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October 30, 1940 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-30

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Greece Strategic
For Suez Atta
The possessor of Greece is strate-
gically located for a thrust at Bri-
ta~n's Neareastern lifeline, Suez, or
a drive through Turkey at the vital
oil fields of Iraq and Iran, Prof.
Henry M. Kendall of the geographyJ
department, declared yesterday.
The area of Greece adjoining the
Albanian frontier is the most rugged
part of the very mountainous coun-
try, and is without any definite or
easily accessible route to the more im-
portant sections, he pointed out.
Athens is at the extreme south-
eatsern corner of Greece and the Ital-
ians have crossed the frontier at the'
opposite extremity, he added.
Athens is the capital and largest
city in Greece with a popukation of
about 772,000 people, he noted, and
Saloniki in the northeast is the sec-
ond city of importance with 261,000'
Saloniki can easily be reached
through the historic invasion routes
by way of the Vardar River from
Yugoslavia or the Maritza River val-
ley from Bulgaria, Professor Kendall
explained, but the route from Al-
bania is rough.
Referring again to the possibilities
of an Axis expedition via Turkey, he
pointed out .that from a topographical
standpoint, such a thrust would be
much easier, once entry to the Ana-
To Meet Today
The Pre-Medical Society will meet
at 8:00 p.m. today in the East Am-
phiteatre of the West Medical Build-
ing. A colored moving picture of skin
lesions of infectious deseases will be
shown by Doctor Townsley of the
Pediatrics Department of the Univer-
sity Hospital.
The list of students who will take
the series of aptitude tests offered
to members of the Society will be
made at the meeting, and all those
wishing to take them must at least
come to sign up, since the first tests
will be given this Saturday, Nov. 2nd.
These tests must not be confused
with the National Medical Aptitude
Test to be given Nov. 8th, which is
required for all students entering
medical schools next fall. The tests
for the members of the Pre-Medical
Society are optional, are open to all
classes, and are much more extensive
than the National test.

ally Located
tck, Says Kendall
tolian Plateau is gained, than the
oresent dash across Greece.
The majority of the people live
along the coast, and the inland in-
hibitants occupy thesmall valleys
where they live in almost primitive
Style, he explaineQ.
Anyone who manages to conquer
Greece will obtain little of value in
nineral resources, but will inherit
many serious population problems,
Professor Kendall pointed out.
The main value of Greece to the
Axis can be only strategic, he added.
The tiny country is one-sixth smaller
han the state of Michigan, and had
an export-import trade valued at
znly $600,000 in 1938, he reported.
Dr. Ehrmann
Surveys War
At Grad Meet
With a brief survey of the Euro-
pean situation in which he attempted
to show the changes which have tak-
en place in the war, Prof. Howard
Ehrmann, of the history department,
opened the regular bi-weekly series
of Graduate Coffee Hours yesterday.
In relating the events in this
country with those in Europe, the
Professor pointed out that the wide
age limit and the length of service
as required in the present conscrip-
tion act, are an indication of two
important things: the present admin-
istraion regards the war situation as
very grave and it wants this martial-
ing of forces to lend weight to our
The constant spreadin the war
from England and Germany to tlae
Balkans, to Greece, to Egypt, to the
Far East are minor parts of the
struggle, Professor Ehrmann said.
The main scene is still in England
and Germany with the outcome de-
pending on the effect of the bombings
of both air forces.
A delay in enforcing a complete
embargo on Japan is a matter of
diplomacy, he stated. Diplomats fear
hat such an act would only hasten
a Japanese move toward the Dutch
East Indies or the Philippines and
thus involve the United States in war.
In answer to the question put to him
in the discussion period Prof. Ehr-
mann stated that the collapse of
France may have been due to a de-
featist attitude - a "war weariness"
which was followed by the absence of
a desire to make sacrifices in war-I

The Ticket? For A Dance, My Dear!

Turkish Officers Enroll At UM;
To Study Engineering, Science

Tom harmon, shown above selling a ticket to Ray Fraser, '42L, and
Miss Bonnie Lowden, '42, is only one of the many M-club members you'll
see around campus irr the next few days selling pasteboards for the
annual dance to be given in honor of Fielding Yost Friday in the Union.
Bill Sawyer will bring his orchestra for the occasion, part of the music
being broadcast over WJR, Detroit. Team autographed footballs, basket-
balls and baseballs will be given away as door prizes, and all programs
will be autographtd by Yost. The price of admission is $1.25 per couple.
Burma RoadMalaria Specialist
To Make Address Here Today

A contingent of eleven Turkish
aval and military officers and their
amilies arrived at 8:15 a.m. here
yesterday to enroll as students in the
Sent by the Turkish government
hrough the Turkish , embassy at
Washington, they are part of a group
Df 42 sent abroad by their country
,o study engineering and related sci-
nces. Because of the turn of poli-
'cal events and the international#
situation, they were withdrawn from
3ermany and returned to Turkey.
'or the past several months they
have been enrolled at Roberts College,
stanbul acquiring a knowledge of
English in order to study in the Uni-
ted States.
The party of 16, including a two-
year old child, was greeted by Prof.
Raleigh Nelson, counselor to foreign
,tudents. They were entertained at
breakfast in the Founders' Room of{
*he Union to celebrate the conclusion
>f their 21-day trip from their home-
Planning to stay for a year or more
if study, the group were assisted in
xinding living accommodations by the
;taff of the International Center.
During the afternoon they were
nterviewedhby Dean Ivan Crawford
>f the engineering college and advised,
>n their programs in naval archi-
tecture, mechanical and electrical en-
"Professors and teachers have been
very friendly to us since our arrival,"
Kazim Ogel, one of the group of stu-
dents commented. We were especially
impressed by the difference between
this University and the German
'schools we have attended, another
said. "In European schools we were
examined only once or twice a year
while here, we understand, we will
be tested more often."
"Ann Arbor seems a very compact
cultured town that still has space to
grow," they said viewing the city in
its downpour of rain.
The group left Athens, Greece,
Sept. 21 arriving in New York City
cn the Lovecorn, the first Yugoslav-
ian boat to arrive in the United States
since the outbreak of hostilities.
Ann Arbor Independents will meet
Thursdary, Oct. 31, at 4:45 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Please attend.
Crop and Saddle will ride Thurs-
day, Oct. 31, at 5:1)0 p.m. Meet at

'Better Thun Harmon'

Lee Pattison, Once
Opera Art Leader,
Will Appear Here
Lee Pattison, former artistic direc-
tor of the Metropolitan Opera. will
speak on the topic "Of Symphonies
and Symphonic Music" at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Assembly Hall on the
third floor of the Rackham Auditori-
Between 10 a.m. and noon today
he will be chairman of a conference
on "Problems in Piano Pedagogy" in
the Assembly Hall. Attendance at
the lecture will be required of all
students in the School of Music while
attendance at the conference will be
required of applied music majors,
graduates, seniors and juniors in the
Tomorrow Mr. Pattison will hold
an informal conference at 4 p.m.
in Room 506 of the Burton Memorial
Tower after another 10 a.m. to noon
discussion in the Assembly Hall.
He will conclude his stay in Ann
Arbor by delivering a University Lec-
ture at 4:15 p.m. Friday on "Have
We an American Folk Music?"
.. . BY RAft
Only Round Trip
Go in comfort on the Football
Special. Famous Milwaukee Road
Low price meals
Scenic Route

Active along the Burma Road in
combatting deadly malaria fever, a
disease which has killed hundreds of
workers and has even wiped out en-
tire villages, is Dr. Robert Ellsworth
Brown, a graduate of the University
College of Medicine in 1918, who will
speak here today.
Recently arrived in America, where
he will remain until his return to
the Far East in December, Dr. Brown
revealed- that an intensive program
calculated to eradicate the disease
from the Burma Road area has been
planned and is now in the process of
being carried out.
The Burma Road runs through
otherwise impassible territories, pro-

viding the only major supply line be-
tween China and the outside world.
Its closure, authorities agree, would
be a vital setback to China's de-
The road is in a constant state of
repair because of heavy tropical rains
and Japanese bombing, and workmen
are needed constantly along its en-,
Lire 2,000 mile length.
Although malaria has let up some-
what in this season, Dr. Brown said
in a report released in New York,
advance arrangements have been
made at several places along the'
road to care for these who may con-
tract the disease

Turkish exchange student Fik-
ret Altenal, who is one of the bet-
ter known soccer players in his
native land, is quick in catching
onto our American life. Fikret ar-
rived in Ann Arbor yesterday morn-
ing and by afternoon was avidly
kicking and punting a football
down the narrow coridors of the
International Center. Ithwas his
first acquaintance with the game,
but after ten minutes he frankly
admitted, "Hah! I'm better than
Harmon. I kick better."

Travel Bureau

_ . _r._ .. _ - - __


Union Staff officers and all try-
outs are invited to attend a staff din-
ner this evening at 6:15 in the Michi-
gan Union.



\ '

Our Coffee and Toasted
Rolls are just right!
"Where students meel to chat and cat"
BNCtsy Ross Shop
13-15 NICKEl s ARC ADE



USED CLOTHING-bought and sold.
Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St.
Phone 2-2756. 17c
your entire wardrobe reconditioned.
All work guaranteed. Phone 3468.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. Sc



UNFURNISHED 5-room apartment;
screen porch; tile bath; continuous
hot water; oil heat; electric re-
frigerator; stove. Must furnish
good references. 317 E. Jefferson,
Phone 3226. .91
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c


SPECIAL STUDENT laundry rates
this week-shirts 14c. Ace Hand
Laundry, 1114 S. University. Call
4303. 15c

TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689.. 9e
TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 14c'
VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal j
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
opening for two aggressive ladies
in Ann Arbor or vicinity. Beautiful
array of gift boxes. Marvelous op-
portunity to earn during Christmas
season. $5.00 temporary deposit.
For appointment write Mrs. Zada
\Norris, 325 W. Washington, Jack-
son, Michigan. 90

price List
IAll articles washed and ironed)
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Shirts. ....... . .14
Undershirts....*.. ......... .04
Pajama Suits .............. .10
Socks, pair ................. .03
Handkerchiefs ..............02
Bath Towels ............... .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices- on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arctely. No markings. Silks,
wools are our specialty.

(Continued from Page 4)
ican Student Union, will meet tonight
at 8:00 in Room 319 in the Michigan
Union. Speakers will discuss the 1940
Women's Debate: Ai women inter-
asted in the program in debate and
discussion are invited to meet in Room
4003, Angell Hall, today at 5:00 p.m.
Plans for the season will be dis-
Sophomore Cabaret Publicity busi-
ness meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the
League today. Informal poster work
continues in the kitchenette every
Youth Hostelers: All persons going
Youth Hosteling this weekend with
the Women's Athletic Association
and the Union should meet at 4:15
p.m. today at the Women's Athletic
Building. If you can not attend this
meeting, please contact Gertrude In-
wood or Carl Rohrbach.
The Faculty Women's Club will
have its opening reception today at
3:00 p.m. in the Michigan League
Wesley Foundation: Ping Pong and
other games will feature the Tea
which is scheduled today, 4:00-5:30
p.m., in the Recreation Room. All
Methodist students and their friends
are invited.
Michigan Dames will meet tonight
at 8:00 in the Rackham Building.
All wives of students and interns
are invited.
Bob Gach
Has Your Picture!
look over the pictures taken
at the dance last night.
Keep a photo record of
your college parties.



The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, October
31, in the Observatory lecture room.
Dr. Dean B. McLaughlin will speak on
George Gani1ow's recent book, "The
Birth and Death of the Sun." Tea at
4:00 p.m.
Graduate Luncheon for Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineers, will be
on Thursday, Oct. 31, at 12 o'clock
noon in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Lt.
Commander W. L. Field, N.S.N., will
speak on "The Destroyer Navy."
A.I.E.E.: The Student Branch will
meet in a Round Table Discussion
with the Michigan Section, Thursday,
November 7, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Ampitheatre. The discussion will
be on "Personnel Problems."

Barbour Gym and after the ride have
supper. Those unable to come, call
Mary Hayden, 2-2202.
J.G.P.'Central Committee will meet
Thursday, October 31, at 5:00 p.m. in
the Council Room o the Women's

-- --. ~-- --.--.---- - -.--.-- -~-.-- - 'I

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