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AnnArbor Draft Board Officials List
First216 LocalRegistration Numbert
Names of the mn who received
the first 216 numbers in the shuffle-
numbering of cards for Ann Arbor
residents were announced yesterday.
Students living outside of Ann Arbor
must obtain their numbers at their
home districts.
This list is not. the order that the
men will be chosen for service. They
are only the numbers that have been
assigned for the lottery that will be
held in Washington next Tuesday
when Secretary of War Stimson will
select the numbers out of a huge
bowl. The order in which he picks
these registration numbers will be
the order that men will be called
for active duty unless they can prove
grounds for deferment.
Succeeding list of the names will
be published in The Daily during the
rest of the week. Because of the lim-
ited time they have to number and
file the approximately 4,000 cards
for the city, no information on num-
bers can be given out at the board
headquarters, Harold F. Golds, sec
retary of the city draft board de-
The list follows:
1. Harold A. Jacobus.
2, Adolph F. Kappler.
3, Donald R. Fox.
4, Arthur Bernard Ness.
5, Carl J. Ekstrom.
6, Moward E. Tatel.
7. Russel J. Dunham.
8, Fred L. Johnson.
9, John E. Swisher, jr.
10, Alex J. Shaw.
11, Harry J. Toms.
12, Edgar L. Pickett.
13. Lewis J. Domke.
14, John G. Hoad.I
15, Herman M. Pollard.
16, Roger E. Frederick.
17, William J. Pearse.
18, Roger W. Packard.
19, George M. McEwen.
20, Harry L. Stearns.
21. John W. Thomson.
22, Kennth P. Wesley.
23, Robert S. Greene.
24, Roland W. Brandt, jr.
25, Roscoe H. Weller.
26, Randolph J. Peterson.
27, Headley X. Downey.
28, John P. Bezirium.
29, Procopio J. Manzanc.
30, Thomas L. Wile.
31, Chriss H. Simpson.
32, James K. Ray.
33, O. E. Roszel, Jr.
4. Walter P. Loesing.
35, juu E. Kinert.
36, William B. Henline.
37, Bennet F. French.
38, Henry C. Darling.
39, Reed . Dingman.
40, Kenneth C. Biedermann.
41, Theodore C. Schaible.
42, Jack B. Lichtenauer.
43, Steve Renias.
44, Omar H. Lovejoy.
45, Douglas J. Harvey.
46, Jack S. Kinney.
47, S. Albert Toutant.
48, Emerson W. Conlon.
49, Earl H. Fawcett.
50, Roland J. Ingerson.
51, Fred A. Key.
52, Don K. Rider.
53, Harry Wilkens.
54, John W. Kenne.
55, Ralph E. Bennett.
56, C. Starl Ritchie.
57. Nelis R. Kampenga.
58. Laurence E. Slick.
59, William W. Gilbert.
91, John N. Graef.
92, Rex B. Martin.'
Ar hur W. Burke.
94. Owen O. McDougall.
95, Harry J. D'Anjou.
96, Gustav K. P. G. Neumann.
97, Robert S. Fodor.
98, Franklin C. Forsythe.
99, Thomas C. Tilley.
100, Arthur Nelson.
101, Thelbert T. Cobb.
102, Roland B. Miller.
103, Roland J. Gainley.
104. Clarence L. Munn
105, George E. Hotzel.
106, Courtleigh W. Eliason.
107, Joseph E. Werner.
108, William H. Merrill.
109, Russel T. Dobson.
110, Edward M. Root.
111, Jack M. Farris.
112, Edgar M. Hoover.
113. Emanuel F. Cheshire.
114, Alfred R. Ingebrigtsen
115, James S. Love.
116, Harry Parks.
117, Richard C. Wixson.
118, William C. Steere.
119; Harold C. Byers.
120, James P. Love, jr.
121. Arthur I. McNamara.
122, William J. Russell.
123, Julius C. Van Holsbeck.
124, Claude T. Blakely.
125, William L. Ayres.
126, Rudolph L. Gutekunst.
127, Orville F. Land.
128, John P. Paup.
129, Martin L. List.
130, Charles J. Barclay.
131, Robert A. Schlupe.
132, Raymond J. Knieper.
133, Hubert Thompson.
134. Shirley H. Garland.
135, Lyle D. Elliot.
136, Charles E. Dowdy.
137, Edward K. Reichmann.
138, James A. Morton, jr.
139, John R. French.
~140. Donald K. Pullen
141. Earl C. Exinger.
142. Dominie P. Ciarauino.
143, Oscar W. Ladd.
144, Denver Blake.
145, George E. Calton.
146, Paul Henle.
147, Walter Smiley.
148, Donald Beckier.
149, Robert O. Behringer.
150, Glenn Reno.
151, Oscar H. Kleinschmidt.
152, Leland C. Gray.
153. Herbert V. Holzhauer.
154, Herbert T. Schmale.
155, R. Cyrel Sorte.
156. Raymond J. Papineau.
157, Russel H. Steinke.
158, Clarence W. Chapman.
159, Harold F. Paul.
160, Leo K. Chaney.
161, Leonard C, Franzel.
162, William F. Blair.
163, William W. Franklin.
164. Frederick C. Ziesemer.
165, Bernard H. Betke.
166, Richard W. Goodwin.
167, Henry R. Robbins.
168. Carl H. Wagner.
169, Albert Kellenberger.
170, Elton C. Fielde.
171, Geogre O. Markey.
172, Everett J. Field.
173, Walter S. Hotalen.
174, Bernice A. Winchester.
175, Richard Kearns.
176 Gerald E. Engle.
177, Frederic M. Keppler.
178, Lawrence E. Quinn.
179, Harold A. Kleinschmidt.
180, Earl R. L. Condon.
181, Cheser S. Bass.
182, Paolo Tramontin.
183, Vaughn J. Harris.
184, Max Pittelco.
185, Paul D. Beckman.
186, Edward Zakraysck.
187,Clarence F. Weiss.
188, Leon Tirado.
189, Harold F. Welch.
190, James R. Laurey.
191, John C. Wagner.
192, Carl f'. Hahn.
193, Kenneth W. Strang.
194, Claude D. Wilson.
195, Ross F. Acree.
196, Ross J. Blue.
197, Robert F. Allen.
198, Wilfred L. Hanson.
199, Royal D. Burnett.
200, Robert T. C. Anderson.
201, Wilbur R. Standbridge.
202, Richard Dennard.
203, Serenus W. Gakle.
204, Victor M. Vokovich.
205, Rusell L. Cook.
206, Walter H. Etzel.
207, George L. Dougan.
208, Robert P. Gauss.
209, Leonard E. Sager.
210, Cassimere Samborski.
211, Ralph M. Wilson.
212, Walter A. Smiley.
213, James C. Monaghan.
214, Clarence E. LeBeau.
215, Daniel D. Asprin.
216, Roland W. Hadley.
10-Year Study
Is Compiled
Is Johnnie High School going to
make Phi Beta Kappa or flunk out
dismally when he gets to college?
That question is, in substance, the
often repeated query which caused
workers in the Office of Educational
Investigations to compile the formid-
ably entitled "Statistical Summary
of the Records of Students Entering
the University.of Michigan as Fresh-
men in the Decade 1927-1936."
The 226-page book, recently pub-
lished by the University Press, is a
great deal more than an answer toi
this question, however. It shows, to 4
a great extent, that high school re-
cords of students indicate to a reason-
able degree of accuracy the type of
work which they will do in college.
According to Prof. H. C. Carver of
the mathematics department, the re-
sults thus obtained are approximate-
ly as accurate as longevity tables of
insurance companied.
Thoroughness has been a keynote
in preparation of the volume, with
tables containing high school grades,
records of achievement test resulLs,
variable elements with their respec-
tive weights and results of college
Miss Reika Mary Schwanke, of
Austin, Minn., was so convincing in
her a:gument over wanting to join
the army "right now" and that she
had heard that women could regis-
ter, that a woman draft board reg-
istrar at Austin, Minn., accepted
her. She was assigned No. 14. The
draft board, which has notified
state authorities, said it believed
she would be exempted.
Grave of face, Adolf Hitler (center), Benito Mussolini (left) and Count Gaieazzo Ciano, Italy's Foreign
Minister, conferred behind curtained windows on an armoured train at Brenner Pass. It was the third
meeting of the Axis partners this year. One topic of conversation, it was reported, was the attitude of the
United States toward the war.
tography is needed for rare quetzal, brought from Guatemala by
Victor von Hagen. It's going to St. Louis zoo; has crimson breast,
an emerald green, gold-trimmed head, yellow-edged black wings.
F L U T E 'j A M' S E S S IO N--Band practice halted and the
players gathered about, to pull, when Beverly Blake (above) of
San Jose, Cal., Junior college got her finger stuck in a flute.
Soap and water finally brought release of finger.
s'tate'sTax Delinquent Lands
No Longer Constitute Problem
Richard J| Beissel,
Herbert J. Hayman.
Harry M. Thomas.
Wilfred Kaplan.
Edward J. Fitzgerald.
Arthur H. Clemes.
Donald L. Katz.
Dale M. Ransom.
Joseph L. Hewitt, jr.
Robert J. Lirette.
Gilbert Anderson, jr.
Tauno E. Ekonen.
Harold C. Gatzka.
Ivan W. Stevenson.
Hubert W. Burke.
James T. Bradbury.
Herbert N. Abbott.
Prescott N. Stocking.
Frederick P. Blum.
Elmer L. Stadel.
Judson C. King, Jr.
Barton E. Hiuser.
Fred C. Stofflet.
Charles W. Edmunds.
Claude A. Eggertsen.
Dale R. Stump.
Robert E. Brown.
Edward T. Calver.
Thomas M. Reynolds.
Harry L. Hallock.
Gerald B. Gustine.
Tax-delinquent lands reverted to
he State are gradually ceasing to be
uch a pressing problem to the 111
ities and villages who sent represen-
atives to the State Conservation
department's Land Utilizations Con-
These conferences, sponsored by
he Conservation Department in con-
junction with the Michigan Munici-
>al League and the Board of Con-
trol for Vocational Education, were
'ield during the summer, but the
-esults of their work are just now
eginning to take shape. They were
conducted by Mark W. Alger, field
onsultant of the league, of Ann
Arbor, George R. Sidwell, attorney of
:he league and C. A. Miller, village
nanager of Kingsford. All the citites
and villages agreed to submit plans
for recommendation for the disposal
)f the reverted property in their area.
To date, 40 cities have sent their
olans and all the others are ex-
oected to follow.,
Four courses are open to the cities.
They may either have the land sold
at public auction, deeded to them for
)ublic use, exchanged for other
and, or witheld from sale. Many
,ommunities also request free use
"ermits to the mineral rights held by
he State.
The most common of these pro-
-edures, however, is the deeding of
he land for public use. Some cities
have asked for property adjacent to
Price To Present
Carillon Concert
Prof. Percival Price of the School
of Music will open his regular Thurs-
day evening carillon recital at 7:15
hcir public buildings while others
have requested land for community
.rest purposes, airports, street wid-
nings and openings, building sites,
parks and playgrounds. In several
ities the State Conservation Depart-
nent traded a state-owned lot for
a privately owned one and then
ieeded it to the city for its use.
One request of withholding the land
from public sale came from a vil-
lage where 1100 reverted lots formed
almost a solid block within the vil-
lage limits and the necessary im-
provements would cost more than
the amount the lots would bring on
the market.
The Municipal League plans to
continue follow-up work on the spec-
ial problems of each individual com-
munity with the hope that even-
tually solutions will be found for each
Reents Accept
Special Git'
$27,009 Is Presented
For Research Work
More than $27,000 in grants have
been accepted by the Board of Re-
gents for the University, providing
for special training work. one re-
search fellowship and four scholar-
The United States Public Health
Service grant of $25,500 came as the
renewal of a fund for public health
personnel training under Prof. John
Sundwall, director of the Division of
Hygiene and Public Health. The
grant has been budgeted and approved
HAVEN --A tale of how an
American helped in his escape
from a French concentration
camp, ahead of arrival of the
Nazis, was told in N. Y. by Lion
Feuchtwanger (above), German
novelist. He finally reached
U. S. on the Liner Excalibur.
F L E E T' S I N, A N D H 0 W !-when 10,000 sailors from more than 30 warships got shore
leave on west coast, the rush landward was terrific. Here's a batch disembarking at Long Beach, Cal.
,A7:Y F R :I C
Extension Service
Will Begin Classes
In Two Arts Oct. 31
New classes in ceramics and paint-
ing will be available through the
Extension Service beginning Oct. 31
Dr. Charles A. Fisher announced yes-
The ceramics class will be con-
ducted by Mr. G. D. Cole and will
deal with clay construction and mod-
eling, glaze making, application, and
the study of the materials used by