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October 31, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-31

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Candidates For Student Senate Election Present Plat


Tomorrow is the Student Senate
election. The Daily hopes that every-
one will express his opinions by cast-
ing their ballot for the candidate they
feel most qualified to represent that
opinion. In order to help you pick
your candidate the Daily presents a
battle page of the platforms of the
various candidates. It hopes that you
will read all the platforms carefully
and thoughtfully and cast your vote
The Michigan Party
We are united in our desire to in-
crease the students interest in the
responsibilities of their government
on the campus of Michigan and to
their government of the United
We know that in the past men
who felt their responsibilities have
worked, fought, and died for this
country in order to make it the best
one in which to live. We appreciate
their efforts and their spirit. We
realize that they gave something to
their country. We know that they de-
manded nothing. They knew that the
way to get something out of their
country was to put something into
it. That, many men in the past have
done. We are proud of that fact.
We are proud to be Americans.
But merely being proud to be Amer-
icans will do no good. We would like
to emulate the spirit of those who
have given us our country. To us
the question is, NOT what is Amer-
ica going to do for the youth of
today, BUT what is the youth of
today going to do for America. We
stand ready to give, and not beg,
ask, or demand; whether it be civil
liberties or campus functions.
Because we feel that the country
and this University will progress only
in the American way, and by the
American way we mean the way of
the majority in which everybody has
his say, we feel that a TRUE repre-
sentative Student Senate is essen-
It is our purpose, then, to aid the
Senate in attaining its proper posi-
tion as the coordinating body of
student government in our Universi-
ty, that students may, now, actively
begin to feel their responsibilities.
To emphasize the. point that we
are a campus organization we would
like to make a stand for loyalty to
the University of Michigan. By Un-
iversity'we mean -the students and
faculty alike. By loyalty we mean
either actively supporting or construc-
tively criticising the University.
Finally, we as candidates in this
student election have chosen to run
under the Michigan Party label just
as the party has chosen us, because
fundamentally we believe alike. We
are for the party as a whole, its
policies, and its year around program.
We consider ourselves members of
it. But we wish it to be made clear
that, when and if elected, we are
going to act in the Senate as indi-
viduals and with no binding ties at-
tached to us. It is the Party's pur-
pose in this election only to help
candidates get into ofice who can
best represent the campus in a rep-
resentative organibation.
Arnold Moore
Larry Hulbert
Larry Lingren
John Wendt
Bill Irwin
Jack Gordon
Dick Archer
Ray H. Zulauf
Ruth Basye
Ed Tann
Bill Todd
Ed Giombolini
Young Comnmunist League
I believe that Earl Browder who
today is being prosecuted for his oppo-

sition to involvement of the American
people in war and whose party is be-
ing driven off the ballot in 24 states,
follows in the tradition of Eugene
V. Debs. My father, whose family
have been farmers for several genera-
tions in Saginaw Valley, named me
after Eugene Debs. Gene Debs was
imprisoned because he opposed Amer-
ican entrance into the last imperialis-
tic war. Nonetheless, Debs received
close to a million votes. And history
shows us that it was Debs and not
Wilson who was right. Through Earl
Browder, of Kansas, and James Ford
of Alabama, his running mate, we
have the opportunity to express un-
equivocally our will for peace, direct
our struggle for a better life, and
I. Oppose U. S. Involvement in the
Imperialist War -
1. No partnership with British
2. Full aid to China and coopera-
tion with the Soviet Union to
end war in the Far East.
3. Support to the peoples of South
America against ALL imper-
ialist domination.
II. Defend and extend Student
Democracy. -
1. Oppose militarization of schools
and colleges.
2. End Jim Crowism on the cam-


niversity Progressive

are the essence of our American American Student Union
democracy and deplore the attempt
to abridge them in the name of na- Despite attempts by the University


1. Believing that youth is capable
of taking part in the determination
of the conditions affecting its des-
tiny and is cognizant of its stakel
in the present crisis, we contend
that student government should be
increased in power and scope.
2. We are in favor of ever increas-
ing and broadening the educational
opportunities for ali.
3. We favor increased federal aid
to college and high school students
in need, more specifically an exten-
sion of the NYA and American Youth
4. We favor equal rights and oppor-
tunities for Negroes and oppose any
social minority groups.
5. We advocate the unqualified de-
fense of academic freedom, which we
interpret to mean complete person-
al liberty for students and faculty
members to ally themselves with any
political or social groups they desire.
6. We believe that the Civil Aero-
nautics Authority should be kept civ-
7. We believe in strengthening and
aiding the growth of the student co-
operative movement on campus, so
that the basic needs of all students
may be met. We urge a closer cooper-
ation among the cooperative organ-
izations, independent groups and fra-
ternities and sororities.
8. We favor lower cost dormitories.
1. We recognize the need for de-
fense and the simultaneous need for
strengthening and protecting of leg-
islation aimed at meeting the elemen-
tal desires of the great mass of the
American people for peace, security
and jobs.
4. We favor the extension of the
tional defense contracts t'o firms in-
dicted or convicted of anti-labor prac-
tices by the National Labor Relations
Board as subverting labor's funde-
mental right ofcollective bargaining.
3. We support and recommend the
extension of the Wages and Hours
Act as putting " a floor under wages,
and a ceiling over hours."
4. We favor equal rights and oppor-
provisions of the social Security Act
to domestic and agricultural workers.
5. We favor the enactment of the
Wagner Health Act, providing federal
aid for states which embark upon
low cost medical and hospitalization
6. We favor a continuation of the
slum-clearance and low-cost hous-
ing program, with special consider-
ation to workers in the defense in-
8. We believe that civil liberties

tional defense and national unity.
1. We opose the sending of any
American expeditionary force to for-
eign soil.
2. We support a complete and un-
equivocal embargo on Japan.
3. We are favor of relief to the
nations under German domination if
it can be positively shown that such
aid will not fall into the hands of
the Germans.
4. In order to avert infractions of
the Monroe Doctrine and possible
conflict, we believe the foreign pol-
icy of the United States should be
to aid the democratic forces in South
American countries.
Roger Kelley
W1iam H. Rockwell
Robert Warner
Julie Chockley
Doris Atin Hendricks
Dorothy Sankin
Vierman Epstein
1 karry Alcorn
William Roseiberg
Irving Sli kin
Inter-Guild Party
I pledge myself to support those
fWho believe that the solution to cam-
pus and world problems is to be
found in greater respect for the in-
dividual. I consequently, stand op-
posed to all suppression whether or-
ginating in the acts of government
or of private power in those fields
of race, religion, education, econo-
mics or politics where discrimination
will inju're his fullest development.
The Inter-Guild Party believes that
to respect personality, physical and
spiritual, is a norm which can be
applied to all conditions.
International: While aware of our
common humanity with suffering
peoples everywhere, the best inter-
ests of all will be served by keeping
the United States out of all armed
Domestic: Continuation of the ec-
onomic and social reforms of the
recent years with emphasis on mak-
ing available greater opportunities
for all youth to advance in every
field of life.
Campus: Extension of cooperative
movement: Better Housing facilities
for negro students. Freedom of ex-
pression for faculty and students.
Fostering of better understanding be-
tween races and nationalities through
such activities as exchange students
and use of our International Center.
-- William H. Clark.

Administration to strike fear and
apathy into he progressive movement
on the campus, the American Stu-
dent Union is and will continue to
be the energizing force in the fight
for democracy.
On the campus: On the Campus the
ASU will forge Ioi ward to meet the
need for academic freedom for stu-
dents and faculty. Despite the fact
cnly a few of the 13 expelled students
were ASU members, we will press for
an open hearing so that the right
to think, speak, and act freely shall
not disappear from the campus. We
will press for the extension of the
NYA so that out of 1600 applicants
more than 800 will find aid. We will
activate a closer relation between cur-
riculum and the economic problems
of the world.
. On the National scene: The $15,000-
000,000 appropriations for the war
program and the slogan of national
defense must not mean a sharp re-
trenchment in progressive social and
labor legislation. The American Stu-
dent Union will continue to focus
campus attention upon those moves
which are endangering the farmer,
labor, youth, and thehnegro. We call
upon the public for sharp denounce-
ment of, and legislation against the
giving of warcontracts to firms con-
victed of anti-labor practices under
the Wagner Act, the abolishingof
the research staff of the NLRB, the
delimiting of the Wage-Hour Act
by administrative decisions, the puny
efforts of the government with re-
gard to housing for defense workers,
the maudlin attempts at solving the
problem of the migratory worker.
With either Roosevelt or Willkie the
pressure of war forces that each
are implementing will mean absolute
cessation of any social program. Both
mean business; both mean war. The
ASU will support local candidates
that will legislate a program of social
security, low cost housing, anti-poll
tax, the repeal of conscription, fed-
eral aid to education, and the Wagner
Health Bill. The ASU will support
the drive for a third party.
Foreign Policy: A war for imper-
ialism cannot be a war for democracy.
Therefore, the fight to keep America
out of war is the fight for democracy.
A democratic foreign policy for the
U. S. includes: Complete embargo on

IndependentTwo enate Election Directors
Fellow citizens of the University of
Michigan, . Tell Method Of Hare System
In order to protect and transmit
the cultural heritage upon which this -----
great commonwealth was founded. The Hare System of the Single ballot. This process of rejecting the
and to preserve and improve this Transferable Vote, or proportional lowest rating candidate and trans-
great democracy we cherish, we must representation, which will be used in ferring his votes is continued until
begin now to make pragmatic our tomorrow's election, is explained in

cultural and democraic ideals.
Therefore, as a candidate for a
chair in the Student Senate in the
University, I make only one pledge
upon which the preservation is con-
tingent - to act as a humble servant
of the students in the expression of
their wills and desires and to do my
best to objectively aid in harmonizing
the conflicts that may arise.
I plead for your votes.
T. Langston Jones, Grad.
I refused an invitation to join a
party a few days ago, because I didn't
want to compromise on any of my
fundamental beliefs to become a
Student Senator. I do not consider
it to be to the best interests of the
student body to have a Student Sen-
ator representing a particular group,
because that easily might bring about
enmities and the defeat of good and
constructive legislation.
I should like to compare us with
the fingers on the hand. As long
as we are each separate fingers, we
are helpless, but only when we become
one big hand, then and only then
will we succeed in accomplishing re-
My platform is:
1. I pledge myself to represent the
Student Body of the University.
2. I pledge myself to work for bet-
ter feeling between all campus groups.
3. I pledge myself to work for more
student interests in school projects.
4. I pledge myself to advocate the
distributing to the student body re-
ports pertaining to the Senate's pro-
5. I pledge myself not to lose con-
tact with the elective body. I pledge
myself to always be open to advice
and criticism.
- William Ellman, '43.
Japan, no entangling alliances with
either belligerent, aid to the peoples
of Latin-America to gain democracy
and peace, the consideration of lives
before profit.

the following outline issued yesterday 16 Student Senators have been elect-
by William Elmer, '41, and Robert ed or until there remain only enough
Speckhard, '42, directors of Student candidates to fill the 16 posts.
Senate elections. The ballots will be brought in the


All ballots will be thoroughly
mixed and then sorted in packages
according to the first choice ex-
pressed on each. The total number
of valid ballots shall be divided by!
the figure 16 to give the quota neces-
sary for election. If any candidate
shall have received a number of first
choice votes equal to or exceeding
the quota, such candidate shall be
declared elected, and his surplus, if
any, shall be distributed to the sec-
ond choice candidates by use of the
following formula: number trans-
ferred equals surplus times can-
didates second choice.
After the distribution of the sur-
plus votes of all candidates receiving
first choice votes equal to or exceed-
ing the quota, provided there are
still vacancies to be filled, the can-
didate receiving the lowest number
of first choice votes is declared de-
feated and his ballots are transferred
to the packages of the candidate who
is marked as second choice on his
Engineering Party
Not personally, but as a matter of,
policy, I am strenuously opposed to
one of my opponents who is using the
party name of "Win With Willkie."
I would be just as strenuously op-
posed if it had ben "Win With Roose-
velt," or any other of our candidates
in the national election.
I firmly believe that the Senate
has a definite place on the campus,
but that place is not one which would
allow it to mix in national or in-
ternational affairs in any way - ev-
en in protest. The campus needs a
student governing body, one which
will strive to uphold the ideals andl
sentiments of the students, and one
which will help to make this cam-
pus a better place for the students.
The senate should and must place
emphasis on being a connecting link
between the University and the stu-
dent body.
-Robert G. W. Brown

ballot boxes to the Union. The re-
sponsibility for bringing in the box
shall rest with the clerk who has
charge of the polling place at the
time voting ceases.
The ballots being distributed into
packages on the basis of the first
choice, shall be numbered to give
the check on the total number of
ballots credited to any one candidate.
If additional ballots are added to any
candidate's package, these, too, shall
be numbered consecutively.
Cases of dispute shall be settled by
the elections directors. Vote count-
ing is to be open to public and re-
sults will be posted on a bulletin
board as soon as they are received.
Counting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in
the Union.
At poetry and politics I vowed I'd
take a shot,
The former, so my friends all say,
takes what I haven't got.
I quite agree that on this point
what they proclaimed is true,
But here's another tip they gave
that leaves the test to you.
They said that when I was of age,
And looked in Life's great book,
I'd find that God had kept for me,
A legislative nook.
Now gang I hate to wait so long
To prove that statement true.
If you'll make me your Senator,
Here's what I'll do for you:
At every opportunity
I'll stand and fight with zest
To keep our dear old U. of M.
"The leader of the best ..
-Fred Hirschman, '42.

University Of Michigan Student Senate
And Presidential Straw Vote Election Nov. 1, 1940
Put the number 1 in the square in front of the name who is your
FIRST CHOICE for President of the United States.
Put the number 2 before your second choice; Place the number 3
before your third choice and so on as many choices as you wish. Your
ballot will be most significant if all possible choices are indicated.


Mark Your Choices With Numbers Only.

Do Not UseI

X-Marks Or Your Ballot Will Not Be Counted.



This Is a Preferential Vote - Every Choice Counts
Same as above-mark your choices, 1, 2, 3 and so on, as many choic
as you wish. Your ballot will be most significant if all possible choices are
indicated. (There are 33 candidates).

O Your letter must not You may submit as
be more than 50 words 0 many letters as you
in length. wish but only one cash
Your letter may b e award will be made to any
written about EITHER one individual.
DREWRYS ALE or DREWRYS Address your letters
REWRY DEER or BOTH. 0 to Drewrys Limited,
Your Name and Uni- U.S.A., South Bend, Indiana.
versity address must All letters must be re-
be PRINTED plainly at the *0 ceived by midnight
top of the letter. December first.
It's going to be fun writing a letter about DREWRYS - and
you may be one of the 20 students from your University who
will win one of the $5 cash prizes. So sit down-and write
your letter telling "Why I like DREWRYS best"!
We could tell you a dozen-and-one reasons why DREWRYS
ALE and DREWRYS BEER are BIG favorites with University
students everywhere - but we'd rather have you discover
the reasons for yourself. Your first taste of either one of
1 them - or both of them - will make DREWRYS ALE and
DREWRYS BEER your favorites, and you'll be able to write
a mighty enthusiastic letter "Why I like DREWRYS best."
So try them tonight! DREWRYS ALE and DREWRYS BEER
cost the same as ordinary ales and beers!

Mark Your Choices With Numbers Only.

Do Not Use

X-Marks Or Your Ballot Will Not Be Counted.


KELLY, Roger
VOLZ, Arthur G.
KOLLIN, Arthur
ZULAUF, Raymond H.
MOORE, Arnold
TODD, William
ARCHER, Richard
TANN, Edward
CLARK, William
BROWN, Robert G. W.
LINDGREN, Lawrence
JONES, T. Langston
BESTIMT, William

University Progressive Council
Nationalist Coalition
The Michigan Party
University Progressive Council
National Socialist
The Michigan Party
The Michigan Party
The Michigan Party
The Michigan Party
The Michigan Party
The Michigan Party
The Michigan Party
The Michigan Party
Inter-Guild Party
Engineering Party
The Michigan Party
Young Communist League
The Michigan Party
American Student Union

1 IL.UJI-.-mo. IUi V -A _ __ U

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