exhibition, is expected to exceed the
3,000 of last year, Clever said.
Technic Awarded Prizes
At E.C.M.A. Convention
Michigan Technic covers, illustra-
tions and editorials were recognized
with second, third and honorable-
mention prizes at the Engineering
College Magazines Association Con-,
vention held at Fayettville, Ark.,
Technic Editor-in-Chief George Wes-
sner, '41E, announced yesterday.

Read The Daily Classifieds]

Hopwood Play
To Show Here
One of the co-authors of "The
Bat," to be presented by Play Pro-
duction, Wednesday, Nov. 13, through
Saturday, Nov. 16, was Avery Hop-
wood, founder of the fund that pro-
vides annual awards to student
Hopwood, who collaborated with
Mary Roberts Rinehart in writing
the mystery, probably provided the
theatrical effects added when Miss
Rinehart's novel "The Circular Stair-
case" was adapted to the stage, ac-
cording to Prof. William P. Hal-
stead, who will direct the local pro-
duction. The climaxes are essen-
tially theatrical and the effect of
the play is visual, Professor Hal-
stead added, and these needed the
work of a master theatrical techni-
cian like Avery Hopwood.
"The Bat" uses the story of the
novel for its basic plot, Professor
(Continued on Page 6)
VOL. LI. No. 34
Pubication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To the Members of the University
Council: The November meeting of
the University Council will be omit-
ted. Louis A. Hopkins
Faculty of the College of Engineer-
ing: A Special Meeting will be held
today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 348 West
Engineering Building, for the presen-
tation of the so-called "surgical in-
surance" plan.
Ivan C. Crawford, Dean
Members of the Faculty and Cleri-
cal Staff of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts': A representa-
tive of the Michigan Health Service
will be in Ann Arbor on November 8
and 14 to explain the group plan for
surgical care. These meetings will
provide the only opportunity for a
complete explanation of this plan.
Meetings will be held in room 1025
Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m.
Edward H. Kraus
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Fores-
try and Conservation at 11:00 a.m.
Friday, November 8, in the auditori-
um of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Institute of Graduate and Post-
Graduate Dentistry, at which Dr.
Ira N. Gabrielson, Director of the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will
speak. All students of the School of
Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend, and all others in-
terested are cordially invited to be
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for February and June 1941:
A list of candidates has been posted
on the bulletin board of the School
of Education, Room 1431 U.S.E. Any
prospective candidate whose name
does not appear on this list should
call at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselor's Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12
a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. accord-
ing to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning I through O,
Thursday, November 7.

'Link Trainer'
Course Open
For Enrolling
Students planning to enroll for
flight training in the Civil Aeronau-
tics Authority courses next semester
are asked to report to the Aeronau-
tical Engineering office sometime
this week to make arrangements for
work on the "link trainer."
A machine looking very much like
a small airplane on a pedestal, the
"Link Trainer" has been found help-
ful for beginning students and the
attempt is being made now to deter-
mine how effective it is in actual
contact flying.
Ten hours of work on this machine
will be given to all students who will
be in the CAA next February who
pass their medical examinations, ap-
proximately one hour of which will
be required each week.
The work to discover exactly how
effective the link trainer is was re-
quested last week by the National
Research Council, according to Prof..
E. W. Conlon of the aeronautical de-
As the facilities of the Department
are great, a large number of stu-
dents are invited to take the CAA
Link Trainer course, Professor Ed-'
ward B. Greene, who is utilizing the
Trainer in a psychological study, an-
Geer To Speak
On Conscription

WANTED-Boy to work for room.
514 Thompson. 102
PLEASANT, well located rooms-
$2.50 and $3.00. 904 S. State St.
Phone 4685. 101
suburban bungalow on hilltop.
Large living room. Fireplace, sun-
room. Beautiful views. Attractive
yard. $45. Oril Ferguson, 928 For-
est. Phone 2-2839. 97
CAMPUS (near Law Quadrangle).
Nicely furnished 2-room apart-
ment. Private bath, electric re-
frigeration. Murphy bed, inner
spring mattress. $40. Oril Fergu-
son, 928 Forest. Phone 2-2839. 98
FOR SALE-Girls' rental bicycles
reasonable at 410 Observatory St.
Near Stockwell Hall. Phone 6837.
selection in town. All imprinted
with your name. From 50 for $1.00
up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.

TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689. 9c
TYPING-Neatly and accurately
done. 308-10 S. State. Phone 7417.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 14c
VIOLA STEIN- Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 5c



GRACE POWERS' Nursery School-
Ages 1% to 4. 315 E. William St.
Phone 8293. 25
BEN THE TAILOR-More money for
your clothes-good clothes for sale.
122 E. Washington. lc
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 So.
State. 19c
USED CLOTHING-bought and sold.
Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St.
Phone 2-2756. 17c
EXPERT HOSIERY and garment re-
pair. Reasonable rates. Weave-Bac
Shop-Upstairs in Nickels Arcade.

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin-
ished; 2 suits underwear, 2 bath
towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed - 99c.
Ace Hand Laundry, 1114 S. Uni-
versity. 15c
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Shirts ..................... .14
Undershirts ................ .04
Shorts ..................... .04
Pajama Suits.............10
Socks, pair ................. .03
Handkerchiefs.............. .02
Bath Towels .............. .03
All.Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arrately. No markings. Silks,
I woes are our specialty.



tiff t~ e Stores,
-complete with shopping list
and Kali-sten-iks! For street
wear, busy women want the
day-long comfort, the healthful

construction of
styled shoes.

these smartly


Will Sponsor Talk
Methodist Minister

108 East Washington
Phone 2-2685

Speaker at the first public meet-
ing sponsored by the Fellowship of
Reconciliation this year will be Rev.
Owen Geer, pastor of the Methodist
Church of Dearborn, according to
Robert Bessey, Grad., chairman of the
Ann Arbor chapter of the internation-
al peace group. The meeting will be
held at 4:15 p.m. Monday, in the
Reverend Geer's topic will be "What
About the Conscientious Objector?"
He will discuss the reasons for this
position and its relation to conscrip-
tion, Bessey said. All those inter-
ested are invited to attend the meet-
Rev. Geer is head of the State
Advisory Committee of the Fellowship
and a member of the State Executive


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