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October 22, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-22

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assoiated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

If my stuff sounds a little nasty today, take reason I stayed until the third quarter, un-
it and like it, reader, because like I said Satur- fortified by refreshments, was that I figured
day, you are going to have to share moods with just how much tougher it would be to have to
me or stop reading. Aside from the big reason, march in the band, or be Harmon out on tlde
there are two minor groans which I can dispose field with no poncho. I also told my date this,
of right now. In the first place, the guy who but she didn't respond as I might have wished.
corrected my grammar last week had better stop, She said she was cold, and the rain was run-
or I will correct his grammar, and I don't mean ning down her face, and her babushka's colors
grammar. Because when I write a thing a cer- were quietly blending. So that's life. So that's
tain way, I want it to stay that way, and if any- women. So that's that.
body wants to change my split infinitives he had * * *
better do it in his own head and not with a copy Congratulations to Fielding Yost. but the most
pencil. So that takes care of the purists. About important thing in my opinion that happened
swear words I am not so insistent. Maybe there over the weekend was the publication of Ernest
are people who have not heard them, so if I rip Hemingway's new book, For Whom the Bell
loose with anything really ripe, I'll print it with Tolls. As soon as I get through my French out-
dots. side reading, I'll read the thing and tell you
Next is the subject of Mascptt, the spavined about it. I am a bug on Hemingway, and I like
fire horse who writes the fill-in column here the first page right now, so if you want to find
when I'm studying. The name of his column out what I'm like when I'm being very nice,
will be mud, or Ashes and Steam if he continues stick with me for a few days.
in the vein of uninspired bellicosity with which * * *
he teed off the day' after my world premiere. Getting back to the Homecoming debacle, for
As he said, we agreed not to feud until we started filler, I think one late Saturday night incident
to feel that logy, headachy, vapory illness that will epitomize all that I and the rest of us feel
means get out of town or take a rest for a week. is pathetic yet funny about the business. The
So Saturday morning, so soon in the year, or drunk was leaning forward at a forty-five de-
maybe on account of the rain, he began. He had gree angle, moving his feet ahead just about as
better not begin again, lest I uncork the full far as his head already was, putting each shoe
tide of my wrath. 30 for Mascott for now, and down as though he wasn't quite sure the ground
let's not have it happen again. would be there. His head was down as he came
* * * along, but when he got to us, in the middle of
I still have a slight cold from the game Sat- a long groan, he looked up, bug-eyed, and worked
urday, but I am taking pills and staying out of for a smile.
what, drafts I can avoid, so don't send flowers "I aways get bloated at these..... .games,"
until I let you know. The only reason I mnintion he said apologetically, patting his sagging stom-
the fact at all is that Max Hodge blew into town ach. He belched. He turned away and climbed
for the weekend and stole my date for Saturday along the street again. One of the boys said
night, the heel. As always Hodge, ex-editor of something that ended in a whistle. The home-
the Gargoyle, ex-author of Four Out of Five, ward wending celebrant turned back to us.
was in a blithe mood, the ......He bought the I thought maybe he was going to be a fighting
beer, paid'for the taxi, and even let me take the drunk, though I didn't think he could. That
jenny to the game, because it was raining. My wasn't it. He came back, fumbling for a smile,
day will come. I believe in ex-something-or- and wagged his finger under our noses.
others knowing their place, and crawling back "But we won godammit (excuse me, I am
into them. Which again leads into something kuoting), we beat the.... .. ......, didn't
else, namely Homecoming weekends, hard liquor, we?" Yes, we nodded. We won. He turned away
old grads, watersoaked decorations, and a miser- again, and swam slowly into the night.
able time had by all at the stadium. The only So long until soon.
Letters To The Editor

Keepng Home The Bacon
' F <'

Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
S. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
*. . . ,Associate Editor
. . .Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

f ./
I t ! '
r .r

Business Staff
Business Manager . .
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause


- I


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writer.
The Peacee
After The War..
about World War III. He decries
the fact that Daily staff members have n the
past never made one constructive suggestion for
the peace of World War II, and have conse-
quently made no plans for foestalling World
War III.
And this is true. Some of us have doubtless
wondered what type of settlement Europe can
try this time; perhaps we have attempted to
think out some method, some humanitarian pro-
gram, by which the jumbled peoples can live
side-by-side in peace; but I believe that few of
us have any distinct ideas of what Europe can
do. Beyond suggesting the nebulous idea of a
"federal union," America has thought very lit-
tle about a peace for this war.
Professor Slosson sort of takes us across his
knee for being so lax. I think he is casting the
blame in the wrong direction. I think it is that
very England he so admires, the England where
he has lived for long stretches of time, the Eng-
land to which ,he feels such close ties, that is
t0 blame.
What sense is there in racking our brains over
a peace for Europe when we know that neither
side would be willing to accept our proposals,
be it the wisest and most foolproof settlement
ever devised?
The Nazis already have planned what they
will' do with Europe if they win. As I see it, they
will operate Europe like a giant corporation,
with Germany as the focal point and each do-
minion country like an outlying factory pro-
ducing for the profit and wealth of the central
England does not want us to share in the peace
again, unless she loses. In refusing us, a vic-
torious England will point to our mistake in not
joining*the League of Nations. But that will not
be all the story. England will not want any tol-
erant, constructive scheme, any federal union
plan, any Wilsonian idealism. She will want to
be left alone to deal with Germany in her own
way, and there will be no room for squeamish
During ,the course of this war, Englishmen
have repeatedly stressed that America be kept
out of the peace. A. P. Herbert, a member of
Parliament with a reputation as a humorist,
said this: "Let America do what she will about
the war, but for God's sake, don't let her have
anything to do with the peace. Last time she
left us with a large baby, calling it' the League
of Nations. Now she is, I understand, busily
dressing up its poor little corpse and calling it
a federal union . . . I have no doubt that once
again after the war she will pop off home the
moment the child begins to yell. No siree!"
H. G. Wells, whom Professor Slosson appar-
ently regards as one of the leading thinkers
about peace, would have America stay out of
the war because if we shared in the killing we
would also like a share in 'the peace, and our
"party politics would swamp anything like a
reasonable settlement."
It seems to me that in spite of our "party pol-
itics," much of what was right and humane in
the Versailles Treaty was made in America.
Wells' statement only shows that, for one rea-
son or another, Englishmen are firmly opposed
to our participation in the settlement.
rrmp PrnAefnr on.nar our rasons for

. II- V .

An Endorsement Of The Forum '
To the Editor:
I firmly believe that the method of many per-
sons on this campus to arrive at a conclusion
regarding aid to Great Britain is wrong. Some
of us went to the lecture in the auditorium of
the Rackham Building last Monday and heard
what the war aims of the axis really are.
1. fro crush Great Britain.
2. Enlarge Germany in Europe.
3. Enlarge Italy in Europe.
4. Italy and Germany to divide Africa with
Spain possibly retaining a few colonies.
5. Near East division of territory with possible
expansion of Russia.
6. Far East controlled by Japan.
7. A vast customs union uniting all of Europe
in which each part will be 'dictated its part in
the economic life of Europe by Berlin.
8. Four large economic "Blocks" with Ger-
many, Italy, Russia and Japan, which will bar-
ter among each other and will try to compete
with America in South American trade.
This meeting was sponsored by a committee
in favor of aid to Great Britain but at no time
did it explain why we should not remain neutral
between London and Berlin or why we should
not follow a strict policy of isolation. That or-
ganization at no time presented any argument
for aid to Great Britain.
Even if they had presented any arguments
they would have, like so many other organiza-
tions on the campus, presented only one side
of this problem. Such a procedure does not give
the student nor the people of Ann Arbor any
chance to compare both sides of our problem.
For this reason, I heartily endorse the Michigan
Forum and particularly at this time the Alpha
Nu Forum today in 231 Angell Hall, which will
discuss the question mentidned above, "Shall
America send material aid to Great Britain?"
Only through such activity can we Americans
arrive at a just and equitable decision.
- Merle Edward Webb, '42
A Reaction To Slosson
To the Editor:
I should like to list a few of my reactions to
Prof. Slosson's letter of Sunday,
The letter assumes we will be in the war. I do
not care to speculate as to whether we will or
not. I do want to say that the great majority
of the American people are opposed to entrance
into the war. Yet politicians, generals and pro-
fessors speak of entering the war as if the peo-
ple counted for nothing. I- feel sure that the
American people would prefer their intellectual
leaders to dwell on one question: How can we
keep America out of war? Although the people
of this country, the etcetera and the andsoforth
if you please, see war and hunger as their main
enemies, we students are advised to overlook
the problems of the people.
The letter strongly implies that nothing con-
structive can be done now. First we will have
great destruction and then the League of Na-
tions Societies (which are to be formed now)
will come forth with a constructive solution.
Mr. Churchill, Mussolini, Hitler, or whatever
rulers survive them, will invite us to sit in at the
Peace Conference, and we will all discuss how

Furthermore I have no confidence that students
and professors who do not concern themselves
with the immediate problems of the people will
be any closer to them when peace is brought
I would like to suggest that we apply ourselves
to the problems of peace, unemployment and
civil liberties NOW. I for one cannot see fit to
escape to the future. Students should live in
the present no matter how much the powers
that be invite them to take a trip to Mars. We
students cannot afford to take this Olympian
perspective any more than the masses of people
can afford to. Our job is to take part in the
democratic movement of the people for peace
and liberty.
- An American Inhabitant, 1940
The City Editor's

That beeg blue automobile is gone from
Union steps, and so is the celebration
Fielding H. Yost. But none of us will forget
Saturday afternoon for a while yet.
* *


The game was a real demonstration of Mich-
igan supremacy. The dinner was no less. It was
a tribute in the best alumni manner.
But the whole campus is regretting the
sinister injection of politics by one speaker.
It was bad.
* *.*
Harmon may skyrocket on the gridiron scene.
but it means nothing in Montreal. One photog-
rapher here in Ann Arbor tried to vend a pic-
ture of the Hurricane to a news agency in the
Canadian city. Came the reply: "Frankly, we
don't know who Tom Harmon is." And they
meant it.
* * *
It's a pleasure for the scratch pad to return
in triumph. Wirtchafter has been scorching
every man on his sports staff for permitting the
results of our football-guessing to appear in
Sunday's paper.
* * *
That was only fair, wasn't it?
* * *
Note to Art Cinema League: "The Baker's
Wife," now showing in Detroit, is receiving
high tribute from everyone. How about
bringing it to us in Ann Arbor?
In the Week In Review of last Sunday's Daily,
the statement was made that "War Secretary
Stimson gave rise to the rumor that . . . only
100,000 men would be called by June. The state-
ment should have read "War Secretary Stimson
gave the lie to the rumor."
Fan-American Trend
America's collegians are enthusiastic sponsors
of the rise of Pan-Americanism. The trend to-
ward solidifying relationships between the United

WASHINGTON - Here is bigt
news for the South. Soviet Russia is;
back in the American cotton market.
She has already purchased 58,0001
bales, of which 18,000 are en route?
via Vladivostok in Greek ships, and'
has indicated the total orders may
run as high as 500,000 bales.
To facilitate transportation, the
Maritime Commission last week
granted sub-charters to Amtorg (the
Soviet trading agency) for three U.
S. freighters, the Carleton, Export
and motor ship Excelsior, which will
load the cotton at Houston and Gal-
The last time Russia bought U. S.
cotton was in the early 30's. Since
then her own steadily mounting yield
has been ample for her processing
capacity. Soviet economic statistics
are secret, but U. S. experts esti-
around 4,000,000 bales. Of this Rus-
sia has been selling an estimated
1,000,000 bales a year, a considerable
proportion to Germany in barter
The British "navicert" system,
whereby shippers obtain advance per-
mission to transport merchandise
through the British blockade, does
not yet extend to the Pacific. Also,
cotton is one of the items not sub-
ject to embargo or state license con-
Wage-Hour Violations
Chief reasons why John L. Lewis
has been teetering back and forth
regarding support for F. D. R. are his
complaints against the lax enforce-
ment of the Wage-Hour Act and
failure to 'deny defense contracts to
companies violating the National La-
bor Relations Act.
A lot of CIO chieftains who lean
more to the right than Lewis, do
not agree with their bushy-browed
boss about Roosevelt. But they are
discouraged at what they contend to
be a complete breakdown of the
Wage-Hour Act in many industries,
plus the Defense Commission's tramp-
ling upon the National Labor Rela-
tions Act.
Quotable Quotes .. .
"At a time of great emotional ap-
peal such as that which now prevails,
one will do well to concentrate upon
one's work more than ever and to be
unswayed by speculations or vague
commentaries filled with foreboding
for the future."-Pres. Gates, Uni-.
versity of Pennsylvania.
c~mL..,.. .. v.w n"n., c,+ mo"Q c o .

(Continued from Page 2)
lips' Classical Scholarships. Awards
will be based on the results of an
examination covering the preparatory
work in Latin or in both Latin and
Greek, as described in the bulletin
on scholarships, which may be ob-
tained in Room 1, University Hall.
The examination will be held this
year in Room 2014 Angell Hall on
Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 4:00 p.m. In-
terested students may leave their
names with O. M. Pearl or R. A. Pack,
2030 A.H.
Choral Union Members: Beginning
tonight, all rehearsals will be held
at 7:00 o'clock in the School of Music
Building on Maynard Street unless
otherwise announced.
Pass tickets for the Marian Ander-
son concert will be given out to all
members in good standing who call in
person between the hours of 9 and 12,
and 1 and 4, on Wednesday, October
23, at the Burton Memorial Tower.
After that hour, tickets will not be
given out.
Student Organizations desiring of-
ficial recognition for the ° College
Year 1940-41 should file a list of
officers with the Dean of Students
in Room 2, University Hall on or be-
fore November 1. This information
should be made out on forms to be
obtained at the Office of the Dean
of Students and should include the
name, address and class of each offi-
cer. Early in November a list of all
organizations which have been given
official recognition for the year will
be published' in the Michigan Daily.
Code Practice: All students who
wish to practice the International
Morse Code are invited to use the
R. O. T. C. Signal Corps code prac-
tice equipment in Room 301, Engin-
eering Annex. The room will be open
week days from 4 to 5:30 p. m.


Lecture Course Tickets: This is the
final week of the Season Ticket sale.
The Oratorical Association presents
a distinguished platform series of
eight numbers. Special student rate.
Box office, Hill Auditorium, open
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building at 4:00 p.m. today. Sub-
ject: "Animal Polysaccharides." All
interested are" invited.
Mathematics 370, Seminar will
meet today at 4:00 p.m. in 3001
A.H. Professor Beckenbach will
speak on "Isoperimetric Inequality."
(Reference: Trans. of the Amer.
Math. Soc., Vol. 35, 1933.)
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 410 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m .on Wednesday, Octo-
ber 23. Mr. William Spurgeon will
speak on "Recent investigations on
the nature of the liquid state."
Political Science 52 make-up ex-
amination (Mr. Heneman's sections)
for those who did not take the final
examination last June will be given
at 2:00 p.m. today in room 2031 Angell
H. J. Heneman
German Make-up Examination:
Saturday, October 26, from 9-12 a.m.
in room 204 U.H. All of those stu-
dents entitled to take this examina-
tion must report to the German de-
partmental office, 204 UH, at least
three days prior to this examination
unless they have already done so.
Written permission from the instruc-
tofr is also necessary.
Botany I Make-Up Examination
will be given Wednesday, October
t23, from 7-10 p.m. in Room 2033
(Continued on Page 6)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 11240 KC -NBC Blue
Tuesday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Dinning Sisters
6:15 Musical Newscast Dinner Music
6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 World Today Lowell Thomas " Evening Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Meet Mr. Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes To Be Announced Ned Jordaz
7:45 Haenschen Orch. " Doc Sunshine
8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Forty Plus Ben Bernie
8:15 Missing Heirs Cats'n Jammers
8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers "Info," Please!
8:45 First Nighter " Screen Echoes
9:00 We the People Battle of the Sexes Mystery Hall Question Bee
9:15 We the People
9:30 Professor Quiz Fibber McGee News; Swing John Kennedy
9:45 Professor Quiz " Laugh 'n Swing The Haineses
11:0 GAAle(.nn Miller Bob Hope Canadian News Wythe Williams

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