PAGE SIX THE MTf'.HM A N Tl A TT.V T"r SnAF. VnVV. vu. K taAn .[. i1T .At i TLALA IV.L A l4 ." X A . V' .H£L" J.T I A . 1 Ls.. -r - ;FTT ,'Qf xA , v v t~Jtrt' T'#b ;I A U ~YLTAD*~i, t940 I Lawes, Warden Of Sing Sing, To Lecture Here November 11 Generally recognized as one of the can be attributed to his abilitynto world's greatest practical criminolo- win the affection and loyalty not gists, Lewis E. Lawes, warden of Sing only of the inmates, but of all people Sing, will deliver the third lecture of with his engaging personality, his the Oratorical Association Lecture wholesome sense of humor, and his Series when he appears here Nov. 11.-sincere humanitarianism. Because of uniorseen Geveop- The Warden was born in Elmira, ments in the Balkans, Leland less than a mile from the New York Stowe, foreign correspondent for State Reformatory. When he was the Chicago Daily News, will not a child, his parents forbade him to be here for his scheduled lecture go near the place because the boys tonight. Mr. Stowe will appear were "very bad." Yet, he thought here at some later datel Please they looked normal enough. That save the tickets for the Stowe started him thinking: his creed was lecture. the ultimate conclusion of this hu- For thirty-five years he has served manitarian. society as a great reformer, and, All of his activities as an officer like many of his contemporaries, he and warden are based on his belief has come up through the ranks to in the criminal. The warden has his present position of eminence. In never believed in force as an ameli- serving as a reformer and criminolo- orative cure; when he was a guard gist, he has held to one creed: Ven- he would knock an inmate down geance is not a cure for crime and with his bare fists rather than beat rehabilitation is possible only if con- him with a blackjack, billy club, or victs are treated like men instead of rubber hose. beasts. He reached his peak when he was Warden Lawes has made Sing Sing 37 years old, the youngest man ever the most advanced and humane of to serve as warden of Sing Sing in penal institutions in this and other its 94 years. The average term for nations, and has earned for himself a warden had been 11 months, but a position as one of the most notable Lawes completed his twentieth year of American citizens. This success of' service this fall. REPUTAf-TION ProoraJ)hsI that are t,re likenesses posed in the spirit of today f iished so the/ jtill g, ae arc hors Srceay lc#. It is that reputation which encourages us to suggest that when you next think of photo- graphs you visit this studio. - We are genuinely proud of our samples and glad to show them. WHY NOT DROP IN TODAY! 319 EAST HURON DIAL 5541t =-... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 until November 18. The Exhibit is open daily from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Drawings submitted by students in competition for the Ryer- son Travelling Fellowship offered by the Lake Forest Foundation for Arch- itecture and Landscape Architecture are being shown through November 9 in the third floor exhibition room, Architecture Building. The competing schools are Universities of Illinois, Cincinnati, Ohio State and Michigan, Iowa State College, and Armour In- stitute. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun- day. The public is invited. Lectures Leland Stowe Lecture Postponed: Mr. Stowe is unable to fulfill his Oratorical Association Lecture Course engagement scheduled for tonight. He is remaining in Europe to ob- serve present developments in the Balkans. He will appear here at a later date. The next lecture will be given by Warden Lewis E. Lawes on November 11. A Lecture on the Use of Artificial Lighting in Photography 'will be given in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building by Mr. H. B. Tuttle of the Eastman Kodak Com- pany on Friday, November 8, at 7:30 p.m. This lecture is open to the public. Events Today Junior Research Club will meet to- night in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackham School of Gradu- ate Studies at 7:30. , Program: "Contributions of Aero- dynamic Research to Modern Air- pjane Design,"" M. J. Thompson, Aeronautical Engineering Depart- ment. % "Exploring the West Coast of Mex- ico by Boat," W. H. Burt, Museum of Zoology. Business: Election of New Mem- bers. Junior Mathematics Club will meet tonight at 8:00 o'clock, in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. W. L. Ayres will talk on "The Four Color Problem." All students, interested are welcome. Alpha Nu will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu Room. Short busi- ness meeting with discussion of future; programs. Professor Hance will give a short talk. All members are asked to prepare a short three-minute speech. Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Union. Neophytes will give oral reports and the older men will give sales talks over the micro- phone. International Center: There will be an assembly of the newly enrolled Turkish students to receive instruc- tions as to their work in English. Michigan Party will meet tonight in the Michigan Union. The room number will be posted on the bullet- in board. Committee chairman re- ports will be presented. Michigan Union. The program will consist of folk-dancing. Refresh- ments. The Silver Survey for Senior and Graduate women is being conducted from 8:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Office of the League. If you are in doubt about the time you are to come, call the Undergraduate Office. Theater Arts Make-Up Committee will meet today at 4:00 o'clock at the League. Attendance is compulsory. Harris Hall Students: There will be a tea this afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. Episcopal Students and their friends are cordially invited. The Young People's, Socialist League will meet tonight at the Mich- igan Union promptly at 8:15. Christian Science Organization will meet at 8:15 tonight in the chapel of the Michigan League. Faculty Women's Club: The Play- reading Section will meet today at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson room of the Michigan League. Court Refuses Use Of Temple To Association Judge Declares Masonic Group Under No Legal Obligation To Rent Hall (Continued from Page 2) the Executive Committee of the de- fendant Association. This Court further finds that the plaintiffs were given an eighteen day notice of cancellation and even if there were found to be a contract for the rental of the auditorium there was not produced at the hearing of the cause, sufficient proof of any real attempt to find another meeting place either in Ann Arbor or elsewhere. It must be recognized that the audtiorium is a private auditorium as distinguished from a public meeting place, that the owners had a right to regulate its use and exercise a judg- ment in relation thereto from the very nature of the defendant's organ- ization and it is difficult to conceive that with an eighteen day notice the said plaintiffs have sustained anyt damage even if there were a con- tract which this Court finds there was not. This Court further finds that there are other reasons which may be set forth why the relief prayed for should not be granted, but the Court is of the opinion that it cannot grant the relief prayed for either by way of mandatory Injuction or specified per- formance. Further the Court finds even if the said plaintiffs were entitled to any remedy it is one at law and not in equity. French Film, cKreutzer Sonata', To Start Two-Day Run Friday Great music and a great novel are combined in the French film "Kreut- zer Sonata" which opens 8:30 p.m. Friday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for a two day run. Sponsored by the Art Cinema League, the picture is based on Lud- wig von Beethoven's sonata and Count Leo Tolstoy's novel inspired by that musical work. All seats for the performances Friday and Satur- day will be reserved, and may be had on and after Thursday by call- ing Albert Stutz, Grad., manager of the organization, at 6300. Tickets will sell for 35 cents. Made in France, with English sub- titles, the picture stars Jean Yonnel, Michigan Party To MeetToday Group Will Hear Report Of Election Activities Holding its second meeting after organization the Michigan Party will gather at 8 p.m. today at the Union to hear committee reports and dis- cuss future activities. Among the several reports will be a summary of the party's activity in the recent Senate elections and a re- port on the progress of the lecture committee in arranging for leading public figures to speak on the cam- pus. Temporary committee chairmen are John McCune, '41, speaker's bu- reau; John Edmonson, '42, program; James Bourquin, '42, elections; Ruth Basye, '42, activities; George Cheffy, '41, publicity; Keith Watson, '42, ju- diciary; Rudy Salvette, '42, lecture; Jane Hude, '41, expansion. Gabel Morlay and Pierre Renoir, fa- mous continental actors. The story concerns itself with disproving the ancient theory that " a reformed rake makes the best husband." and the setting is Czarist Russia. Produced on a lavish scale. "Kreutzer Sonata" accents spectacular scenes and pho- tographic effect. The film was criticized in its pre- miere in New York City as being a "wholly adult production." In stress- ing the horror of twisted emotions in a real and normal man, it reproduces with emotional impact the psycho- logical symbolisms inherent in Tol- stoy's famous novel against the back- ground of Beethoven's moving com- positions. Portraying as it does the Russian mode of life in old Petersburg, the picture, in true Russian fashion, is unrelieved by comedy. The dialogue has been praised for its concise, pow- erful use, and this has been ade- quately carried over into the English sub-titles. Aptitude Test Stated For Pre-Meds Here All students who intend to enter the College of Meccinie in the fall of 1941 will be given the Medical Apti- tude Test of the Association of Amer- ican Medical Colleges from 3 to 5 p.m. on Friday in the Natural Science Auditorium. The Aptitude Test, adopted bi$ the Association in 1930, is a normal requirement for admission to prac- ally all medical schools in the coun- try, and will be given to students in more than 600 colleges throughout America. This test is not the one given by the premedical society on campus. Coming Events ,, . Sigma Xi Meeting on Wednesday, November 13, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. A visit to the State Highway Depart- ment Laboratory will be conducted by Mr. J. L. Byers, Laboratory Super- visor. Refreshments. Phi Sigma meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 8:00 o'cloc in the Outing Club Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Members are urged to attend as new members will be chosen. Senior Mechanical Engineering' Students: Mr. T. W. Pryor of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company will hold a group meeting in Room 229 West Engineering Bldg. at 9:00 a.m. Thursday,November 7. He will interview those who have filled out an interview blank and made an ap- pointment during the remainder of the day in Room 221 West Engineer- ing Bldg. Call for appointment blank immediately. February Mechanical Engineering Graduate: Mr. Kenneth A. Meade of General Motors Corporation, Re- search Laboratories Division, will in- terview February '}Mechanical En- gineers on Thursday, November 7, from 9:00-12:00 a.m., in Room 221 West Engineering Bldg. Some in at once ot fill out an interview blank. Acolytes meeting, Wednesday, No- vember 6, at 7:45 p.m. in the Rack- ham Building. Dr. S. Eilenberg will speak on "What is Topology?" All graduate students and undergraduate concentrates are invited. Also all mathematics students that are inter- ested. Graduate Luncheon will be held at noon Wednesday in the Russian Tea Room of the League. Mr. Federico Estavillo will speak on the Philip- pines. International Center: Thursday, A CORRECTION The Daily is not taking sides in the political campaign. The two political ads which ran in Sun- day's Daily without the custom- ary label, "political advertise- ment," should have borne that label. _1 ARROW SHIRTS are sold in downtown Ann Arbor at Lndenschmidt & Apfel 209 South Main tional Center group will attend the broadcast of the Ford Sunday Eve- ning Hour. Transportation will be by a special bus. Tickets and reser- vations must be secured by Wednes- day at 4 o'clock. Seminar in Devotional Literature will be held at Lane Hall, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will discuss Brother Lawrence's "The Practice of the Presence of God." II """ When it comes to a popular vote it's always ARROW i ,1 I Pitch and Putt Club: There will be November 7, is the last day on which no meeting today. reservations can be made for the In- ternational Dinnei' to be held on Wed- German Club will meet tonight nesday, November 20. at 7:30 in the Terrace Room of the Sunday night, Nov. 10, the Interna- Why Gordon was Elected 1,499,673 to 8 4/7 - PUT A BIG X HERE> ARROW GORDON . . . claims (and is) the sturdiest and smartest oxford cloth shirt that money will buy, especially recom- mended for campus politicians......$2 ARROW TRUMP ... boasts (and will prove it) that its famed soft collar will outlast and outsmart any broadcloth shirt at $2 gA ..> ;. :: :; :; ,. s - AND HERE In every campus poll the Arrow Gordon wins in a walk. Six reasons why: 1. Ifs basketweave fabric is sturdy and a bear for long wear. In white, colors, patferns. and fancy +1 Both are Mitoga cut, Sanforized-Shrunk, (fabric shrinkage less than 1%). Buy these handsome whites today and get in on the Arrow landslide. HERO/F SHIRTS - I -. ./ 2. Its Arrow collar is packed with tailoring perfection and authentically styled for college men. 3. Being Sanforized-Shrunk (its fabric shrinkage is less than I*/). A new shirt free if one ever shrinks. ., . '.4. The Mitoga cut is shaped to fit the torso (broad shoulders - nar- row waist). 5. Its anchored buttons-- take a 40 lb. pull. 6. Ifs birthright is Arrow- and that means in sim- pe language, smarter ". ,' ... style, better fit, and :" lo'ncier wear. } r I i There are three touchdowns in every Each of these popular new ARROW STYLES pack of Chesterfields for smokers like your- self. The first is a COOLER smoke . . . the second score for Chesterfield is BETTER TASTE .. and the third and winning score for any t __ U G 1.. ITA T IkTT TnXTR~CC i