WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1940 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dr. E. Brown Will Give Talk On Chinese Aid Loud Foundation Sponsors Talk Here Tomorrow By University Alumnus Dr. Ellsworth Brown, medical mis- sionary and medical supervisor for the Chinese government, will speak on "Medical Relief in China" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Graduating from the University with his master's degree in public health in 1916 and his M.D. degree in 1918, he has been a doctor in China for the past twenty years. During the current conflict in China he has supervised various hospitals at Wuhu and at Chengtu. Near Wuhu he cared for the wounded of the United States gunboat, Panay, which was sunk several years ago in Chi- nese waters. Before his return to the United States this summer he had been ac- tive in treating aid raid victims and carrying on research on malaria. Plague on the Burma road, flood and pestilence besides war victims have received his attention. He will return to China next month to organize and supervise a medical research center to serve three schools and colleges which have moved in- land to avoid Japanese occupation. This project for the Chinese govern- ment is designed to care for the sick, train doctors and nurses and to con- duct research on diseases prevalent in the interior of the country. For his outstanding work he has been received by Generalissimo Chi- ang Kai-Shek and decorated by the government. Link Trainer Washtenaw To Be Tested Picked For By CAA Here Clarence W. Chapman, Carl F. Hahn, George E. Hotzel. William H. In an attempt to discover the ef- J. Burdick, James E. Anger, William fectiveness of the "Link Trainer" in 0. Thomas, Leon Tirado, James P. County Men Conscription' Lawyers Will Argue Issues Of Ca, Yuni in. contact flying, the National Research Council has asked the Civil Aeronau- tics Authority unit on the Campus to give 10 hours of training in this] machine to students who intend to; enroll in the CAA next semester. , The training, which is given free of charge, is reported to be of great aid to the beginning flier in helping him gain flying coordination and orientation, Prof. E. W. Conlon of the aeronautical engineering department asserted yesterday.s The Link Trainer, he explained, is a, machine mounted on a pedestal and built to look very much like a small aeroplane. In response to the controls it "goes through the mo- tions" of flying, turning, climbing, diving and bankingtwithout leaving its position.d Apainted canvass "hori- zon" around the Trainer aids in giv- ing the trainee a moreaccurate idea of flying. Students who desire to take up flying this spring are asked to report to the Aeronautical Engineering Of- fice within the next 10 days. Link training, which will require about one hour of work per week, will 'be- gin as soon as the student has passed the medical examination. Sorority To Meet Today First meeting of the Xi chapter of Pi Lanmbda Theta, national honor- ary education soroity will be held at 4:15 p.m. today in the University Ele- mentary Library. Love jr., James L. Crabb, Albert B. Sergeant, Sigismund J. Binkowski, Roberto V. Garretero, Wallace B. Ratliff, Robert L. Reinig, John A. Morewether, Douglas M. Sharp, How- ard R. Fordl Nobel N. St_ Clair. Rich- . O'Leary, Vincent A. Scanio. Lytle A. jNb Riddle, Donald G. Thomas E R. Acceptance of the challenge issued Robbins, Mathew G. Hong, EmihianobyteWlkeCmieeothLa Gallo, John E. Doll. Irven S. Arnold, by the Willkie Committee of the Law Emerson A. Jedele. chool o debatn hed sestof th William F. Blair. Lawrence H. Walt, campaign was announced yesterday Gilbert Banner. Robert C. Wenk, Rob- by Fred L. Niketh, '41L, of the Young Lawyers For Roosevelt Club. ert L. Mayfield, Warren Whipple, Niketh asserted his organization Howard L. Durfee, Robert B. Hamil- welcomed the "opportunity to show ton, Gerald H. Voice, Howard F. Cross, all careful and open minded stu- Thomas H. Moorle. Howard W. G. Mil- dents that the Willkie candidacy is lard, Walter Smiley. Perry S. Mac- singularly unconvincing and empty Neal, M.D.. Charles P. Hines, Tse ~'.JntU. l' U .1._T Ia . . £1 1a ' , £ . VV Iof content." a - t. rUl , 1 11I . J . k m .,S Ii ard R. Myers. Anton N. Bogleff, Louis M. Con- way. Leonard C. Franzel, Clarence W. Carrington, Herman R. Graf, Ver- uuo. riarola j. r'enon. riarry .N . w u nell D. Packard, John G. Hoad, Ru liams. Rodney A. Dosey, Clayton S. C. Li, Eldon A. Weber, Edward R. Russ and Jeremiah Williams. Reinig, John D. Wallace, LeRoy P. Stephen D. Michael, Daniel S. Li- Gray, Richard G. Fowler, Rudolph balt, Irving E. Palmquest, Ray C. Pet-, C. Weiner, Sven A. Ecklund, Charles ty, Russell L. Richards. Herbert H. K. Reagan, Nessim E. Nessim, The- Harper. Orville D. B. Lefferts. Gabriel ophilus S. McKaye, William G. Gor- S. Bau, Roland E. Palmquist, Sper- don, Pete Chomicz, Herbert B. Stough- ling D. Jones. James W. Anderson, ton, Howard F. Curtis, Joshua Doma- Clifford -J. Mahlke. Theodore H. shevitsky, Sok V. Kyan, Erwin E. Schostak, Wayne Leachworth. Wil- Gerstler, Joseph P. Pagliolo, Llewel- liam D. Haaxma. Robert A. Keim, lyn A. Walters. Chriss H. Simpson. Gordon C. Pack- Herbert V. Holzhauer, Alexander ard, Robert W. Okey, Joseph W. El- Barry, John W. Podestra, George M. banowski, Raymond Papineau, Wil- McEwen, Irwin H. Ward, Reul Hol- liam E. Bennet, Robert L. Brewer, comb, Charles P. Lansky, John R. John W. Reece, Yani Savaylioglu, Wieneke, Mark Luedi, Maxwell N. An- Jack Huehler, William V. Kinietz, ning, Bernard O. Smeltzer, Willie L. Ralph F. Burke, Merrill T. Luther, Sluter, Harold L. Robinson, Maxwell .jr., Thomas B. Roll, Charles E. Stau- A. Miles, Carl E. Ehrenberg, Elman ter, Maurice Mc.L. Scurry, Howard R. Service, John C. Dettling, Everett R. Ford, Abner S. Eldredge, Walter J. Field, Joseph E. Sawaski, jr., Cyrus D. Block, Rafael Mendez-Cuyar Milo L. Lundell, Rudolph L. Gutekunst, W. Kaufman, Will M. Chou, Thadde- John R. Humphreys. us A. Saymanski. Roy N. Schmidt, Ed- Dana E. Working, Carl J. Miano, gar M. Hoover, Marlin P. Prindle, Jose A. de Carvalho, Frederic B. Paul D. Beckman. House, Douglas T. Graham, James A. Ross L. Allen, Russell C. Dodge, Fred Miller, Willis F. Wiesenmaier, Roy Adzima. Norman W. Burnett, Clar- G. Boshaw, Jesse Sullenberg, George ence A. Siebert, Louis Bill Brouselis, M. Brown, Lewis Hech, LeRoy E. Walter A. Ridout, Earl R. Anderson, Erdman, August G. Wiegand, Robert Frederick W. Smith, James T. Warns, N. Seeger, William A. Mills, John J. (To Be Continued Tomorrow) In reply to a statement made by the Willkie Committee against Mr., Roosevelt's candidacy, Niketh de- clared: "We are aware that a dark ma- terialistic religion based on force the like of which, in might and savagery, have never before been seen and im- agined in the time of man, is now threatening America's destiny. "In such a world America, cannot entrust its leadership to a man whose only qualification is that of public relations man for a giant utility fin- ancial holding company; a rank nov- ice in the realm of national and in- ternational affairs. "It is only too obvious that the forces of evil will not await for Mr. Willkie to achieve the essential train- ing and experience that is so neces- sary to ably cope with the totalitari- an states." To Form Youth Hostel A Michigan branch of the Ameri- can Youth Hostel will be formed at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the Women's Athletic Building, it was announced yesterday by Gertrude Inwood, '43, of the WAA and Carl Rohrbach, '42E. Armory Plans Need Revision To Fit Budget Limit On Available ROTC Funds Brings Reduction Of First Cost Estimate Plans for the proposed military and naval ROTC armory apparently will have to be drastically revised to meet the financial limitations imposed bY the Secretary of War, members of the Advisory Committee on Military Affairs announced late yesterday. According to a ruling by the Secre- tary, WPA funds to be used in con- struction of college ROTC armories may not exceed $100,000 for any single project. Preliminary estimates for the University's armory placed its cost at approximately $100.000. No word has been received from theI Chicago headquarters of the Sixth Corps Area in regard to the request for funds made by the University more than two weks ago. Plans for the building, as drawn up by the Committee in consultation with professors of military and nav- al science and tactics and their as- sistants, called for a structure cover- ing approximately 350,000 square feet of ground, three stories in height and housing all ROTC training fa- cilities of the University. Included in the new. armory would be drill floors, class rooms and of- fices, as well as a- range and an ar- senal, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, Com- mittee chairman" said recently. The need for more ROTC housing has been stressed by President Ruth- ven, who said -that present facilities have been fcund to be inadequate. International Center Plans Active Week Program of the week for the Inter- national Center was announced by Prof. Raleigh Nelson, its director. A program of reco)rded music will be conducted -under the leadership of Ivor Schialandsky, will be con- ducted from 7:30 to 9 p.m. today in the Lounge of the Center. Classes in English will be held for foreign students at 7:30 p.m. to- morrow. All students interested in improving their vocabulary or pro- nunciation are urged to join the classes. Individual tutoring is also available to students who wish it. A thoroughly American Hallowe'en party with traditional games and re- freshments will be scheduled for all foreign students and their friends from 8 to 12 p.m. Friday under the sponsorship of Miss Thelma Grace Brown and Mrs. Charles Ochs. A new feature of the Center's pro- gram will be a series of roundtables on the topic, "The Place of My Coun- try in the World Order" from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday. All foreign students are invited to participate in the dis- cussions which will endeavor to point out positions of the nations repre- sented by students on campus. DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M. Now! To-day and Thursday The musical comedy sen- sation of / 1'way now on the screen! J ll1 Fi L . , __ . , _.,. ._. _ _...,_ _ .,,.....__, _ _.. i - -- -- i Additional Registration Numbers Announced By Ann Arbor Board 3781, 3782, 3783, 3784, 3785, 3786, 3787, 3788, 3789, 3790, 3791, 3792, 3793, 3794' 3795, John J. Roff, jr. Corard H. Scofield. Lytle A. Riddle. Robert C. Sager. Joseph F. Bartolacci. George A. Watson. Herbert E. Wilber. Arthur J. Miller. Woodrow W. Strtible. Alfonso Keeton. Walter Graves. Cecil McFarland: William P. Bostic. Albert G. Lentz. William E. Blakeley. MICHIGAN - Ending Today - Alfred Hitchcock's "Foreign Correspondent" -Thursday- John Marr'ymore The Ham Perfecto in "The Great Profile" - Sunday- Gus Arheim orchestra 3796, 3797, 3798,+ 3799,+ 3800, 3801, 3802, 3803, 3804, 3805, 3806, 3807, 3808, 3809, 3810, 3811, 3812, 3813, 3814, 3815, 3816, 3817, 3818, 3819, 3820, 3821, 3822, 3823, 3824, 3825, 3826, 3827, 3828, 3829, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3834, 3835, 3836, 3837, 3838, 3839, 3840, 3841, Delbert F. Rankin. Oliver F. Dalke. George W. Etnor, Jr. Clifford N. Ford. Earl W. Hill. Harlan D. Yeager. Lloyd F. Catron. Lewis G. Meader. Kenneth A. Struble. Lars C. Lundgren. Kenneth H. Broker. Maurice F. Doll. Truesdell F. Vealy. Elmer R. Service. Lon J. White. Russel J. Vial. Arne M. Swanson. Charles R: Fisher. August G. Wiegand. Edward A. Smith. James R. Loy. Edward J. Bolz. Ernest M. Thompson. C. Stanley Evans. Rudolph M. Chopp. Dwight L. Cadbery. Gerald A. Lutz. James W. Dirof. John R. F. Brueck. Francis De W. Barnard. Donald G. Sturgis. Jean High. Paul Christ. Ralph S. Bass. Floyd S. Frey . Donald F. Johnson. James F. Meldrum. John R. Alden. Sol Birman. Frank G. Patrick. Walter J. Bredernitz. Robert E. Knobnick. Paul A. Bucholz. Arvon L. Davies. Robert T. Anderson. Richard J. Anderson. 3842, 3843, 3844, 3845, 3646, 3847, 3848, 3849, 3850, 3851, 3852, 3853, 3854, 3855, 3856, 3857, 3858, 3859, 3860, 3861, 3862, 3863, 3864, 3865, 3866, 3867, 3868, 3869, 3870, 3871, 3872, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3876, 3877, 3878, 3879, 3880, 3881, 3882, 3883, 3884, 3885, 3886, 3887, 3888, 3889, 3890, 3891, 3892, 3893, 3894, 3895, 3896, 3897, 3898, 3899, 3900, 3901, 3902. 3903, 3904. 3905, 3906, 3907, 3908, 3909, 3910, 3911,' 3912,. 3913,{ 3914, r- Edward W. Bancroft. Warren T. Whipple. Clinton H. Haris. Kelin A. Bassarkoff. Frank E. Engle. Henry H. Adams. William R. Charnley. William L. Cochran. Horace R. Crane. Jaseph R. Douring. Clarence E. Eldridge". J. Ellwood Stowe. Howard F. Efner. Howard R. Williams, M.D. Anthony F. Stark. Glenn L. Smith. Nathan S. Potter, III Neil G. Miller. Floyd Sibert. Edward F. Gatska. Edward C. Davis. Paul J. Hadley. Harold A. Hollister. Francis D. Lotte. George E. Hoar. George W. Camp. Russel E. Brewer. John G. Watts. Thomas A. Dooling. Stephen J. Jardino. Ernest C. Huhn. Carl H. Littlejohn. Harold W. Drosch. John Hay. Charles A. Hofman. Robert M. Howell. Wayne L. Dunlap. Furman Wright. Francis D. Hatchard. James H. Robertson. Wallace A. Bacon. Chester E. Smith. Cheng Kwei Tseng. Seck Chau Wong. Percy Soicher. Tooi Zoomsai. Donald R. Pearce. Isao Matoi. Jesus J. Battad. Charle J. Daniels. Henry C. Loud. Jack C. Wong. Enrique I. Moscoso. Bernard Young. Edward S. C. Mau. Thomas S. Ogata. Takeo Kimura. John J. Uehara. Hidehiko Uyenoyama Leslie Wa S. Lum. Katsuhiro I. Kono. Powers Cameron. Malai Huvandana. Stanislaus L. Yoh. Colin D. Gordon. Tobias Lasser. Heng Subbanka. Fuad A. Zahid. Harold S. Luffman. Tieh C. Ning. Alfonso Martinez. George N. Evseeff. Sikwoo Ting. 3915, Felipe::.:Larrazabal. 3916. Kai C. Lu. 3917, Ali H. Mohammad. 3918, Harun R. Orun. 3919, Artur Mager. 3920, Somchitr Kansananda. 3921, Victor M. Zerbi. '3922, Shing K. Kuh. 3923, William M. Chou. 3924, Hoen Z. Lee. 3925, Ulrich H. Williams. 3926, Abdul B. A. Khatib. 3927, Ali U. Kutsay. 3929, John C. R. Warren. 3929, Lester F. Kashiwa. 3930, Bunling Tamthai. 3931, Jose V. Sahtos. 3932, Pai-Chong Young. 3933, Sam Stowe. 3934, Han Chuan Nu. 3935, Gabriel S. Bou. 3936, Theodore T, Tomita. 3937, Ioshiro Taira. 3938, Pete T. Okamura. 3940, Duke C. Choy. 3941, John F. Anderson. 3942, Rafael Mendez-Cuyar. 3943, Erik O. Lissell. 3944, Daniel J. Giradi. 3945, Raymond J. Dean. 3946. John Kantor. 3947, Romylos Kesisoglu. 3948, Leopoldo V. Toralballa. 3949, Jieter J. Rabie. 3950, Max Dresden. 3951, Ivor Schillansky. 3952, Fred Chang. 3953, Ulpiano M. Leon. 3954, Luiz A. S. da Casta. 3955, George Kiss. ?956, Man H. Wong. 13957, Robert T.-C. Chang. 3958, Yun-taung Chao. 13959, Arlavast Unciyen. 3960, Any-Taung Liu. 3961, Carlos A. Forero. 3962, Cihat M. Bashak. 3963, John C. Kirkwood. 3964, Hugh H. Gosnell. 3965, Jack G. Sheps., 3966, Mur S. Woo. 3967, Sahan H. Civelkoglu. 3968. Ismail R. Kalidi. 3969, David S. Appelt. 3970, Chew C. Sreto. 3971, Merton H. Keel. 3972, Vernon H. K. Lum. 3973, Fakhri B. Maluf. 3974, Sok V. Kyan. 3975, John R. Humphreys. 3976, Leon B. Gamet. 3977, Ryotaro Kato. 3978, Tse Guo. 3979, Choon Silasuvan. 3980, Yani Saraylioglu. 3981, Zen J. Li. 3982, Francis E. Fitzpatrick. 3983, Hung H. Wong. 3984, Anton N. Bogleff. 3985, Dimitri Teofilaktides. 3986, Emiliano Gallo. 3987, Lee W. Young. YOU TOO CAN PLAY - ly trained to be a stenogt Permanent placement servi Hamilton Twednty,-slxfh Year 3988,. 3989,. 3990, 3991,, 3992, 3993,' 2994, 3995, 3996. 3997, 3998, 3999, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005,. 4006, 4007, 4008, 4009, 4010, 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4015, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4019, 4020, 4021, 4022, 4023, 4024, 4025, 4026, 4027, 4028, 4029, 4030, 4031, 4032, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040, 4041, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4045, 4046, 4047, 4048, 4049, 4050, 4051, 4052, 4053, 4054, 4055, 4056, 4057, 4058, 4059, Hasan I. Mataraci. Matthew C.. Hong. Juan R. Cabreka. J. Walter Dittel. Otto G. Podrabsky. Tsun H. Chang. Kuo H. Chao. William R. Martin. Hsing C. Tien. Nikifor Y. Yakavljevitch. Sabri Gunduz. Jose A. de Carvalho. Ibrahim M. Hassan. Thomas S. Cheung. George Carulla. Yut W. Wong. Robert L. Candlish. Ahmet A. Germirhi. Sik C. Tang. Orhan F. Barim. Kiyoshi Kaneshiro. Zur D. Lee. Geoffrey Seed. Enrigue Marrarte. Ru C. Li. Wei S. Chen. Manfred Sidley. Henry C. Palleis. William H. Shaw. Alfredo T. Morales. Shiu Y. Wong. Choh C. Ling. Juan A. Gambus. Robert D. Richmond. Berkeley Roden. Joseph O. Lee. Eduardo A. Salgado. Lorenzo J. Rosselo. Carl Chun-Pok Sunoo. Alvaro Posado. Gonzalo S. Samper. Arden C. Boland. Eugene A. Milinkevich. Andres J. B. Torre-Arregui. Daniel J. Clark. David Y. H. Liang. James Chang-Moa You. Syed S. Kadri. Chia W. Chen. Alexander E. Stanyar. Edward S. Robinson. Alfonso Chegwin M. David Panar. Wallace J. Latcham. Leo Y. Chan. Eugene Tsao. George P. Palser. Ernest Villegas. Mohammed S. Shukei. Garth Parker. Kam H. Le. Albert Desjardins. Roberto V. Garrettero. Guy G. Metraux. Raymond Chi-Fan Chen. Shiu J. Fung. Nessim E. Nessim. Rafael R. Sanjurjo. Russell L. Richards. Yoshikazu Yamada. William J. Rosenberg. King-Lui Wu. 4060, 4001; 4062, 4063, I4064, 4065, 4066, 4067, Italians Reported Moving On Salonika (Continued from Page 1) but denied British troops had occu- pied Crete, big Greek island southeast of the mainland. "We shall march to a final triumph and victory," Greece's Premier-Dic- tator John Metaxas replied to Brit- ish Prime Minister Churchill's mes- sage that aid was on the way. The British also were reported to have landed at ancient Corfu, Greek island at the entrance of the Adriatic Sea between Greece and Italy. Pos- session of air bases on this island would enable the British to spray explosives on the nearby Albanian- Greek frontier where Italian and Greek troops are fighting, and on the Italian "heel" 70 miles west. A British Broadcasting Company report, quoting Rome dispatches, said Italian troops had alsolanded at Corfu and engaged the British. ' SONG 5j\ Lucille Dali Richard Car"son Ann Miller Eddie Bracken Frances Langford Desi Arnaz Hal LeRoy RKO RADIO Picture I; l Chi N. Chau. Omer F. Sabuncu. Etem A. Baltacioglu. Fuad S. Hassain. Anton 0. Endres. Shib J. Chiao. Makepeace U. Tsao. Robert D. Sethian. I Extra INFORMATION PLEASE LEW LEHR SPORT WORLD NEWS --Coming Friday- DON BETTY AMECHE GRABLE "DOMN ARGENTINE WAY" *!f~. WR"N :S MI ,i l U I Real Home Cooking UNIVERSITY GRILL 615 East William LOWEST DRUG PRICES ii t ti~ian! MILLER'S DRUG STORE L 4 - In the game of business if you are thorough- 'apher, bookkeeper, secretary or accountant. ce. .$1.00 Pacquins. . . . 60c Alka Seltzer . 50c Calox . . . . . . 60c um . .. . . . . 50c lpana . . . . . . . 50c Tek Tooth Brush . 55c Ponds Cream . . $1.00 Drene . . . . . 75c Squibb Mineral Oail 75c Listerine. . . . . ".« 79c «.". "4 +/t «..w..39c r". ..49c r". ..39c " . 23c ". «39c, ,..9c .... "59c 1". " "59c m.. ""29c ...."«59c ' _ .31c . . ".49c £ehk/'4. Business CoIIeqe Williamn at State YOUR 'ENSIAN PICTURE is a permanent record in your year book. To assure its being the finest, take advantage of our new soft and glareless "Glow Lights." FRATERNITIES... HOUSE MANAGERS ATTENTION! 35c 75c 35c 65c Ingram Shave Crear Bayer's Asprin . . Scholl Corn Plaster isodol . . . . ... . 500 SHEETS KLEENEX ft I f! .- . ' T - . r . w -S wiz A" Ab ~ mi UNfiw~ T A& iN w T 'WC E13T T E 5, U .'jjI * j1 '1' IIII III 11111 II .