'P E RS P EC T I I V C rage cs B L LY K &vA B A "3BY.Continued from Page One lc 1 1 bett: ,ab o'shearin than last year. I ain -anna pay out all that money jist to hawv mny sheep nicked up un bleedin all ce: 'h place." He spat on top 'of the nrg wheel and the skin around his e. crinkled up in a grin. "I guess he tr_:s wool s' 'sosed to be half sheep-In. But we'll tell 'im we jest want ae wool this time.' As rhe sheep drifted and nibbled their way tssard the feed-trough, Billy Ka- babby ;ndered on what he had heard. He coztn't make it all out, but he was certairn that he had heard a snipping- metal-Kushing sound when Berndorf had rinted at the ewes. and he was positive that he had heard the hated name f the dip. It had dipped into his mind 'th a, certain drenching finality. it hat dipped into his mutton-greasy ears with a fatal splash of nostril-sting- ing dip water. Somewhere in the dim vistas of -his unnecesary memory, he could recall the shearing, the panting men holding him dawn on the hard boards of the shearing table, the sheep-shearer inso- lently anapping the long blades of the shears above his wool, the men holding his lean ankles painfully under their bony knees, the snipping, the terrible falling-off of his wool, and the bleating of the sheep all crowded into the muddy little e-nclosure. And all of them wait- ing for the dipping, even he being forced to wait for that which he couldn't avoid. Billy bleated in sympathy for himself. That night he cornered his two most beloved ewes and indulged in that act, which not only produces lambs for stews and chops and roasts, but pro- duced great pleasure and release for Billy Kababby himself. The two'-.ewes were not enough, however, so he cor- nered a virgin ewe that he had watched for several weeks; and he presented her with that which she had never be- fore had the honor of being presented with. At last Billy drove an old ewe out of his own cozy little corner. It was a corner well-matted with straw and wool-tufts; and Kababby folded his hooves under his pampered body and sank down on the straw. Being a true libertine, he did not worry about the next day; and his dreams were filled only with gently rolling hills of green grass, and firm-haunched ewes that waited for him by the grove of elder- berry bushes. The loud voices of men awakened Billy before his usual scrambling-up time. The flock was bleating and mill- ing about in the shed. He crossed the sheep-ball slush of the floor and butted through the hanging swinging-door with more than usual vigor. The men had closed the gate to keep them in the small enclosure. Kababby trotted around the sheepyard, baa-aaing faintly, and knowing that what he had suspected last night was true: they were going to be sheared and dipped. The men hurried around the yard, carrying a sturdy short-legged table into the shed and scattering the ner- vous sheep before them, stampeding them into corner of the shed and fin- ally driving them all out into the yard. The hinged boards were stood up against the wall, ready to card the great jagged blankets of wool that the men were so certain they would clip from the round bodies of the flock. One by one the sheep were cornered and hoisted onto the table by the con- certed muscles and curses of Berndorf, Brownie, Carl and the shearer. Under a tatt-too of hoof-beats and frightened bleats, the ewes were gradually held down while the tall sheep-shearer, snip- ping the razory shears every second of the time, whether in the air or in the resistant wool, sheared off the grey coats and left them shivering in their fawn- colored hides. It was late afternoon when the sheep were all sheared. Everyone was -tired and cross. The sheep by now had be- come used to it and there wasn't as much bleating filling the fresh air of April outside the sheep-pen. Billy rammed a few of the ewes who were too frightened to even try to run away from him. One by one the sheep were cor- nered for the dipping, and Billy knew that his turn would come: they were being dragged and pushed along to the mouth of the cement-lined trench, then bodily shoved into the dip water, and towed along in the deepening length of it, and at the far end they were given the final indignity of being totally sub- merged into the creosote water for a second. There could have been abso- lutely no lice or ticks on them after such a strongly perftumed bath; yet they didn't appreciate it at all. On being hauled out of the dip the sheep bounded around the yard, sneez- ing and bleating. They were almost through dipping when Jimmy was sent to open the yard gate and the lane gate into the eighteen. Jimmy went down the slushy lane and began tugging and pulling at the wooden gate with toe bleating ewes crowding against his legs. He finally wrestled it open and the sheep piled through the gateway, crowding and squeezing each other, running up the slope, bleating monotonous things about the disadvantages of undress. Jimmy climbed up on the huge round anchor post and shouted at them. They didn't seem to mind it, so he got down and began throwing stones at them. After a few direct hits he was satisfied and he started back towards the sheep shed. By mutual consent, Billy Kababby had been saved until the last. The men had, at last, a chance to pay off some of the debts of devilishness that Billy had challenged them into. With cheers from Carl and grins from the older men, Billy was rushed into his de-bugging bath with more dash than dignity. He was given more for his money than any of the others; he was dunked and dipped and dunked again; he was towed back and forth in the water until even Carl swore that there couldn't be many bugs on Billy. But Billy emerged from his April bath shak- ing his' body, swaying his head from side to side, glaring from his beady eyes. He started up the lane with all the grace he could command. Villain- ous thoughts were ramming through his mind. It was at this very moment that Jimmy met him, halfway between the mouth of the lane and the gate that opened into the eighteen. He heard Jimmy make some remarks about his appearance, something about the un- manliness of bathed and barbered rams. It is doubtful that Billy Kababby, in the confusion of the day's events, caught the full gist of Jimmy's slurs; but he did see directly in his path that same little man who had once ridden on his back and who had caused him to re- ceive one very sore nose. He did not hesitate. Lowering his head he charged the boy. Just as Kababby thought his horns were about to thog into the boy, an annoying thing happened: Jimmy jumped to one side, Billy rushed by him, barely brushing him with his keg- round sides, just enough to knock the boy off his feet. More angered than before, Billy whirled his big body around and made for the boy who was writhing on the ground in surprised terror. Just as Billy reached him, two feet suddenly rose up in the air and Billy raced into them, hardly able to believe that he was getting biffed in the black-wooled face. He backed up again, hoping to trample the wiry little body on the ground. - When Jimmy first went down he be- gan shouting; but for a moment his shouts were fear-frozen in his throat. Then his voiced thawed out and in a moment the whole farm could hear his shrieks of terror. The men rushed up the lane, expecting to see a maimed and gory boy. What they did see was Jimmy sprawled on his back, his legs desper- ately threshing the air as the angry ram charged back and charged again, and Billy completely bewildered at get- ting more footwear in the face each time. The men rushed to the rescue. Billy Kababby turned and charged upon the re-inforcements. Berndorf was out in front and, at the proper moment, he raised his hob-nailed shoe- boot and let Billy crash into it. Kab- abby reeled and came around for an- other attack. This time Berndorf wait- ed until the last split-second and raised his foot, kicking it with all his force and catching the rushing Billy right be- neath the horns. Billy almost went down under the force of the blow. Deep under his new spring suit, and in the dazed areas of his sheepish mind, Billy Kababby realied that he was defeated and defeated badly. He turned, amid the coarse haw-haws of the men, and began his bitter retreat. Berndorf ran behind him and gave him some en- couragement with the toe of his boot. Berndorf closed the gate and called to the blubbering Jimmy, "C'mon there, son. Chin up and fists doubled. In a few years you'll be able to take 'em standing up. But ye did alright fer a little tyke-that is, if ye quit yer squal- linI" Up the spring-soggy slope trotted Mr. Billy Kababby, puffing sadly through his buggery black nostrils and still a bit groggy from the battle of boots and. horns. He was just sensing the full impact of his defeat. He realized that what he had suspected of late was true: he was gettini old. It was the first time he had ever given up so easily in battle, the first time he had, ever been beaten so thoroughly. Once he had put Berndorf himself down on his back. That was the time Billy had caught him standing by the feed trough and Billy had charged him without warn- ing and hit him so hard that Berndorf had fallen right on top of Kababby and every sheep had conceded it a great victory for their leader. Now it was NOTE The editors of Perspectives ded- icate this first issue to the memory of Avery Hopwood, whose bequests form the Hopwood fund and en- courage literary talent on the University of Michigan campus. We have endeavored to present a representative cross section of the material submitted in the most recent Hopwood contests. All of the manuscripts in this issue were prize-winning scripts. only a memory. Now he had upset only one measly little boy. At that moment Billy saw, at the edge of the flock in front of him, the young ram who had alwaysybeen so careful to keep out of his way. Now that young rascal was smelling around his favorite ewe. Billy stopped short and lowered his horns; he knew that this was an insult for whicl he must receive satisfaction of one kind only: he lowered his horns and glared at the ground in front of him. He waited for the young ram to turn and accept the challenge. He thought of his pasture harem; surely it was still his own, for a while at least; surely that young ram could not equal his butt or satisfy the ewes in the way that he had. But it could never be left to doubt. The old pride rose in his still-power- ful body. Gathering his hooves under him, Billy Kababby, the prince of the pasture, tautened the great muttony muscles of his round body, lowered his head again and swiftly charged the trembling young ram. MEASURE FOR MEASURE .... Continued stooped to death at any block, with haste or without. The ironic line clear- ly indicates that the Duke intends to mete out to Angelo the same measure of punishment that Claudio received; that is, no legal retribution, but a deeper and more profitable puishment through self-knowledge of his own guilt and shame. In turning from an account of the technique of Measure for Measure to an evaluation of its significance, we should perhaps indicate the role that technique has played in clarifying the meaning. By sharply contrasting the major char- acters, Shakespeare has balanced mer- cy against adherence to the strict let- ter of the law, chastity against lust the pardonable heat of Claudio with the cold calculation of Angelo, public repu- tation against private vice, and in the great speeches, a reasoned persuasion to die bravely against an ardent love of life. By employing a conception of retributive destiny, Shakespeare has probed those virtues upon which An- gelo's public reputation rests and found them the very source of phis weakness. Similarly he has shown that the cause of Claudio's condemnation, the warm, sensible motion of young blood which could not be restrained, is the same that forces him to shrink back in an- guished fear of death, desiring life ev- en at the price of his sister's chastity. The same ardent nature in Claudio's sister, Isabella (why do critics persist in repeating phrases about her cold chastity?), which drives her to renounce this pleasant world for the. rigors of a holy sisterhood, likewise causes her to break forth in harsh denunciation of both Angelo and Claudio. For, in an ironic conception of character, the good may to the unwary, be a source of ill. So through the passionate purity of her temper, "the swift vindicative anger leaps, like white flame, into this white spirit," to borrow Peter's apt words. The use of contrast, then, and of dramatic irony, helps to determine the significance of the completed pattern of the play. EDITORIAL NOTE: The analysis and evaluation of the meaning of Measure. for Measure is omitted.