THE MICHIGAN DAILY "RYDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class. mail matter. Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier #$4.00: by mail, #4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIGING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff1 Hervie Haufler. Alvin S arasohn. Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtcha~fter. Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor . . Women's Editor Exchange Editor Congress For Independents ... A SK an average Michigan student what Congress is. Your answer will probably indicate that it's "a law-making body in Washington." But there is another Congress, much closer to home, right here on the Michigan campus. It is an organization which belongs to all inde- pendent men-all 6,000 of them-and whose potentialities are recognized by woefully few. CONGRESS, the Independent Men's Associa- tion, was organized to give unaffiliated men the advantages which they lack by not belonging to a fraternity. It is not, however, antagonistic to fraternities. It shares an office with the Inter-Fraternity Council (306 Union) and co- operates with them in many instances. Congress exists for the purpose of obviating -any bonafide excuse that "it's much harder for an independent man to get along on campus." ET'S ANALYZE the situation. Fraternities, it is said, present numerous scholastic ad- vantages. They have private files of past exam- inations in many subjects, collected by members. A member strong in one course can help a brother who "just can't get" that particular sub- ject. How can an independent man hope to compete with the fraternity men when finals roll around? Well, there's a way. Congress has the most complete file of past examinations in all sub- jects on campus. These exams are retaied in the general libraries and are kept up to date -by the members of Congress. They may be ex- amined free of charge, just as anyone borrows books from the libraries. And as for actual stu- dent scholastic assistance, Congress also spon- sors a tutorial system, whereby 'students well- grounded in one subject may coach weak schol- ars. There is a charge of 20 cents an hour for this service, and the entire amount goes to the student tutor. Congress receives nothing for the service. Furthermore, many student tutors do not ask for payment of'the fee, explaining that the review derived from instructing others rewards them for the time spent. FRATERNITY SOCIAL LIFE is a topic for many collegiate publications. Well, Con- gress sponsors tea dances, hay rides, mixers and dances throughout the school year. The climax is always the gala Congressional Fling, coming this year November 29. Fraternity men may sometimes obtain certain commodities at reduced rates because of group purchasing. Obviously, a body of 6,000 men can obtain even better rates than the fraternities. Thus, in a week or so, Congress will effer Dis- count Cards to the students, entitling them to substantial savings on cleaning, laundry and shoe repairing. Also available is Congress' low- cost fire and theft insurance, at a small fraction of its cost if purchased individually by the students. As for opportunities for advancement in col- lege activity, BMOC's are not necessarily fra- ternity men. The unaffiliated man has excel- lent opportunities for extra-curricular work on one of the many committees of Congress-social, student welfare, scholarship, athletic, publicity. THE EYES of the United States are on Con- gress in Washington. The eyes of the in- dependents on campus should likewise be on Congress -Michigan's Congress, Independent Men's Association-for it is their organization and it will serve them well if they give it the chance. - David Lachenbruch Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack .Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN SHAPERO The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Today Is Voting Day... TODAY, students on this campus will have the opportunity of electing 16 students to the Student Senate. It is an occasion that calls for careful and serious consideration of all the factors and issues involved in the po- litical campaigning that has been going around the campus during the last week. To begin with, why does the Senate deserve all the attention it has &een receiving? The answer is explained primarily by the fact that the Senate is the only popularly elected repre- sentative student body in this University. Through the device of proportional representa- tion the composition of the Senate is an attempt to reflect accurately opinion on campus to the extent that interested students go to the polls and vote. DURING THE LAST FEW YEARS the Senate has engaged in a number of activities bene- ficial to the student body. It has provided op- portunities to hear and discuss important politi- cal and social questions of the day through its sponsorship of parleys and symposiums. This fall, acting jointly with three other organiza- tions, it instituted the Michigan Forum. At the beginning of this semester, scholarship funds amounting to a thousand dollars over last year were made available to students through the combined efforts of several faculty men and the Senate. The Senate is also making plans to get alumni groups throughout the country and service clubs within this state interested in the idea of providing money for more scholar- ships. LEADERS OF THE ORGANIZATION also take pride in the fact that the 'price of cleaning has gone down this semester. Last spring the Senate investigated the situation. Last year the members of that body demon- strated a sober sense of the responsibility placed on an organization of this type. Consequently, it is necessary that voters in today's election mark their ballots for candidates who are hard- working and conscientious, students capable of maintaining and even improving the position of the Senate in student affairs. Attention in the present campaign has been focussed on the rivalry of two groups. The Michigan party which has 12 candidates on the ballot and the University Progressive Council which has 11 people running. Both of these groups seek to fillfill a purpose which the fol- lowers of each feel is necessary and important. A number of conservative students and faculty men have long voiced the belief that the con- servatives on this campus needed a rallying point for their interests. The Michigan party was said to have been organized last year for this reason, ON THE OTHER HAND, since the American Student Union is no longer considered by many liberal students as being truly representa- tive of their political attitudes, the University Progressive Council was formed recently. This group, which plans to function on a permanent basis, 'says that it hopes to serve as an effective nucleus for progressive opinion and activity. It is not the purpose of this editorial to point out which group or individuals that one should support. We do ask that the voter examine the backing, the aims, and the character of every candidate before making his choice. - Alvin fDann LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: AS I RUMINATE, and symbolize the Lydian Basanite: -"Touchstone," bless him, is a gifted lad, with a discerning eye, and I, myself, was amused by his description of the way his female sisters and cousins and his aunts, to- gether with his mother, looked to him, now he is a great big boy and off to college, leaving, it may be, their lives so empty, that they are obliged to find a substitute for an interest in living. It is so very true, the empty lives of those who, after so many years, are bereft of the idol of their hearts and activities. There is the girl, too, back home, whose thoughts are centered about him-her Lydian basanite, by which she judges all others. How soon she, too, will grow into an age when some imaginary service to mankind or intellectual hobby, will be taking her to a convention. She wants to keep up, with him! It's something, isn't it, for mothers to do, and for back-home sweethearts to do, to keep abreast of the times and not be a back- number when the Touchstones-those of correct judgment-come home for Christmas, back from the great University, shining buttons on the breast of the world, as Ibsen says? Women want to make good, too. SHE MAY even drive her new car, one day, to Ann Arbor, to attend a football game with him. Maybe it was she, who driving her car, reveled that women are made for the home and can't drive cars. How little she may have guessed how she was being sized up that time she turned a corner on State and North U. and nearly had a collision with a car of hurrah-boys football enthusiasts, who own the town, that was so dull when they arrived! There was no colli- sion: she did it; she made it, dressed as she was so carefully, with her new picture hat a-tilt upon her permanent curled locks! IT IS VERY TRUE, in my estimation, that mothers and fathers do look out of place on the Campus, among the youth, for whose wel- fare they are so concerned. Their rarity may be ne reason for this, for few come. One sees, in- stead, the boxes, in which are unwashed clothes, that are parcel-posted home to mothers and aunts to be washed and returned. It may be that these same mothers and aunts also belong to clubs, and enjoy going to a convention once in a while, attired in new, latest-fashioned hats It's ridiculous, of course. It's fortunate that there is a professor with guts who is not afraid to tell them that their coming is a sublimation because their lives are so empty. He must be a psycho-analyst. Of course he could explain their talking so loud, because they wanted peo- ple to be aware of their existence. It is never done by students and professors of assured posi- tion and culture. UPON READING the "Reply Churlish" in Thursday's Daily one felt quite ashamed of women who go to conventions. It would seem as though, by this time, they would have learned better. But maybe those who heard the profes- sor with guts never went again as delegates to convention. I don't suppose the professor asked any of them to address the meeting? Of course not. It would have been a tiresome procedure. For some reason though, it made me think of a long and open road leading back into history. I saw women walking along that road; they passed, and I noted a few whose names I knew. I noted Susan B. Anthony, and Ernestine Rose, and Victorial Woodhull and Frances Wright, in the long line. Most of them I had never, never heard mentioned. Some wore dowdy dresses, but there they were. So I got out Olive Schrein- er's "Three Dreams in a Desert" and read it again . . . "And reason, that old man, said to her, 'Si- lence! What do you hear?' And she listened intently, and she said, 'I hear a sound of feet, a thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands, and they beat this way!' He said, 'They are the feet of those that shall follow you. Lead on! make a track to the water's edge. Where you stand now the ground will be beaten' flat by ten thousand times ten thousand feet.' And he said, 'Have you seen the locusts how they cross a stream? First one comes down to the water's edge, and it is swept away, and then another comes, and then another, and then an- other, and at last with their bodies piled up a bridge is built and the rest pass over.' She said, "And of those that come first, some are swept away, and are heard of no more; their bodies do not even build the bridge?" "And are swept away and are heard of no more-and what of that?" he said. "They make a track to the water's edge." "They make a track to the water's edge . . ." And she said, "Over that bridge which shall be built with our bodies, who will pass?" He said, "The entire human race." . . -and are heard of no more-but the woman grasped her staff and passed on with that great throng of mothers, and sisters and cousins and aunts,-who have joined together and have made it possible for women to go to colleges and to become physicians and scientists and to take a place in the world. And it may not be amiss, in this connection, to mention Olive Schreiner's "Woman and Labor"-a book so little read, now, and yet considered so great a work, in which she brings out the evolutionary process as shown by ants and bees and the human spe- cies and shows that neither sex can enslave or belittle the other without itself being held back, and its progress warped, indeed stopped. (Signed) A Reader of the Michigan Daily the upperclassmen was "if Ye want to sit in boxes at the Maj, bring them with you." * * * This review was written especially for The Daily. Because of its length, it will be published in two parts, the second appearing tomorrow. By HAROLD OSTERWEIL Thurman W. Arnold: Bottlenecks of Business: Reynal and Hitchcock: 335 pps. 1940 $2.50 During the process of waving the "big stick" with greater vigor and with a broader sweep than any of his predecessors. Thurman Arnold has taken time out to present to the American people a brief of his ideas concerning, and activities in en- forcing, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. It is important that the citizens of the United States carefully ex-' amine the work of their assistant Attorney-General. Why should this country have an anti-trust act? What has Arnold done during his brief stay in office? What are the shortcomings and significance of Arnold's approach to the problem of maintaining competition in the eco- nomic system? The Arnold of the "Bottlenecks of Business" is not the Arnold of the "Folklore of Capitalism." For here Thurman Arnold is intensely serious, as he clearly and forcefully points out the pernicious effects of re- straints of trade. In normal, peace- ful times, price-fixing agreements among business men result in higher prices and in restriction of output-a reduction in the real income of the community. The effect of a rise in prices, Arnold claims, is to divert expenditures into the "monopoly" in- dustry (e.g. gasoline) and curtail consumer expenditures in other in- dustries (e.g. food). Furthermore, the cartelization of industry not only has its short run effects on the plane of living, but has the long run effect of laying the economic groundwork for fascism. (Witness the structure of German industry prior to Hitler's ascension.) However, restraints of trade have an. even more destructive influence during the period of preparation for national defense. Divisions of mar- kets, fixing of prices, and collusive bidding are similar methods of rais- ing the prices of materials essential to military preparation-of raising the already tremendous costs to a people who are straining all their resources in this gigantic defense effort. Restraints of trade in a de- fense period further serve to "tight- en the belts" of the mass of the American people by increasing still more the price of durable consumers' goods. (The opportunities for ex- cessive and cumulative price jumps are indeed present during the re- covery months.) We have now come to the first point in our argument: that desirable social policy demands the breaking up and prevention of restraints of trade. But what control mechahisms can achieve this end, Mr. Arnold? "The Sherman Act!" Thurman Arnold would emphatically reply. In discussing the nature of the Act, its previous weak enforcement, and the current prosecutions, lawyer Arnold is particularly effective. De- signed in 1890 to prevent "restraints of trade in interstate commerce" and monopolies which effect interstate commerce the Sherman Act has had little economic significance. With the anti-trust division of the Depart- ment of Justice weakly manned un- til 1938 (even in its heyday under Theodore Roosevelt there were only five lawyers'and four stenographers in the division), the Act could not be enforced in a vigorous and thor- ough-going manner. In the main, private (people injured by monop- olies) and not public suits have char- acterized the history of the Act. Moreover, time and again criminal cases under the act have been dropped by the anti-trust divisions on the promise of the defendant company "to be a good boy in the future." (But "naughty behavior" is much more likely when the threat of a "good spanking" is removed.) Not only has the enforcement of the Act been weak; it has also not been clearly defined. "Forty years of sporadic enforcement of the anti- trust laws have created a situation in which the application of the law is confused in almost every concrete industrial situation." Striking hard at various fields of economic behaviour. Arnold is seek- ing to drive home the point that re- straints of trade per se are illegal, unless specifically exempt in a par-' ticular industry by another piece of Congressional legislation. Five cases decided in 1939 gave legal status to Arnold's demands: In U.S. vs. Bor- den, the Court ruled that agricultural products are not exempt from the Sherman Act, And in U.S. vs. Amer- ican Medical Association, the Court said that learned professions are not exempt from the Act. That a patent can't be used to dominate resale prices and methods of marketing products was the crux of the decision in U.S. vs. Ethyl Gasoline Co. In another gasoline case, U.S. vs. Socony Vacuum, the Court held that .price fixing couldn't be justified on the grounds that it was used to promote "fair" competition. Finally, the Court declared in the Apex Case that labor was not exempt from the Act when it interferes with competitors. Equally as important as Arnold's clarification of the provisions of the Act, has been his introduction of a new method of persecution. Arnold argues' that anti-trust enforcement will prove of little benefit to con- sumers unless it is directed 'against all restraints in an industry. Thus, he has approached restraints in the housing industry by simultaneously prosecuting (all over the country) producers, distributors, and contrac- tors of building materials, and work- ers in the building industries. And building costs have fallen in the lo- calities iki which the anti-trust divi- son has operated. (To Be Continued Tomorrow) Arnold On Trade Restraints - DAILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN t G G i z E Adult Education And Citizenship . . . THE PARENT EDUCATION INSTI- TUTE with its theme of "Citizen- ship" ends its session today, but the many fine subjects discussed during the three-day conven- tion will continue to be discussed, for the topics the Institute brought up are vital issues in this democracy. Citizenship in the school, in the home and in the community cannot be dismissed with the end of the P.E.I. meetings. No doubt Malcolm S. MacLean, president of Hampton Institute of Virginia, shocked many people with his statement that "American schools have been fundamentally undemocratic." Few people actually think of finances as the important thing in getting an education. Ability, they would probably agree, should come first. But as MacLean pointed out, money is the guide for education, and thousands of students, many brilliant, drop out of schools each year for lack of funds. PROF. HOWARD Y. McCLUSKY of the educa- tion school also pointed out a salient fact in showing the danger of having school funds cut to favor the armament program, and the shutting off of academic freedom which always comes with war emergency. There were other speakers during the past two days, and there will be more speakers today, all concerning themselves seriously with various forms ofl good citizenship. The convention ends today-don't let the issues! - Eugene Mandeberg FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 29 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople on Sunday, November 3, rom 4 to 6 o'clock. To the Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Scfence and the Arts: The second regular meet- ing of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1940-1941 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, November, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various com- mittees, instead of being read orally at the meeting, have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the November meeting, Edward H. Kraus AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of October 7th, 1940 (pp. 662-676), which were distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor R. C. Angell. b. Univer- sity Council, prepared by Professor W. H. Worrell. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School, prepared by Professor C. S. Schoepfle. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, prepared by Professor C. F. Remer. e. Deans' Conference, pre- pared by Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Foreign books and periodicals: Librarian W. W. Bishop. 4. College Honors Program: Asso- ciate Professor B. D. Thuma. 5. Admission of students with ad- vanced standing: Assistant Professor C. M..Davis. 6. New business. 7. Announcements. Facultyof the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports will be due Satur- day, November 2, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Presidents of Fraternities and Sor- orities are reminded that member- ship lists are due at the Office of the Dean of Students on November 5. Women students wishing to attend the Minnesota-Michigan football game on November 9 are required to register in the Office of the Dean of Women. A letter of permission from parents must be in this office not later than Wednesday, November 6. If the student does not go by train, spe- cial permission for another mode of tr'o~vpl mus'.t be inc~ldd in the fpar- Theta House, 1437 Washtenaw Ave., is 2-4551 and not 2-4451 as printed in the Directory. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information will be open to registration today and Friday and Monday through Wed- nesday, November 3-6 inclusive. Blanks may be obtained at the office, 201 Mason Hall, hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Both seniors and graduate students, as well as staff members, are eligible for the services of the Bureau, and may register in the Teaching Divi- sion, or in the General Division, which includes registration for all positions other than teaching. Feb- ruary, June and August graduates are urged to register now, as this is the only general registration to be held during the year and positions are already coming in for next year. After November 6, by the Ruling of the Regents, there will be a late registration fee of $1. The Congress Co-operative House has one vacancy for room and board for this semester, and several vacan- cies for board alone. Any student in- terested phone 2-2143 or stop at the house, 816 Tappan. . Applications for board are being ac- cepted at the Robert Owen Coopera- tive House, 922 S. State St. Alpha Lambda Delta: All money for pins and certificates must be given to Gertrude Inwood, 4515 Stockwell Hall, by Friday, Novem- ber 1. Academic ANotices Pre-medical students, who have signed up to take the series of apti- tude tests, will meet Saturday, Nov- ember 2, promptly at 1:30 p.m. in Room 300, West Medical Building, for the first tests. Concerts Faculty Concert: George Poinar, Violinist, and Friede Schumacher, Pianist, will present a sonata recital as guest artists for the Faculty Con- cert Series at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, No- vember 3, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. No admission charge will be made for this concert, open to the general public, but for obvious reasons, small children cannot be admitted. Lectures 'Lee Pattison, music lecturer, con- tinues the discussion of "Problems in Piano Pedagogy" in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building, from 10:00 to 12:00 this morning. His public University Lecture will be given at 4:15 p.m. in the same room on the subject, "Has America a Folk Music." Tickets for this lecture may be secured without cost at the School of Music. American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Professor F. G. Keyes, chair- man of the Department of Chemis- try of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will give a demonstra- tion lecture on "The Lique action of Gases" at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 165, Chemistry Building. The meet- ing is open to the public Events Today Ticket Committee of Assembly Ban- quet will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in the League. Attendance is compul- sory. Public Health Students are having a Hallowe'en party tonight 9:00-1:00 (Continued on Page 6) C N Jaw> The City Editor's citff ch 124d RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 BC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Friday Evening .6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Rollin' Home Bud Shaver 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music " The Factfinder 6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " Evening Serenade 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare-News Republican Comm. 7:15 Lanny Ross -Passing Parade Red Grange 7:30 Al Pearce People's Choice Carson Robison Lone Ranger 7:45 Al Pearce " Doc Sunshine 8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Hour Lew Loyal United Drug 8:15 Kate Smith " " UAW Program 8:30 Kate Smith From Hollywood Observation Booth Death Valley Days 8:45 K. Smith; News Concert Orch. Sinfonietta " 9:00 Johnny Presents Waltz Time Sen. Ludington Gang Busters 9:15 Johnny Presents " Interlude 9:30 to be announced Everyman's The'tre I Want A Divorce .ohn B. Kennedy Q - WS > ,+ 1)Football Revue 1 -, A RMY OFFICIALS announced today the in-