W1IAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY DA i fur Is Popular With Designers Of Fall Styles Jewelry, Shoes, Hats, Gloves Coats, Muffs, Suit Trimming Are Among Numerous Uses By JEANNE CORDELL Eskimos and Indians have had the monopoly on fur for their clothes for a long time, but the designers, from all indications have encroached upon said monopoly and are not only offering new combinations of fur in coats, but also fur shoes, jewerly, hats and gloves. One favorite, which will be seen a lot this season at football games and skiing parties, is none other than pony skin. It has been made into fleece-lifned shoes and boots; and also warm, snug vests to keep out the win- try blasts. Leopard is, one of the most popular of all furs this year, and there is a stunning giant clip' of leopard designed to wear, with a favorite leopard muff or hat. Two un- Usual pieces of jewelry in fur are a bracelet of black Persian lamb, jew- el-studded, with earrings to match, and a necklace of matched ermine tails, also with earrings to match. Civet Cat Appoints Outfit An extreme, but definitely striking outfit is a black wool dinner suit, with a knee hem of civet cat fur, a match- ing beret, sand muff. Just touches of this fur seem to give that air of sophistication seen in vogue this sea- son. Away from the specific for a mo- ment, a fur that will be seen in the form of capes, jackets, full-length coats, and what-not, is white baby lamb. It is to be used for evening, afternoon and sport's wear, and when lined with bright red or some other brilliant hue, makes a particularly at- tractive outfit. Another new fashion note this year is the combining of two different furs in one costume. For example a soft, beige-toned fur is used for collar, cuffs and pockets on a black caracula coat, adding a youth- ful touch. For just a touch of fur, instead of a whole garment, a suit of beige wool, one of the season's most im- portant colors, is made particularly attractive with a pert mink turban, mink reveres, and dark brown acces- sories. These fur turbans are ex- tremely popular with the smart set these days. They are made to match any or all fur outfits in one's ward- robe. Another attractive suit is one of imported wool with hip length across the bands of fur to match a jacket which has a fur-trimmed col- lar, and huge pockets with criss-cross bands of fur on each one. There is also a tiny hat to match this out- fit. A coat to be seen much this winter is a smart grey broadtail treated like cloth. It has enormous pouch-pockets, a small-round neck-line and an ex- tra amount of buttons. Straight, reef- erlike lines are featured and the col- or combinations all the "go" this fall. From one extreme to another here is a long ermine evening wrap, cut on straight, glamourous lines, with Fur Accentuates Dress Fashion Offers Smart Apparel For Rainy Days Once upon a time the umbrella may have been the only protection against the -rain. inadequate as it was. Them days are gone forever.' Now. on every rainy day some new rain apparel appears. One of the newest is the knee high rubber boots in red, white, black, or brown. They are a good guarantee against rain- splattercd legs. Some boots can be worn over shoes, and others are made with shoes inside. They have made a valiant struggle to be accepted on the campus, and this year have won. A fitting headgear to be worn with these boots is the policeman-like rubber helmet. A strap under the chin secures it. Try wearing boots and helmet of the same color. Another suitable rainy-day headpiece is the triangle scarf in cellophane or oiled clothe. You might be inclined to try something super-new sgch as the 'porkie pie' hat that is made of viny- tile, a new composition. It shapes well, and makes a grand twosome with the reversible. Come and go what may in the fashion parade, the reversible still reigns supreme. Perhaps some of the reasons is that it offers so many variations in colors, cut, and mater- ials, and yet its main purpose, that of a quick change to a raincoat, re- mains constant. Manty types of rain- coats vie with the reversible for first place, such as raincoats of cellophane or of oiled silk. American Past Is Inspiration New Make-Up Old-Fashioned To Harmonize HairdoRevived Winter Coats ' For Fall Hats VV ith Costumes Height And Softness Featured Godey's Ladies Book, Indians, By LOIS SHAPIRO Mormans All Have Influence Are you down in the dumpsw DOLLY AAS Aditional height and softness are On Latest Millinery Trends be ind in your work? Ten you would fatured in coiffeurs of this sea- be interested in a new outlook on By JEAN G;ILMER life, or more precisely, a fresh gleam- son by the pompadour, which has Since the fall c'ance., te ar- ing face to present to the world at been recaptured from pictures of our biters of fashion haveofnety-mothers in their youth. F The boxy fur muff, which is per- fect for smartness, or warmth, adds a distinctive note to this strictly feminine outfit. turned th ei eyes homeward to Amer- ica. They have found it rich in ideas, especially for has. This year, Nev YorkTs milliner's have poured or dust volumes of Godey's Ladies Book and delved into the lore of the Indian to find in- spiration for their creaiions.1 Mormons i-Pi 1 Milliners c Following Hollywood's iterest in the Mormcn rektoUta, esi ;ner's have r ccd e ide-b beaverfelt hat w n by Brigham" Young. Simple and tailotei. this hat or any variation of it makes a strik- ing complement to a plain swaggeri coat of such fur as leopard cat. TheI bonnets worn by the many wives of Brigham have also become adap- ted for wear by women this season. Perhaps because of our interest in things American. we have turned to the Indian and have stolen some feathers from his war bonnet. We have used these feathers in numerous ways, from swooping quills that tow- er above the crowd to tiny stuffed birds which nestle amidst veiling, but this year we also have little hats made wholly of feathers. We find pill- boxes with tiny jet ones and tur- bans of soft plumes in muted shades that are particularly attractive with gray. Indians Add Feather Even on sports hats, the feather, we find, is the inevitable touch. Plain felt snap-brims and cloches (another bit of our American fashion now be- ing revived) almost invariably have a little feathery tuft in the hatband. The very popular Scotch cap would not be considered complete without its feather. Besides hats made of feather sthose of fur have invaded the stores this fall. They, too, are often completely of fur, such as beaver, leopard cat, or Persian lamb, or else they just have a bit of mink or fox trimming on felt. Fur hats can be worn with fur coats, but they are considered equally smart when serving, along with a huge fur muff or purse, as accessories to plain, meticulously draped cloth coats. Suitable for most every occasion is the old stand-by, the black felt, whether it be in the form of the beret worn on the back of the head, the becoming halo style, or the jaunty sailor. The trimming may be a wisp of veil or a bright feather. large and your work in particular. j Especially attiactive to the college For this purpose, why not try a women is the ease of cai'ing for this brand new harmonized make-up hi-do and the originality which in jewel tones. sparkling ruby, sap- may be displayed in arranging the phire or -amethyst, which has just pompadour. made its appearance on the market. Many women turn their hair in Powder, rouge, lipstick and eyeshadow an under roll and a deep wave while are available in these yummy shades. a more intricate one has numerous, Ol ttle curls behind the high part. Or if your pocketbook will only allow Clips are Formal a partial reconditioning, there a e Clips for formal occasions are used several new lipsticks to satisfy your in pairs, one being worn on each side yearnings. One. for evening, is a dark, of the pompadour. Clips this sea- bewitching color which goes by the son are numerous in styles. Plain name of Black Tulip. It is bluish in gold or silver clips are very smart base, but warms up beautifully to your and jeweled ones can be found in scintillating gowns. extremely unusual versions. Lipstick Matches Costume Hair ribbons for school or less form- For browns and greens which seem al affairs are used in place of clips, to dominate the winter wardrobe though more simple, tortoise, shell scene, there is a luscious shade called clips are very practical for every day Cinnabar. Or for the woman who wear. wants a clear red lipstick to go with Baby Cuts Appear all her costumes, a vivid shade called Shorter hair and especially baby Rico Red should be perfect. hair cuts have come to the front. If Christmas presents are on your The charm of these coiffeurs is found mind, here is the most adorable gift in the simplicity and girlishness. Short Feature Polo, Reefer Styles If you are conservative, a lover of things that are perennially smart, you have no doubt already solved the problem of winter coats, both for sports and dates. If, however, you wish to be daring, and are looking for something new: stores are filled with new campus styles to meet your demands. To be different, you might get a coat that reminds you of your happy childhood; namely, one of red or navy or chincilla cloth minus the familiar nautical insignia - or you can have that too if you really want to be patriotic. A suggestion which would meet the demands for warmth and smartness is the snow-white polar-bear coat, of cotton-backed wool fleece, lined and hooded in red and black plaid. Or if you have just received your al- lowance, you may want to stake all on a finger-tip jacket of white baby lamb, lined with red wool. It can serve triple duty, being suitable not only for sports, but also for dates. A Man's Eye View Hankie Styles Dainty Are Featuring aces, Floral Designs anyone could hope to receive. It is a revolving box of Shocking perfume, which when wound, plays a merry tune. For the more playful, there is a roulette wheel, containing four bot- tles of the same perfume which, when set in motion and when it stops, tells you which bottle you should use. Lighter Perfume is Salute The same company has also put out a lighter scent which goes by the name of Salute, and a deliciously woodsy fragrance called Sleeping. If you have in mind a gift for a birthday or Christmas for your little sister, give her Pink Party, which comes in either the perfume, or the Cologne. It is a sweet, flowery scent which is bound to please her. styles are slightly curled on the edges and the hair cuts which are short all around the head form a halo ef- fect which gives the wearer a more youthful appearance that many col- lege women are anxious to acquire and for which numerous others seek. The pompadour is as good for eve- ning wear as for day time. In fact, a pompadour with the sides brought high upon the head gives a sophis- tication which can't be achieved by any other style. Though the long bob, curled on the ends and with a roll on the top of the head is still popular, the pompadour is being used in some form or other by the majority of co- eds. Add simile: "As affected smoking a cigarette.. . '2 * * as a coed Those dress designers must have terrific minds; they sweat and slave all year and then emerge with exact replicas of standard men's clothing and automobile hoods. Hankies have regained*their sta- tus in popularity. Out of the purse now drops a dainty lace handkerchief instead of the rough edge paper tis- sues that may carelessly be thrown away after use. Femininity has overcome practi- cability, and handkerchief styles once again are being noticed. All over flo- ral designs, bits of dainty lace or big masculine ones are making their appearances. Deal Lace Is Scarce Real lace hankies are difficult to obtain for the Flemish and Belgian a high collar which extends down the front in a flowing group of ermine tails. Another unusual ermine crea- tion is a shawl of white-Russian ermine with a small crown collar, and hand-drawn fringes of white silk edging the complete shawl. There is another striking fur this year in the new "black-coffee" ermine. A subtle complement for black is natural Russian lynx. There is a unique role for this attractive fur with its ends cleverly arranged to snap into a muff over the wrists. For the extremist in the fashion world there is a startling but very attractive combination in a muff and hat of black Paradise fox, with the long hairs of the fur dyed pink, and another extreme, but good-look- gray squirrel hat with a matching muff. lacemakers no longer are occupying themselves with fashioning the petite objects. If in your handkerchief shop- ping therefore, one imported pattern should be for sale and your allowance is still intact, it will make a valuable addition to your collection as there are no more imported models to be had, merchandisers report. Perhaps it is this scarcity that has made real lace the sudden vogue of 'fashion. Lace experts give instruction for the novice in buying handkerchiefs bordered with genuine handmade lace. Notice the corners of the lace, they advise. If the corners are mit- ered, the hankie is less valuable than if the border has been made on a frame, in which case there will be no seams in the lace. Hankies Are Tailored Practical for campus life are the initialed monogramed hankies which are easily identified. These look best in tailored styles with the emphasis given to the color scheme. Gay floral designs and novelty prints get the us- ual vote for daytime wear on the diagonal. Match your handkerchief to your costume. Carry out your color scheme and choose pretty, clever hankies so when that inevitable sneeze comes, the class will have something else to turn to than the queer way you achoo. Dormitories like Stockwell create problems for potential husbands like us. That three-room eat-sit-and-sleep apartment we'll be able to afford won't seem much after the luxury she's had in Stockwell for four years. * * * Of course we're not hinting the gals should live like Okies. That would be too much. Coeds need some color in their drab lives; Michigan coeds, especially. FA SHIONNS THA- q . n \ \ ' N >" ' SHINING r x E~of SOPhlisti J Two fascinating /t dresses, cleverly designed to give new loveliness to your fig- ure-with tucks individualizing each dress. /3]Sizes 9-20, 182-241/2 4/z/ ./ f3 N\\ \N \ oV V~s\ A EXRMPLES lcated Simplicity. 2- / / / jr t C / '- /" / / / 7 "//. AN INlVITATION TO SUCCESS Looking for new ideas? For a new dress that will give you a new outlook. Come see the suggestions that the Budget Shop has to offer you, at the Daily Fashion Show The TO N1 10 (OLLEGE "if You can't afford to miss seeing our large selection of new soft, woolen dresses. They were made for fall and early winter dates. The variety of styles and colors will amaze and delight you. See for yourself. : FORMALS NEW FORMALS ARRIVING DAILY $61-95 to $29-50 }.) :3 , (A! . s .