Continued cloudy.
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Senator Brown
ItalianDrive Reporte 0Miles In r
Names Are
Nation's First
1,500 Parents
And Teachers
Begin Annual
Meeting Today
ne Draft
J.Hop, Prom
Sen. Brown
Educators Will Address
Conference Sponsored
By Extension Service;
Extends Through Friday
Mrs. H1. S. Mallory
To Hold First Class
Over 1,500 Michigan parents and
teachers will hear prominent educa-
tors from all parts of the nation to-
day at the 11th annual Parent Ed-
ucation Institute, sponsored by the
University Extension Service with
the cooperation of the MichiganCon-
gress of Parents and Teachers, to be
held through Friday at the Rackham
First on the program after a half
hour of registration will be a class
in parent education conducted by
Mrs. H. S. Mallorylecturer and con-
sultant in family elations, to begin
at 9:00 a.m. Similar claesses will
be held each morning of the Insti-
MacLean Will Talk
Discussing "Can the Schools Train
Citizens for Democracy," Mr. Mal-
colm S. MacLean, president of the
Hampton Institute of Virginia, will
deliver the first lecture of the three-
day Institute at 10:00 a.m.
"Schools and the National Emer-
gency" will be the topic of a 11:00
a.m. talk by Mr. Howard Y. McClus-
ky, associate director o fthe Ameri-
can Youth Commission of the Ameri-
can Council of Education located at
At 12:15 a luncheon at the Union
ballroom will include an address by
Judge J. M. Braude of the Boys'
Court .of Chicago on "I Like Bad
Boys." Mr. Victor F. Spethelf, chair-
man of Juvenile Protection Commit-
tee of the Michigan Congress of
Parents and .Teachers will act as
Nine noted educators and school
officials will take part in a penal
discussion on "How the Schools Can
Provide Effective Training for Cit-
izenship," at 2:15 p.m.
Banquet At Union Today
Seventeen University students will
participate in a banquet discussion at
6:15 p.m. at the Union on "Why De-
linquency?" Prof. Lowell J. Carter,
associate professor of sociology and
director of the Child Guidance Insti-
tute, will give a summary of the dis-
The succeeding days will present
lectures and conferences on citizen-i
ship in the home and citizenship in
the community. A exhibit of the bestf
children's books recently published
will be displayed in the Rackham lob-s
by during the Institute.-
Engine School
To Cast Ballots
Hogg Expects Record Vote
From Elections Today
Today is election day in the En-
gineering College and an unpreceden-
ted vote for senior class officers and
for freshman representatives to the
Council was predicted yesterday by
George Hogg, '41E, chairman of the
balloting committee.
Voting for president, vice-presi-
dent, secretary and treasurer of the
Class of '41E will be held from 9
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. today above the Arch
in the West Engineering Building and
in the main hallway of the East En-z
gineering Building while freshman
candidates will be selected at their
regular Assemblies at 10 a.m. and
2 p.m. today.
In the balloting for president two
DRAFT BOWL GETS EXTENSION--Becuse the capsules to be used
in the draft lottery are bigger than those in the World War draft, an
extension was placed on the historic glass bowl used for the drawings to
accommodate all of the 8,500 capsules. Top, the new transport top is
fitted to the bowl by, left to right, E. J. Way, L. B. Clark and Capt. Rich-
ard P. Davidson.
President Delivers Ta lk
Congra tuIa tingCrafe
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. -(I))-
President Roosevelt stood looking on.
Secretary Stimson, blindfolded, gin-
gerly reached his left hand into the
famous old goldfish bowl and with-
drew it, grasping a tiny blue cylinder.
An Army officer opened it, took from
first 350 Ann Arbor men in the order
handed it to the President.
"The first number drawn by the,
Secretary of War," Mr. Roosevelt
slowly announced, is "serial number
There was a sharp, quickly repressed
little scream from a woman at the
rear of the hall. Her son's number
had been the first drawn in the great
peace time draft lottery of 1940.
Mr. Roosevelt, looking tired after
his strenuous campaigning yesterday,
started the drawing with a brief
broadcast speech in which he said
"The tragic circumstances in lands
across the seas have forced upon our
nation the need to take measures for
total defense."
Mr. Roosevelt specifically address-
ing the men who are to be called up
for military training as the result of
today's drawing, said:
"You will be members of an army
which first came together to achieve
independence and to establish cer-
tain fundamental rights for all men.
Ever since that first muster, our
democratic army has existed for one
purpose only; the defense of our free-
It has been estimated that Washte-
naw County will send approximately
Girl Debaters.
To Hold First
MeetT oday
First meeting for all women inter-
ested in debating will be held at
5 p.m. today in Room 4003 Angell f
Hall, Prof. Kenneth G. Hance of the
Speech Department, its director an-
In the western conference debat-
ing schedule a University team will
debate a University of Wisconsin
group at Madison Nov. 29 and 30. The
600 draftees into the nation's con-
script army by June 15. Not more
than 30 will be called for the county
contingent on Nov. 18. A list of the
it a number slip, the first of 9,000. He
they were selected appears on page
two of today's Daily.
New Officers
Aire Installed
At Convention
Dr. Poynter Is President
Of Medical Association;
Meeting To End Today
Dr. C. W. M. Poynter, Deanof the
Medical College of the University of
Nebraska, assumed the duties of Pres-
ident of the Association of American
Medical Colleges at the executive ses-
cions of the Association's fifty-first
annual meeting last night i the
Dr. D. S. Conley, Dean of the Uni-
versity of Missouri Medical College,
was elected Vice-President, and
Dr. Fred C. Zapffe and Dr. A. C.
Bachmeyer, both of the University, of
Chicago College of Medicine, were re-
eletted Secretary and Treasurer re-
The new executive board includes:
Dr. Maurice H. Rees, Chairman, re-
elected; Dr. R. H. Oppenheimer, past
president: Dr. Poynter; Dr. Conley;
Dr. L. R. Chandler, new president-
elect: Dr. Willard C. Rappleye, re-
elected; Dr. H. S. Diehl; and Dr.
E. M. Macewen.
It was also decided during the
session that next year's convention
should be held in Richmond, Va.
The present convention will close
today, the final meeting to open at
9:30 a.m. in the Union.
Campaign Discussion
Will Be Held Today
Representatives of the Young Dem-
ocrats Club, the Young Republicans
Club and of the American Student
Union will speak on the presidential
elections at a forum to be held at
Will Address
Forum Today
Michigan's Junior Senator
To Discuss Presidential
Talk Is Included
In Political Series
The cavalcade of famed political
figures who have made personal ap-
pearances in Ann Arbor during the
1940 campaign will be continued when
Sen. Prentiss M. Brown (Dem-Mich.)
will address the Michigan Forum at
4:15 p.m. today in the main ballroom
of the Michigan Union.
Michigan's junior senator will dis-
cuss the issues of the current presi-
dential campaign and the candidates
involved. The Forum meeting is in-
cluded in the regular series of politi-
cal speeches by prominent party rep-
rentatives designed to present to the
University of Michigan campus all
possible viewpoints in the coming
national election.
Senator Brown, elected to the up-
per branch of the national legisla-
ture for the term 1937 to 1943 and
appointed to fill the unexpired term
of the late Sen. Couzens, has been
a consistent supporter of the New
Deal agricultural, labor and social
He was born in St. Ignace in 1889,
received his A. B. from Albionin 1911
and was a graduate student at the
University of Illinois. He was admit-
ted to the Michigan bar in 1914,
praticed law in St. Ignace and then
began his political career.
Sponsored by the Union, League,
Student Senate and The Daily, the
Michigan Forum is a series of fre-
quent and regular inquiries into con-
temporary social problems that will
be held throughout the year.
The Forum is guided by a non-par-
tisan sponsoring committee composed
of Douglas Gould, '41, Robert Reed,
'41, Virginia Lee Hardy, '41, and Her-
vie Haufler, '41, respective officers of
the sponsoring Committees. James
Duesenberry, Grad., program chair-
man, and Harold D. Osterweil, '41,
executive secretary, help formulate
and carry out the program of the
Prof. Arthur Smithies of the De-
partment of Economics is an honory
member of the sponsoring committee.
Phrasing questions for future meet-
ings and the engaging of student or
outside speakers will be decided by
the sponsoring , committee with the
aid of program chairman and execu-
tive secretary. Anyone interested in
speaking or suggesting speakers for
future Forums is requested to contact
Osterweil at 7350.
Ruth Draper
Thrills Crowd
With Sketches
In her first Ann Arbor appearance
in more than eighteen years, Ruth
Draper. peopled the stage of Hill
Auditorium last night with several
characters from her store of sketches
in the opening lecture of the 1940-41
Oractorical Association Series.
Before beginning her program Miss
Draper spoke to the audience and
reminded them that she was not
caricaturing these people, but that she
was characterizing them. With a
fine performance, she lived for the
audience the few moments in the
lives of those people as she feltJ
they had lived them.
There was no interview with this
distinguished monologuist, because
the press releases said that Miss Drap-
er refused all requests for inter-
views; but in an informal chat over
the phone earlier in the day, Miss
o 5001
ITALY ATTACKS GREEK BORDER-War broke out in a new quar-
ter of Europe as Italy attacked the Greek border from Albania (2) and
aimed a naval blow at Corfu (1). Anti-aircraft guns went into action at
A "i ens (3), British aid was promised and it was believed the British
naval units were en route from Malta (6) and Alexandria (7), eastern
Mediterranean bases. At Belgrade (8), it was announced that Yugo-
slavia would remain neutral. London sources said that air raid pre-
cautions had been ordered throughout Bulgaria (9) for the first time of
the war. What Turkey (5) would do was a question, but she has said
that an attack on Greece would be considered a threat to the Dardan-
elles. At Florence, Italy (4) Chancellor Hitler of Germany and Premier
Mussolini conferred.
Turkey And Russia Still,
Remain 'On The Fence
$jctl 0 ATHENS:
o LL
VC j? E T; C'YP6u
Mediterranean Sea
(By The Associated Press)
Diplomatic circles in Rome report-
ed Italian troops had driven 10 miles
into Greece toward Florina on the
route to Salonika, key port at the top
of the Aegean Sea. Salonika is 100
miles from the Albanian frontier.
Skirted Greek warriors fighting
Dr. Abba Silver
To Give Third
SRA Lecture
Cleveland Rabbi To Talk
On 'Nature Of Man'
From Jewish View
Dr. Abba Silver, as leader of the
Temple of Cleveland, the great Jewish
liberal congregation in the United
States will appear as the lecturer in
the series on "The Nature of Man"
at 8:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lec-.
ture Hall.
As a leader in the field of religious
thought, Dr. Silver has been actively
identified with the outstanding con-
temporary social movements. The
national chairman of the United
Jewish Appeal, and the United Pales-
tine Appeal, he is known as one of
the world leaders of the Zionist move-
Unemployment insurance, com-
munity chest movement, child labor
and civil liberties are projects which
he has headed nationally. He has
been a member of the board of the
American Civil Liberties Union, the
Cleveland Associated Charities, the
Jewish Welfare Fund of Cleveland,
and vice-president of the Consumers
League of Ohio.
Born in Lithuania, he was educat-
ed at the University of Cincinnati and'
at the Hebrew Union College.
Detroit-Edison Gets
Phi Delt's Number
Close the gates of mercy on the
Detroit Edison Service department.
Somehow a typographical error in
the Student. Directory listed the phone
number of Phi Delta Theta fratern-
ity as 24451. Actually that is the
Co mimittees
To Be Chosen
At PollsToday
Twenty-One Sophomores,
Juniors To Be Elected
From 61 Candidates
In BallotingOf Campus
No Electioneering
Allowed At Booths
Twenty-one juniors and sopho-
mores will go to bed very elated to-
night after Michigan students file
to the polls this afternoon to cast
their ballots for members of the J-
Hop and Soph Prom Committees.
As a record entry of 61 candidates
will have to be cut to a third before
the names of the successful candi-
dates are known, Ward Quaal, '41,
and Doris Merker, '41, presidents
respectively of the Men's and Wo-
men's Judiciary Councils, expect a
busy evening counting the ballots.
Each voter can cast but one vote
for a candidate from among those
students running from his particular
class and school, Quaal stressed. Eli-
gibility cards are necessary, and no
electioneering is to take place on
floor of ballot boxes.
Literary College Ballots
Balloting for Literary College can-
didates to J-Hop will take place at
225 'Angell Hall between 2 pm. and
5 p.m. J-HopHelectoratefrom the E
gineering College will indicate their
choices at a ballot box placed in the
First Floor Lobby of the West Engin-
eering Building between 2 p.m. and
5 p.m.
Voters for J-Hop from the pharm-
acy and Forestry Schools will drop
their ballots into a box in 2039 Natu-
ral Science Building between 2 p.m.
and 5 p.m. Architecture electorate
will vote between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. in
the First Floor Lobby of the Architec-
ture Building. Education school vot-
ers cast their ballots between 3 p.m.
and 5 p.m. at 1431 University Elemen-
tary School.
Soph Prom Votes
Soph Prom voters from the Literary
College will cast their votes at the
same time and place as their junior
Literary cousins, namely between 2
p.m. and 5 p.m. at 255 Angell Hall.
Engineering College Soph Prom Elec-
torate also cast their ballots with
their junior cousins.
Thirteen people will be elected to
the J-Hop Commitee, two of whom
must be girls from the Literary Col-
lege, Quaal reported. Five members
of the committee are to be chosen
from the Literary College while three
will be elected from the Engineering
College. One candidate will be elect-
ed from each of the following schools:
Music (already elected because only
one petition was entered); Educa-
tion, ArchitTecture, Pharmacy and
Lucas Resigns
Council Duties
in the mountain passes were reported
holding firm. Their- battle cry was'
"throw them into the sea." Greek
officials said crisply: "Operations are
developing satisfactorily."
Reservists of the 500,000 available
slied toward the battle zone to swell
Greece's 100,000 regulars, as neutral
military observers wondered how long
they could hold.off the better-equip-
ped Fascists who have thousands of
airplanes to Greece's estimated 125.
The Greek high command an-
nounced that the Italian invaders
used strong forces with light and
heavy artillery in Epirus, the south-
western section of the border with
In western Macedonia, the other
end on the border line, the situation
"remains unchanged," the command's
communique said, and Italian avia-
tion activity throughout remained
"very light."
Turkey still sat on the fence and so
did Russia. The former apparently
was waiting to see what Russia did
and how effectively Britain aided little
Greece which confronts Axis aims of
dominating the Dardanelles.
There was no indication Russia in-
tended to abandon her neutrality.
Perhaps one reason for that was a
British military expert's estimate that
Germany has moved more than 1,000-
000 troops into the Balkans to bolster
Russian-German "friendship."
London military informants said
Britain was speeding aid to Greece
"in the widest sense of the term,"
(Continued on Page 2)
Play To Open
Here Tonight
"Three Men On A Horse," Play
Production's first offering of the year,
will open a four-day run at 8:30 to-
night in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Tickets may be obtained from the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office for
75, 50, and 35 cents or may be re-
served by calling 6300.
The play is a race track comedy
by John Cecil Holm and George Ab-
bot about the troubles of a gang
of horse players when they kidnap
Succeeded By
Blaz Lucas, '41, resigned the posi-
tion of president of the Interfratern-
ity Council last night at a meeting
of fraternity chapter presidents held
in the Alpha Delta Phi House.
The position thus vacated will be
filled by a senior member of any cam-
pus fraternity affiliated with the
Council, elected to office by vote of
the Council. Petitions for candidacy
must be filed with the Executive
Committee of the Council not later
than noon Saturday, November 9.
John Devine, '41, secretary-treas-
urer of the body, will serve as temn-