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October 31, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-31

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C, r



Mexico Grants
Oil lAnd To Japan.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Draft Officials
Arrange First
Of Conscripts
Available Camp Facilities
To Be Opened To 30,000
Men Of Various Areas;
Numbers Found Missing
Detroiter Considers
Court Proceedings
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30-(/P)--Fac-
ing a possible legal test because the
Great Draft Lottery ended with six
missing numbers, selective service of-
ficials pressed forward today with
plans for getting the first contin-
gent of conscripts into camp.
It is to consist of some 30,000 young
men drawn from regions where camp
facilities are already available. Of-
ficials intimated voluntary enlist-
ments might cover that entire num-
ber, but beyond that point, plans
were to have 400,000 in uniform by
Feb. 28, and 800,000 by June 15. Es-
timates were this would involve an
average of about 130 men from each
draft area and about one out of each
20 registrants.
Six Capsules Missing
When, after 17 hours and 31 min-
utes, the drawing of the now familiar
blue capsules from the long famous
golfish bowl was completed early to-
day it was discovered six capsules
and their numbered slips had been
lost. The last draw was the 8,994th.
It should have been the 9,000th.
Rejecting the theory that souvenir
seekers among the many whose hands
were thrust into the bowl during the
drawing might have made away with
the tiny cylinders, officials began an
immediate check of their records to
determine just which numbers were
missing. The records indicated that
not six but eight were absent. They
were: Numbers 6,542, 7,192, 7,635,
1,033, 5,108, 6,771, 1,835 and 7,839.
'Little Lottery organized'
A "little lottery" was organized
immediately. The numbers were in-
serted in capsules, drawn and given
order numbers running from 8,995 to
9,002 inclusive. Then another discov-
ery was made. Two of the numbers
in the supplementary lottery had ac-
tually been drawn earlier, it was
ascertained. So they were canceled
out of the little lottery and reverted
to their previous place in the draw.
Later in the day, Clarence A. Dyk-
stra, the director of selective service,
said he had been informed that on
the basis of these developments, a
Detroit youth who held serial num-
ber 158, the first drawn, was con-
templating court proceedings to con-
test the drawing. It was assumed, al-
though not known definitely, Dykstra
said, that the youth lacked any ground
for deferment, such as physical dis-
abilities or family dependents.
Art Cinema
To Present
Third Film
The third film in the Douglas Fair-
banks Sr. revival series will be shown
at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre under the aus-
pices of the Art Cinema League.
One of the most famous old-time

moving pictures, "The Three Musket-
eers" will feature the 1920 sirens Mar-
guerite de la Motte and Barbara La
Marr, as well as the still popular
Adolph Menjou. The picture was di-
rected by Fred Niblo.
A few tickets for the performance
may still be procured from Albert
Stutz, Grad, manager of the Art Cin-
ema League, or at the Men l ?lssohn
box-office before the showing on Sun-
This moving picture, based on the
classic Dumas novel, was the first
Fairbanks film produced from roman-
tic literature and was so popular that
it was followed by more than 15 of
a similar type. Although the film is
silent, it will be accompanied by a
musical score. Selected short subjects
will supplement the program.
Play Production Presents
'Three Men On A Horse'

Lee Perry And Bernard Hendel
To Head J-Hop, Soph Prom
Nutiiber OfJBallots Doubles In Dance Elections;
Thirteen Juniors, Eight Sophomores Win Posts

It may or may not have been the
interest of the impeding national
election, but twice as many Michigan
students as last year cast their bal-
lots in the J-Hop and Soph-Prcm
election yesterday and chose Lee Per-
ry and Bernard Hendel, respectively,
as chairmenof thendance commit-
Perry, who received 57 votes, com
from New Bedford, Masachust '
Hendell, who hailsdfrom Pittsur h
Pa.. captured the chairmanship of
the Soph Prom with a total of 46 bal-
Richard Arbuckle, of Erie, Pa.
played the best second fiddle to Per
ry to capture a post on the J-Ho'
Committee with 42 votes. A Michi-
gan boy from St. Claire Shores -
Paul Sampson, insured himself a place
on the Committee by tallying a tot-
al of 35 ballots.
Jeanne Goudy, Lakewood, Ohio.
took first place honors for Literary
College girls in the J-Hop race by
receiving a total of 22 votes. Francis
Student Senate
Will Use Hare
Voting System
Straw Vote Will Register
Attitude On Candidates
For U.S._Presidency
When students mark their ballots
in the Student Senate election Fri.
day they will have the opportunity
of registering their attitude on the
five national presidential candidates
running in the current campaign,
through the device of a presidential
preferential straw vote.
Voters will number candidates in
the order of their preference. As a.
result, in addition to determining the
most popular candidate on the cam-
pus, the poll will show the strength
of each candidate, directors of the
election William Elmer, '41, and Ro-
bert Speckhard, '42 assert.
35 studentsrhave filed petitions for
a position on the ballot for the 16
Senate posts. Voting will be conducted
under the Hare system of choice vot-
ing, sometimes known as the Single
Transferrable Vote, the voter marking
the figure "1" in front of his choice
for student senator, the figure "2"
in front of his se'cond choice and so
on, as many choies as he wishes.
Within the last week political ac-
tivity has increased, on campus as a
result of rivalry between the Mich-
igan Party, a conservative organiza-
tion and the newly organized Univer-
sity Progressive Party. The Michigan
Party has entered 2 candidates while
the liberal group has 11 students on
the ballot. Seven of the 16 senators
elected in the spring election are
Michigan party men.
In their platforms which are printed
on the Battle Page in this issue of
The Daily, the Michigan Party em-
phasizes "loyalty to the University."
The Progressives in their plank state
that they believe student government
should be increased in power and

Aaronson, Washington. D. C., ran a
very close second with 21 ballots to
clinch a post ondthe junior dance
Lou Carpenter, Scharsdale, New
York, became the sixth Literary Col-
lege member of the J-Hop by a quirk
of beneficient fate, when no one from
the Nursing School entered a pe-
James Rossman, Jackson, led the
Engineers from across the campus
with 25 votes to capture a position
on the J-Hop. S. Che Tang, came all
the way from Hongkong, China, to
become a member of the J-Hop com-
mittee with 24 votes, one less than his
Michigan opponent. Robert Collins,
Detroit followed his Chinese class-
mate with 23 votes to clinch the third
Engineering College J-Hop post.
Bruce Hartwick and Carolyn Den-
field, both of Lansing, captured J-
Hop posts from the Architecture and
Education Schools with 24 and 12
votes respct"-'e1- Sidney Aronson,
Norwick, N. Y., clinched the J-Hop
position from the Forestry and
Pharmacy Schools with 12 votes.
Buck Dawson, Evanston, Ill., with
34 ballots, and romer Swander, Kala-
amazoo, with 30 votes captured Lit-
erary College positions on the Soph
Prom Committee. Ruth Willets, Pleas-
ant Ridge, and Jeanne Clare, West
Utica, New York, became the other
Literary College members of the Soph
Prom with 33 votes each.
Ted Sharp, Detroit, John Rust, De-
troit, and William DeCourcy, Corn-
ing, New York, captured' the three
Engineering College posts on the Soph
Engine School
Plans Courses
To Aid Defense
Faculty Approval Needed
Before New Subjects
Are Added To Schedule
Dean Ivan C. Crawford announced
yesterday that the United States
Commission on Education had re-
quested the Engineering College to
add a number of courses to its curricu-
lum "to help prepare the engineer for
essential war work."
These courses, which will be about
12 weeks in length, are known as "re-
fresher" courses and will be open to
all students and members of the fac-
ulty who have not been selected for
the draft but who have completed
three years of college engineeering
Among the various types of instruc-
tion which will be offered include
training in tool engineering, machine
design and production and marine
engineering. Tuition and all other
expenses will be provided by the gov-
Before the various "refresher"
courses are taught in the University,
the approval of the faculty of the
Engineering College must be obtain-
ed, Dean Crawford declared. He ad-
ded that the decision would be made
in about three weeks.

'166 Engineers
Choose Senior
Class Officers
Drickamer And Jeffrey
Elected To Presidency
And Vice-Presidency
Two Freshmen
Named To Council
Harry G. Drickamer and Douglas G.
Jeffrey. Jr., were elected as president
and vice-president of the senior class
in the Engineering College yesterday
by a record-breaking vote of 166.
At the same time William E. Voll-
mer was chosen to serve as class secre-
tary, Harold E. Britton was made
treasurer and David Wehmeyer and
Lawrence Kelley were selected for one
year terms as freshmen Engineering
Council representatives.
Voting Heavier
Polling in this the first class elec-
tion of the year was 44 votes heavier
than last year's, George Hogg '41E
chairman of the elections announced.
Previous to yesterday's balloting the
largest vote cast during the past few
years was in 1938 when 140 engineers
went to the polls.
In the election of the president and
vice-president two votes were given to
first choice candidates and one to. the
second with the runner-up receiving
the later position. Total number of
ballots cast in the Class of '44E, elec-
tion, conducted in the freshmen as-
semblies, was 325.
Engineering Council Representative
The newly elected president, who
also becomes automatically a repre-
sentative to the Engineering Council,
transferred to the University from
Vanderbilt in 1938. He is a member
of Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
scholastic society, and last year was
finance director of the Union Opera.
Jeffrey, who has been on the var-
sity wrestling squad for three years,
is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Scab-
bard and Blade, honorary ROTC
group, and has served on the com-
mittee for the Military Ball.
A member of Delta Tau Delta fra-
ternity, Vollmer has been admitted to
both Triangles and Vulcans, junior
and senior honorary engineering soci-
eties. During his freshman year he
won his numerals in football and in
his sophomore year played on the
Britten in Eta Kappa Nu ,
Britton, a member of Triangles,;
Vulcans and Tau Beta Pi, belongs to
Theta Xi fraternity and is, in addi-
tion, business manager of the tennis
team and a member of Eta Kappa Nu,,
electrical engineering honorary soci-
Other candidates for senior posi-
tions were John P. Lord, Merrill N.
Johnson, Stanley L. Mleczko, Doug-
las Jeffrey, Jerome Mecklenberger and
Charles A. Kerner.

Italian Invaders Begin
Two-Pronged Advance;
Mountains Halt Thrusts

Brown Pleads For Retention
Of Democratic Administration

Stubborn Resistance
Of Greeks Check
Motorized Assault

©- _

"It would be a mistake of the
grossest character to replace the pres-
ent administration in power with a
party that predominantly represents
the upper . class," declared Michi-
gan's junior Senator Prentiss Brown,
in an address before the Michigan
Forum yesterday. "The democratic
Party represents a cross-section of the
American people."
With this as his central theme,
Michigan's Democratic member of
the United States Senate pleaded for
the reelection of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt to the Presidency.
Although I have always been op-
posed to ta third term, the Senator
said, I believe that the country needs
a capable leader today, and that
leader is not Wendell L. Willkie. It
is imperative that the one who leads
this country through the perils of a
war-frought world today must rep-
resent all American interests, the
Senator maintained.
The Democratic Party draws its
members from the aristocrats of the
Sc.h and the working masses of
the North, Brown said, and through
its New Deal program has ben mak-
ing every effort to alleviate the dis-
paragy of income between the eco-
nomic classes of this country.
In a period of immense crisis the
Mrs. Olimstead,
Wife Of Dean,
Dies At Home

Democratic Party offers as its presi-
dential candidate a man who has
spent a life-time in political life
and statesmanship, Brown declared.
The Republicans offer a candidate
who never faced a voter until a few
short months ago, he added.
Before leaving for the Law Club
where he was to be guest of the
Young Lawyers' For Roosevelt-the
group instrumental in bringing Brown
to the Forum audience-the Sena-
tor declared that the defection of
CIO head John L. Lewis to Willkie
would prove negligible among Roose-
velt's labor support.
Dean Yoakum
Ends National
Medical Meet
More Than 200 Attended
Three-Day Convention;
New Officers Elected
Professional and graduate educa-
tion in any field must be carried on
detached from all other pursuits if
the student is to most fully grasp his
subject, Dr. C. S. Yoakum, Dean of
the Rackham School of Graduate Stu-
dies, declared in an address given yes-
terday morning before the closing
session of the fifty-first annual meet-
ing of the American Association of
Medical Colleges.
The student must develop in his
studies his own standard of reference
aside from that of the established
authorities, he said. This self-reli-
ance, Dr. Yoakum pointed out, will
stimulate self confidence in the stu-
dent and encourage him to individual
research work.
Dtiring the morning session various
medical men attending the conven-
tion discussed questions relating to
the teaching of medicine in the many
fields of specialization.
Delegates at the closing session were
shown a film entitled, "Know Your
Money," released by the Treasury De-
partment of the United States in an
effort to prevent the passage of coun-
terfeit money.
More than 200 delegates, deans and
underfaculty men, came from 86 med-
ical colleges all over North America
to attend the three-day convention
here. In the executive sessions held
Tuesday officers for the coming year
were elected, and plans were made
for next year's convention to be held
in Richmond, Va.
All the papers and discussions which
were given or held during the meeting
will be published in the Journal of
the Association.



In St.
At 3

Will Take Place
Andrews Church
A.M. Saturday

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary D.
Olmsted, who died at 1:30 p.m. yes-
terday in her home, will be held at
3 p.m. Saturday at the St. Andrews
Episcopal Church. She was 43 years
Wife of Prof. Charles T. Olmsted
of the engineering mechanics depart-
ment, assistant dean of students,
Mrs. Olmsted is survived by her hus-
band and two sons, Charles Davies,
aged 15, and Peter Bache, aged 19.
Born Mary Dennison Bacon in Ft.
Hauchuca, she received her early
schooling in Van Couver, Wash., and
Portland, Ore., later attending Pine
Manor in Wellseley, Mass. During the
last war she was at the army nurs-
ing school at Camp Meade, Md.
Mrs. Olmsted was a prominent
member of Ann Arbor society, being
a member of the Faculty Women's
Club, St. Andrews League, the St.
Andrews Episcopal Church and the
Ann Arbor Garden Club. She came
here in 1920 shortly before her mar-

Intensive Fire
(By The Associated Press)
ATHENS, Greece, Oct. 30.-Italian
invaders began a two-pronged drive
today through the mountains toward
the lakeshore industrial city of Ioan-
nina (Janina), 30 miles from the Al-
banian border, but made little pro-
gress against the fierce Greek de-
Under cover of an artillery barrage,
the Italians attempted one thrust
from the Northwest. Stubborn Greek
resistance, plus tortuous mountain
terrain, which all but stymied the
Fascist mechanized power, was re-
ported to have made the going dif-
Second Drive
Nearer the coast, a second 'drive
was pointed toward a highway lead-
ing to the city ruled a hundred years
ago by the conquering Ali Pasha,
"Lion of Janina," but here, too, no
considerable gains were reported.
Greek advance guards withdrew
slowly from the immediate vicinity
of the frontier to their main de-
fenses in the strongly-fortified Metax-
as Line, some distance back, in acs
cordance with prearranged plans, neu-
tral military observers said. The Ital-
ians were said to still be far from
this line.
These observers expressed the be-
lief that the Greeks could hold their
main defenses, commanding the nar-
row mountain passes Which the as-
cist legions must negotiate to offer
a real threat to this little kingdom.
No Air Activity
With the first major Italian drive
under way there virtually was no
Fascist air activity reported. The
only raid yesterday was said to have
been on Ioannina, a city of 25,000
(The official Rome radio broadcast
a virtual promise that Italy would
refrain from bombing Athens so long
as Rome is spared from aerial at-
tack. The radio denied the Greek
capital already had been raided.)
The British Admiralty announced
the British Navy, swiftly carrying
promised aid to Greece, hadmined
approaches to important ports on
both the east and west coasts of
British Maintain Intensive
Fire Over Long Front
LONDON, Oct. 30-0P)-British
ground guns howled tonight all the
way from the coast to the capital,
and villagers along the Germans'
night bombing routes reported plane
after plane had jettisoned explosives
in the open fields and fled for home.
It was the first time in all the
weeks of the aerial siege that inten-
sive anti-aircraft fire had been main-
tained over such a long defensive
Nevertheless, some raiders broke
through these outer defenses and big
bombs were reported
bombs were dropped on London -
40 in one district loosed by planes
coming in very low. The action was
heavy in other parts of Britain -
the port of Liverpool, the Merseyside
shipping area in general, the indus-
trial Northwest, East Anglia and the
Southeast coast.
ASU Discusses
Election Issue
At a panel discussion held last
night in the Union under the sponsor-
ship of the American Student Union,
representatives of the Young Demo-
crats Club, the Young Republicans
Club and o fthe ASU discussed vot-
ing in the national election.
Fred Niketh, '41, supported Roose-
velt on the contention that if re-
alniru n a mm wil1 ni,, m4 a t1, n.,1 ,.

Declining Faith Results In Loss
Of Freedom, Silver Declares

Loss of man's freedom and moral'
stature are the result of his declining
faith that contact with a divinity can
be maintained, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver,
leader of the Temple of Cleveland,
largest Jewish liberal congregation in
the United States declared in the
third in the series of lectures on the
"Nature of Man" here yesterday.
Religion summarizes the biological,
sociological, economic and political
views of man, the humanitarian lead-
er outlined. It has always viewed
man realistically, he insisted, and has
deprecated his exclusive ability. In
its conception of man as imperfect,
religion has pointed out the chaos
caused by man's anti-social instincts
and also his original endowment of
an image of God. *
Nature's battleground in man has
been a struggle between the opposi-
tional forces for moral equilibrium,
the noted lecturer and writer contin-
ued. Character, or the result of this

Engineer Society
Taps 12 Juniors,
Crawford, Sadler
Dean Ivan C. Crawford, of the
College of Engineering, Prof. Walter
C. Sadler of the Civil Engineering
department and 12 juniors in the
college were tapped last night by
Triangles, Engineering Honor Soci-
The newly admitted students, who
were tapped on the basis, of scholar-
ship and campus activities, will un-
dergo an informal initiation ceremony
at 3 p.m. tomorrow near the Arch of
the West Engineering Building.
Those who were accepted for mem-
bership into the group include Verne
Kennedy, Alex Wilkie, Robert Sum-
merhays, Allen Hamilton, Henry
Fielding, George Gotchall, William
Shomburg, Ted Kennedy, Jack But-
ler, Carl Rohrback, Tom Gammon
and Robert Getts.
Explosion May Cause
Student To Lose Sight
A test tube that exploded Monday
in a chemistry experiment may cost
Arthur M. Rickel, Jr., '44, his sight.
University hospital physicians re-
ported yesterday that the operation
performed Monday on Rickel's eyes
may have been successful, but it is too
early yet to tell. Earlier it was be-
lieved certain that his left eye was



MacLean Brands

School System 'Undemocratic'


"American schools have been fun-
dementally undemocratic," Mr. Mal-
colm S. MacLean, president of Hamp-
ton Institute of Virginia, told mem-
bers of the 11th Annual Parent Ed-
ucation Institute in the first lecture
of the three-day meeting here at the
Rackham Building.
MacLean pointed out that the stu-
dent's family income determines what
kind of schooling he gets, no matter
what his abilities may be. Hundreds
of thousands of brilliant students
drop out of school annually for lack
of funds, he noted.
Observing that modern schools
train for only two things, academic
and cultural knowledge and vocation-
al skill, MacLean stated that the
two fields compete against one anoth-
er and that the system sends millions
of students driving toward white col-
lar jobs with a sneering attitude on

Court of Chicago told a luncheon aud-
ience that any judge can send a boy
to the House of Correction and save
society from a thief, but warned
against the effect on the thief. "My
philosophy says that I should save
the thief if I am to ultimately save
Judge Braude listed the motivating
forces behind most juvenile crimes as
toy guns, improper literature, shadey
movies, cellar clubs, drugs, alcohol
radio thrillers and comics, automo-
biles, and nagging parents. All are
results of inadequate homes, he stat-
Commenting on the immediate out-
look for American education, Mr.
Howard Y. McLusky of the Amer-
ican Youth Commission called at-
tention to the imminent cutting of
educational appropriations in favor
of armament, and the repression of
academic freedom which marks a

*f * *
fend himself against the state, group


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