T IE MIEHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. OCTOBER 22.1940 THE MICITTGAN DATT.V T1TF~flAY~ flr~Tflnvu~ ~ 1 %-P %.I i w"lL l1 F,4" 1U'tV DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ni irn r (Continued from Page 4) N.S. Only students with excused ab- sences from the June final examina- tion will be permitted, to take the make-up exam. Psychology 31 makeup final ex- amination for all sections will be held tonight 7:009:00 in Room 1121 N.S. . Metal Processing 2, Laboratory sec- tions, will not meet today. Pre-Medical Students: The Medi- cal Aptitude Test of. the Association of American Medical Colleges will be given at the University of Michigan on Friday, November 8. Since this test is a normal requirement for ad- mission to practically all medical schools, all students planning to en- ter a medical school by the fall of 1941 should take the examination. Further information may be ob- tained in Room 4 University Hall from October 21 through November 2. To all students interested in French: All students interested in French and having a certain ability in speaking the language, who wish to join the Cercle Francais, should see Professor Talamon, room 200, R. L: Bldg., today between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Marian An-. derson with Franz Rupp at the piano, will inaugurate the Sixty-Second An- nual Choral Union Concert series, Wednesday, October 23, at 8:30 o'lck in Hill Auditorium. The pub- li$ is, respectfully requested to co- operate by coming sufficiently early as to be seated on time, since the doors'will be closed during numbers. Musical Art Quartet: The Univer- sity Musical Society 'announces that supplementary .to the - Choral Union series,' the Musical Art Quartet of New York City; will give a series of three Chamber . Music concerts on Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and evening, Januiar-y 24 and 25, 1941. The Quartet is made up of four dis- tinguished artists as follows Sascha Jacobsen, first violin;' Paul Bernard, second violin; Wiliam Hymanson, viola and Marie Roemaet-Rosanoff, violoncello The 'on certs will be given in the main auditoriuni of the Rackham Building.' Information concerning tikets. programs, etc., will be an- nounced at a later date. Lectures Attention: Students in the College of Engineering graduating in June, 1941, and in February, 1942: A Lecture Series on Naval Subjects. similar to that of last year, designed' as a course of preliminary instruc- tion for interested candidates for possible later appointment in a spe- cialist class of the Volunteer Naval Reserve, will start October 24, in Room 336 West Engineering Build- ing at 4:00 p.m. Students interested may enroll by application to the Professor of Nav- al Science and Tactics, North Hall or to Associate Professor L. A. Baier, Room 326 West Engineering, or they may attend the first lecture on Oc- tober 24, prior to enrollment. The second lecture on "The Nature of Man" will be- given by Professor Robert L. Calhoun of Yale University, tonight at 8:15 at the Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Events Today Junior Mathematics Club will meet tonight at 8:00 in Room 3201 A.H. The talk for the evening will be on "Soap and Mathematics." Refresh- ments; mathematical recreations. All students interested are invited. German Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan League. Room will be announced on the bulletin board. Miss Gertrude Frey will speak on "A Program of American Integra- tion," the project of Louis Adamic. Transportation Club meeting to- night at 7:30, in Room 1213 East Engineering Bldg. Movies and re- freslments. U. of M. Michigan Glider Club will, meet tonight at 7:30 in room 318 of Michigan Union. Movies. Michigan Party meeting tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan Union. The room will be posted on the bulletin board. All members are requested to attend. Program Committee of Theatre Arts will meet at 5:00 p.m. today in the League. Properties Committee of Theatre Arts will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in the League. Christian Science Organization will meet at 8:15 tonight in the chapel of the Michigan League. The Music Committee of the Hillel Foundation will hold tryouts for a string quartet and a woodwind quar- tet to be organized at the Founda- tion tonight at 8:00 p.m. Pi Lambda Theta- will meet in the University Elementary School Li- brary today at 4:15 p.m. All mem- bers urged to attend. Kappa Phi will meet today at 5:15 p.m. in the Social Room of the Meth- odist Church. Coming Events Research Club will meet in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing Thursday, October 24, at 8:00 p.m. Two papers will be read: 1. New Spain in the Middle Six- teenth Century, Professor Arthur S. Aiton. 2. Recent Researches on Solar Phe- nomena at the McMath-Hulbert Ob- servatory (illustrated with motion pictures). Dr. Robert R. McMath. A.I.E.E.: The Student Branch will meet in a Round Table Discussion with the Michigan Section, Thurs- day, November 7, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. The discus- sion will be on "Personnel Problems." Scabbard and Blade meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Uniforms re- quired. Theology Seminar on Wednesday, October 23, at 4:15 p.m., in Lane Hall. The group will begin the study of Augustine's Confessions. Students and faculty members who are inter- ested are welcome. Tau Beta Pi business meeting on Tuesday, October 29. in the Michi- gan Union. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Graduate Student Council will meet on Thursday, Oct. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the Women's Lounge of the Rackham Building. Newly appointed members are urged to attend. Engineering 'Election for senior class officers and freshman class repre- sentatives to Engineering Council will be held Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. President, secre- tary and treasurer of the senior class will be elected, and the runner-up for the presidency will be vice-presi- dent. Freshmen will vote for two repre- sentatives, each to serve for a one- year term. All petitions must be in the En- gineering Dean's office by 5:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25. Graduate Luncheon: The first of the "Know Your University" lunch- eons will be held in the Russian Tea- room of the League on Wednesday, October 23, at 12 o'clock noon. Grad- uate students and faculty are col-di- ally invited. Graduate Tea Dance on Thursday, Oct. 24, from 4:15 to 6:00 p.m. in the Rackham Building. All graduate students and faculty invited. Graduate Dance (Informal) Satur- day night from 9-12 p.m. in the As- sembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Admission charge. Refreshments. Graduate students and faculty only invited. Classical Record program will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 4:15 to 5:45 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. If suf- ficient interest is shown, these pro- grams will be held weekly. All in- terested are invited. Phi Lambda Upsilon will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Transfer student members are particularly invited and are requested to notify the chapter secretary, Taft Toribara, 124 Chem- istry Building, of their present cam- pus address. Inter-faith Study Trip: Students interested in studying the services of different faiths are invited to leave their names at Lane Hall. The first trip will be made to Detroit on Sun- day, October 27, to attend a Greek Orthodox service. Reservations must be made before Friday. J.G.P. Central Committee will meet Wednesday, October 23, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the Women's League. Modern Dance Club: Because of the Marian Anderson concert Wed- nesday night, the club will meet Thursday, October 24, at 7:30 p. m. instead of the usual time. M c 7 , ..,,, 5 ".----- n, { ; : : Y " -r - L Y Are (ou LOO CLING For hleal Value?) Then this offer is hard to mcatch! SPECIAL STUDENT BUNDLE j a GOOD F00D at Thrifty Prices TO] DENVER SANDWICH Choice of Salad or Dessert DAY'S SPECIALS, Watch For The Student Directory Name, Class, Address, Phone Number of Every Student AND the New Feature HOME Street and Town Address Only 50c 3 3 6 Shirts Pairs of Sox Handkerchiefs 1 Suits of Underwear Pajama Suit Both Towels Approx. Cost. $1.10 SAMPLE BUNDLE Finished, Mended and Buttoni R~eplaced. Returned ,r Fluffed not broned. NOON t' Potage A La Jackson Soup Choice of Beverage Assorted Rolls or Bread ROAST BEEF HASH (Choice of ONE) Mashed Potatoes Buttered Noodles Fresh Spinach Baked Beans Creamed Celery Potage A La Jackson Soup Green Beans Choice of Salad or Dessert Choice of Beverage NIGHT Creamed Turkey and Mushrooms Assorted Rolls or Bread KYER LAUNDRY Phone 4185 WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company Phoney4117 VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 23-1-23 TROJAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company Phone 9495 (Choice of ONE) Mashed Potatoes Fresh Spinach) Baked Beans Green Beans American Fried Potatoes Cream Buttered Noodles Creamed Celery of Green Pea Soup of Beverage 39c Choice Choice of Salad or Dessert -- --- 1 .1 A . I m 11 ..111.1111