Wr, eather Fair, slightly cooder. C, r,. ~Ufr43fl ~~IAiti Editorial Municipal Police And The Students ... Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. U. No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Invasion Smashed Richard Hadley Named Director Of Current Union Opera Revival Roosevelt Dedicates Self By Aerial Victory British Announce V. Focus Of German Attack Is Blasted By Bombers Over 2,000_Mile Front Petain 'On Way Out' In Favor Of Laval LONDON, Oct. 23 - A great vic- tory in a six-week long aerial coun- ter-offensive that smashed a full- dress German attempt at invision was claimed officially by the Brit- ish today and put down as one more historic defense of these islands. Through its news service the Air Ministry told the story - how Brit- ish bombers had doggedly ridden the air over a 2,000-mile Nazi front, al- ternately attacking and observing, until the German invasion fleet had been dispersed at last and German invasion springboards had been wrecked from Narvik, Norway, to Bordeaux, far to the south in France. First Success It was the first such sweeping suc- cess yet claimed against the long peril that long has lain across the Channel, 'and it was accompanied by these other declarations intended to show that the Royal Air Force was developing quietly into an in- strument of destiny for Britain: 1. A claim, also made by the Air Ministry, that a fifth of all the Nazis' productive capacity for war had been affected by British bombers which night upon night have fallen from the far interior of Germany to the German-hel French coastline. 2. The statement of Captain Har- old Balfour, and undersecretary, that the position achieved by the air arm, however unspectacular it might seem, was "one of the great victories of the war." r Cite Internationalism Balfour, in a speech, cited the growing internationalism of the RAF - mentioning that United States, Polish, Czech and French pilots daily were fighting alongside British avi- ators - and declared that there never was a force more challenging to "the Nazi Evil." British pilots brought back stories of concentrations of German troops and aircraft "in every available port or harbor," and from Narvik to Bor- deaux the RAF went on a continuing mission of harassment and vigilance. Ouster Of Petain May Involve Navy BERN, Switzerland, Oct. 23.-()- The French Government of Marshal Philippe Petain is on the way out, well-informed sources reported to- night, in favor of a regime headed by Vice Premier Pierre Laval and favoring close cooperation in general, and by the French fleet in particular, with Germany and Italy in the war against Britain. Official France was reported by these informants to be a house vio- lently divided against itself over the question, with Laval supported by Naval Minister Jean Darlan and a majority of the navy command. On the opposing side were said to be Chief of State Petain himself; General Maxime Weygand, former generalissimo of the French army; General Charles Huntzinger, a signer of the armistice with Germany and now commander of the French army, and a majority of the cabinet. Laval's main argument for striking the best possible bargain with the Axis for cooperation with it in estab- lishing its "new European order" was understood to be that if the Vichy Government rejected the proposal, even the unoccupied zone of France might fall under German occupa- tion. If the Axis considers French Medi- terranean and African bases essential in the war against the British, Hitler and Mussolini can take them by force, supporters of the Vice Premier told their colleagues, according to reports from Vichy. Carol And Lupescu Arrested In Spain MADRID, Oct. 23.-(P)-Adolf Hit- ler met Generalissimo Francisco Franco in a 2%/2-hour conference on Yale Puppets Will Perform Defoe Story Song and dance routines, higl stepping chorus girls - Robinson Crusoe's desert island was never like this! But the Yale Puppeteers will introduce them into the Defoe story when their revue "My Man Friday" is performed on the Lydia Mendel- ssohn stage tomorrow and Saturday evenings.1 Produced by two Michigan gradu- ates, Forman Brown, '22, and Harry Burnett, '23, the revue is unlike the traditional marionette show in that it is designed for an adult audience. Besides the musical, there will be satires on headliners, featuring not James Farley, ex-postmaster general, but "genial Jim," the baseball mag- nate. Also fleeing across the minia- ture stage will be two mountaineer fugitives from the talent scouts for "Tobacco Road." Brown, who writes the lyrics, acts as master of ceremonies and sings the original tunes he writes for the shows. Burnett designs and manip- ulates the puppets. He and his assis- tants hold the distinction of keep- more puppets in action at one time than any other two puppeteers in the world. Tickets may be purchased at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office for 75 and 50 cents. All seats are re- served. Engine School To Elect Four Senior Officers Will Name Two Freshman Delegates To Council; Petitions Due Tomorrow Seniors in the College of Engineers will go to the polls, located above the Arch in the West Engineering Build- ing, from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. next Wednesday to name their choices for president, vice-president, secre- tary and treaurer of the Class of '44E. One ballot will be cast for secretary and treasurer at that time and two men will be selected for the presi- dency. The first named will receive two votes and the second one with the two highest candidates receiving the positions of president and vice-pres- ident, respectively. At the Freshman Assemblies at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Wednesday two students will be selected to rep- resent their class in the Engineering Council. Petitions for all posts are due at 5 p. m. tomorrow in the office of Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the College of Engineering. Both senior and freshman candidates will be required to submit 20 names with their petitions. Richard Hadley young teaching fellow in the Department of Speech, has been named to direct this year's revival of the Union Opera, it was announced yesterday by Mimes. The new director began his career in the theatrical world at Northwes- 4ern University in Evanston, Ill., where he received his Master's de- gree in Speech in 1935. Since that time Hadley has participated in more han 40 plays, musicals, operettas and revues. He has gained a reputation for versatility in his field, being featured as an animal actor in anumber of shows, some of them children's pro- ductions. After leaving Northwest- rn, Hadley spent three years as technical director of the Illini The- atre Guild on the University of Illi- aois campus at Urbana. The Guild at Illinois is similar to the Play Production organization on this cam- pus. While at Illinois Hadley directed the all-men's revue of the Pierrots, - ,ounterpart of our own Mimes group. "Rime Marches On," or "Let Them Eat St: " as th : ~tifying title >f the production. Hadlby's last four years have been ntudent Grog Outlines Plans For Program Michigan Party Defines Policies; Chooses Heads For Eight Committees The University's Michigan Party, in its first official meeting of the year Tuesday in the Union out- lined a program and explained poli- cies which will guide the Party in its pursuance of campus activities. Stressing that the organization will be short lived unless it adopts a tolerant and affirmative policy as well as an active program, Winston H. Cox, chairman, said that the wholei heatred cooperation of its members is needed in formulating and carry- ing out a program which will be con- structive, and by no means "anti" ori destructive.t "Although our tendencies may be1 construed as conservative," Cox said, "it mst be made clear that this or- ganization does not intend to kill freedom of thought on the part of the student." Eight committee chairman were temporarily chosen to preside overi the eight committees and form thet Party council which will work with; the executive committee in directing the Party. Those chosen were John McCune, '41, speaker's bureau; John Edmon- son, '42, program; James Bourquin, '42, elections; Ruth Basye, '42, activi- ties; George Cheffy, '41, publicity;i Keith Watson, '42, judiciary; Rudy Salvette, '42, lecture; Jane Hyde, '41,E expansion. Army Will Strengthen E Philippine Air Defense WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 - (IP) - The Army today ordered substantial reinforcing of the slender aerial de- fenses of the Philippines, while Secre- tary of the Navy Knox declared, in response to reporters' questions, that the Far Eastern ward of the United States would be defended against any attack. To Peace Quest; RICHARD HADLEY spent as director of speech and drama at Randolph Macon Women's College from which institution he is now on leave of absence to continue his stud- ies as a teaching fellow at Michi- gan. Besides his experience in college theatrical productions Hadley re- counts a summer's work at the Ber- shire Playhouse in Stockbridge, Mass. and a year of radio experience over station WLS in Chicago. Last tryouts for the Union Opera will be held between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. today at the Union for all those who missed appointments and others interested in participat- ing in this year's Mimes produc- tion. Senate PetitiOn Filing Deadline Is Tomorrow With a number of petitions already filed for the Student Senate election to be held Friday, Nov. 1, the directors of election William Elmer, '41, and Robert Speckhard, '42, warned all prospective candidates yesterday that the deadline for filing petitions is to- morrow. ' The directors have announced that any scholastically eligible student may have his name placed on the official ballot by filing a nominating petition and a fifty cent filing fee. The petitions must be signed by not less than six students and are to be handed into the Board of Elections at the Student Senate office, Room 302 in the Union between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. No student may sign more than one such petition. Candidates may have a designation of not to exceed three words printed after their names on the official bal- lot if they so desire. The Senate is the only popular elected body on the campus and con- sequently those who are most inti- mately connected with it refer to it as the "only truly" representative body that really reflects student opin- on. Student Directory Sells 2,200 Copies On Opening Day With a record-smashing first day sales campaign, the new 1940- 41 Student Directory sold 2,200 cop- ies. Opening day success, which will undoubtedly lead to a complete sell- out of all copies, predicted John Cory '41, business manager, isdue to the added information contained in this issue. There are still 800 copies left to be sold, but Cory expressed no con- cern over this figure. Salesmen will sell on the campus again today on the diagonal at the Engine arch in front of the Union. Altogether 3,000 copies of this Di- rectory have been printed, which is 300 more than were printed last year. Today is the last day salesmen will sell on the campus, but copies - if there are any left - will be available at Wahr's, Follett's, Slat- er's and Ulrich's for the remainder of this week. Recent Axis Treaties Provide 'Out' For Japan SHANGHAI, Oct. 24. --()-- The recently-signed Berlin-Rome, Tokyo Willkie Charges Federal Bribery Candidate Asserts National Usurpation Of States' Functions And Powers Grants-In-Aid Cited As Election Support NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-(A3)-Wen- dell L. Willkie asserted tonight that "by public bribery and the usurpation of functions formerly delegated to the states" the Roosevelt administration has attempted to "make the various state and local governments subservi- ent to Washington." In an address prepared for the an- nual forum of the New York Herald Tribune, the Republican Presidential nominee said: "In city after city, and in state after state, public officials have cam- paigned on the record of their ability to obtain for their constituents a larger share of the money being poured out by the Federal Govern- ment. "By arbitrary grants-in-aid, by subsidized public works, and by Fed- eral manipulation of relief money, the New Deal has sapped the independ- ence of the states. "The local governments are en- couraged to become dependent upon Federal funds and local officials are controlled by the deadly threat of the withdrawal of Federal aid." Willkie said that "by the judicious use of Federal patronage" the New Deal had "strengthened the grip of corrupt political machines upon our cities." "And these machines, in turn," he continued, "are throwing their enor- mous weight into the present election in an effort to deliver to-the New Deal the electoral vote of some of the biggest states in the Union." Contending "democracy cannot survive under conditions of prolonged depression," Willkie said "depressions are the very soil in which dictator- ships take root and grow to power." "We do not recognize it for what it is; a trend, partly accidental, part- ly deliberate, toward the establish- ment of state domination over our lives." Socialist's Group Will Meet Today An open discussion of the econom- ic principles of socialism will be held at 4:15 p.m. today in the Mich- igan Union, it was announced yester- day by Vivian Sieman, '42, represen- tative of the campus branch of the Young People's Socialist League. Dan Suits, Grad., will lead the sym- posium assisted by other socialist theorists on the campus who have divergent viewpoints to express, Sie- man said. The Young People's Socialist League is a national organization of young workers, farmers and students who are interested in promoting thought and action about a cooperative society of the future. W~orld-Famnous Cot ztralto F.D.R. Accuses Opposition Of Importing 'Dictator Propaganda Methods' President To Make Four More Talks PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 23 - (A) - President Roosevelt, accusing his op- position of importing propaganda methods of the "dictator countries" to convince the public he wished to lead the country into war, said to- night that "it is for peace I shall labor all the days of my life.' In a political speech broadcast from Philadelphia's Convention Hall, where he was renominated in 1936 and where Wendell L. Willkie was named the Republican standard bearer this summer, Mr. Roosevelt said: "I consider it a public duty to an- swer falsifications with facts. I will not pretend that I find this an un- pleasant duty. I am an old cam- paigner, and I love a good fight." The first of five political addresses with which the President is winding up his second re-election campaign, the speech came at the end of a day in which tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia and neigh- boring Camden, N. J., had turned 3N out to see the Chief Evecutive on his way to defense manufacturing plants. Mr. Roosevelt accused the oppo- sition of making numerous "deliberate falsifications against him in the cam- ral paign, and said one "outrageously false charge" had been made "to re strike terror into the hearts of our ertes citizens." "It is a charge that offends every ralto Mar- political and religious conviction elvet and that I hold dear," he continued. "It econd an- is the charge that this administra- Series last tion wishes to lead this country in- idience in to war." "This charge is contrary to every an inter- fact, every purpose of the past eight had just years. Throughout these years my rine from every act and every thought has been her pro- directed to the end of preserving hosen for the peace of the world, and more of the re- particularly, the peace of the United MARIAN ANDERSO .* * * Negro Sing( Opens Cho Union St World famous Negro contr ian Anderson, in black v silver, opened the Sixty-Se nual Choral Union Concertt night before a capacity au Hill Auditorium. Earlier in the day in view, Miss Anderson, who arrived aboatd the Wolver New York, revealed that gram had been especially c this campus on the basis o ception accorded her sele her last appearance here. she can always feel audienc and is not above changing gram during the evening if not receive a satisfactory This happened last night substituted more than five Recalling her first recita 1937 when she took the Nelson Eddy who was unab pear, Miss Anderson, not h a rehearsal at the audito mitted that when she firs out onto the Hill stage she h, visibly in awe of the hall's though she had performed college towns she had neve ed Michigan to provide s setting. As one of the foremost con ers in America Miss And anxious to offer reasons for her career. She believes th benefit of audience and sin an artist must perform n with the intellect, but "heart" as well. -_ ctions at She said e reaction her pro- she does response. when she songs. L here in place of ble to ap- aving had rium, ad- ,t stepped iad gasped s size. Al- often in er expect- o huge a ncert sing- erson was r choosing lat for the nger alike, ot wholly with the States - the Hemisphere." peace of the Western Prof. Slosson Will Ad dress AAUW Today In the first in a series of six lec- tures sponsored by the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of University Women, Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history depart- ment, will deal with events of cur- rent importance. The first lecture, to be held at 4:15 today in the Rackham Lecture Hall, will be a discussion of the world situation in general from the standpoint of analysis. Prof. Slosson will discuss the re- cent German triumph over France, the situation in the Balkans and the significance of the aerial conflict now raging between England and Ger- many. Accent will be placed on the recent conventions of the two ma- jor political parties and the progress of the campaigns to date. The relation between events in the Old World and the impending election as well as the effects of conscription in this country upon events in Europe and the Far East will also be included in this opening lecture. Each lecture will take up current events since the time of the pre- ceding lecture. Remaining lectures will be given on Nov. 13, Dec. 9, Jan. 23, Feb. 19 and March 12. Tickets are on sale at Wahr's Slater's and Follett's. Political Campaign Accelerated As Willkie Boosters Hold Rally . Activity in Ann Arbor politics whichj has been proceeding rather slowlyJ during the last few weeks, broke out at a suddenly accelerated pace yes- terday when supporters of Wendell Willkie held a parade of floats in the afternoon, a banquet in the evening, after that an old fashioned torchlight procession and finally an assembly to! climax the days campaigning. Beginning during the noon hour floats symbolizing the third term issue: were displayed on the streets. At-f tractive Willkiettes, comprised most- ly of coeds, who were situated on the floats and on sidewalks nearby, distributed Willkie pins and litera- ture. The feature of the day's program1 was the torchlight procession after a more robust style. Principal speaker of the evening at the banquet given for more than 400 Washtenaw County Republicans, was Alonzo L. Baker, field secretary of the Kellog Race Betterment Foun- dation, Battle Creek, who charged that a reelection of Roosevelt would mean destruction of the American theory of government of laws and the perpetuation of a government of per- sonality. If Roosevelt is reelected, Mr. Bak- er stated, the United States will be in war before the end of next year, and the administration, despite its claims, has not prepared America to defend itself. Other speakers were Mrs. Roger Morrison, wife of Prof. Roger Mor- rison of the University, and Congress- l By EMILE GELE Modern American fiction tends to deal more with people themselves than with plot, Sherwood Anderson, noted short story author, declared in a University Lecture before an audience of over 500 yesterday. "Writers get drama from people themselves and from situations of life," Anderson stated. "People I call 'feeders' tell me and other writers much about their lives and characters by chance remarks." Explaining how he began to write at the, age of 30, Anderson said he became bored with selling to people as a manufacturer and decided to become acquainted with them as a writer. He pointed out that American people gather frequently in crowds but really do not know each other. By A. P. BLAUSTEIN Sherwood Anderson is afraid that censorship of both authors and news- papers is inevitable in the United States if the present world crisis continues - and he doesn't like the idea. "In times like these," he asserted in a short interview yesterday, "the freedom of the press becomes more important than ever but, unfortu- nately, there is nothing any of us can do about it." "Authors have to write when they feel like writing and have to write about what they want to write," he emphasized, "they just can't sit down at a typewriter and compose things they neither believe in or just don't feel like writing about." Questioned as to the statement machP byArnhihoa.18 MeT Pith +kaf Anderson Asserts Fiction Deals With People; Fears Censorship University Group To Give Concert The University Symphony Orches- tra will present its first concert of the season at 4:15 p. m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium playing John Pow-