LGE FOUR THit MTCIITAN flATLy TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1940 _._ . _ ._. _ , _ ..,. __ ... _ s.. :.:.._L, . THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE REPLY CHURLISH By TOUCHSTONE Where Freedom Still Rings Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reser"d. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00: by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940, Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn. Paul M. Chandler karl ]Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtcbafter Esther Osser . Helen Corman Managing Editor * . . .Editorial Director . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . .Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack .Jane Krause -I NIGHT EDITOR: CHESTER BRADLEY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer. only. And Now Its Time. To Vote ... A ND THUS ENDS one of the most bitterly contested campaigns for President of the United States since the days of "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion." It is now election day morning and the last haranguing speech has been heard, the last plea for free- dom has been made, the final cry for prosperity has pierced our eardrums, and the closing jeremiad on the imminence of dictatorship has been printed. The campaign for President is over, and, from now on, it's up to the voters, the great majority of whom will probably cast their ballots the same way they intended to before the newspapers' became filled with speeches and defenses, back in the dim past when the European war was still considered front page news and the back pages had local stories instead of the text of the East Pussenkill speech of this or that candidate. This hasn't been a very pleasant campaign. Specific issues have too often been forgotten- dispassionate discussions of qualifications and straightforward delineation of attitudes on the important questions of the day have been dodged. Rather, we find both major candidates taking practically the same attitudes on almost everything, and we're still up in the air as to whether they're saying exactly what they mean. Both candidates have come out in favor of what the majority of the people seems to believe in- they're against what everybody else is against. Both favor relief, prosperity, social security, farm benefits, conscription and a strong de- fense. At the same time, both are against war, appeasement, depression, reaction and starva- tion. On general issues like these, in which practically everyone is agreed, they, too, are agreed. Aside from this, the campaign has been one of needless vilification, skeletons in closets, red herrings, rotten eggs and assorted bits of nasty innuendo. We have witnessed the spec- tacle of a campaign wherein the prime object of many of the workers of both sides was to print all kinds of buttons and window stickers. Obscenity, religious intolerance, pressure pol- itics and racial prejudice were all made use of in a proportion unknown to this generation at least. THANK GOD IT'S OVER. WHEN voters step into the polling booths to- day, and they're all alone with nothing along but their consciences, it would be well if they paused a moment and quietly considered this election. For the first time since 1936 they will be in places where no campaigning is present. They will be able to stop and think this election out by themselves, uninfluenced by silver, tongued oratory, the talk of their friends and the generalized editorials of the press. They will, for the first time, be able to understand that a brilliantly colored political button has nothing to do with deciding who should be the President of the United States. They will, per- haps, realize finally that much of what happens in the critical and all-important '40's depends on the man they choose for President. AND, SO, electors should ask themselves many question when they get in those booths. They should ask such questions as: Since both Willkie and Roosevelt seem to agree that New Deal policies should continue, who rnon ht Pvxeuto themth man wh. inu- These are tough times for liberals. I realize that I am not being paid to write politics for this paper, I am more or less officially a member of the entertainment profession, which means that I am supposed to dish out a certain num- ber of inches of nice, non-controversial you- know-what three times a week, and as long as I do it and don't bump noses with the admin- istration, all will be well with me, and I will keep my job. But though there are certain in- violable taboos which are verboten, defendu, and disallowed me in my work here, I can, by strictly to the adjective approach, tell you what I think, for awhile. This is what I think about liberalism in my own case. I suppose I might call itintolerance, or if I were a godly person, it could be called Christianity. I think it's just too bad for me and for all of us. Liberals are called reds by conservatives, and reactionaries by radicals. We are the people who have stayed on the fence in a world where the fence is an invisible anachron- War Strategy And Radio . . FOR MORE THAN A YEAR the FBI and other governmental depart- ments have been waging an intensive war against foreign elements in the United States that are actively participating in the international wars. The various crusading boards, committees and commissions gain a good deal of publicity com- bating bunds and saboteurs, but except for occa- sional arrests of operators the headlines have not been concerned with the threat of foreign radio stasons operating within our borders. One reason for the general silence on the investigation's results, is the inadequacy of that investigation, the uncertainty of tracing down activity in the ether. The activity consists of foreign agents broad- casting through portable transmitters informa- tion of military value to their respective govern- ments. The fifth column works more speedily and is more effective in action this way. When a Canadian transport leaves for England, cer- tain axis powers are informed at the moment of sailing. T HE UNCERTAINTY of tracking down the operators springs from the fact that the sending and receiving units are extremely mo- bile. More than 300 arrests of operators have already been made, and because of the increas- ing knowledge of the FBI more prosecutions have been successful, since records are now being kept of the actual messages sent. But te mo- bility of the transmission units keeps the inves- tigators jumping from one end of the country to the other, often in vain. A sending unit was located in Detroit recently. Because of the peculiarities of the operator in fingering his radio keys his particular messages were identifiable over a period of time. When the FBI men clamped down, however, there was no trace of the culprit, and two days later his peculiar transmission was located in Scranton, Pennsylvania. M EANTIME, legislation has been cutting down the possibility of further radio sabotage. Private operators must register their stations. Portable units have been outlawed. Broadcasts in foreign tongues, although not prohibited, are carefully watched. Nevertheless, there has been no diminishing of the menace of the radio; the number of operators has increased. What this would mean to America in time of war is startlingly apparent. A Mata Hari with a radio sending set would be more valuable than a bombing squadron to our enemy. And at the present time, because of ineffective facilities for combating the menace, we are providing the set- ting for a spying system ruinous to England and to other Nazi enemies. Here is another vital field for the advancement of science, for the sake of our national defense and integrity. - S. R. Wallace ism. We have fought to give both sides a chance to speak, and seen both sides resent us, and tell us that by trying to see all around any ques- tion we are betraying not only the left or the right, but all of blind, stupid humanity. That's the payoff right there. The world today is drifting fast into a snobbish, bristling attitude which maintains that the opposition is always composed only of dopes, demagogues, and devils. It is no longer easy to be friends with a man whose political views are not your own. I realize that this stuff sounds like the variorum edition of nineteenth century plati- tudes, but I am gradually coming around to my point. My point will involve some rather far-, fetched accusations, but I can only hope some of you will look back with me and agree. The whole thing is that it's about time for the liberals to get tough about it. We've been pushed around long enough, trying to be altruistic in the face of snubs, insults, and patronizing by people who have no intention of ever seeing a thing our way simply because it is not a ready- made way, not cut to their size and ready to wear. Democracy in this country, or perhaps in England and France, two or three years ag, before the war and the smashing of liberty, was a real thing. It offered a chance for people to maintain their individual views, and let them try peacefully to convince the world that they were right. Boy, even as I write the words, I realize just how absolutely, utterly dead that idea is. The very fact that I am having trouble getting my idea down on paper means to me that the right is gone, that I can't say what I want any more, that the time for protest with- out severe punishment is gone. But not quite gone. Get tough, you liberals. Hold on to what you had, and if part of it is gone, get it back, and use the same methods that took it away from you. We have been friends to all long enough. It's silly to go on trying to be nice to people who won't have anything to do with you. The only way to fight for what you believe is to get good and mean about it. Liberalism must cease to be a me- diator, an oil-spreading way of belief with the dove of peace for its party symbol. It must be- come a third school of political and social thought, it must become a party. In the early days the New Deal stood for it, the Labor Party in England stood for it. They don't stand for it now, probably because of the war, but they havebgone too far the other way, they are play- ing ball with the very ideas they are fighting against in the war. I say that Martin Dies and his witch-hunting committee are nothing but fascists in the spirit of things. I say that J. Edgar Hoover and the F.B.I. are using the American fear of losing our democracy as a loophole for curtailing and de- stroying the spirit of that democracy. I say on the other side of the fence that the Com- munist Party here has lost all semblance of be- ing democratic, that the rigid intolerance shown within the Party. and the attitude adopted to- ward all who will not or cannot accept the ob- vious holes in the party line, has made a liberal alignment with the left impossible. All sides are out only to force a non-democratic system on the people who are not sure. So for us, maybe for the non-revolutionary socialists, certainly for all the people who still believe in the Bill of Rights, in freedom of speech, in freedom of the press. there remains no alternative other than starting to fight, and fight hard to get this country first, and later all the countries of the world back to the things all others have lost sight of, a world run for and by the little peo- ple, not a world that runs people. IT MAY NOT COME now until after the war. That's no reason for waiting until after the war to start. The biggest and most important thing to fight is bigotry, fascism or communism, Republicans, Democrats, anybody who preaches hate and suppression of the rights which are, in spite of anything anyone says to the contrary, rights, and not merely privileges. When a man starts telling you that you are doing something as a privilege, not as a right, he is exercising his right to determine what constitutes a privi- lege. Remember that, and if you've got the nerve, remind him of it. I guess at this stage everybody who has ever tried to write about liberalism has got discour- aged, for the whole thing sounds like the bray- ing of a cheap politician asking that we return to the primary concepts of our forefathers. That's not it. I'm asking that we go ahead and try to realize the concept of what men can be ideally, but never have been. I ask college people, because it has to' start among the col- lege people and spread not only to the people who never get to college, but to those who once went to college, but have abandoned thinking since they left' the tight little right little life. We're not the only people who can think, but all too often, because we are sheltered here, we are the only people who can think disinterestedly and honestly. If we let freedom go in our col- leges, we are letting hate and prejudice spring up among the school kids our teachers will teach, we are sending bad people out to have the world affair their beliefs, we are sending out half-educated people to decide that they are educated people, and the rotten old world will get just that much more rotten. I may take this up again, and try to crystallize it, but maybe through the thread of all this undisciplined thought, you will see what I mean, on this our most bitter election day, in the year that might be of our Lord, 1940. So long until soon. The City Editor's /f r A E - .: *401b K \ , ..... r"- \\ \ "1 I 'r w I.- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 0 and age? that our democracy suffering irreparable dam- We must ask ourselves whether we think we can travel backward to progress. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 32 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, November 6, from 4 to 6 o'clock. The Federal Bureau of Investigation desires to employ a number of persons who speak fluently any of the follow- ing languages: German, French, Ital- ian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese. Ap- plicants should hold at least a bach- elor's degree. There are positions also for holders of degrees in law and ac- countancy. The initial salary is $3,200 a year plus expenses. Applicants should write, telephone or visit the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 911 Federal Bureau Building, Detroit, or if more convenient, the headquarters of the Bureau at Washington, D. C. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern, well-located, Ann Arbor residential property. Inter- est at current rates. F.H.A. terms available. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall/- Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, November 9, by stu- dents other than freshmen will be recorded E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued illness. Women students wishing to attend the Minnesota-Michigan football game on November 9 are required to register in the Office of the Dean of Women. A letter of permission from parents must be in this office not later than Wednesday, November 6. If the student does not go by train, spe- cial permission for another mode of travel must be included in the par- ent's letter. Graduate women are in- vited to register in this office. Musical Art Quartet Tickets: Tick- ets for the Chamber Music Festival of three concerts to be given by the Musical Art Quartet in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall, on Friday and Saturday, January 24 and 25, 1941, may be ordered by mail. Tickets will be selected in sequence. Season tickets (three concerts) $2.00; individual concert tickets $1.00. Please make re- mittances payable to the University Musical Society and mail to Charles A. Sink, President, University Musical on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 U.S.E. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.S.E. School of Education Students, oth- er than freshmen: Courses dropped after Saturday, Nov. 9, will be record- ed with the grade of E except un- der extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of Registrar, Room 4, Univer- sity Hall. Public Health Nursing Certificate: Students expecting to receive the Certificate in Public Health Nursing in February or June 1941 must make application at the office of the School of Education, 1437 U.S.E. Students are reminded by the Uni- veristy Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information to register by Wednesday, November 6, because a late registration fee becomes active after Wednesday. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each case. United States Civil Service Associate Aeronautical Inspector. salary $3,500, no date set. Assistant Aeronautical Inspector, salary $3,200, no date set. Senior Artist Illustrator (Anima- tion Artist) salary $2,000, Nov. 28, 1940. Senior Medical Technician, salary $1,620, Nov. 28, 1940. Senior Artistic Lithographer, sal- ary $2,000, no date set. Artistic Lithographer, salary $1,800, no date set. Negative Cutter, salary $1,800, no date set. Assistant Artistic Lithographer, salary $1,620, no date set. Junior Copper Place Map Engrav- er, salary $1,440, no date set. Junior Artistic Lithographer, sal- ary $1,440, no date set. Printer, Slug Machine Operator, salary $1.26 hr., Nov. 28, 1940. Printer, Monotype Keyboard Oper- ator, salary $1,20 hr., Nov. 28, 1940. Printer, Hand Compositor, salary $1.20 hr., Nov. 28, 1940. Junior Procurement Inspector, sal- ary $1,620, no date set. Complete announcement on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, Office hors: 9-12 and 2-4, Academic Notices. Mathematics 370 will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Dr. Eilen- berg will speak on "Topological Pro- perties of Analytic Functions." Tea at 3:30 p.m. before the seminar. Concerts Palmer Christian, University Or- ganist, will present an organ recital at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, November 6, in Hill Auditorium. He will play selections written for the Organ by seven different composers. Exhibitions The Annual Exhibit of Photography by the Ann Arbor Camera Club will be held in the Mezzanine Galleries of the Rackham Building from November (Continued on Page 6) On the other hand, we must ask ourselves whether Roosevelt has done a good job, whe- ther we have obtained much of lasting benefit from his administration, whether he has solved, our pressing problems, and whether anyone can do better. We must ask ourselves whether we want war, and, if not as most Americans, which candidate will pursue the correct way to keep us out. We must ask ourselves whether there is any funda- mental difference in the foreign policies of each man and whether both know how to engage in- telligently in foreign affairs. If we think quietly and without impassioned hates and dislikes, we may very well be able to decide on the best man to elect. HOWEVER, if any man should come to the conclusion that the two candidates are equally bad, that neither offers the program that will provide prosperity and keep us out of war, then it is the duty of that man to vote for a minority candidate. Such a vote is not wasted but rather is a protest vote, one vote among others that will serve as a warning that there are people who are displeased with some feature of the platform of the major parties. Such votes will serve as some sort of check on the man who is elected; they will hold him back, inform him that there are many Americans who did not see eye to eye with either him or his major oppo- nent, who, they felt, thought essentially the same as he. He will have to consider their opin- ions later. for this is. after all, a democracy RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC -, Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News ' Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Dinning Sisters 6:15 Musical Newscast " Evening Serenade 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 World Today Lowell Thomas toTexas Rangers 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Meet Mr. Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes Today's Music Ned Jordan 7:45 Haenschen Orch. " Doc Sunshine 8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Forty Plus Ben Bernie 8:15 Missing Heirs Cats'n Jammers 8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers "Info," Pleaset 8:45 First Nighter " Interlude 9:00 We the People Battle of the Sexes Montreal Symph'ny Question Bee 9 :15 We the People g 1' 9:30 Professor Quiz Fibber McGee " John Kennedy. 9:45 Professor Quiz "" Bishop & Gargovle