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October 27, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-27

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Patriotic Note
Will Be Struck

Jerkin Tops Soft Shift


n Style Show

Sororities Plan
Annual Dinner
Of Panhellenic
Patrons Chosen For Traditional
Banquet Tomorrow Which Will

Of~f the Slc
;Somewhere in the middle of Marian
Anderson's rendition of "Dere's No
Hidin' Place Down Dere" last

Columnist Is Visitor

Helen Rhodes To Sing; Bill Gail
Orchestra Will Supply Music
From Oldfashioned Bandstand
Decorations for All-American Fash-
ion Fantasy, The Daily Style Show,
have been announced by Jeanne
Crump, '42, publicity chairman.
They will follow the national
theme, and the stage is to be dec-
orated in red, white and blue. Bill
Gail's orchestra, which will furnish
music for the afternoon's display,
will be placed on a bandstand like
those for the old brass bands of yes-
teryear, Miss Crump said.
Helen Rhodes, '42, has been chosen
as vocal accompanist for the affair,
and some of her pieces will be appro-
priate to the theme. Betty Keppler,
'41, is to be the fashion commentator,
and will stand on a small political
speech platform. Programs are to be
given out at the theatre.
The Fashion Fantasy is to be held
at 4:15sp.m.Nov. 7 at the Michigan
Theatre, and there is to be no charge.
Those who wish to may see the early
movie and stay for the fashion show,
but it will be possible to enter the
theatre at 4:15 for only the style dis-
play, Jane Krause, '41, women's ad-
vertising manager of The Daily, ex-
Twenty-seven student models have
been chosen to wear the clothes that
are to be shown by the various Ann
Arbor stores that are to participate
in the style show. Sue Hollis, '41, is
head of the committee of models.
A Man's Eye View
The press-box yesterday afternoon
was an autograph hunters' paradise.
Radiorators Ted Husing, Bill Stern
and Bill Slater (wearing a Roose-
velt button) were there, also Watson
Spoelstra of the AP, John Lardner,
Henry McLemore, Grantland Rice,
and phtographers Sergei Eisenstaadt
of Life.
It was as masculine as the Union
Opera until two young ladies tried to
crash. Some wag cracked that
"they're covering for the Ladies Home
* *-*
The Wolverines were wearing their
blue woolen cardigans with yellow
numeral motif, gold-spun rayon trou-
sers and nylon socks.
So far this column for women has
been all about men. But we're sure
you gals prefer it that way.


Be Given In League Ballroom Wednesday night, I suddenly won-
dered what the famed contralto
Patrons and patronesses for the thought of "swing," and if she might
Panhellenic Banquet, which is to be be persuaded to express her views on
held at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the League that controversial subject.
Ballroom, have been announced by I prepared for the momentous oc-
Bonnie Lowden, '42, chairman of the casion of my interview by telling
banquet. myself all during the encores that I
Heading the list of patrons and pa- wasn't scared a bit-and besides,
tronesses are Dean Alice C. Lloyd, wasn't The Michigan Daily (like the
Dean Jeannette Perry, Dean Byrl F. British sunset) welcome everywhere?
Bacher, Dean and Mrs. Edward H. -and at the close of this little ses-
Kraus, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dean sion with myself, the three of us
and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Registrar tripped down all the steps possible to
and Mrs. Ira M. Smith, Dr. Margaret trip down in Hill Auditorium.
Bell, Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Mrs. View Backstage Scene
Lucile B. Conger and Miss Beth h h
O'Roke.Beind stage, in te passage way
"'Panhellenic Harmony" will be the leading to Miss Anderson's dressing
theme of the banquet and Dr. Bell room, were mobs of people waiting
will speak on "Harmony." Dean to get their programs autographed.
Lloyd is to make the Dean of Wo- Feeling just the least bit superior
to this childishness, and imbued with
men's Staff award and Registrar the half-baked cynicism of the
Smith will present the scholarship would-be journalist, my companions
awars tdand I pushed our way into the room
Other short addresses will be pre- where the star was.
sented by Beth O'Roke, '40, and An-
nabel Van Winkle, '41. Bonnie Low- After enlisting President Sink's
den will act as the toastmistress in aid, we finally succeeded in talking
the ballroom and Lee Hardy, '41, will to Miss Anderson's manager, a fat,
take those duties in the Grand Rap- jovial creature who insisted he could
ids room. tell us anything Miss Anderson could,
Committee members are: Miss Low- and was hurt when we insisted on
den; Betty Whitely, '42, Charlotte speaking to the Personality herself.
Thompson, '43, Doris Allen, '42, Pa- Why Swing?
tricia Stearns, '43, Nancy Gray, '43, Miss Anderson, I found myself ask-
Rosaile Smith, '42, Anna-Jean Wil- ing a few seconds later, it would be
liams, '42, and Helen Rhodes, '42. interesting to know what you as a
Decorations will be in gold and famous "classical" artist think of
white, with gold programs at each jazz music.


'Capt. Henry' McIntyre Heads
Judging Committee For Ball
By SHIRLEY WALLACE At present he is in "semi-retire-
Jovial Frank McIntyre. widely- ment," and devotes his time to short
known for his portrayal of Captain story, scenario and radio script writ-
Henry in the Showboat radio pro- ing, as well as composing. His song
grams, will act as chairman of the lyric, put to the music of the late
judging committee at the second an- Earnest Ball, composer of the classic
nual Hallowe'en Horse Opera Ball "Mother McCrea," will be published
here 8 p.m. Wednesday under the this winter by a New York house.
auspices of the Golfside Riding
Stables Was Music Student Here
McIntyre, a resident of Ann Arbor, McIntyre, who attended the Uni-
has been in show business more than versity conservatory of music, was
36 years, and got his start here in also employed by the Ann Arbor daily
amateur theatricals in 1901. Among at one time. Throughout his career
his more widely acclaimed roles were he has helped many young people
Lhe comedy leads in the Palmolive to 'break into' the entertainment field,
radio operettas, and in "Queen High," although he believes that nine out of
t Broadway musical comedy star- ten youngsters should not be on the
:ing Charles Ruggles. stage that are.
Is Member of Lambs Club He cites the cases of the summer
As a member of the famous Lambs theatres which he labels "boob-traps."
Zlub in New York City, McIntyre Amateur directors accept money from
'as associated with some of the most amateur casts, he says, to produce
prominent actors of yesterday and amateurish plays, thus crowding the
modern times as well, including Pat theatrical world with unworthy as-
O'Brian and Spencer Tracy, screen pirants. The theatrical world is no
players. snap, he says.


** *
'F.P.A.' Chats
About Daily
During Visit



This suede jerkin and matching
skirt make an interesting and serv-
iceable classroom costume when
worn over a softly tailored shirt.
Hobby Lobby: Tea from 4 p.m.
to 5 p.m. Friday at Women's Ath-
letic Bfilding. All people interest-
ed in joining the -group invited;
arts and crafts exhibition.
Outdoor Club: Sunday Morning
Saunter in conjunction with Union'
starting at 10 a.m. Sunday at side
door of Union.
Modern Dance Club: Practice
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
at Barbour gymnasium.
Intramural Volleyball: 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Kappa Alpha Theta vs.
Pi Beta Phi; Alpha Omicron Pi
vs. Delta Delta Delta. At 5:10 p.m,.
Gamma Phi' Beta vs. Alumnae
House; Martha Cook vs. Independ-
ents Zone/ II. At 4:30 Wednes-
day, Mosher vs. Stockwell; Kappa
Kappa Gamma vs. Alpha Gamma
Delta. At 5:10 p.m., Alpha Delta
Pi vs. Chi Omega; Ann Arbor In-
dependents vs. Cheever House. At
4:30 p.m., Thursday, Alpha Chi
Omega vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi; Kap-
pa Delta vs. Alphs Xi Delta. At
5:10 p.m., Zeta Tau Alpha vs.


woman's place. In tone with the
theme of "Harmony" will be a huge
staff behind th'e speakers' table with
notes representing each sorority.
Final Tryouts To Be
Tomorrow At Hillel
Final tryouts for two one-act plays
to be presented by the Hillel Players
will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
tomorrow at the Hillel Foundation.
Several men's parts, as well as wo-
men's, are still available.. The plays
will be taken on a tour of several
neighboring cities, including Flint,
Detroit, Jackson and Pontiac.
Co-ops Will Entertain

"I like it," she replied withoutt
hesitation. "I always carry a radio
with me, and listen to it for recrea-
"Do you think jazz has a definite{
place in the musical world?" I asked.
Swing Has Place
"Yes," said Miss Anderson, "I do.
I went to a theatre in New York
whose stage show featured a swing
band a short while ago. I've never
seen people react to music in the
way I saw those people react. They
were 'jitting.' Is that what you call
it? 'Jitting?' If music reaches peo-
ple as that did, it must mean some-
thing to them and therefore it has
a place in the musical world."
The mob once more surged around
her about that time, and we were let
out in the cold again.

Franklin P. Adams, Michigan grad-
uate, author of the Conning Tower
and a star of "Information Please,"
took a "busman's holiday" yesterday
dropping into the Student Publica-
tions Building to' find out how ThE
Daily was getting along.
Accompanied by his son Timothy,
Mr. Adams, or FPA as he likes to be
called, took great pains in avoiding
questions, claiming that he had "too
many to ask himself and no time to
"I don't get around here very often,"
he said, "and when I do come I want
to know what The Daily boys are
doing and how well the principals of
free press, fairness and liberal action
were being upheld." The only infor-
mation he volunteered was that Elli-
ot Maraniss, '40, last year's editorial
director, had received a new position
on the New York Post.
The things FPA was most interested
in, outside of the Ann Arbor news-
papers, were the chances of the foot-
ball team, thie degree to which the
University coed had improved (or
vice-versa) and the way the student
body felt about conscription.
"I'm sort of a newspaperman my-
self," he said as he left, "so just write
up any kind of interview you want to,
quote me as saying anything you like
-and don't leave out my son's name."

Two women's cooperatives wi
hold open houses today. Th
newly formed Muriel Lester Hous
will be open to friends and intereste
persons from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. toda
The Katherine Pickerill House w:
hold its reception from 9:30 p.m.t
11 p.m. today.


-_ ---.-.- .. _ r





I ~I


Sri try Y.:c :
Pq st ;.

wool and natural cam-
el's hair. Belted back.
Shiny brass buttons.
Other evening wraps
from 14.95.
STANDOUT successes on big week-
end nights ... girls in ggirb from
Goodyear's. Here's one in crack-
ling black taffeta with a bodice
of pleated gold lame . . . there's
another in the slick P.M. version
of her favorite jerkin dress . . .
still another who knows the fatal
charm of frothy net twinkling
with sequins.
You'll see these and many other
dresses first at Goodyear's, then
at the biggest parties of the year.
Why not pick yours now?
TOTEM POLE colors in a Jer-
kin evening dress. Gold for
the bodice, red for the skirt,
earthbrown for the gold-em-
broidered jerkin. Rayon crepe.
Other evening dresses, 16.95
to 29.95.

- llracdiorni

y ,..,
s. l ' ' '"" ,,,
1 o-
1 yn, 1
1 "1


LOOKING for something new to highlight your costumes .
something to add zest to your plain dresses? Come see our
collection. Big, big bags . . . small, small bags, envelopes,
underarmi pouches, tophandles . . . with smart new stitching.
Bags 1.00 to 10.00
GLOVES . . . in various lengths, with new details, in suedes,
capes, pigskin, fabric. Gloves 1.00 to 3.50
BRILLIANT IDEAS . . . in expensive-looking jewelry: semi-
precious stones set in gold and silver, strung on chains, ropes,
novelty cords . . . lapel trims, Eisenberg clips, -for all your
costumes. You'll be surprised at the difference they'll make!
Jewelry 1.00 to 10.00


ACCESSORIES to make an outfit really
"yours". Beaded evening bags; others
embroidered in sequins or rhinestones
. . 1.00 to 7.50. Powderblend pearls
. . 1.00 to 5.00.

, '


Me !qrotincl


SLIPPERS to give you Cind-
ella feet. A variety of heel
heights to make you a
"match" for your man. Left:
Silver kid or white satin;
high or low heels . . . 4.95.
In gold with low heels .. .
5.95. Right: Silver kid .. .



i - >


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