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A n s iv 1 U l1 - A 11% A T V ,PIAI L 1La
W ashtenaw County Goes Republican; Supports Will
ie 2-I
In Close Race
Governor Keeps Margin
Over Strong Opponent;
16 Precincts Report
Vandenberg Ahead
Continuing in its tradition as a Re-
publican stronghold, Washtenaw
County gave Wilikie a 2 to 1 lead
over Roosevelt on the basis of the
incomplete returns from 16 voting
precincts out of 36. The G.O.P. can-
didate received 7310 votes and his
opponent tallied 4731 votes.
The vote in the gubernatorial
race was much closer as was expec-
ted. Gov. Luren Dickinson had 5668
against Murray D. Van Wagoner's
5150. Dickinson's slender plurality
corresponding to the out-state count..
Aruthur H. Vandenberg appeared
to have won in this county since his
votes amounted to 6854 as compared
to Frank Fitzgerald's 3861.
Earl C. Michener, Republican, will]
probably be one of the few G.O.P.
representatives in Congress when he
will represent the second district.
Voters gave him 6600 votes and his
Democratic opponent got 3981 votes.
Among the minor candidates on the
state ticket Dickinson's running mate
Eugene C. Keyes had a vote of 5663
over the 4442 of the Democratic
newcomer to Michigan politics, Frank
Murphy. Harry Kelly was given 6920
votes and his Democratic opponent
Leo V. Card got 3666 votes in the
race for the secretary of state. For
the post of attorney general Herbert
J. Rushton drew a vote of 6,551,
Raymond W. Starr drawing 4,675.
Republican Felix H. H. Flynn en-
joyed a comfortable margin over his
Democratic opponent Theodore I.
Fry, drawing 5,764 to Fry's 4,186.
The incumbent Republican, Vernon
J. Brown, appeared to be certain of
reelection, drawing a vote of 6,860,
as compared to his Democratic oppon-
ent, James D. Dotsch, who drew
In the state legislature race the
incumbent George P. McCallum tal-
lied 6,281 votes while his Democratic
opponent, Odin H. Johnson, drew.
3,789. The other post in the state
legislature seemed likely to go to
Republican Joseph E. Warner, who
had drawn 6,596 votes as compared
with Democratic James C. Hendley's
vote of 3,855.
On the non-partisan general elec-
tion ballot in the race for the office
of Justice of the Supreme Court,
Emerson R. Boyles, the Dickinson ap-
pointee, received 4,601 votes while
Philip Elliot polled only 3,648 votes.
Running for Probate Judge, Jay G.
Pray led Lewis G. Christman by a vote
of 5,767 to 4,152. The incumbents
Lee N. Brown and Albert W. Hooper
led in the race for the two offices
of circuit court commissioners draw-
ing a respective vote of 5,872 and
5,331 as compared to J. Don Law-
renc'es total of 4,008.
George Meader, Republican candi-
date for prosecuting attorney, piled
up a two to one lead over John P.
Keutsch, Democratic candidate for
the same office, polling 6,781 votes
to his opponent's 3,065.
In the race for the office of county
treasurer Clyde D. Fleming, Republi-
can, led Jane Forshee, Democrat, by
a vote of 5,426 to 3,931.
Almost a two to one margin was
piled up by Luella M. Smith, Re-
publican candidate for the office of
county clerk, over Franklin E. Eby,
Democratic. The vote - Smith, 6,037;
Eby, 3,259.
Even Traditional Election Day Fever
Does Not Ruffle Stolid Ann Arborites
PAt A Glance
Voters Return
To Home States; Doctor
Suggests Election Relief
Election sentiment ran high in Ann
Arbor yesterday but it did little to
keep the local citizenry from fol-
lowing two long-time traditions : vot-
ing Republican and maintaining a
quiet election day.
Local police officials were beam-
ing from the moment the polls op-
ened until closing hour about the
order that was being kept, and one
of them commented that "if people
want to witness election squabbles,
Harlan County, Ky., and not Wash-
tenaw County, Mich., is the place to
Although Ann Arbor supported
Willkie with their ballots, they were
not able to do so with their money. A
large number of Roosevelt backers
were found willing to bet sums up to
$1000 but the biggest wager taken
up was for $250 - even money. Noi
odds were offered and few were askedI
* * *
* Probably the most interesting of
all was an elderly lady, more than
80 years old, who left her home for
the first time in days to walk to the
polls. Said she as she was leaving:
"I'll hobble down to vote as long as
I can and when I can't they'll carry
Counting in the first wards was
quite slow since most of the bal-
lots were split. Split ballots make
it necessary to check each individ-
ual candidate on the lists.
* * *
The very young did not escape
election fever, as students and resi-
dents of Ann Arbor turned their at-
tention to the election of yesterday, ding in corners with the men form-
A group of boys and girls, about seven ing discussion rings around the radio,
to nine years old, became embroiled and newshawks yelling "extra" past
in a knock-down-drag-out battle the door every half hour.
around noon outside one of the city's *=
1349 precincts out of
Willkie (R) ...........,
polling places.j
One student was determined to
cast his first vote in a presidential
election regardless of the difficul-
ties it entailed. George H. Miller,
'41, learning that his absentee vot-
er's ballot had been challenged on
unspecified grounds, travelled to
Evanston, Ill., to unearth the cause
of the difficulty and get his ballot
into the box. Evanston is more than
250 miles from Ann Arbor.
About 10:30 p.m. yesterday poll
workers declared they believed that
the Parkway Playground Proposal
which will set up a special planning
committee for parks and recreational
centers in Detroit's metropolitan area,
had received the voter's consent.
Voters this year appeared to be
more careful in their ballot mark-
ing, with fewer ballots being thrown
out for incorrect endorsement. Out
of 350 slips at the City Hall Sta-
tion yesterday only 3 were declared
The Democratic headquarter pre-
sented the typical picture of politi-
cal gathering places throughout the
country. A blaring loudspeaker al-
ternating numerical counts with jazz
bands, an atmosphere hazy with cigar
smoke, bands of youngsters surrepti-
tiously collecting the publicity but-
tons and blotters, sleepy women nod-
One voter, a lady at least 7 0 years
old, was being taken to an Ann Ar-
bor polling place in a wheel chair.
"This is one time I'm going to vote,
even though I may have missed a
few elections during recent years,"
she said.
Voters, apparently alive to the
issues of the campaign and anxious
to record their choices to fill offices
at stake, waited in line, more than
20-deep, outside Burns Park's log-
cabin polling place yesterday after-
noon, in the midst of a steady, cold
* *~ *
A wrinkled, one-toothed waiter
in a dusty downtown beer hall
rejoiced when told of Roosevelt's
victory. "Hurray," he shouted, "no
more prohibition!" Pressed for fur-
ther information, he explained that
Wendell Willkie, with the possible
cooperation of Governor Dickinson,
would attempt to pass another Vol-
stead Act. "I don't want none of
that prohibition agin," he repeated
many times.
* * *
On Main Street an elderly man with
a black fedora scurried through the
brisk wind toward South Division
Street. He wouldn't discuss politics.
"Roosevelt!" he exclaimed, "to hell
with Roosevelt!" "Willkie! To hell
with Willkie!" He ran off into the
darkness of South Division Street.
ness of South Division Street.
1240 precincts out of 3.632
Fitzgerald (D) ........ 238,611
Vandenberg (R) . 345,647
1,315 precificts out of 3,632
Van Wagoner (D) ...... 295,193
Dickinson (R) .........349,180
1.228 precincts out of 3,632
F. Murphy (D) .........259,078
Keyes R) .............334,898
1,124 precincts out of 3,632
Leo V. Card (D) ........206,391
Kelly (R).............318,413
1,158 precincts out of 3,632
Starr (D) .............235,911
Rushton (R)..........310,829
1,161 precincts out of 3,632
Fry (D) ...............241.368
Flynn (R) ............ 309,357
1,143 precincts out of 3,632
Dotsch (D) ............221,484
Brown (R) ............ 324,920
639 precincts out of 3,632
Cercle Francais Initiates
45 Additional Members
Iniation ceremonies for 45 new
members of La Cercle Francais were
held last night at the club's meeting
held in Room 408 Romance Lang-
Following initiation the new mem-
bers were addressed by Prof. Rene
Thompson of the French Department.
The meeting was brought to a close
with the singing of several songs
by the group in French.
In the iniation each member was
asked a question to which the initiate
was obliged to reply in French.
' {By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON-Washington was
one city today where you couldn't
vote, although it has thousands of
voters. As a result, the streets had
a deserted look, for most of the voters
were away. Some were legal resi-
dents of other states and they went
back home to vote. Others, who work
in the District of Columbia but live
in nearby Virginia or Maryland, just
stayed home to vote.
*. * *
DETROIT-Joe Louis, in a tele-
gram to the Detroit News, today
denied he had received $40,000 to
campaign for Wendell L. Willkie,
as charged in a local publication,
the Negro American. The boxer
said "I have received no money forI
campaigning for Mr. Willkie, and
I am supporting him solely because
I think he is the best man for my
HYDE PARK, N.Y.-With "full re-
turns" still lacking, President Roose-
velt told a jamboree of his Hyde Park
neighbors early today that "it looks
all right" and that he thought in the
future they would find him "just the
same Franklin Roosevelt you've
known a great many years."
CHEYENNE, Wyo.-Some Wyo-
ming residents braved sub-zero
weather to vote today.
NEW YORK - Wendell Wilikie
spoke briefly early today to a shout-
ing crowd of followers without con-
ceding defeat in the face of mounting
Roosevelt pluralities.
"I hope," he said hoarsely, "that
none of you are either afraid or dis-
heartened . . . because I am not. The
principles for which we fought prevail
as surely as the principles of truth
always prevail. I thank you from the
-ottom of my heart. Don't be afraid
and never quit."
UVALDE Tex. -- Vice-President
John N. Garner tools a walk today.
Unlike his wife, secretary and hun-
dreds of Uvalde citizens. he did not
vote in the general election. Election
attaches said they could not recall
when the Vice-President had failed to
vote heretofore.
OMAHA, Neb.-For that post-elec-
tion headache go take a good long
walk. Dr. W. H. Thompson, head of
the philosophy and pschology depart-
ment at the University of Omaha,
had that advice today to ease the
nation on what he expected to be
"the worst mornm after since Lip-
coln's time." If you ieel frustrated
and depressed bec ause your side lost
-"Take it out in walking th floor."
INDIANAPOLIS, -id.. -Wendell
L. Willkie forged barely ahead in his
native Indiana early today. Unofficial
returns from 2.185 of the state's
3,898 precincts gave Willkie 576.872
against 576,754 for President Roose-
** *
CHICAGO, - Secretary of the
Navy Frank Knox said tonight that
the nation had reelected President
Roosevelt "by a considerable margin,"
and that this constituted "an unmis-
takable mandate" to "continue a
firm foreign policy" and "an acceler-
ated program of national defense."
Secretary Knox, who is publisher of
the Chicago Daily News, turned over
active direction of the paper to a
committee when he accepted the cab-
inet post. The News supported Wen-
dell Willkie in the campaign.
WASHINGTON,-iP)-The pop-
ular vote for president, as compiled
by the Associated Press at 3 a.m.
(Eastern Time) from 76,392 of the
country's 127,245 voting units was:
Roosevelt, 17,661,280.
Willkie, 13,779,002.
Fortune's Election Predictions j
Come Closest To Actual Result
Most of the various political straw
vote systems this morning seemed to
have taken something of a beating,
even though full returns had not
as yet been compiled.
As Roosevelt came roaring in atop
another landslide, as paper after pap-
er - pro-Willkie tnroughout the bit-
ter campaign - conceded the elec-
tion to FDR, it became increasingly
apparent that the Gallup poll would
be about four per cent off the pop-
ular vote forecast and that its hedg-
ing predictions as to the electoral
outcome were off a great deal. Where-
as it had been predicted that the
electoral vote would be so close that
the winner might not have a popu-
lar vote, Roosevelt again took the
great majority of votes in sight.
Such polls as these conducted by
Hurja and Dunn which had predic-
ted a Willkie landslide came no-
where near the actual result. David
Lawrence's survey ,which gave 267
"sure" votes to the Repubican candi-
date, had used the opinions of 1100
newspaper editors as bases for pre-
dicting that Willkie would be elected.
Most accurate predictions were
made by New Deal supporter and
columnist Jay'Franklin who said that
40 states would favor Roosevelt. Of
the large-scale polls, Fortune maga-
zine's was the most successful, hold-
ing that FDR would win 55.2 per
cent of the nation's popular vote. This
will probably be within about 1 per
cent of the final result. But the
Fortune Poll saw no electoral vote
landslide as actually occurred.
Most of the states that observers
had thought either to be on the
border line or leaning toward Willkie
went to the President. New York state
with its all-important 47 electoral
votes went easily to Roosevelt. A sur-
prising development here was that
the early autumn returns coming al-
most wholly from upstate Republican
strongholds gave the President a plu-
rality over the Republican candidate.
Ohio, Illinois and Indiana, which is.
the native state of Willkie, snowedf
him under.
The election of President Roosevelt
to the first third term in the coun-
try's history would seem to settle
the question of whether the majority
of Americans seriously fear a third
term, and the election seemed also to
settle one other matter - the matter
of just how far the CIO would follow
its leader, John L. Lewis. According
to the pre-election statement made
by the bushy-browed labor chieftain,
a Roosevelt victory would be regarded
by him as an expression by the CIO's
membership that it no longer wanted
him as leader. He will now step down,
no doubt, from the CIO presidency,
although he remains head of the
United Mine Workers.
Practically every industrial center
in the country favored Roosevelt ov-
erwhelmingly as had been expected.
but there were some surprises in the
election's outcome. One of these was
the unprecedentedly slight margin
of Republican victory in Maine. Ver-
mont went along again.
50 Voters Cast Ballots
Election Thrills
Foreign Group;
FDR Is Favored:
More than 50 excited foreign stu-
dents grouped around the radio at the1
International Center to witness thet
conclusion of a thoroughly American
As the votes were pouring in, the
political sentiment was behind Pres-
ident Roosevelt.
Peter Blumenthal, '43, as an Amer-
ican citizen born in Germany, said,
"I believe that Roosevelt is the last
hope of democracy. In the eyes of
the world, he is by far the most out-
standing. Although there is or was no
essential bad feeling, I hope the
booing of both major candidates will
stop and the people will calm down."
Fahri Maluf, Grad., "I favor Nor-
man Thomas because he understands
the spirit of democracy and social
justice. It is amazing to me that
the American people get more excited
about football than about politics.
Speeches were not profound, but were
given merely to pull votes. Issues of
the campaign ought to be clearer.
Political advertising did more to con-
fuse the electorate than to enlighten
them. American politics do not always
measure up to the ideals that I
have of them."
Kemal Bilgesu, '41, Turkish student
who arrived here last week: "Roose-
velt's experience qualifies him for the
office. There is too much discussion
in the campaign. With a strong lead-
er and less dissent, national unity
necessary for defense comes more
Gov. Luren Dickinson
Gets Heavy Rural Vote
LANSING-Leslie B. Butler. Re-
publican state central committee
chairman, said reports received indi-
cated Gov. Luren D. Dickson was get-
ting a rural vote as strong as the late
Gov. Frank Fitzgerald received in the;
1938 election but was falling a little
behind in the urban centers so far
YOU TOO CAN PLAY -- In the game of business if you are thorough-
ly trained to be a stenographer, bookkeeper, secretary or accountant.
Permanent placement service.
Hamilton Business College
T'wenty-sixth Year William at State
Dance to the .Music of
i #(UcGSORnE
In University Hospital
More than 500 eligible voters spent
election day in bed, but a good many
of their votes left the University
Hospital without them.
Taking advantage of the absentee
ballot system, patients at the hos-
pital yesterday exercised their rights
as citizens to take an active part in
politics, considering their duty to
their country above appendix oper-
ations and broken legs.
And His Orchestra
40c Pepsodent Tooth Paste
Arrid Large ..............
75c Shick Blades 20's .......
50c Teel .................
60c Astringsol ............
55c Ponds Creams .........
50c Jergens Lotion .........
60c Rem .................
60c Sal Hepatica ..........
35c Tampax ..............
60c Lysol ................
35c Vicks Vaporub ......
50c Vicks Nose Drops ......
.... 33c
... .59c
?' f and exemije...
at the
II I - I I * I li*ii *
at the
i _