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October 01, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-01

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Wolverine Grid Team Faces Long Series Of Tough I


Sharpe, Soph Grid Prospect,
Once Played Rugby In England

Michigan State Spartans To Invade

Robert, The Football Player,
Dismays Chef, Nine Assistants

Ann Arbor For Varsity


Next Test'

Let there be no nistake about this.
'This is a "color" story.
Yarns entitled "From Rags to
Riches" or "How Bob Bemis' Perse-
verence Won Him Rich Reward" are
very common in these days of limber-
minded sports scribes. Witness the
large spread accorded to Ted Denise,
in the Detroit and local papers a week
Denise Uninvited
Ted provided the lads with a hu-
man interest angle when, after not
even being invited back to football
practice on September 10, he showed
up on his own initiative and by dint
of a large amount of conscientious,
unflagging work won a place 'on the
squad which flew to California and
drubbed the Golden Bears, 41-0, last
So Ted Denise had his fleeting
moment of glory. But is there on the
Michigan football squad only one
such player to rise thus from ob-
scurity to the limelight?
The answer is an unconditional
negative. There is in fact another
such personage on the team.
Didn't Receive Numerals
Conscientious readers of The Daily
sports pages have heard of Phil
Sharpe before. It wasn't last fall
that they read about him, however;
for at that time Phil was an extreme-
ly awkward, inexperienced and "color-
less" end on the freshman football
squad, and was even considered such
poor varsity material that he wasnot

awarded numerals at the close of the
It was not until football practice
last spring that this same uninter-
esting Sharpe fellow provided the
sports writers with "color" when it
developed that:
A) He had never played football
before coming to Michigan. but had
played rugby and had rowed on a
championship prep school crew over
in England; and that'
B) He was playing such a whale of
a game at end that there was nothing'
to do but award him, belatedly. the
numerals he had failed to win the
previous fall.
Sharpe Develops
Thus Phil Sharpe's star began tol
rise. It continued its ascendency
three weeks ago when the ex-rugby
player repoited for football practice
and commenced immediately the in-
tensive application to his assignments
by which he is rapidly rounding intoI
a fine end prospect.
And one week ago, last Tuesday
evening, the star reached its zenith
when Phil eagerly scanned the list
of players who were to fly to Cali-
fornia. The three left ends selected
were: "Rogers, Fraumann, SHARPE."
Sports writers call stuff like this
manna from heaven. From forgotten
man to a flying trip to the coast in
one year. Friends, that's color.
Read The Daily Classifieds!

Strong Wildcats, Gophers,
Buckeyes To Provide'
Very StiffCompetition
(Continued from Page 1)
young Pennsylvania whirlwind that
waged such a terrific duel with our
own Tom Harmon last fall. Well,
he's the punt, pass and prayer that
George Munger will bring to Ann
Arbor to forestall the home forces.
Reagan and a- flock of untried
sophomores together with a terrific-
ally tall line make up the team Penn
will use against Harvard, Yale, Army,
Cornell and Navy amongst others.
Harvard, the dark horse of the Ivy
League, and made up of last year's
sensational sophomore team, might
cause trouble. But the competition
in that Eastern circuit does not ap-
proach Big Ten standards. So our
mighty Wolverine should not have
to overexert himself in this contest
at Cambridge, site of many a great
battle in the long ago.
There's awily, grizzled old veteran

Faces Headaches
around these Midwestern parts that
delights in taking Michigan to camp.
Coach Bob Zuppke, the Illinois prog-
nosticator of pigskin puzzles, sent out
a small, tricky squad against the
Michigan eleven last fall and wound

Francis Reagan To Lead
Pennsylvania Quakers
Against Crisler's Team
up on the long end, a happy, thor-
oughly delighted man.
Since that sad, sad day, Zuppke
has lost three of his top linemen, Mel
Brewer, Lenich and Tom Reeder.
The most crushing blow came when
Jimmy Smith, the lad that literally
ran the Wolverines dizzy at Urbana,
was forced out for the season with a
leg injury early this fall.
That. sport fans, is what Michi-
gan's football team must go through
before the end of the season. A series
of wild and wooly battles is the
prospect, so watch those Wolverines.
They'll be in there pitching.
Three-Sport Star
To Joi Coaches
Elmer Gedeon, former three-sport
star at the University of Michigan,
will come back to Ann Arbor. After
two summers of professional base-
ball, Elmer has been given a post as
assistant coach of the Varsity foot-
ball team. He played end while he
was at Michigan and was noted for
his speed and pass-catching ability.
Gedeon played first base on the
baseball team while at Michigan but
upon graduating in June, 1939, he
joined the Washington Senators as
an outfielder.
He was farmed out to Orlando in
the Florida State League and this
season jumped to Charlotte in the
Piedmont Loop.
As a hurdler, the lanky Gedeon
won All-Conference honors in track,
at the same time doubling in base-

As far as George, the Union Chef
is concerned, Robert the football
player, is just three glasses of milk.
three glasses of lemonade, three
glasses of water, and three helpings
of meat, potatoes, vegetables and
dessert, three times a day.
For Robert, who might be Robert
Westfall, the fullback, Robert In-
galls, the center, or Robert Kolesar,
the guard, or even Robert Kresja.
the halfback, is one of the sixty odd
Wolverine gridders who work at pre-
season football practice twice a day,
and work hard at eating three times
a day.
"All they do between meals is play
football and get hungry," George
Keep George Busy
While George may sound like a
man shy/ of industry, a closer peru-
sal reveals that his frame of mind
is not unreasonably formed. George
is big and strong, and so are his
nine assistants, all except Gus, cook
number three, that is, but here's an
idea of what they have to cope with
three times every day.
At seven thirty in the morning the
hungry horde arrives for the meal
that starts the day. But since our
comptometer is out of order, we'll
talk about just qne of the boys, our
man Robert, of course.
Hs Healthy Appetite
Robert, unshaven and viciously
hungry after 10 hours of dreams
about steaks smothered in mush-
rooms, etc., rushes into the dining
room in the Union, says "Good morn-
ing" to no one, and consumes with a
gulp a glass of fruit juice. Then he
gets up. No he's not finished, not
by a long shot, and he moves to an-
other seat, and duplicates the gulp.
This doesn't happen more than twice
With his trachae, or whatever foot-
ball players have, well cleared, Rob-
ert's appetite begins to reach its A.M.

peak. With a stare at a perspiring
waiter, who's hustling with bowls of
oatmeal, Robert renews the consum-
ing, maybe just one bowl of cereal,
more likely three.
With the oatmeal, which of course
was taken with chunks of butter. the
size of your fist, Robert imbibed
heavily of milk "and rolls and more
butter, or maybe it was butter and
more rolls.
Ham Or Bacon
At this point, the perspiring waiter
interrupted Robert to ask whether
he'd have Canadian Bacon or ham
with his eggs.
"Both" was the usual reply a d
there was nothing unmasculine or
lacking in force in the answer. And
both it was.
This happened yesterday mornig,
this morning, and it will happen again
tomorrow morning.
"You bet it will," George said.
"They do it all the time."
That was just breakfast, the start-
er, however.
Here's the composite lunch and
dinner menus: 120 pounds of prime
beef, a bushel of potatoes, eight doz-
en eggs, five gallons of vegetables, :25
loaves of bread and a gross of roils,
15 pounds of butter, 240 bottles .of
milk, four gallons of soup, four gal-
lons of ice cream, and about 18 gl-
lons of lemonade, which is casually
tossed off.
"That's when they're hungry, I ad-
mit," said George. "One day last
week their appetites were below par.
Two rolls were left over."
Getchell Referees'Here
John "Wrong-Down" Getchell, who
became famous overnight after last
year's Notre Dame-Carnegie Tech
football game in which he informed
the Tech quarterback the wroig
down at a crucial moment, will ref-
eree the Michigan-Illinois and Mich-
igan-Northwesteyrn games this year.


Keating's Disappearance Marks
Pre-Season Football Training

cumstances that have deprived Dave
Nelson, speedy Detroit halfback and'
Harry Kohl, powerful quarterback
from Dayton, O., of a few inches of
height . . . both have a world of
stuff . . . but both are being shunt-
ed into the background . . . Ed Fru-1
tig, big end from River Rouge, catch-
ing everything in sight . . . even1
stray dogs and cats who wandered
out on the practise field . . . The
pleasant (?) glow on the coaches'
faces when the tackles are going
through their paces . . . Al 'Whitey'
Wistert, Reuben Kelto, Rudy Sengel,
and Bob Flora . . . all above six
feet in height . . . all above two
hundred lbs. in weight . . . the tackle
situation looks healthy to say the
Coaches Wisecrack
Coach Crisler's classic remark to
an assembled group of newspaper
men who were there to pump Fritz
dry, "let's go into the locker room
and swap lies" . . . End Coach Oos-
terbaan's intermittent dry witticisms
. . . Quote: "Ohio State has one
h--- of a team . . . Minnesota has
one h--- of a team etc; Michigan?
. well we're weak in reserve
strength." . ' . the surprisingly fine
showings of Jack Butler, tackle, and
Ted Denise, guard . . . . Harmon
attempting to become a triple threat
man . . . his kicks at first were
erratic but by the fourth day of prac-
tice he was getting off 45-55 yard
spirals fairly consistently.
Westfall Hitting Hard
Bullet Bob Westfall looking like
the proverbial "million bucks" . .
the former Ann Arbor flash is hitting
lower and harder than ever this fall
. . . Backfield Coach Earl Marti-
neau predicts a big season for him
. . . Clarence Munn, former All-
American from Minnesota, and line
coach, tossing off one of the most
profound utterances heard in a long
while . . . when questioned by sev-
eral reporters after a long, hard,
practise session Coach Munn said,
"Of course a lot of the boys looked
good today . . we're all happy to
comment upon the good things that
happened . . . but did you notice
the horrible mistakes that occurred
out there today? No, it isn't human
nature to discuss the bleaker side of
things when there are nicer things
to talk about-but we saw the mis-
takes that need ironing out and we
only have 11 days to straighten them
out in-but that's our job-and until
it's done we won't kid ourselves."
Watson Spoelstra, Associated Press
man, was heard remarking to a group
of alumni, "Yes, I think this kid Har-
mon is a comer . . . Frutig looks as
if he might make the California trip
too" . . . the astounded glances our
colleague received from the assem-
bled group . . . they thought he was
either intoxicated or drunk . . . And
so... Michigan left for California.

When you meet herdad






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