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October 29, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-29

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THE a Ma TCHav aiI v t1N 'IAT L', 1 A~ rZ 3
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PACI To Sponsor 'Time Out!'


Second T-Dance Of


"Time Out!", PACI's second in -

series of 10scheduled T-Dances, will
be held from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.,
Saturday in the ballroom of the
League. Bill Gail's orchestra, with
Joan Hamilton, '41, and Roland Mc-
Laughlin, '41E, supplying the vocals,
will play for the dance.
With the football team taking
"time out" from its weekly gridiron
skirmishes, PACI invites the entire
campus to do the same-and spend
the afternoon with them. Dick Eb-
bets, '42, general chairman of the
PACI T-dance committee has assured
us that no game doesn't necessarily
mean nothing doing.
Although it is the general custom
for PACI to hold their affairs on
Thursday afternoons, Ebbets added,
last year one dance was held on a
Saturday, and it had the best attend-l
ance of any of the dances. "We ex-
pect a very large crowd at this dance,"
he said, "because, to the best of our
knowledge, no other large function
will interferewith it."
Three hundred students, the num-
ber equally divided between the men
and the women, attended the first
of this year's PACI dances.
All students, Ebbets stressed, are
invited to the PACI T-dances. The
very nature of PACI's organization,
he added, makes it a really representa-
tive campus group. Panhellenic, As-
sembly, Congress and Interfraternity
Council each have two representatives
on the PACI committee. This com-

mittee was formed last year for theI
sole purpose of arranging afternoon
T-dances, to which the entire stu-
dent body would be invited.
PACI representatives from Pan-I
hellenic are Virginia Alfvin, '42 andI
Sally Walsh, '43; Assembly is repre-
scnted by Peg Wiseman, '41, and Jane
Sapp, '41; Congress by Dick Coe,
'42, and Robert Jones, '43, and Inter-
fraternity Council by Theron Haas,
'42 and Jim Bourquin, '42.
At each of its dances, PACI in-
vites a group of women chosen from
the ranks of Assembly and Panhell-
enic, to act as hostesses, and to gen-
erally assist in making introductions
and fostering acquaintances.
Mon.-Fri.: 3 p.m.-5 p.m. Ap-
pointment for tutoring in League
Tues.: 3:30 p.m. Publicity com-
mittee meeting in dietitians room.
7:00 p.m.: Beginning Dance
8:00 p.m.: Advanced Dance
Wed.: 4:00 p.m. Tutors meeting
in Cave.
4:45 p.m.: Assembly Board meet-
Thurs. 4:30 p.m. League House
representatives meeting.
5:00 p.m. Merit System Com-
mittee meeting.

RAINY DAY SiOE in wine
water-proof veal. Thick, thick
rubber sole, rawhide laces.
just one of many of those
popular Saddlemasters you'll
find at

Fifth Avenue
Fashion Show
'To Be Friday
Show To Climax League Exhibit
Featuring Footwear Evolution
With Emphasis On Shoe Styles
College women and Ann Arbor wo-
men will have the chance to com-
pare their ideas on style with New
York's at the informal fashion dis-
play by Saks Fifth Avenue from 2
p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League.
Featured in the display will be 300
pairs of various types of footwear,
with showings of sweaters. jewelry
and other accessories, Virginia Os-
good, '41, chairman of the social com-
mittee of the League, announced. The
clothes will be sent to Ann Arbor
from the Detroit branch of the store.
All this week in the concourse of
the League will be a display pictur-
ing the evolution of footwear, ending
with the modern platform sole and
wedgie, and showing predictions for
future styles.
A Saks Fifth Avenue shoe bag will
be presented to each woman attend-
ing the Friday showing. Women may
drop in any time during the display
Friday, Miss Osgood announced.
There will be drawing for door prizes,
and hostesses will be there to receive
guests. Four models will be chosen
from campus women to show outfits.
Tickets are being distributed to the
individual houses, and those who have
not yet called for the tickets for
their entire house may do so in the
League this week. There will be no
admission charge, but the display
will help contribute to the League
scholarship fund, Dorothy Merker,
'42, ticket chairman, announced.
For Orientation
Is Announced
Would-be orientation advisers will
be interviewed at the rate of 12 a
week according to Doris Merker, '41,
chairman of Judiciary Committee,
under whose guidance new interview-
ing policies have been initiated.
The 12 women to be interviewed
each week will be called at the be-
ginning -of the week, Miss Merker
said, and appointments made with
them sometime between 4 p.m. and
5 p.m. Thursdays. The system is be-
ing run this way this year, she con-
tinued, in an effort to relieve the
pressure on the Committee in inter-
viewing and to enable each woman
to have more individual time and
attention given her. Ideas for orien-
tation plays may be written out and
submitted, Miss Merker said. The
first 12 of the approximately 200 wo-
men to be interviewed will be called
this week.
Reservation Time
Limit Is Extended
The Union Formal supper dance, to
be held Nov. 1, has been extended to
Wednesday, Robert Samuels, '42, an-
Tickets will be on sale at the travel
desk of the Union between 3 p.m.
and 5 p.m., and at the other times
may be secured at the main desk.
Only fifty tickets remain to be sold,
it was revealed by James Rossman,
'42, and Robert Shed, '42, co-chair-
men of the ticket committee.

Buffet Supper Given
Exhibition dancing and group sing-
ing featured the buffet supper given
by Dorothy G. Davidson, '44, 606
Packard Street, Saturday after the
Pennsylvania-Michigan football game
for 21 Ann Arbor Independents. Co-
hostesses for the supper beside Doro-
thy Davidson were Maxine R. Hall,
'44, and Ruth E. Clark, '43.

'Twa,, truly a wonderful wee-end fashioned in typical Ann Arbor
style. Nature was all dressed up for those days in marvelous color combina-
tions and ncver once dr'cpped a wet blanket on anything. The football team}
won and few bluebooks were scheduled for Monday. Of course ED FRUTIG
preved the exception and was forced to do a little page turning Sunday eve.
all 'cause some profs aren't understanding.
Friday nite was highlited with gaiety. Theta Delts were all aglow with
LOIS SHAREACH and BOB THOMAS leading some of the fun. VIRGINIA,
KAY JONES and ART KUIIN were also
\ much in evidence. Over at the Beta
pledge formal PEG BROWN, MILT
,LORD were dancing to "Love Never Went
to College" . . . oh yeah! Even BARB
COBB and JIM DUTHIE looked on skep-
c1At the Union NANCY CHAPMAN,
NEPPLER were seen discussing the possibilities of Penn . . . and it didn't
take them long. And, oh yes, everyone was terribly curious to know who
that marine was with BEA KLEIN ...

I ei r Iy U
League To Be Scene Of Formal;
Bill Gail And Hill Billy Band

Horse Opera Ball 8 p.m. tomorrow at
To Play For Annual Occasion the Golfside Riding Stables.
J. F. Reames, formerly with the
Open to the entire campus for the Ringling Brother's Barnum and Baily
first time in its history, the Paul circus, will bring his ponies, includ-
Bunyan "Formal," annual dance ing a 5 months old starlet, to per-
sponsored by the Forestry Club, will form here at the costume ball. More
than 250 University students attend-
be held from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.o ed the event last year.
egue, accordingt Frank McIntyre, well-known radio
Gordon L. Watts, '41F and C, social personality, will head the judging
chairman for the dance. committee incuding Louis Burke, Paul
The tone of the affair will depart 'Proud, Dan McIntyre, Edward Coop-
as far as possible from the conven- er and Jack Meadows. They will
tional. Watts said. It will be as in- award prizes donated by Ann Arbor
formal as the dance at the Union the mercompt t tehe winnes ofethe var-
Ssame evening is formal. All foresters most elaborate, the most comical, and
who attend will wear clothes used in the most original costumes worn by
field work, and others are requested a man or woman.
to dress as casually as they wish. The program will be led off with
As an additional novelty in keep- a grand parade of the costumed en-
ing with the theme of forestry and trants; music will be supplied by Har-
lumbering, a small "hill-billy" band ley Reynolds' "transcription band."
composed of foresters will play for Spectators may watch the show from
square dancing at intermissions. Bill the 500 grandstand seats that will
Gail and his orchestra will appear ; be provided. The ball is free of
as the regular musical feature, charge to spectators and entries.

7-1 Club

Celebrates Opening .0 ,

At the League gobs and gobs celebrated the opening of the 711 Club.
KAUFMANN and BOB BOGLE said they were having a wonderful time.
The Zeta Beta Taus were whooping it up at their side of town with JUNE
ROSS and JIMMY WOLF looking super smooth gliding along the floor
while GINNY NATHANSON and JEFF SOLOMON nodded their approval.
ELAINE FISHER and JERRY GROSSMAN were much engrossed in each
other. The Rochdale house had a pre-game celebration, too, and FOREST-
and GERRY NITZBERG fighting over the last drop of punch with CARO-
LYN PARKER and ROY COOLEY. What's the matter, ain't they got man-
ners? Penn boys were providing a regular cheering section at the Pi Lamb
formal and nearly boomed LIBBY MORGAN, RAY ROSENMAN, LUCILLE
BETTY BAUMAN and WARREN BREIDENBACH looked 'terrifically
happy about the whole thing at the game Satdy. MARY HAYDEN and
MILDRED THOMAS were very intent about that 6' 6" man from Penn the
program identified as Engler-you remember, that hulk of brawn and
shouldeis that kept dashing up and down the green grass. VIN MOORE
and BOB SEGER strangely seemed to be intent upon their intentness. The
Union was just the place that nite and who should be taking a little exer-
cise but T. HARMON. Yes, MARGOT THOM was with him. TED SHARP
and MARY LOUISE KNAPP exchanged a dance with MARY LOUISE FEN-
NEY and JOHNNIE KRAMER for one of Sawyer's luscious waltzes. No,
thic icni inhnf~ p~l

Tickets are now on sale at the Un-
ion and League, and may also be ob-
tained through any member of the
Forestry Club.
Watts has announced the follow-
ing committee chairmen: tickets
James H. Jones, '41F&C; music,
Ralph W. Pogue. '41F&C; decora-
tions, William E. Pelley, '42 F&C:
publicity, Chester J. Ewing, '42F&C;
patrons, William K. Ferrell, '41F&C.
Dance Ticket
Sales To Begin
Annual M-Club Event At Union
Will Feature Autographed Balls



-Paul Bunyan'
Forestry Dance
I~ F id:~~

i r

Pony To Star
ln Annual Ball
At Riding .Stable
A Shetland Pony stunt act will
feature the second annual Hallowe'en


Have your Ensian Pictures made Now!

uiiis 18n "L UouIJ aU reay. Tickets for the annual M-Club
Fans Forget To Eat . . . dance, which will be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Saturday in the Union, will
Acacia men were hosts at a buffet supper and radio dance after the go on sale today on campus by mem-
game and CATHERINE CALL and GEORGE MAT- bers of the club, William Combs
THEWS almost forgot to eat so busy were they in
a heated discussion of the game. JANE HUNT and '41, president, has announced.
WHITNEY KALMBOUGH, however, finally broke it The feature of the dance will be
up. BILL HARRISON was seen demonstrating a new door prizes. Tom Harmon, '41, and
step to MAXINE WILLIAMSON, DOROTHY KUIV- -- Forest Evashevski, '41, will each pre-
INEN and BRUCE HARTWIG at Sigma Nu. Taking sent two footballs with the auto-
in he spectacle from the sidelines were MARY JEAN graphs of the team members. Herb-
inhe GHAectac m te sies. vert Brogan, '41Ed, will give. a basket-
CUNNINGHAM and ED GIBSON. ball to the lucky winner and Bill
Phi Beta Deltas celebrated the victory at a Steppon, '41Ed, will present a base-
house-party, too. PAT KUNZMAN and, LENNY i ball, each autographed by the entire
KASSMAN were pdsing to have their pictures took team represented.
and ELAINE GORDON and BERT ZEITLIN were M-Club members will wear their
changing the records, much to the satisfaction of MARIAN BORIN and "M" sweaters to the affair and will
BOB LEWIN act as hosts. Colors will follow the
Things were exciting at the Chi Phi house. BARBARA MAC LAUGH- theme of gold and blue. Music for the
LIN and CHARLIE HAUGHEY were bubbling over with mirth and JOAN dance will be furnished by Bill Saw-
GENUNG and DON SCHANK seemed to have caught the germ for they were yer and his orchestra. Tickets may
plenty silly. LUCILLE WOODWARD and PAUL SMITH joined in, and the be purchased from members of the
gang of them did La Conga in a most novel wa-Club or at the Union.

Following the parade there will be
a series of comical races open to all
entries who register with Mrs. Helen
Gardiner, manager, and who appear
in Hallowe'en dress. Students par-
ticipating will be picked up at the
engineering arch 6:45 p.m. tomorrow
and taken to the stables by car.
Reservations for horses may be made
by calling 2-3441.
Month End
And We Predict
Wonderful savings for you on
early fall merchandis during this
3-day event!




Ann Arbor's largest studio is ready to serve
you who are particular in having a Good

ga--11 -Cong, I~ -- . a i mt. IIVVUI Way.
But all good things must come to an end, and the leaves fell on another
jolly victory week-end for A. A. and for the inhabitants of the little world
for which she, alone, bears the recipe.
Hobby Lobby To Meet Friday

319 East Huron h


for 50 Years

Dial 5541

I ~ I
r1K7Ine.Jnancer I
When your fashion - searching eye lights on
our collection of inspiring new DeEiso Debs
you won't ave to loo twice to know
they are just what you have been looking
for. These pages present just a few highlights.

An off shot of the Outdoor Club
which is extending its sphere of in-.
fluence in all directions, "Hobby
Lobby," an organization whose motto
this year is to be "Make your own
Christmas presents," will welcome allI
prospective members at a tea from
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday at the Wo-
men's Athletic Building.
Arts, and crafts models, lent to the
Club by various women on campus,
will be on exhibit at the tea, where
all attending will be informed of the
various forms of work to be attempted
by the "Lobby." Gertrude Inwod, '43,
president, will explain plans and
opportunities for instruction that will
be presented throughout the year.
Meetings, to be announced at the
tea, will probably be held at the field

houe near the WAB. A new coat of
paint on the first floor of the field
house was accredited last year to the
Hobby Lobby. This year the group
plans to attempt the redecoration of
the second floor.
Instruction will be given by mem-
bers of the faculty and by competent-
ly prepared students, although the
names of those have not yet been

The Department of Speech
"T 1hree Mene
on a Horse'
Tomorrow through Saturday
nights -Oct. 30 and Nov. 2
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
(Phone 6300)
Prices: 75c, 50c, and 35c

5m) 391953 12 9
Crepes, wools... sizes 9--17,
2- Pc. Suits
Just six 3-Pc. Suits (12-18)
. . 22.50.
1295, 995 . $25
Tweeds, shetlands, plaids, camels-
hair coats .. . for dress and sports

for IM"...

For any occasion.
We represent the most popular bands
on the campus, as well as Strolling
Combinations and Nationally-known
Stars of Radio, Stage and Screen.

po .






Tailored . .. crepe or satin.
Reg. $1 and $1.95 Values!
Figured or plain.
$2.95- $5.95
1/2 price
Swing and gored styles in
the new fall shades.


These are just a few suggestions. We will be
pleased to help you select the Gift for him.

All Sales Final.





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