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November 02, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-02

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VOL. LI. No. 30





2,377 Voters Elect
16 New Senators;
Name KelleyFirst,

1,159 First Place Student
Votes Won By G.O.P.
Presidential Nominee
7 Senate Seats Go
To Miehigan Party
Leading the Student Senate race,
Roger Kelley, '42, of the University
Progressives received a large plurality
of votes over the rest of his running
mates in yesterday's election when
he got the record-breaking number
of first place votes of 250.
Ruth Basye, '42, and Arnold Moore,
'43, both of the Michigan party were
automatically elected with Kelley on
the first count. The quota of 148
had been set and Miss Basye received
183 firsts and Moore 181 firsts.
William Clark, '42, Inter-Guild
party and also affiliated with Uni-
versity Progressive party was the
fourth chosen. He ws elected on the
fifteenth count.
Roosevelt Gets 854
In the preferential straw vote for
the national' presidcncy Wilkie re-
ceived 1159 first place votes; Roose-
velt 854; Thomas 172; Browder 52;
and Babson 6 Students numbered"
the candidates in the order of their
The Michigan party captured seven
posts while their opponents, the Uni-
versity Progressive Council got six
seats. The other three positions
were divided among the American
Student Union, Dormitory, and En-
gineering candidates.
Other winning candidates with the
number of votes they had received at
1 a.m. were Bill Elnman, '43, Dormi-
tory, 80, Raymond Zulauf, '42, Mich-
igan party, 89, William Todd, '42,
Michigan party, 78, Edward Tann,
'43E, Michigan party, 94, Robert
G. Brown, '42E, Engineering par-
ty, 123, Lawrence Lindgren, '41,
Michigan party, 107, William Bestimt,
'43E, American Student Union, 72,
Herman Epstein, Lit., University Pro-
gressive, 82, Bill Rockwell, '41, Uni-
versity Progressive, 82, Robert War-
ner, '43, University Progressive, 110,
Julie Chockley, '43, University Pro-
gressive, 92, and William Irwin, '42,
Micihgan party, 81.
Eleve Ballots Invalid
A total of 2,366 valid votes were cast
in this election. There were 11 in-
valid votes which made about one
half of one per cent of vote ballots
invalid. Since there were 16 posts to
be filled this number divided into the
total of valid votes gave a quota of 148.
The election board, headed by Wil-
liam Elmer, -'41, and Robert Speck-
hard, '42, included: Laurence E. Mas-
cott, '41, Myron M. Dann, '43, Maya'
D. Gruhzit, '41, Pat Kelsey, '43, Al-
fred M. Shearer, '44, John W. How-1
ard, '43, Norman A. Schorr, SpecL.,
director of Student Senate elections in
1939, served in an advisory capacity.
'Political Quiz'
Series Closes
Chief Issues Of "Election
Discussed By Experts
"Roosevelt has been sticking his
finger in Hitler's eye," declared L. D.
Bisbee, Republican Jackson attorney,
in the fourth and last of a series
of pre-election Political Quiz pro-
grams held last night in the county
On the other side of the table,
in the Roosevelt camp, Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson of the history depart-
ment said that he was in favor of
sticking a finger in Hitler's eye.
Professor Slosson, who sat on the

board of, experts of the first quiz
program as a neutral, last night,
in his own words, spoke "mildy for
Other members of the panel were
Mrs. Arthur Bromage -- Democrat1
and S. Wells Utley, Republican in-'
dustrialist from Detroit. Prof. Ralph
Aigler of the Law School served
as middleman.
Mahliahf effh p-ni xw c oh

Film League
Will Revive
"The Three Musketeers," most fa-
mous motion picture in which Doug-
las Fairbanks, Sr., starred, will be
shown at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under
the auspices of the Art Cinema
Featuring swashbuckling, acrobat-
ic Fairbanks, the film also features
the still popular Adolph Menjou, and
the old-time sirens Barbara La Marr
and Marguerite de la Motte. A musi-
cal score will accompany the silent
movie, which will be supplemented
'by selected short subjects.
A few seats are still available for
the performance, and may be secured
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office after 7:30 tomorrow. The
fourth and last in the Fairbanks
series will be shown Sunday, Nov. 17.
Based on the classic Dumas novel
of the same name, "The Three Mus-
keteers" shows the late Fairbanks at
his celluloid best. His famous fight-
,ing and fencing scenes are included
in this picture, as well as the broad-
ly pantomined love scenes which are
making the series revival so popular
throughout the country.
Guild Meeting
To Be Headed
By Rev. Muste
100 Delegates To Attend
Lane Hall Conferences;
Services Open Today
Nearly 100 students who registered
last night will convene at 2 p.m. to-
day in Lane Hall, headquarters of
the Student Religious Association, for
the annual Inter-Guild Conference.
Representing nine Protestant Stu-
dent Guilds, the 90-odd delegates
will attend a two-day series of talks,
under the leadership of the Rev. A. J.
Musto, former minister of New York's
Labor Temple who gained nation-
wide fame as a liberal through maga-
zine articles before he became a re-
ligious pacifist.
The conference will open with a*
short worship service led by William
Clark, '41, president of the Confer-
ence. Reverend Muste will conduct the
first roundtable, discussing "The Im-
portance of Religion to the Individ-
ual," after the services, and the
second, "The Place of the Church in
the Community," at 7:30 p.m.
Tomorrow's sessions of the Con-
ference will open with his' one-hour
study of the Biblical basis for Chris-
tian action at 9:30 a.m. in Lane
Hall. A dinner will be held in the
Union for the delegates at 1 p.m.
to be followed by an open session
in the Union at which Reverend
Muste will speak on "The Evangel-
ical Responsibility of Being a Chris-
'The Bat' Will le
Next Presentation
Of Play Production
Play Production, now presenting
"Three Men On A Horse" at the Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Thearte, will offer as
its second play of the year the mys-
tery by Mary Roberts Rinehart and
Avery Hopwood, "The Bat."

The play will open Nov. 13 and
will be directed by Prof William P.
Halstead of the Speech department.
It ranks fourth in the list of "most
popular plays" in New York theatri-
cal history, having run 867 perfor-
Condition Of McLaughlin

Cites Political
Smith Calls Sportsmanship.
In Campaign Necessary,
At Annual PEI Meeting
Moral Rearmament
Needed, Evans Says
Sportsmanship in politics has re-
cently been illustrated in the passage
of two Hatch Acts by which the Dem-
ocrats gave the Republicans their
only chance of winning the current
°lection, Congressman T. V. Smith of
Illinois told delegates to the 11th
Annual Parents Education Institute
at the last day's morning session
"Beneath the perpetual clash of
men and issues in political campaigns
there has existed a good humor which
is the only possible foundation for
maintaining the two-party system,"
he declared.
Congressman Smith stated that
competition between political per-
sons over issues is in effect a stan-
dard form of cooperation in demo-
cratic society.;
At a luncheon later in the day
Smith asserted "the main element
in the present citizenship crisis is
our ignorance of American traditions,
abilities and weaknesses."
Two Great Traditions
Americans are heirs, he said, to
two great traditions, the religious
and moral tradition of non-compro-
mise and the political tradition of
compromise, "meeting the opposi-
tion half way." These basic convic-
tions produce a discrepancy in the
popular outlook, a discrepancy which
the politician circumvents by "com-
promising an 'issue without compro-
mising himself."
The basic paradox of democracy,1
applied to the present war crisis,
he stated, gives rise to such formulas
as "war to end wars," in turn re-
sulting in "peace to end peace."
The solution, according to Rep-
resentative Smith, is .the view that
an amount of comromise, an amount
of evil, is the price we, as citizens,
must pay for the goods we enjoy.
"If we believe that death on some]
terms is better than life on others,
then we believe in democracy as our
religion," he said.1
S. H. Evans Speaks
Mr. S. Howard Evans, of the Na-
tional Municipal League told Insti-
tute members that local educational
units must take the leadership unless
they want the national government.
to step in. If the latter happens,
we will doubtless see in this country
the American counterpart of the
German Ministry of Education and
Propaganda, he said.
"The local community groupi
throughout the country must act,
together to strengthen the mental
attitude of the people if democracy
is to be retained in the United States,"
Evans declared.
Any program of moral rearmament,
he asserted, must be based upon the
cooperation of all the clubs, educa-
tional units, and economic groupsc
in the community if it is to succeed.1

Flares Fail
Nazi Raiders
Over London
R.A.F. Planes Bombard
Naples In First Attack
On Southern Mainland
13 British Ships
Sunk, DNB Says
LONDON, Nov 1. -(P- Flare-
scattering German raiders took to the
stratosphere tonight to launch their
nightly monotonous attacks on Lon-
don and widely scattered areas of
England, but the first flights over
the capital passed without dropping
Anti-aircraft batteries pickedoff
the flares almost as quickly as they
appeared and the raiders, unseen in
the blackness, showed no inclination
to get close enough to the ground to
pick out targets.
During the initial phase of the stab
at London, reports came in of scat-
tered raiders over East #nglia, north-
east Scotland, southwest and south-
east England. These for the most
part were single plane forays and
there were no reports of heavy dam-
Meanwhile British air raiders, strik-
ing again at both ends of the Rome-
Berlin Axis, bombed Naples last night
in their first attack on the southern
Italian mainland, the Air Ministry re-
ported today.
Three waves of British planes kept
the city under attack for thl'ee-quar-
ters of an hour, it said, and dropped
explosives on its railroad station and
junction, on oil storage tanks and re-

Turkey Remains Neutral,
Following Russian Lead;
Italians Claim Advances

Fascists Cite Successes
Of Motorized Troops
Smashing Into Greece
Report Metaxas
Line Is Pierced
ROME, Nov. 1.-)-Italian ar-
mored motorized units were officially
declared tonight to have made ap-
parent breaches in Greece's Metaxas
Line at some points, pushing forward
over rugged terrain heavy with three
or four inches of mud.
For other and larger. Fascist forces
was claimed the capture of a populous
area extending 35 miles within the
invaded country in the region of Ioan-
nina, the strategically important
Greek city which is the main immedi-
ate objective of the Italian campaign.
(The Italian radio in a broadcast
picked up in New York asserted Ioan-
nina itself "has been reached.")
This area, said the official Italian
news agency Stefani, has 35,000 in-
habitants and contains 7.9 villages. Its
precise geographic limits were not
Contains 79 Villages
The authoritative assertion that ad-
vance groups of Italian armored cars
were now operating behind the Me-
taxas Line-an irregular series of pill
boxes and other fortifications rough-
ly following the contours of the Greek
Albanian frontier-was based upon a
report to the Italian high command
that the Greek highway junction of
Kalibaki had been reached.
Officials here, unable to locate a
town of such spelling, suggested in-
stead that Kalikabi was meant-a
town above Zitsa on the road north-
west of Ioannina. Zitsa lies scarce-
ly more than 10 miles from Ioannina.
Roosevelt Hits
At Republican

Nazis Claim
Of Thirteen


BERLIN, Nov. 1.-VP)-German dive
bombers screaming down on three
British convoys off the very shores
of Britain today sank 13 ships-in-
cluding one cruiser-totaling 47.000
tons and badly damaged nine others
aggregating 36,000 tons, the DNB offi-
cial news agency said tonight.
The agency said the .attacks oc-
curred as the convoys approached
southeast coast harbors. One, it said,
was in the mouth of the Thames
Near Great Mouth, DNB declared
a single Heinkel bomber sank a pro-
tecting cruiser and three freighfers
out of a convoy accompanied by 20
cruisers, destroyers and submarines.
M-Club To Honor Yost
At Union Dance Today
Athletes and their guests will
mingle at 9 p.m. today in the Union
Ballroom at the first annual M-Club
dance to be given in honor of Field-
ing H. Yost and featuring the music
of Bill Sawyer's orphestra.
Team-autographed footballs, bas-
ketballs and baseballs are to be given
away as door prizes, and programs
individually autographed by Yost will
go to everyone who attends. r
Tickets sell for $1.25 and may be
purchased from any M-Club member
or at the Union, Gil Samuelson, '42,
ticket chairman for the dance, said.

Turks, Russia
Seen Awaiting
(Associated Press Staff writer)
Turkey's guarded statement of her
policy toward the Italo-Greek war
contains more food for thought than
the conflicting reports of battle from
Athens and Rome.
President Inonu's statement to the
Turkish parliament contained a dis-
tinct intimation that Turkey and
Russia see eye to eye in withholding'
action pending fuller development
of German-Italian strategy. But this
was coupled with a clear warning to
the Axis powers to avoid trespass
on vital Turkish interests.
The fact Turkey was collaborating
with her treaty mate, Britain, in
studying the Italo-Greek develop-
ments was already known. Inonu's
declaration that Turkish-Russian re-
lations "now have taken a friendly
turn," however, gives the first author-
itative key to Moscow's attitude. Nor
can it be divorced from its context
flatly declaring Turkey's preparedness
and determination to fight if her
own national interests are jeopard-
Double Message
Inonu intended to convey a double
message to the Axis mates and to
Bulgaria. His purpose was to advise
them that Russia was as gravely
concerned as Turkey over any de-
velopment which drew Turkey within
the war orbit.
Germany vitally needs food and
other Russian commodlities, including
oil, to supplement her Galician and
Rumanian sources. Supplies from the
Soviet could dry up quickly, even if
Russia stayed out of a Turkish-Axis
To Guard Flank
The Turkish leader also gave def-
inite assurances that Turkey intends
to guard her Greek associate's Mac-
edonian flank. Bulgaria is placed on
formal notice of that, if she moves
to aid Italy or afford Germany a
route to do so, it will be with vir-
utal advance notice that Turkey will
enter the struggle.
What is not clear, however, is at
what point in the developing Ital-
iam thrust across northern Greece
Turkey might deemed her toes step-
ped upon. Turkey must regard the
unhampered use of the island-studded
Aegean Sea as no less vital to her
security and economic life, than the
Willkie Scores
Aircraft Plans
Republican Leader Claims
FDR Is Demonstrator
Of 'Deceptive Optimism'
-(P)-Wendell L. Willkie charged
President Roosevelt tonight with "de-
ceptive optimism" in declaring in his
Boston address that the nation was
making "very rapid progress" toward
a goal of 50,000 planes a year.
Citing the President's announce-
ment that he had asked the priori-
ties board to give "sympathetic con-
sideration" to a British request for
permission to negotiate in this coun-
try for 12,000 additional planes, which
Willkie said brought the British or-
ders to 26,000 planes, the Republican
presidential nominee declared.
"But he does not tell us when Bri-

tain will get those 26,000 planes, nor
when our military forces will get the
50,000 planes he talks about."
The Republican candidate spoke
over a nationwide NBC network from
his special train, parksed overnight
on a siding in the New Jersey
marshes, a few miles from New York
City, where tomorrow night he will

Premier Inonu Declares
Turks Stand Prepared
To FightOff Attackers
Nation Weighing
Entire Situation
ANKARA, Turkey, Nov. 1.-(MP)-Is-
met Inonu, heir to Kemal Ataturk as
the leader of reborn Turkey, informed
his national assembly today that the
nation will follow the lead of Soviet
Russia and stay out of war for the
But, President Inonu insisted, Tur-
key is weighing the whole situation
in collaboration with her ally Bri-
tain; she will fight instantly if at-
tacked, and "we remain loyal to our
friendships; our obligations and ties
of collaboration are uashakeable."
His stress on the "friendly turn" of
Turkey's relations with the Soviet
Union, following "a critical period,"
gave foreign observers the idea that
this was the key to Turkey's decision.
Russian Signal Awaited
Thus Turkey, they believed, will
wait for Russia's signal before enter-
ing the Balkan war which has been
started by Italy's incursion into
Greece, unless she first is attacked or
considers herself menaced by such a
development as the entrance of Bul-
garia into hostilities on the side of the
"Soviet policy," said Inonu, "in this
lark world is the one of the greatest
security. We have decided to act for
the interests of our nation without
harming anyone else."
Meanwhile, as Inonu- indicated by
words and action, Turkey will hold
fast to her mutual defense treaty
with Britain and consult with the
representatives of that warring power.
"Our neighbors the Greeks unfor-
,unately have been called into war,"
,aid Inonu, "and we, with our ally,
3ritain, are studying the situation.
Our country has decided to defend our
ndependence, security and land. This
is our greatest pride.
Greek Air Force
Batters At Foes
ATHENS, Nov. 1.--(P)-Greece's
.iny air force swapped blows with the
vastly more numerous warplanes o
[taly today while Greek ground forces
n the northwest declared they had
)ushed one segment of the Italian
nvasion back to the Albanian fron-
Greek planes flew back and forth
aver the wild, mountainous border
area, cutting loose with bombs and
)ullets at the Italians wherever they
,ould find them. The Fascist air arm
tself was busy blasting at the islands
>f Crete and Corfu and the city of
Larisa on the rail line running north
:rom Athens; Piraeus, Athens' big
>ort, and the port of Salonika.
(Reuters, British news agency, re-
>orted from Athens the Greeks not
>nly hurled the Italians back to the
Albanian frotnier but stormed and
.aptured an important mountain and
seized an Albanian area embracing
several villages.
(This advance apparently was in
the vicinity of Koritza, just across
the border in Albania, Exchange Tele-
graph, another British news agency,
Toohey Talks
Here Monday
Communist Party Member
To Present Platform
Appearing as the third speaker in
the Michigan Forum's preelection

series pre'enting the views of politi-
cal partie in the presidential cam-
paigr}, Pat Toohey, member of the
National Committee of the Commun-
ist Party, will present the position of
Communist candidate at 4:15 p.m.
Monday in the north lounge of the
Toohey, who will deliver the cam-
naign stand of Earl Browder. Com-


Executive AssertsI

Football Team To Playooo

Supporting Organization
Has 'Dictatorial Ends'
BROOKLYN, Nov. 1--(P)-Presi-
dent Roosevelt declared tonight the
Republican Party was being backed
by an "unholy alliance" of extreme
reactionaries and extreme radicals
seeking "dictatorial ends."
He made the statement in an ad-
dress prepared for a nation-wide
broadcast from the Brooklyn Acad-
emy of Music, opening a final 24-hour
campaign in New York, Pennsylvania
and Ohio.
Saying everyone knew the fable
about the "unfortunate chameleon,"
who "died a tragic death when they
put him on a scotch plaid," Roose-
velt added:
"We all know what would happen
to government if it tried to fulfill
all the secret promises made between
the conflicting groups which are now
backing the Republican Party."
The president said he felt certain
the rank and file of "patriotic Re-
publicans" did not realize the nature
of this threat.",
"They should remember," he added,
and we must remember, what the
collaborative understanding between
Communism and Naziism has done
to the processes of democracy abroad."
And Mr. Roosevelt continued:
"Something evil is happening in
this country when vast quantities
of Republican campaign literature
are distributed by organizations which
make no secret of their admiration for
the dictatorship form of govern-
Leland Stowe Unable
To Appear In Lecture
Because of recent developments in
the European situation, Leland Stowe
will not be able to appear in the

(Author's Note: I am not a fugitive
from the sports staff. City ed, says
"Get story." I get story.)
An open date in the football sched-
ule means time for football players to
take a holiday and do many things
they wouldn't otherwise have had a
chance to do on Saturday-afternoon.
I followed the boys into the locker
room at Yost Field House, then out
into the rain on Ferry Field (where
Coach Crisler called them around him
in a big huddle because he was cold)
and then followed them to the train-
ing table at the Union. Here's what
many of them plan to-do:
'Bullet' Will Study
"The Bullet" (Bob Westfall) was
taking off his shoulder pads when I
asked him how he'd take advantage
of the off day. Quick on the answer
he was with the sober reply that he
would use the time to catch up on his
studies .(Stuinous hv! and the onlyI

aown next to Harmon and posed the
question. "Oh, Bob and I are going
out to a friend's to blast a few."
(Hunting lingo.) Then up popped a
voice "If you shoot like you've been
throwing passes the last week ."
Good clean fun, you know.-1
The folks back home are going to
get a break, too; Capt. Evashevski is
going into Detroit to see his parents,
and End Joe Rogers will visit the
folks in Plymouth. On the first team,
that leaves Ingalls, who doesn't like
to listen to. an opposing team's game
on the radio, and Ed Frutig, who went
up to help Lou Levine's Blissfield
High School team win a champion-
ship game last night; I don't know
what they'll do.
Others Will Dance
The rest of the boys, led by Big Al
Wistert, will accept the invitation of
the League Committee and go over to
the Tea Dance to show off their

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