PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1940 PAGE FOUR TU1~flAY, OCTOBER 2% 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman. Laurence.Mascott Donald Wirtchafter . Esther Osser Helen Corman. . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor THE REPLY CHURLISH By TOUCHSTONE Two Studies in Death only mash him and kill him anyhow. By the IF YOU have a weak stomach, or are afraid, time I could turn off the lamp, unscrew the bulb and pull him out, he would be dead. In fact he don't read any more of this column, because was dead by the time I had rushed through these today, not for any reason except that they hap- alternatives of mercy in my head. His body l pened, I am going to tell about two deaths by there, will lay there until my landlady fishes fire. It doesn't make pleasant reading matter him out during spring cleaning. He won't suffer maybe, and yet there's a value in death. Death any more when I turn on the light, so there's makes of all people or things that live, one thing no use my getting maudlin and having obsequies and one thing only. over his twisted body. But ls death was a bad The first death sounds insane and macabre thing, and I am sorry for him, sorry when I look when I put it down sitting here at my typewriter. at the way all of his body that possibly could be It is the death of a fly. For a week, up until is twisted away from that searing bulb. I can't Sunday night, this fly had been warming itself wish that fly to hell any more,rHe died in hell. in my room. I tried several times to swat it with a magazine, but as you know, the air currents set up by solid swatters blow the fly out of the THE OTHER DEATH was out on the Jackson way every time. And at last, as always, I had road, two years ago this fall. It is one of grown used to the fly, and I didn't try to kill it those stories behind stories that I will tell you any more. It wasn't a mean fly, by which I imply sometimes. At the time it made the headlines nothing animistic; it was just a black, rather here and other places, but as a news story, as noisy fly which sat for long times near the win- the kind of a story you can read on page one of dow and sometimes buzzed. We learned to get today's paper any time. It wasn't my story; along. He learned not to flit around near my Harry Kelsey was on the city beat that fall, and head, and not to make the buzzing noise when I just happened to be along because we wanted I was sitting at my desk working. I learned not some beer. Harry did a good job on the story, to shut him in between the window and the but I've always wanted to tell it my way just screen, and not to frighten him needlessly by once, and until this year I haven't had a chance. waving my arms at him when I did not intend Two boys from Canada were carrying a load to kill him. I will not say we were friendly. I of alcohol in the back of a business coupe with don't think he ever forgot that if I were given special springs. There were five and ten gallon the chance I would smash him into hell for tins of the stuff, and I guess from what I heard breakfast very quickly and gladly, but we got later they were going to smuggle it into Ontario, along, and though he didn't know it, I wasn't but don't quote me on that. They ran into the trying very hard by Sunday. back of a truck, just at the top of a hill a couple And yet that I tried at all is what is making of miles out of town. The motor rammed back me write this obituary for him. I feel that I against their legs. The tins of alcohol smashed have caused his death in the most horrible way forward against the back of the seat, and their possible. He was making that buzz noise when backs. They were pinned in the car, and i I came in about midnight. I started to undress, burned. and he got in under the parchment shade of my Harry and I got there not very long after word study lamp, and the sound of the buzz buzz came to the police station here. We heard the was much louder because of the drum like sur- sirens, the sirens that always scare people in the face on which he sat. I waved my hand under night, and we found a cab, and got out there. the lamp, but it did not frighten him away, he A mile away we saw what it was. The fire shot was beginning to understand me. Then I did up maybe forty or fifty feet in the still night the bad thing. I took the shade off the lamp, air, and it showed like a big white torch from leaving him exposed against the frosted white way off. surface of the bowl in which the bulb sets. I can't tell it all. There isn't room here, and it's pretty awful stuff. All I can tell you about HE MUST HAVE FIGURED that showing is the two black chunks in the car, and the way black on white like that, with a hundred the sockets of the eyes seemed to look out at watt bulb inside that bowl making him an easy the ring of frightened people standing helplessly target, he would be swatted. That's what I mean. around. A fire truck came up with a little ex- He wouldn't have been swatted. But he must tinguisher, and for a second firemen sprayed the have thought he would have, because he seemed thing on the flame, but they were afraid to set to go mad. He flew fast but erratically in tight off another explosion, and of course it looked circles around the lamp, buzzing loud and an- ridiculous and futile, so he took the brass tube grily. I just stood and watched. It made me a back to the truck, and joined the people who little sore the way he was buzzing nasty like he stood there staring into the fire. was, but I wasn't going to swat him, not against that glass bowl, because I would break the bowl. Wbl, no more of that. It's the angle I want to And then he seemed just to dive, still buzzing, tell you about. You know part of what I felt, but right down inside the bowl, down past the hot the angle was this. The door of the car on the sides of the hundred watt bulb, down right intoright side hung open part way. The hand of the the brassy, almost red hot depths where the bulb black thing on the right si e still clung to the screws down into its socket. He buzzed fran- handle of that door. He aln opt made it. tically, then quickly in short spasmodic grad- Am I just brutal to talk about these things? ually weaker sounds. I am not a silly guy, but Maybe so. Maybe it's time someone pointed out I honest-to-god would have got him out of there how awful fate or circumstance alone can be if I possibly could have, but what could I do? without any help from pitiful, miserable man. He was down where I could never reach him It doesn't matter. You'll get out of this just with my fingers, and the bulb was too hot for what you brought to it. I can't change or influ- that anyhow. He was down where if I used a ence any of you. I can only tell about me. So pencil or something to try to reach him I would long until soon. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Giamour Helen Bohnsack .Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: S. R. WALLACE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Greek Invasion And U.S. Attitudes .... A T DAWN MONDAY Italian troops . moved into Greece. By noon Italian planes had bombed the city of Athens. British fleet units in the Eastern Mediterranean were reported steaming into action. Unconfirmed reports circulated that Turkey would soon de- clare war on Italy. The Balkan cauldron had finally gracked wide open. It was executed according to the time-tested Fascist pattern. First came the refined tech- nique of the "build-up." Italian sources bump- tiously claimed that Albanins in Greece were being mistreated. "Grave British threats to Greek independence" were also discovered. Then came the exchange of diplomatic notes, the usual ultimatums and finally the actual mili- tary thrust across the Greek-Albanian borders. It was the "revolution of nihilism" once again rampant, working out its military maneuvers grimly and inexorably. ('REECE was of course pitifully unprepared to meet the Fascist onslaught. Her army was estimated at 100,000 men, her air corps had no more than 125 warplanes and her navy was to- tally inadequate. But Greece was merely a pawn in the game of power politics, a geographical means of extending the war-front. Greece ap- parently was scheduled to become another focal point in "the Near East campaign. But it was clear that Greece's allies would necessarily have to face the brunt of Fascist attack. What would be the probable American reac- tion? No doubt momentary surprise, mingled regret and pity for the vulnerability of strate- gically located little states, vague feelings of con- fusion and uneasiness over the extension of the war to new fronts and manifestations of firm disapproval of almost continuous Fascist ag- gression. SUCH DEVELOPMENTS as the Italian invasion of Greece underline the need for a con- sistent American attitude toward the Second World War, a flexible philosophy which would take each recurrent move by the totalitarian powers in its stride. Without such a national outlook each new phase of the European con- flict results in a demoralization of American morale, in a general despair which tends to breed irrational thinking. This "consistent American attitude" need not have, must not have a militaristic basis. It need not have, must not have a narrow isolationist character. It would be born out of an underlying sensitivity to all the tragedy of the World of 1940. No place for the "ivory tower." But it would be born, too, out of a vigorous determina- tion to concentrate national attention upon the critical problem of making our own democracy a thumping success. SUCH AN ATTITUDE does not deserve to be attacked as national selfishness, as evidence of our chronic inability to adopt a "world" point of view. Indeed it is built on the very idea of our relationship to our external environment, on our tie-up with the rest of the world. It is built on the conception that improving the so- cio-economic processes of our own democracy is the most constructive contribution that Amer- ica can make to a war-torn world. -Chester Bradley n r' 'v_ - - -. -a TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1940 e VOL. LI. No. 26 o a Publication In the Daily Officiala Bulletin is constructive notice to allE members of the University. t in NoticesU First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- f sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern, well-located, Ann s Arbor residential property. Inter est at current rates. F.H.A. terms available. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing. University Hall.P College of Literature, Science, andd the Arts, Schools of Music, Educa-1 tion, and Forestry: Students who re- ceived marks of I or X at the close ofe their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade ofs E in the course unless this work is made up by October 30. Studentsp wishing an extension of timebeyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressedi to the appropriate official in theirP school with Room 4 U.H. where it 1 will be transmitted.a Robert L. Williams,o Assistant Registrar.t Student Organization: All studentv organizations desiring official recog- nition for the College Year 1940-41a should file a list of officers with then Dean of Students in Room 2, Univer- sity Hall on or before November 1. This information should be made out on forms to be obtained at the Office of the Dean of Students and shouldE include the name, address and class1 of each officer. Early in November a list of all organizations which have been given offical recognition will be published in the Michigan Daily. School of Music Conference: Mr.1 Lee Pattison, guest lecturer at the1 School of Music, will speak at 4:151 p.m. today in the Assembly Hall, third] floor of the Rackham Building, before an assembly open only to college stu- dents of the School of Music and1 tudents in other schools and colleges enrolled in Music Literature courses. He will discuss problems in music pedagogy. Conferences for special groups will also be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Thurs- day, and Friday in the same room. . Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports will be due Satur- day, November 2, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Bronson-Thomas Prize in German: Value $40. Open to all undergraduate students in German distinctly Ameri- can training. Will be awarded on the results of a three-hour essay compe- tition to be held under departmental supervision in the latter half of March, 1941 (exact date to be an- nounced two weeks in advance.) Con- testants must satisfy the Department that they have done their reading in German. The essay may be written in English or German. Each contest- ant will be free to choose his own sub- ject from a list of at least 30 offered. Students who wish to compete must be taking a course in German (32 or above) at the time of the competition. They should register and obtain di- rections as soon as possible at the office of the German Department, 204 University Hall. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations. Psychiatric Social Worker, Al, Sal- ary Range: $140 to $160, Nov. 30, '40. Physically Handicapped Placement Officer II: Salary Range: $200 to $240 Nov. 16, '40. Institution Sewage Disposal Plant Operator A2: Salary Range: $115 to $135, Nov. 16, '40. Institution Sewage Disposal Plant Operator Al: Salary Range: $140 to $160 Nov. 16, '40. Light Highway Equipment Opera- tor B: Salary Range: $.55 to $.70 hr. Nov. 16, '40. Heavy Highway Equipment Opera- tor: A2, Salary Range: $.60 to $.75 hr. Nov. 16, '40. Complete announcement on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office Hours 9-12 and 2-4. Glider Club: Those who failed to attend the membership meeting may apply for membership at the Aeronau- tical Engineering Dept., Room 47, East Engineering Building. The club is open to all students enrolled in the University. Club operations started Sunday. Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 410 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oc- tober 30. Mr. Amos Newton will speak on "High Energy Particles in Chem- istry." dial training for a limited number f students having speech defects is n vailable at the Speech Clinic, 1007 t ast Huron Street. Students desiring o avail themselves of this service g nay do so by calling the secretary, f Jniversity 4121, extension 589, for an ppointment. Treatment is provided or foreign accent and all types oft peech disorders. Classes in Spech (lip) Reading: in-a truction in speech reading for stu- Dents who are hard of hearing will be provided at the Speech Clinic, 1007u East Huron Street, at 9:00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ( Thursday, Fri- day; 10:00 Tuesday and Thursday and 11:00 Thursday. Clases are under the direction of Professor Bessie Whitak-t er. Students who wish to avail them- selves of this service may call the secretary of the Speech Clinic, tele- phone University 4121, extension 589.- All Students interested in enroll- ing in a special course in the im- provement of reading, which is to be organized shortly, are invited tov attend a general meeting at 4:00t o'clock Thursday, October 31, in Na-f tural Science Auditorium. At thato time the general plan of the course will be discussed, something will be said about the nature of the work,V and the days and hours of the classI meetings will be settled. Lectures "Nature of Man"' lecture by Rabbix Abba Silver, of the Temple, Cleve- land in the Rackham Lecture Hall on Wednesday at 8:15 p.m.t Events Today Botanical Journel Club will meet to- night at 7:30 in Room N. S. 1139. Re- ports by Betty Robertson: Review of Fassett's Manual of Aquatic Plants; Martha Springer: Capture of Prey by1 the Bladderwort; John Pierce: Review of Martin and Uhler's "Food for Game Ducks."; and Jean Bertram: Papers, on reproductive activities of watert plants. Social Service Seminar will meet tonight, 7:15-8:15 in Lane Hall. Miss Ann Sprague will discuss "The Sphere of the Volunteer in Social Service." A Graduate Coffee Hour sponsored by the Graduate Student Council will be held today from 4-6 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rack- hgm Building. Dr. Howard Ehrmann of the History Department will speak on "The United States and the Euro- pean War." All graduate students and faculty members are invited. Sigma Rho Tau will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Union. Dean Ivan C. Crawford will speak on "War Dam- age Estimates in Belgium." This is the first training night for Neophytes and the older men will give sales talks on Engineering equipment. Alpha Nu will meet tonight at 7:15 in the Alpha Nu Room. Professor Hance of the Speech Department will address the group. Short business meeting before the meeting adjourns to hear the Draper lecture. The University of Michigan Orator- ical Association announces the open- ing number of the 140-1941 Lecture Series tonight at 8:15, Hill Auditorium with the' presentation of Miss Ruth Draper, distinguished dramatic artist, in "Character Sketches." Tickets may be obtained at Hill Auditorium. Tau Beta Pi business meeting today in the Michigan Union. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. International Center: The program for the week is as follows: Today: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Lunch- eon Group in Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. Wednesday, Oct. 30: 7:30 to 9:00, p.m. Program. of Recorded Music., Thursday, Oct. 31: 4:00 p.m. Weekly Tea. 7:30 p.m. Class in English for' Foreign Students. Friday, Nov. 1: 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. Annual Hallowe'en Party. 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday after- oon Round Table, "My Country in he World Order." Saturday, Nov. 2. 6:00 p.m. Supper roup: Foreign women and wives of oreign students. Student Tea at Harris Hall this af- ernoon, 4:00-5:30. All Episcopal stu- dents and their friends are invited. The Slavic Club will meet tonight at 7:30 at the International Center. Election of officers will be held. All students of Slavic descent are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served. Program Committee of Theatre- Arts will meet today at 5:00 p.m. in the League. General Properties Committe of Theatre Arts will meet today at 4:30 in the League. Girls making stage rops wil meet in Room 5 of the ague at 3:30 p.m. Theater Arts Make-up Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. in the League today. This meeting is compulsory for all those who wish to work on any of the plays. The League Publicity Committee will meet at 3:30 p.m. today in the Dietitians' Suite. Dance Class Assistants for the be- ginning class are to be at the League Ballroom at 7:00 pm. instead of 7:30 p.m. tonight. League Dance Classes: The begin- ning dance will be held at 7:00 to- night and the intermediate class will be postponed, to avoid interfering with the Ruth Draper lecture. Those solicitors participating in the Hillel Membership Campaign will meet this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Ev- evry member of the group should be present. Christian Science Organization will meet at 8:15, tonight in the chapel of the Michigan League. Coming Events The Pre-Medical Society will meet Wednesday, October 30, in the East Ampitheatre of the West Medical Building at 8:00 p.m. The Aptitude Tests discussed at the smoker will be fully explained and the lists of all those desiring to take the tests will be compiled. Dr. Towsley of Pediatrics will present a colored mov- ing picture of skin lesions on infec- tious diseases. All Pre-Medics inter- ested in joining the organization, both men and women students, are urged to attend this meeting. Graduate Luncheon: The'second of "Know Your University" luncheons will be held in the Russian Tea Room of the League Wednesday at 12 noon. Grauate students and faculty are cordially invited. Women's Debate: All women inter- ested in the program in debate and discusion are invited to meet in Room 4003, Angell Hall, on Wednesday, Oc- tober 30, at 5:00 p.m. Plans for the season will be discussed. Seminar in Social Minorities meets Wednesday at 4:15 in Lane Hall. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School will analyze the issues of the presidential election in a talk "The Issues of the Campaign" on Wednes- day, Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Pi Lambda Theta will meet in the University Elementary School Library on Wednesday, October 30 at 4:15 p.m. All members are urged to attend. Members of Pi Lambda Theta from other schools are cordially invited to affiliate with Michigan's Xi Chap- ter. Contact Mrs. Sarah Olmstead, 332 E. William St. Phone 8489. Seminar in Theology meets at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday in Lane Hall. Michigan Dames will meet Wednes- day, Oct. 30, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Building. All wives of stu- dents and interns are invited. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Conscription Necessary? To the Editor: IN THE narrow sense the drafting of young college men is a poor gesture, because the business and professional careers will be aca- demically at a standstill for a period of one year. Learning "right shoulder arms" and "about face" in an army training post may not be quite in accordance with a true application of what college men have been taught in their school years, yet the decision of a group of men several hundred miles removed from Ann Arbor may require the presence of our young men at an army camp. One disconcerting aspect of the whole con- scription decision is probably not the idea that the country needs a national defense system, but that during peacetime, young men should be taken from their homes to serve in an army which has not had public respect for twenty years. Had the American public through its repre- sentatives formally declared war, conscription would perturb no one but a few perverts. Or, if serving the American public through service in the army were considered a high honor rather than a doubtfully necessary evil, then a man selected for military service would be a fortunate man. In a broader sense, once we have agreed that science technology have advanced the technique of waging war, and once we have agreed that the United States must bolster the defense sys- tem to cope with any possible enemy, then we must agree that a peacetime conscription of men is necessary. The device may work hard- ship on a few individuals, but the preservation of the entire nation is at stake; and although individual feelings and desires should be con- sidered, the needs of the whole nation must be considered first of all. Further, a modern army, fighting as it does with machine power more a ,~ ~a- rnix- nPPimem hn n rP eanabia Axis Signs Up New Recruit,. THE AXIS TEAM is rapidly approach- ing full strength, with Recruit France added to the lineup, one would gather from the news reports of the last few days. Cries of "traitor" and "turncoat" have greeted the news of France's joining Italy and Germany in an alliance against England, her erstwhile war partner. These, doubtless, come only from the very thoughtless or highly uninformed. In the first place, France-the French people- did not want to stop fighting on Britain's side. They were beaten, forced to stop, stop a war against a nation long hated as the destroyer of French peace. Rightly or wrongly, the French have always hated the Germans and would like to see them destroyed. In the second place-and by far the most im- portant-France in all probability had no actual voice in the alliance with the Axis. The French are a subject people today, under the crushing domination of the Nazi fist. It would not be hard to force any subject nation into military alliance with threats of "sanctions" against the women and children of that.nation. The presence of the French team on the Axis bench cannot be conceived treason to Britain and democracy. It may be weakness, human weakness-for who would refuse to fight if that refusal meant only hopeless resistance to an overpowering force? No, regardless of how much or little their presence may aid the Axis lineup, the French people are not traitors. The whole thing was an Axis idea, and the Axis put it into effect with no more than nominal, formal acquiescence by France. - William H. Newton sirous and capable of becoming officers, they will be trained for such positions. Likewise, if their minds tend to desire highly technical ac- tivities, vacancies for such positions will be filled with technically trained men. A maximum of hardship for the men will occur when the appli- cants for a position exceeds the vacancies and undesired muscle work is forced upon unwilling hands. Next, would the young man who was selected ._ - ,--__ -v c s. - crr- s.-- a rrlin rtna AO RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blu. Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Dinning Sisters 6:15 Musical Newscast Poiicem'n's Pension 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day In' Review 6:45 world Today Lowell Thomas " Texas Rangers 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring val Clare Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Meet Mr. Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes Musical Rendezvous Ned Jordan 7:45 Haenschen Orch. " Doc Sunshine 8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Forty Plus Ben Bernie 8:15 Missing Heirs Cats'n Jammers " 8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers "Info," Pleases 8:45 First Nighter" Interlude I 9:00 We the People Battle of the Sexes Toronto Symphony Question Bee 9:15 We the People 90 Poneson ouiz Fibber McGee " John Kennedy