THE MICHIGAN DATTY SATURDAY, NO ER2; 940 L a as u. rya a. si ,R .I 2.1 1 \ yF R 1 i.i 1 v . 'i7d>,/l .i7 - V \ 1J 171E 1 1 /v7 1 7'=V u .... ..,... .,.., t Bureau Offers Occupation Aid Expectant Graduates Urged To Register By Nov. 6 All students who expect to gradu- ate in February, June or August who wish to avail themselves of the serv- ices of the Bureau of Occupa- tional Information and Appointments, should register at 201 Mason Hall be- fore Wednesday, Nov. 6, Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director announced yester- day. It is important that application blanks be filled out, in order that Bureau officials have time to prepare the material for prospective employ- ers. Students may register in the Teaching Division or in the General Division, which includes registration for all positions other than teach- ing. After Nov. 6, by a ruling of the Board of Regents, there will be a late registration fee, of $1. LIKE A TINY CAMERA... - THE measures your lighting The Light Meter is a "Magic Eye" that tells you exactly how Much lighteyou ' have, and if it is adequate for safe seeing. Meas- ure your lighting today ,,phone your Detroit Edison office. Trombone Soloist Betty Correll To Be Featured In Varsity Night I i __. Hillel To Give Triangles' Initiates Survive Soakings Usic Se ries For two years one of youngest en- tertainers in Phil Spitalny's All-Girl orchestra, Betty Correll, '44, will be featured in the University Band's annual Varsity Night at 8:15 p.m. Monday at Hill Auditorium. Tickets for the event are being sold on campus by bandsmen for 25 cents, and will be available at the Hill Audi- torium box office Monday night. The nationally known orchestra which she joined after graduating from high school in 1938, toured the entire country during the last two years, and Miss Correll went with it as & trombone soloist. Her chance with Spitalny first came when a musical instrument company executive in Elkhart, Ind., her home town, wrote to his friend, the band leader, recommending an audition for Miss Correll. The audition, grant- ed promptly, proved to be success- ful, Her first engagement was with the orchestra at the Paramount Theatre in New York, where she was as- tounded to learn that Spitalny chooses their hair styles, all the cos- tumes his girls wear and even has a good deal to say about their private lives. For instance, he dislikes sport clothes, 'and so the girls are careful not to appear in, too-tailored out- fits. He does not allow them to date strangers; therefore, unless someone in New Mexico or California hap- pens to be known to them, they don't go out after shows. Miss Correll admits that their op- portunities for dating while "on the road" are many, and often very amus- ing. In every town they played, especially the college towns, boys cluttered up the back-stage area ply- ing them with invitations. Miss Cor- rell dated occasionally a "friend of someone who knew someone else" in her band. She left Spitalny's orchestra this __- -- I summer for only one reason-to come Plans To Include Vocal, to Michigan and finish her education. In rumental Groups She intends to major in music and to teach eventually. Meantime she {{Plans for musical activities of Hill- ontfinlP to natir en rmnnIl Fmid i'tin fnt th orinvr; Weather conditions weren't wet enoug) yesterday for the members of Triangles., junior engineering hon- or society, but it didn't bother them too much--it was too easy to import what they felt was sufficient water k n 1-o Chai i n i an rr ric ua e vuesevo prac icen er trombone elounua on or t Ue coming year Loit-t p it1 1erintiates rom going! playing, in the event that a teaching were announced yesterday by Richard dry. job does not appear and she must Mendes. '42, chairman of the music And water was really the order of1 . .rcommittee. the day. For more than an hour the join a dance band again. A recorded program of a series 12 initiates were forced to take turnsi -- - ------- featuring classical music will inaugu- pouring the contents of 12 tin pails Injured Student Termed rate the year's activities at the Foun- upon themselves and each other occa- dation Sunday. sionally taking time to sprawl out on 'Generally Satisfactory' Betides the-e recorded programs of the wet pavement of campus walks. The condition of Arthur Rickel. Jr classical and semi-classical music, Festivities began at 3 p.m. on the '4 cndMendes reported that a string quar- north end of the diagonal, shortly '44, injured last Monday by an ex- tet, a woodwind quartet and a after the initiates had finished roller- plosion in his chemistry laboratory capella choir are being organized, skating about the campus with dunce was reported as generally satisfac- Michael H. Berman. '42, who has caps on their heads, old clothes on tory" by his doctor. 10 months of training under Hans their backs and pails containing choc- At the same time it was announced Langer, will supervise the string quar- olate bars, cigars and paddles in their that the extent of Rickel's injury to tet. The woodwind quartet will be hands. his eyes, seriously injured by the under Laura Baird. '43SM-Lit. Obeying the dictates of the old flying glass of the test tube he was All those who checked "music com- heating, will not be known for sev- mittee" on their membersip card will omembers who were clothed in black eral weeks. He underwent an opera- be contacted, and all others interested staksedthello mmings. they tion on his eyes Tuesday. are urged to notify Mendes. h- started the ball rolling by crawling rwiv d th in t. n f thI- di n-- lookers, unfoItunatel for the 12, noticed cheating and reported that "blowing." use of thel hands and se of the tongue were prevalent. The "Grand MTrch to the Arch," a combination of "goose-stepping," "duck paddling" and ci'awling, brought the initiates to the West Engineering Building in about 15 minutes. The delay was caused by a detour near the muddy walk of the library, where the initiates had to swim through a mud puddle. Mudsoaked, water-soaked, tired and worn, the newly honored finished their work by scrubbing the floor of the Arch and claiming that they "never had more or wetter fun in their lives." Instruments Are Stolen Bruce Brown. 2410 Vinewood St., has reported that a set of engineer- ing instruments were stolen from Room 439 of the East Engineering Building Thursday. i J i I I i ''~::: ~ . - - - - - -- --- I _ - --r ai unuie e pavement o ma iagonat on their bellies, holding to each oth- er's feet. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN! t SHOWS TO-DAY at 2--4-7-9 P.M. Mats. 25c - Eves. 40c incl. tax NOW PLAYING- i ;. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1940 VOL. LI. No. 30 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to allI members of the University. Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople on Sunday, November 3, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Faculty, School of Education will' have their regular luncheon Mon- day noon, November 4, at the Michi- gan Union. Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports are due Satur- day, November 2, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Bronson-Thomas Prize in German: Value $40. Open to all undergraduate students in German distinctly Ameri- can training. Will be awarded on the results of a three-hour essay compe- tition to be held under departmental supervision in the latter half of March, 1941 (exact date to be an- nounced two weeks in advance.) Con- testants must satisfy the Department that they have done their reading in German. The essay may be written in English or German. Each contest- ant will be free to choose his own sub- ject from a list of at least 30 offered. Students who wish to compete must be taking a course in German (32 or above) at the time of the competition. They should register and obtain di- rections as soon as possible at the office of the German Department, 204 University Hall. Presidents of Fraternities and, Sor- orities are reminded that mex ber- ship lists are due at the Office of the Dean of Students on November 5. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information will be open to registration Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 4-6 inclusive. Blanks may be obtain-j ed at the office, 201 Mason Hall, hours: 9 - 12 and 2 - 4. Both seniors and graduate students, as well as staffC members are eligible for the service of the Bureau, and may register sin the Teaching Division or in the 'Gen- eral Division, which includes reg- istration for all positions other than teaching. February, June and August graduates are urged to register now, as this is the only general regis- tration to be held during the year and positions are already coming in for next year.a After November 6, by the Ruling of the Regents, there will be a late registration fee of $1. High spot on the first part of the program was a race to see which one of the initiates could push a piece of chocolate some 30 feet in the least amount of time, using his nose as the propelling instrument. On- MINNESOTA ... ACVRAIL Only Round Trip Go in comfort on the Football Special. Famous Milwaukee Road "Hiawatha." Low price meals- Scenic Route RESERVATIONS NOW! Union Tgavel ]bureau A Checkbook Is Lighter You may not go to the extremes this gentleman does, but it would still help you to have a personal checking account. You may never need a guard to watch your moneybags, yet it's simpler, easier, safer and cheaper to pay bills by check. It's a boon to the budget, guides and checks spending, stops losses. Let us show you. Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Ann Arbor Savings &Commercial Bank' II 330 South State on Campus 101 South Main Musical Art Quartet Tickets: Tick- ets for the Chamber Music Festival of three concerts to be given by the 4 Musical Art Quartet in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall, on Friday and Saturday, January 24 and 25, 1941, may be ordered by mail. Tickets will be selected in sequence. Season ticketsj (three concerts) $2.00; individual concert tickets $1.00. Please make re- mittances payable to the University Musical Society and mail to Charles A. Sink, President, University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. On Monday morning, November 25, at 8:30 o'clock, all unsold tickets, both season and individual, will be offered for sale over the counter in the Society's offices in Burton Mem- orial Tower. !Academic Aotices Bacteriology Seminar, Monday, No-, ember, 4, at 8:00 p.m., in Room 1564 East Medical Building. The subject discussed will be "Rappel Inocula- tions." All interested are invited. Concerts; Faculty Concert: Guest artists for the Faculty Concert Series, George Poinar, violinist, and Friede Schu- macher, pianist, will present a sonata recital at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, Novem- ber 3, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. No admission charge will be (Continued on Page 4) MICHIGAN. - 'i --- - ----- 0 4 CHURCH III DIRECTORY "MIDGET MOTOR MANIACS" -1 Extra - "LOVE IN A COTTAGE" NEWS OF ' THE DAY r t Coming Tuesday! Elsa Maxwell's (46/i~c (4e(* k. 1~ Iii LEARN TO FLY WE GIVE FLYING STAMPS \u Aers Your Chance!r There's no thrill like flying a plane yourself - you can do it free by saving FLYING STAMPS given with every purchase at MARSHALL'S. Do your part to make Michigan the No. 1 Avia- tion State in America. Learn to fly FREE with Flying Stamps. Come in today. We at Marshall's will be happy to give you the details - Come in to.. . MARSHALL'S Funnier! Madder! Wilder! Wackierl Screwier!...than a Soglow can sketch it! 0. soGLow on i. THE LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Sponsored Jointly by Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches. Zion Lutheran Church, East Washington at South Fifth Ave. 10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon, "Jesus, the Reformer" by Rev. E. C. Stell- horn. Trinity Lutheran Church, East William St. at South Fifth Ave. 10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon, "Religiosity or Christianity" by Rev. H. O. Yoder.. Lutheran Student Association in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 East Washington St. 5:30 P.M. Social Hour. Supper at P:00. A dis- cussion of the Inter-guild Conference will fellow the Supper hour. UNITARIAN CHURCH The Liberal Center State and Huron Streets. H. P. Marley, Minister. 11:00 A.M. "East Meets West". Philosophies of Lin Yutang and Walt Whitman. 7:30 P.M. Student Round Table. "Pacifist Youth and the Present Crisis." By William T. Scott, Grad. 9:00 P.M. Coffee Hour. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and Williams Sts. Rev. Leonard A. Parr, Minister. Director of Music, Donn Chown. Organist, Mrs. Mary McCall Stubbins. Willis B. Hunting, Director of Student Activ- ities. Adult Study Group led by Rev. Ernest Evans, in "Our Heritage and Polity." 10:45 A.M. Service of Public Worship. Sermon by Dr. Parr on "Satan and Job and Nineteen - Forty," 5:00 P.M. Conference of Religious Education and Church School workers. Talk by Prof. Trow. Supper follows. 7:00 P.M. Student Fellowship. Speaker Prof. Carr who will speak on "Family Problems." Discussion follows and social hour and re- freshments. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Min. George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. 11;00 A.M. Junior Church. 11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall. 7:00 P.M. College Work Program, Harris Hall. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State St. between Washington and Huron. Ministers: Charles W. Brashares, and J. Edward Lantz. Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director;,Mary Eleanor Porter, organist. 9:45 A.M. Church School for Students. Dr. G. E. Carrothers is the leader. Wesley Foundation Assembly Room. 10:40 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Beginners and Primary Departments. Parents my leave children there while attending church. 10:40 A.M. Morning Worship. Dr. Brashares will preach. 6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild meeting. Assembly Room. Discussion groups on "Religious Be- liefs", "Christian Worship", and "Social Ac- tion." Fellowship hour and supper at 7:15 P.M. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw-Dial 2-4466 William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister Lillian Dilts, Assistant William Barnard, Director of Music 9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age groups. 9:30 A.M. Bible Class for University Students. Prof. R. D. Brackett, teacher. 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service. "For Our Salvation" will be the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 10:45 A.M. Nursery for those desiring to leave their small children. while they attend the morning service. 6:00 P.M. Westminister Student Guild will meet for supper and fellowship hour. At 7:00 p.m. Dr. Paul Harrison of Muscat, Arabia will speak to the group on "Experiences in Arabia." i %% M E O "G R E A T 4 &E O F ROFI LE" with Mary Beth Hughes Gregory Ratoff " John Payne Anne Baxter Lignel Atwill -Extra -- MICHIGAN YS. PENN. Football Scenes. CanIron -- Travel -Nes |1l HILLEL FOUNDATION East University at Oakland. Dial 3779. I 1 i1 1 1 [T it