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October 23, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-23

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Fair and warmer.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Bringing Up




Wilkie States
FDR's Actions
Have Broken
Nominee Makes Challenges
That Roosevelt Has Not
Kept Faith With U.S.
Believes In 1932
Democratic Pledges
CHICAGO, Oct. 22 - (P) - Wen-
dell L. Willkie tonight challenged
President Roosevelt's statement that
he would do all he could 'to keep war
away from these shores for all time."
In an address prepared for delivery
in the stadium where Mr. Roosevelt
was nominated for a third term by
the Democratic National Convention,
Willkie said the nation desires to re-
main at peace and then added:
"The New Deal promises to keep
us out of war. The third term can-
didate says he hates war. He said on
September 11: 'I have one supreme
determination - to do all I can to
keep war away from these shores for
all time.'
"That is the promise. In the light
of the record I challenge it. The
third term candidate has not kept
faith with the American people. How
are we to know that he will begin to
keep it now?"
Wilikie And Foreign Affairs
Turning again to the international
situation, Wilie said he wished to
make "a solemn promise" that "the
responsibility of government known
as foreign affairs will be protected by
me from partisan politics.
"To fill the Yost of secretary of
state," he said, "I shall choose the
ablest man in the United States on
foreign affairs. I shall choose him
for his knowledge, his ability, and
his integrity - and not for any other
considerations whatever.
"We shall send out to represent us
in the capitols of the world am-
bassadors chosen for their diplomat-
ic qualifications. "It's safer to keep
the playboys right here in America.
"I pledge you that our party will
not pay off its financial obligations
with the safety of the American peo-
ple by appointing springtime ambas-
sadors. I have never owed any man
that much and I never shall."
'Secret Of Democracy'
Willkie said he still believed in the
democratic platform of 1932 and con-
tended that the secret of democracy
"is good faith."
Mr. Roosevelt, he said, broke 1932
plpatform promises to preserve a
sound currency, restore international
trade, reduce taxes and end unem-
Saying "the third term candidate
has accused me of falsifying the rec-
ord," Wilkie asserted:
"Nobody is falsifying anything. The
truth is that the New Deal's failure
has cost labor and farmer billions
upon billions of dollars.
'Man Realistic'
Says Calhoun
In SRA Talk
Yale Divinity Professor
Gives Character Analysis

In Religious Series
Man is an object of nature which
faces his environment with steady
reality, Dr. Robert Calhoun, profes-
sor of historical theology at Yale Uni-
versity's Divinity School analyzed as
he presented his liberal Protestant
views of the character of man in
the second of the series of lectures
sponsored by the Student Religious
As an animal he is immersed in
nature and modified by it, he point-
ed out. Based on the ability to see
relationships, man exists as a critic
of nature and a builder of culture
on the imperfect world which con-
fronts him, the lecturer stressed.
According to Christian theology
man is created in the image of God
or is capable of responding to the
order of the world and of realizing
its claims upon him. Through organ-
ic evolution his association with his

Scene Of 1917 Draft Lottery To Be Repeated Oct. 29

Hitler Asks French Navy
For Use Against Britain;


Attacks Hamburg

A new cast will reenact this scene at noei )n Opt. 29, in wVashingon, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson
will draw from this goldfish bowl the first number in a nacicnwi2? lattery to determine the order of calling
men for military training under selective service. This scene (abcve) took place on July 20, 1917, when Secre-
tary of War Newton D. Baker (right) drew the first number in th World War draft, in Washington.

Churchill Cites GrowingAir Strength
As Warning To French-NaziAlliance

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
Amid a crescendo of British bomb-
ing of German-held bases on the
French coast, Prime Minister Chur-
chill's fireside radio address must
have had a double meaning to such
Frenchmen as heard it.
It was less a plea for Frenchkre-
jection of German intrigue seeking
to enlist France as an ally than a
warning of what the result of that
course would be for France. It was
well calculated to build a fire under
the anti-British Laval faction of the

Vichy Government by putting French
public opinion on the alert.
Churchill said in effect that France
could have only a nuisance value
as an added foe for Britain. His
plea to France not to "hinder," even
if she could not help herrformer
ally, meant just that.,

and increasing Brtiish bombing along
the Channel front than the British or
Germa npeoples.
In the first stunning shock of de-
feat by Germany last June, French
citizens very likely believed Britain
could not hold out long against Nazi
air might.

Mightiest Attack Of War
Launched On Nazi Area
By British Bombers
Report Cargo Ships
fit OffDuinkerqute
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Oct. 22.-In one of the
mightiest attacks yet made upon a
single Nazi area, the air ministry
reported today, a thousand British
fire bombs and vast loads of explo-
sives have been dropped upon Ham-
burg, where German warships are
under construction.
This violent assault, illustrating the
rising tempo of a counter-offensive
which Britain's leaders expect to
maintain through the winter in the
hope of seizing the initiative next
spring, was declared to have left a
chain of fires which eventually came
together in ''one great flaming mass."~
British Broken Up
The attack was carried out last
night along with others on Germany's
industrial Ruhr through a heavy
ground haze, the Ministry said, which
forced the raiding British forma-
tions to break up into individual
hunting crews.
For ten minutes, it added, an oil
refinery at Reisholz, near Dusseldorf,
was bombarded from the air and 14
separate fires were started.
Explosions and fires were declared
to have been set off in the Dussel-
dorf-Derendorf railway yards and at
an airdrome at Stade, Germany.
This night bombing campaign had
followed daylight attacks of Mon-
day along the Nazi-held French coast.
The most spectacular success report-
ed in that series was the bombing of
a convoy of from 12 to 15 German
cargo ships off Dunkerque.
English Claim Hit
A British pilot said his bombs had
lifted two vessels almost out of the
water and that one heeled over on
its beam end. A tramp steamer in
the outer harbor at Boulogne also
was said to have been hit.
During the day the Channel theatre
came alive yet again, in a violent
artillery duel between British and
German big guns loosed first by the
During this afternoon still anothert
assault on German shipping was re-
ported-this time the bombing by at
single British plane of a Nazi. cargo1
vessel of some 2,000 tons off the hook
of Holland. A direct hit was claimed.-

Even more impressive, however,
was Churchill's assertion that Britain Student Directory
would acheive control of the air in
1941 as she now controls the sea. Coies Out Today
"Remember what that means," he F u
added. With New Faue
And what it would mean for a
France again drawn into the war can Hot off the si
not be doubted by Frenchmen watch- schedule, the NEW 1940-41 Student
ing or hearing of the intensifying B Directory is out today. Salesmen will
tish air fusillade along the Channel Die lctry irouoa.saeinsmennwill
coast of France. It would mean that be located in various points on the
France, already crushed by Germany, campus to sell the directory fob
would bear much of the brunt of the 50 cents; no more, no less.

Medical School
To Meet Here
Furstenberg To Arrange
Addresses, Discussions
For Annual Convention
Deans and representatives of 86
medical colleges all over the North
American continent will gather in
Ann Arbor for three days beginning
Monday, Oct. 28, for the fifty-first
annual meeting of the Association of
American Medical Colleges.
According to Dean A. C. Fursten-
berg of the medical school more than
200 delegates are expected to attend
the convention.
The three day convention will in-
clude addresses by physicians promi-
nent in the education world as well as
general discussions in which all mem-
bers of the convention will take part.
A program for the entertainment
of the delegates is to be arranged by
Dr. Furstenberg and his associates
and will be announced immediately
after the opening of the meeting on
the first day of the convention.
All sessions will be held in the
Rackham Building, daily sessions be-
ginning promptly at 9:30 p.m., Dr.
Furstenberg said.
Noted Author
To Talk t oday
University Lecture To Be
By Sherwood Anderson
Sherwood Anderson, noted short
story writer and novelist, will give
a lecture at 4:15 p. m. today at the
Rackham Building.
He became widely known as an
exponent of the "reality is essential
to imagination" school of writing and
has gained a large following with
his seven novels and six books of
short stories.
Anderson now resides on his farm
"Rip Shin" in Virginia and edits

air battle.
France already is destined to feel
the hunger pinch of the British sea
blockade more than her conqueror.
French citizens already pulling in
their belts for a hard winter can not
believe that what is left of French1
air or sea power could avert con-
tinued British bombarding of the!
French coast.
The people of coastal France and,
through grapevine routes, the people
of all France, probably have a better
knowledge of the effecthofincessant
For Rio
Michigan's traditional "battle of
pants," which takes place annually'
on the night of "Black Friday," will
be resumed on Nov. 22 when more
than 1,000 freshmen and sophomores
are expected to attempt mayhem up-
on one another for class supremacy.
On that night large groups of mem-
bers of each class-will meet at desig-
nated points on the campus which
will be used as bases for their attacks.
In the struggles to follow the main
object will be to "de-pants" members
of the other class but it is quite pos-
sible that "more drastic" measures
will be taken.
Back in the "roaring twenties,"
when rivalry between the frosh and
sophs was at its height, paddlings and
dunkings of the vanquished were
common. Many were the unfortun-
ate during those days who had to be
"fished out" of the Union Pool and
the Huron River.
In the beginning of the past de-
cade the spirit that accompanied
class warfare waned considerably and
the belief was widespread that "Black
Friday" would be no more. How-
ever, since 1937 activity has been
revived and both freshman and soph-
omore committees predict a "bigger
and better" battle this year.
Last November, when the "battle!
of nants" was snonsored by just the,

Most interesting bit of information
- which is a new feature of this
year's directory - is the complete
home address of all students. In
addition the regular information -
Ann Arbor address and phone num-
ber - will also be included.
Dormitories, sororities, fraternities,
professional fraternities, and coopera-
tives will be listed in a special section
with all the members of each organi-
zation. Names, addresses, phone num-
bers and departments of all faculty
mnen will also be. included.

Noted Singer
Opens Concert
Series Ton iht
The Sixty-Second annual Choral
Union Concert Series will be inauga-
rated at 8:30 p. m. today in Hill
Auditorium when Marian Anderson,
world famous Negro contralto, sings
her fourth Ann Arbor recital.
Although admissions were sold for
the series as a whole, a few seats for
this performance may be had at
the University Musical Society's of-
fices in the Burton Tower today, or
at the Hill Auditorium box office
after 7 p. m. Holders of season tickets
are to detach the coupon for this
concert and present it instead of
the entire series ticket.
Mr. Franz Rupp will accompany
Miss Anderson at the piano. The pro-
gram follows: "Tutta racolta" and
"Der flote weich gefuehl" by Handel;
"A bruno vestit" by Carissim;; "Auf
dem wasser zu singen," "Der doppel-
ganger" and "Erlkonig" by Schubert;
"Casta Diva," from "Norma" by Bal-
lini; "Cantilena" and "Pastorale" by
Vehanen; "Amuri Amuri" by Sadero;
and "Songs to the Dark Virgin" by
Due to the numerous requests for
Negro spirituals Miss Anderson re-
ceived at her last appearance here
the following numbers will have a
conspicuous place in her program:
"Sinner, Please doan' let dis harves'
pass" and "The Gospel Train" ar-
ranged by Burleigh; "Tramping" ar-
ranged by Boatner; and "Dere's no
hidin' place down dere" arranged by
Senior Class,
Engine Council
Petitions Due
Applicants Must Obtain
Twenty Names; Entry
Limit Set For Friday
Petitions for senior class offices in
the College of Engineering and for
freshmen posts in the Engineering
Council are due at 5 p.m. Friday in
the office of Dean Ivan C. Crawford,
George Hogg, '41E, chairman ;f the
elections, announced last night.
Seniors will be given the oppor-
tunity to run for either president,
secretary or treasurer of their class
with the runner-up for the presidency
becoming vice-president. Their peti-
tions, which must be signed by 20
members of the Class of '41, must be
accompanied by eligibility cards and
a letter of application.
The only requirement for fresh-
men, two of whom will be elected for
one year terms, is a petition contain-
ing the names of 20 neophyte engin-
Senior elections will be conducted
from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. next Wed-
nesday above the Arch in the West
Engineering Building and in the
main hallway in the East Engineer-
ing Building. The freshmen will make
their choices at both their 10 a.m.
and 2 p.m. assemblies Wednesday.-
Petitions Due
For Elections
J-Hop And Soph Prom
Positions To Be Filled
An unprecedented demand for J-
Hop and Soph Prom petitions prom-
ises to make this year's election one

of the most widely contested in the
history of dance committee elec-
tions, Ward Quaal, '41, presiden tof
the Men's Judiciary Council, de-
clared yesterday.
All petitions must be returned to
the Student Offices or the main desk
of the Michigan Union before Fri-
day noon, bearing the signatures of

Fuehrer To Meet Laval
In Secret Rendezvous
To Seek Help On Sea
Fight Is Predicted
In Mediterranean
BERLIN, Oct. 22 - P) - Adolph
Hitler received Vice Premier Pierre
Laval of France somewhere in French
territory today, it was announced
officially tonight, climaxing indica-
tions of a developing attempt to
mass the surviving French warships
with those of Germany and Italy
for a showdown with the British
No details of the Hitler-Laval
conference were disclosed, save that
it was attended also by German
Foreign Minister Joachim Von Rib-
bentrop, already reported assigned to
the job of seeking to get France to
enter the war against her old ally.
Laval Is Emissary
The meeting presumably was held
in German occupied France. Laval
has made several trips to Paris as
the emissary of the Vichy govern-
ment to the German military author-
ities there.
The German wireless, in a report
broadcast under date of Istanbul, also
asserted French authorities in Syria
had declared the French Army there
to be "completely in a position to
protect Syria," possible Axis-British
battlefront in the Near East.)
(Observors in the neutral Swiss
listening post of Bern said Hitler's
audience with Laval was accepted
in Vichy as meaning a final settle-
ment with Germany may be immi-
nent, but not at the price of a ac-
tive French participation in the war
against Britain.)
Rumors of Negotiations
Before the disclosure of Hitler's
mysterious talk with Laval had been
made officially, there were rumors
of negotiations with the French gov-
ernment of Marshal Petain to bring
France into the war on the side of
the Axis.
They had been supported by the
absence from Berlin of Von Ribben-
trop himself and by yesterday's radio
appeal of British Prime Minister
Churchill that the French people
do nothing to hinder Britain's prose-
cution of the war even though they
could do nothing to help.
(Churchill's speech was unsparingly
denounced by the German propa-
gandist "Lord Haw Haw" in a broad-
cast picked up in the United States
by CBS.'
(Haw Haw called it "a miserable
little efort"; said Churchill's was a
"mean little character"; declared it
was "fresh proof of abject weak-
ness on the part of Britain.")
Franco-German Collaboration
(In Vichy today, French Foreign
Minister Paul Baudouinsaid he hoped
for " frank and total" collaboration
between France and' Germany after
a "just" peace had been signed.).
After thesrecentrHitler-Mussolini
Brenner Pass conference, authorized
sources here and in Rome gave out
assurancesra decision had been made
to hit England "in her most vital
spot." This indicated the Axis would
try an invasion of England at long
long last, or seek British capitulation
in the Mediterranean either by driv-
ing off or destroying the British fleet
in that vital empire pathway.
Since observrs have long specu-
lated on Axis reasons for waiting so
long for a landing operation, pros-
pects for a turn into a better winter
operations sector appear greater.
(The British say the Germans did
start an invasion embarkation Sept.
16, but that the troops were bombed
out of their ships before they could

Graduates To Hold
Luncheon Today
The first of the "Know Your Uni-
versity" luncheons for graduate stu-
dents will be held at noon today in
the Russian tea room of the League.

Begin Fall Training
rous Defense Of Pants


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