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October 09, 1940 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-09

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Top Feminine
News Writer
To Speak Here
Miss Dorothy Thompson
To Discuss Presidential,
International Problems
Considered by many to be the
leading woman journalist in the na-
tion, Dorothy Thompson, who will
speak here Nov. 19, is well qualified
to discuss current political and in-
ternational problems.
Miss Thompson is the author of a
syndicated column, "On the Record,"
which appears in her home paper in
N.Y. and in scores of other papers
as well. Her radio commentaries are
highly regarded. .
Her interpretation of the conflict
in China,. the presidential election,
the 2Nazi destruction of Poland, and
the disaster ofFrance have proven
accurate. Miss Thompson's predic-
tin for the future of England havd
been her latest contributions to po-
litical and international thought. She
feels that England cannot be con-
quered by Hitler because England has
noble leadership and the faith of its
masses. These, she feels, are the two
prerequsities of. national defense.
Miss Thompson studied in leading
American universities and in the Uni-
versity of Vienna and has been.
awarded honorary degrees in many
American universities. Her career
began in 1915, when she spoke for
the woman suffrage cause; she also
organized suffrage parties for four
years. She was active in social work
in Cincinnati from 1918 to 1920, and
at that time she started on her life's
work as a foreign correspondent. She
was in Europe while the stage for
the second world war was being built
and set.
In addition to her many other ac-
complishments, Miss Thompson is
the only woman ever to address such
organizations as the Union League
Club, the Harvard Club of New York,
the National Association of Manu-
facturers and the United States
Chamber of Commerce.
Her book on Russia, "The New Rus-
sia", was best known as an inspir-
ation for Sinclair Lewis' (Miss
Thompson's husband) fight with
Theodore Dreiser, whom he accused
of plagiarizing it. The other novel
written by Miss Thompson is "I Saw
Hitler", and her introduction to Hit-
ler's "Mein Kampf" is known to many
For all her accomplishments and

Yarnell To Outline U. S. Naval Plans Julien Bryan
To Talk Here
III Present National Defense Crisis

Stowe To Tell Inside Story
Of Nazi Invasion Of Norway


For a long time a student of the
political, military, and economic his-
tory of the Orient, Admiral Harry
E. Yanrell, retired, will tell Ann
Arbor audiences about the plansrof
the United States Navy and its pro-
gram in national defense when he
appears here March 11.
From his home in Independence,
Ia., Yarnelldwent to the United States
Naval Academy. After his gradu-
ation in 1897, he saw service in the
Spanish American War, the Philip-
pine Insurrection, the Boxer Rebel-
lion and subsequently saw $nuch
of the world from the decks of Unit-
ed States warships.
In 1936 he was made Commander
in Chief of the Asiatic Fleet. It was
Japan Arrests
British Spies
Five Under Investigation
On Similar Charges
TOKYO, Sept. 30.-(P)- Seven
British residents of Japan, arrested
in the July roundup of each other's
nationals by Japan and Britain, have
been convicted of espionage, the au-
thoritative Domei News Agency an-
nounced tonight.
T'hree other Britons have been in-
dicted and five more are under in-
vestigation on similar charges, the
news agency reported. Their names
and details of the trial procedure of
those convicted were withheld for
unexplained "official reasons."
The arrests were made during a
nationwide hunt for alleged spies
in mid-July. Following this action
Britain disclosed an Empire roundup
of Japanese, including the London
representatives of the powerful Mit-
sui and Mitsubishi interests.
(Informed British sources in Lon-
don indicated today that because the
"whole situation" in the Far East
has changed, Britain intends to re-
open the Burma Road, vital supply
line for China, after consultation
1 with the United States.
for her services Dorothy Thompson
has received the gold metal of the
- National Institute of Social Services
for distinguished service to human-

Retired Navy Head

and approval of his action. The Jap-
anese Navy thanked him for his
"sympathetic attitude," and the de-
stroyed stayed at Swatow.
On another occasion the Japanese
Naval authorities informed him that
the Yangtze was not safe for navi-
gation by foreign ships. Admiral
Yarnell, not to be phased, disposed
of this cotnention and cruised safely
up the river from Shanghai to Han-
His firm and brilliant handling
of a delicate stiuation charged with
potential ydnamtie was rewarded last
August when Congress awarded him
the Distinguished Service Medal. At
64, the Admiral suffered theblow
which is due all men at that age in
the Navy; he was. "beached."
Scedule of Lectures for the 1940-
41 Oratorical Series will be:
Oct. 29-Ruth Draper-"Char-
acter Sketches."
Nov. 5-Leland Stowe-"Hitler
Over Europe."
Nov. 11-Warden Lewis E. Lawes
--"The Warden Speaks."
Nov. 19--Dorothy Thompson-
"Current Problems."
Dec. 2-Julien Bryan-"Brazil
and the Argentine." (Illustrated)
Jan. 21 -'Wendell Chapman -
"Wild Animals of the Rockies."
Feb. 26-Dr. William Beebe-
"500 Fathoms Down." (Illustrated)
Mar. 11-Admiral H. E. Yarnell
-"The New American Navy."

Shows Documented Film
On Brazil, Argentine
Julien Bryan travelled 300,000
miles through 20 countries in nine
years without incurring anything
more serious than a broken leg. And,
the broken leg resulted from Bryan's:
being thrown from a horse in New
York State.
The widely travelled Mr. Bryan. who
will appear December 2, on the Ora-
torical Association lecture series, will;
show his Ann Arbor audience his
newest documentary film, "Brazil,
and the Argentine". The picture will;
portray significant economic, social
and political developments in these
two South American countries.
Mr. Bryan is widely known for his
recent films, "Siege of Warsaw" and
"Inside Nazi Germany", both of
whichdhave drawneconsiderable com-
mendation from the critics. Mr. Bry-
an's lecture will be the fifth in the
Russia as claimed a large share
of Mr. Bryan's attention. In that
country he experienced a number of
harrowing adventures. It was there
that he was stranded with 14 Ameri-
cans and 800 peasants on the banks
of the Volga. At night they discov-
ered malaria mosquitoes covering the
ceiling of their cabins. After an hour
of continuous swatting all of the
mosquitoes were dead.
In the light of the 1940 world crisis
and the new interest of this country
being evidenced in Latin America, it
is expected that Mr. Bryan's lecture
here will attract particular attention.

Lecturer Considered Top
Correspondent Of Day
According To Colleagues
The man who was too old to cover'
the war when he was 39 years old
according to one New York paper'
came back with some of the most#
brilliant coverage of World War II.
If you take a poll among newspaper-
men today their selection for the top
newsman of 1940 will be Leland
Stowe. It was Stowe who wrote the
famous inside story of the traitors
of Norway, and it will be the same
Stowe who will be here Nov. 5 to
tell his own story of days in Norway
when the Nazi columns marched in-
to Oslo.
Leland Stowe was in Oslo when
stories from Stockholm insisted that
British destroyers had cut German
lines of communications. For four
days Stowe and Edmund Stevens of
the Chrstian Science Monitor and
Warren Irvin of the National Broad-
castingCompanyuwatched the Nazi
transports nose up the Oslo fjord.
Early one morning bombers flew
overhead not in the swarms the Nazi
airfleet was accustomed to travel in,
but in orderly formation of two's
and three's. Later in the afternoon
Nazi boots sounded in the streets of
Oslo, as a German landing party of
about 1500 took over the capital of
256,000 people. With them was a
brass band.
Later Stowe found out that the
small, but well-equipped Norwegian
fleet which was stationed in the har-

the crew had been given shore leaves
before "the invasion." Stowe also
found that the fortress cannons and
anti-aircraft batteries were silent,
or. if shots were fired, they were far
wide of the invaders. Stowe also
found that the Nazi ships were land-
ing without one mine in the harbor
blowing up, for the electrically con-
trolled mine network had been dis-
Putting these pieces together.
Stowe got the entire picture of what
was really happening: the free peo-
ple of Norway were subjected to Na-
zidom by spies who infested the very
foundation of Norwegian defense
with the aid of traitors.
From Oslo, the Geman authorities
permitted one Stowe dispatch to
leave the country; that was used by
the official Moscow radio. Then he
fled the country by auto to Sweden,
where he told the world of the in-
In 1930 Stowe was awarded the
prize for his coverage of the Paris
Reparations Conference. For his elo-
quentdispatches from Norway and
Sweden he is being touted for the
1940 Pulitzer Prize.
CAA Considers Airports
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.--(I)-
The Civil Aeronautics Administra-
tion is considering 142 Michigan air-
ports in its proposed airport develop-
ment program. Projects tentatively
selected in Michigan, involving an
estimated $10,625,730 cost, are among
3,841 over the national for which
construction and improvement would

in this post, considered by Naval
men to be one of the most difficult
in the Navy, that he rendered his
most valuable service to his country.
On his shoulders fell the responsibil-
ity for 'handling many delicate and
complex problems the Japanese in-
vasion of China occasioned.
He was given virtually a free hand
by the State and Navy Departments
to handle this dangerous situation
as he saw fit and to make, and carry
out diplomatic policy in the Far East.
It is typical of the fine work done
by Yarnell that he not only won all
the disputes which arose between
himself and the Japanese authori-
ties, but managed to retain their re-
spect and even admiration while do-
ing so.
Last summer the Japanese Navy
warned a United States destroyei
out of the Chinese port of Swatow
Upon receipt of the warning Yarnel
radioed back crisply, "We're staying
in Swatow," and added that Japan
would be held strictly accountable
for any Ameircan lives lost there
He received the full backing of the
State Department in the incident

bor was abandoned-all members of cost about $500,000,000.

' .

. , ii



JAN. 21 -
"Wild Animals of the Rockies"

Again MR. CHAPMAN presents pictures
in accompaniment with his delightful
stories of animal life and habits.



Of Michigan Oratorical




OCT. 29

"Character Sketches"





"Hitler Over Europe"
1"The Warden Speaks"


NOV. 19

"Current Problems"
"Brazil and theArgentine"~..Illustrated



JAN. 21 -





"Brazil and the Argentine"

"Wild Animals of the Rockies"
"500 Fathoms Down" -- Illustrated
"The New American Navy"

FEB. 26-
"500 Fathoms Down"
Dr. Beebe's lecture on scien-
tific exploration of the floors
of the oceans is even more en-
livened by beautiful color



at 10:00 A.M. TODAY, TUESDAY





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