Partly cloudy.
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
A Dynamic
17 1 7"*/Fr7 *WT 7 N
Evashevski To
Greeks Repulse Italian Forces
Italy Joins Nazis In Attempted Air Offensive
f * *
Campus Sorrows
Over Evy' s
Operation To Remove Bone Fragment
Will Keep Wolverine Pilot From Game
With Minnesota Gophers Next Week
A sorrowful Michigan campus learned today that Capt. Forest Evashev-
ski, pilot of the all-powerful and undefeated Wolverines, will not play
against Minnesota next week.
Evy will not lead the maize-and-blue football tribe on the field for its
most important contest of the season. He will be recovering from an opera-
tion he will undergo today to remove a fractured bone chip from the outer
end of his collar bone.
The blow will strike not lightly on a team that has depended through
five straight victories on Evashevski for powerful blocking, field leadership,
and supreme strategy as a play caller.
Ceithaml Gets The Job
To George Ceithaml, 195 pounds of backfield dynamite, will go Evy's
job against the Golden Gophers of Minneapolis Saturday. Behind Ceithaml
is plucky, 155-pound Harry Kohl. Both Kohl and Ceithaml have entered
combat before, and black-haired George emerged from the Pennsylvania,
game a kind of hero in his own right.
Michigan's cement-shouldered captain suffered his injury in that Penn
game as he threw a jolting block into 0
British Guns
Repulse Axis
Aerial Raids
RAF Looses Heavy Attack
On Railroads Of Berlin;
Power Station Bombed
London Strafed
In Night Assault
LONDON, Nov. 2-(AP)--German
and Italian raiding squadrons were
beaten off short of London time and
aigain today and, at the end of another
week of aerial siege, the Air Ministry
declared the invaders' striking pow-
c r was faltering, that Nazi plane
l3ses were running ahead of the
British 3 to 1 and Nazi losses in air-
men 14 to 1.
Tonight the customary after-dark
assault opened with reports that a
raiding plane had machine-gunned
London streets in a busy shopping
area crowded with customers making
their week-end purchases.
Two bursts of a chattering gun,
according to British accounts of the
incident, cleared a congested street
of pedestrians, most of them women
carrying shopping bags.
Hostile planes, which had plunged
through a gale sweeping the Channel,
crossed the southeast coast early in
the night and headed for London.
In two smashes at Berlin official-
ly called the heaviest ever loosed by
the RAF, British bombers were de-
clared tonight to have repeatedly
bombarded three of the German cap-
ital's main railway centers and left a
mile-long blaze about a vital power
One raiding wave, the Air Minis-
try said, went into action shortly af-
ter 8 p.m. last night and stayed on
the job nearly two hours and another
flew in over the city at 2:20 a.m.
today and fired away with bombs
for 40 minutes.
It wasBerlin's Klingenburg power
station, . returning pilots reported,
which formed the biggest torch left
by their tons of explosives and hun-
dreds of incendiary bombs.
Poll Analyses
Show Student
Michigan students are more con-
servative than the rest of the coun-
try, a comparison between a poll
taken by the Bureau of Student Opin-
ion and Fortune Magazine's poll re-
veals. The student poll is directed
by Frank Bender, '43.
Of a carefully seletced sample of
574 students, 47.9 per cent prefer
Willkie for president, while the For-
tune poll shows that 45.8 per cent
favor Roosevelt. The student poll
indicates that 38.5 per cent support
Roosevelt whereas the Fortune poll
reveals the same percentage pledged
to Willkie.
After the data of the student poll
was broken into age groups of 16-20
(Continued on Page 7)
It1 R A
ib. *~ A ~ * & BLI C
J .'. ....... " ATG UA
00 X 0 $T. LUCIA
CANALOS- -... ..,.... .. TRINIDAD
A group of United States destroyers was sighted n orth of San Juan, Puerto Rico, steaming eastward
the Atlantic. Eight such ships left Key West, Fla., in the preceding three days under sealed orders.
Miami Herald said it had learned unofficially that a concentration of U.S. sea power was under wayj
St. Lucia. The above map indicates n3w and old U.S. naval bases in the Caribbean area.
U.S. Ships Move Eastward Under Sealed Orders
Hard Fought Campaigns
Wind Up
Wth Both Sides Expecting Victory
(By The Associated Press)
Nov. 2-(AP)-A
a plummeting tackler who was chas-
ing a punt down the fie . Evy left
the game immediately and 60,000
badly frightened fans watched. Soon,
however, the news came back that
it was only a bruise, and would heal
easily in two weeks.
Gloomy Message Today
Today arrived the message of
gloom from team physician Dr.
George A. Hammond. The doctor
said X-rays showed that a small
chunk of that old cement had
chipped away from the collar bone,
and would have to be removed.
How serious is it? Dr. Hammond
isn't exactly sure. "But it will mean
no Evy for the Minnesota game," he
said, "and after that we will have
to see."
The surgery itself is not serious,
he added. "It's just a small chip of
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Party
Elects Seven
New Senators
(Conductor Of Student Senate Elections)
Victory in the Student Senate elec-
tion Friday seemed to have gone
to candidates representing liberal
thought although the Michigan Party
elected seven candidates to their
rival, the University Progressive
Council's five, a preliminary analy-
sis yesterday revealed.
The deciding factor is the four
other candidates elected. William
Clark, '42, who was fourth to attain
the election quota (total votes divid-
ed by number of positions to be filled)
favors the program of the Univer-
sity Progressives.
Also substantially agreed to the
immediate program of the Progres-
sives is William Gestimt, '42, Ameri-
can Student Union candidate, as is
uilim F lmmnn 143 wh n o a
Wildcats Lose
Close Struggle
To Minnesota
Golden Gophers Edge Out'
Northwestern Eleven
By SinglePoint, 13-12
EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. 2--0)--Still
undefeated, still untied, Minnesota's
Golden Avalanche roared along in
football's empire today in quest of the
Western Conference Championship
and national honors.
By the margin of a single point af-
ter touchdown, Minnesota, unable to
beat Northwestern in its home field,
since 1929, finally triumphed 13 to
12 over the hitherto-undefeated Wild-
cats before a nerve-wracked crowd of
48,000 spectators. It was Minnesota's
fifth straight win of the season.
Minnesota's victory, which left the
Gophers and Michigan the only un-
defeated and untied elevens in the
Conference, was achieved by a pow-
erful rushing game, one timely pass
and the place-kicking accuracy of
Joe Mernik, whose sucessful try-for
-point after the first Gopher touch-
down ultimately meant victory as
the Wildcats missed on two after-
touchdown attempts.
Led by Bob Sweiger, who scored
both Minnesota touchdowns, George
Franck and Bruce Smith, the Goph-
ers established themselves as a dan-
gerous challenger for the "Big Ten"
title by whipping a valiant Northwes-
tern team that never gave up the
battle until the final gun.
The final period was one of the
most exciting battle royals witnessed
in Dyche Stadium in years. Trailing
13 to 6 Northwestern scored a touch-
down on the first play of the last'
(Continued on Page 3)
Republicans, Democrats
campaign of tremendous- and triv-
ial - issues, a campaign fought out
with a slugging tenacity seldom
equalled, a campaign holding a fate-
ful decision for America, is almost
The nation will choose between
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the personifi-
cation of the New Deal, and Wendell
Willkie, lawyer and former public
utilities executive who endorses a
number of New Deal measures but has
denounced New Deal methods and
The minor party slate include the
Socialist Ticket headed by the vet-
eran Norman Thomas and the Com-
munist Party with Earl Browder as
its nominee. Roger W. Babson heads
the Prohibition Party's ticket.
Court actions and the decisions
of election boards have ruled the
Communist candidates from the bal-
lots in a number of states.
As election eve approaches, nation-
al issues that have been shuffled
and re-shuffled through intense days
and nights of speech-making take
H Harris May Write
Concerto For Band
Roy Harris, famous American com-
poser and conductor, has been in
Ann Arbor since yesterday listening
to and studying the University Band.R
He is contemplating writing a spe-
cial piano concerto for the band, it
was revealed yesterday, and if he
does, his wife, a noted pianist in her
own right, will perform here with the
band at the world premiere of the +
musical work.;
on a new stature or diminish as
factors likely to determine the out-
come of the presidential contest. Two
in particular stand out now.
The first is war. Willkie, although
endorsing all possible military as-
sistance to Great Britain, emphatical-
ly contends that a provocative at-
titude toward the Axis countries will
lead to war if the President is re-
Ii reply, the President says that
any charge that he is heading toward
war is contrarysto all the facts in
the record. It is for peace he has
labored, he says, and will continue
to labor throughout his life.
The second great issue is the sum-
mation of months of controversy over
power in Washington. The Republi-
cans contend this issue is epitomized
in the proposal that, contrary to
tradition, the president is elected
for a third term. Dictatorship may
be the result, says Willkie.
Kreutzer Sonata'
Opens Here Friday
The genius of Tolstoy and Beethov-
en will be brought to the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre's screen when the
Art Cinema League brings the French
film "Kreutzer Sonata" here at 8:30
p.m. Friday for a two-day run.
All seats for the performance Fri-
day and Saturday will be reserved
and may be had on and after Thurs-
day by calling Albert Stutz, Grad,
manager of the Art Cinema League,
at 6300. Tickets will sell for 35c.
Made in France, with English sub-
titles, "Kreutzer Sonata" is based
on a story by Count Leo Tolstoy
and the music of Beethoven.
Roosevelt supporters answer that
the powers of the Federal Govern-
ment have necessarily been increased
to meet successive crises - the de-
pession, the war abroad and the ur-
gent necessity for rearmament. They
add that Congress still functions, the
election is free, the press is free,
speech is free, and they ask: "What
sign is there of an impending dicta-
torship?" Roosevelt's knowledge of
foreign affairs makes a third term
necessary at a time of crisis such as
this, they assert.
Toohey Tallis
Here Monday
Before Forum
Former Aide Of Browder
To Present Campaign
Questions To Students
Pat Toohey, former secretary to
Earl Browder and now a member of
the National Committee of the Com-
muinist Party, will address a meeting
of the Michigan Forum at 4:15 to-
morrow in the North Lounge of the
Michigan Union on the issues of the
presidential campaign.
The talk is the third in a series
of addresses by representatives of the
various political parties. Toohey fol-
lows to the rostrum of the Forum
Norman Thomas and Democratic Sen-
ator Prentiss M. Brown. Wendell L.
Willkie made a personal appearance
in Ann Arbor under the sponsorship
of the local Republican organiza-
As Earl Browder, Communist pres-
idential candidate, is detained in the
State of New York on court order,
Toohey will deliver Mr. Browder's per-
sonal message to the campus.
Toohey is an Irishman who has
spent much of his life among the
mine workers, Eugene Olmsted, '42,
president of the local chapter of the
Young Communist League, said.
He has returned recently from a
visit to the Soviet Union with vice-
presidential candidate, James Ford,
and has been active in carrying out
the work of the Communist campaign
this year, Olmsted commented.
Services Will Be Held
For A. H. Schiff Today
Fierce Thrust
At Aggressors
Captures Hill
Near Koritza
Crack Bomber Squadrons
Continue Strong Attack
Against Invaded Land
Italy Offers Only
'Peace By Sword'
LONDON, Nov. 3-01}.__AV Alex-
ander, First Lord of the Admiralty.
declared tonight that British troops
have landed in Greek territory and
that Britain will "honor" her pledge
of aid to the Italian-invaded Greeks.
(By The Associated Press)
ATHENS, Greece, Nov. 2.-Greece's
hard-fighting mountain troops were
reported officially tonight to have
captured a hill four milesinside Al-
banian territory overlooking Koritza
after a furious bayonet charge against
the Italian invaders and reliable re-
ports said the Italians still have not
reached the main Greek defense lines
after six days of fighting.
There was no information in Ath-
ens, however, on just how far the
Italians have penetrated Greek terri-
tory on the Epirus sector, where they
have concentrated their drive.
But some reports from the front
said the Italians had made scant gains
in the last three days in this area
despite repeated attacks with tank
units along the road to Ioannina, cov-
ered by heavy Greek artillery fire.
Meanwhile the Italians reported
sending their crack "disperato"
squadron of bombers and fighters
against Greece today, planting bombs
from shore to shore of the invaded
kingdom, and said the only peace
the Greeks would get from them
would be by the sword.
"Italy has no intention of entering
into peace negotiations with Greece,"
an authoritative source said. ."The
Greek rejection of our ultimatum
set the Italian military machine in
motion. It will proceed to deal with
;he situation."
The high command reported that
an Italian:land pinchers was closing
on the strategic Northwestern base
town of Ioannina both from the Kala-
mnas River valley on the Northwest of
.he town and from the Pindos heights
on the northeast, which reach eleva-
tions above 7,000 feet.
Muste Speech
Planned Today
Pacifist Leader To Speak
At OpenGuild Session
Rev. A. J. Muste will address the
ipen session of the Inter-Guild
Conference at 2 p.m. today in "Evan-
;elical Responsibility of the Chris-
ian" at the Union.
His speech will highlight the two-
lay conference attended by 100 stu-
dents representing the eleven Pro-
testant guilds of the city. It is the
only meeting which is open to the
campus, William Clark, '41, in charge
of the conference announced.
Known as an ardent pacifist and
former labor leader, Rev. Muste is
national secretary of the Fellowship
of Reconciliation. For 13 years he
was director of Brookwood Labor
College of New York, foremost work-
er's educational institution in the
United States. For many years he
was one of the leaders of the Trot-
skyist section of the Communist par-
ty. He has been a contributor to
numerous books on labor and to na-
tional current magazines.
Based on the theme, "The Import-
ance of Religion to the Individual,"
the session was opened by Rev. Muste
yesterday at 2 p.m. on the need for
renman and niri e i seiinPn
Persona lities, Music,
Fetr Acts
Will Highligh t Band's'Varsity Night'
By S. R. WALLACE "Huckleberry Finn" and "Mardi Gras"
Famous personalities, great music, from the "Mississippi Suite."
and a unique feature stunt will high- An innovation this year is the
light the University Band's annual "Stump Me If You Can" feature,
Varsity Night to be held at 8:15 to- which is to be run on the order of
VariNihtlobA hdi at8:1 radio's popular "Information Please,"
morrow in Hill Auditorium, with Prof. John Brumm, of the journ-
Tickets for the variety show will alism department, acting as inter-
be on sale at the Lague and Union rogator. Covering the fields of music,
desks today ,and at Wahr's Book sports, literature, current events,
Store as well tomorrow. Selling for science and art, the quiz program is
25c. the tickets may be had at any to stair Ferde Grofe. Tom Harmon.
'44, who was connected with Phil
Spitalny's All-Girl Orchestra for two
Grofe will conclude "Varsity Night"
by conducting the band in compo-
sitions taken from his famous "Grand
Canyon Suite," namely "Over There
Fantasy" and "On the Trail."
Grofe arrives in Ann Arbor today
to practice with the University Band
for tomorrow's nerformance. Born in