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October 22, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-22

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Fair and colder.


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The Peace
After The War .,

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
S t


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Daily To Celebrate
50th Anniversary
With Staff Banquet

Board In Control Invites
750 Publication Editors,
Associates To Reunion
Special Souvenir
Paper Is Planned
Fifty years of continued publica-
tion will be marked by. Michigan
Daily staff members and staff alum-
ni Friday, Tov. 15, when the Board
in Control of Student P'ublications
gives a banquet to commemorate the
anniversary in the Union Ballroom.
The committee in charge of the
50th Anniversary Celebration Ban-
quet has sent invitations to more than
750 men who worked on the junior
or senior staff of The Daily since the
paper began publication in 1890. Also
invited will be the 175 members of
the present staff, including sopho-
mores. This list comprises editorial
and business personnel.
Students and faculty men who have
served on the Board in Control since
it was established in 1901 will also
be asked to come back for the cele-
The Daily will hold open house Fri-
day afternoon and Saturday morning,
'Nov. 15 and 16. As a souvenir of the
occasion, a special edition of The
Daily will be set up, including by-
lined stories by many of The Daily
When The Daily was first printed,
it was called the "U. of M. Daily" and
was organized by a group of students
outside the jurisdiction of the Uni-
versity. After the first small Daily
was enlarged in 1901, its name was
changed to "The Michigan Daily
News," and then later in the year to
its present title.
About this time, as the result of an
investigation, the University pur-
chased the newspaper stock and set
up a governing board, forerunner of
the present Board, which was formed
in 1919, allowing also for a savings
fund which later allowed for the erec-
tion of the present Student Publica-
tions Build, home of the present sev-
en-column, modern Michigan Dily
Noted Author
To Talk Here
Anderson, Famed Writer,
To Lecture Tomorrow
Sherwood Anderson, famed author
of Mid-West short stories and expo-
nent of ralisrh, will deliver a Uni-
versity lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
at the Rackham building.
As a common laborer, soldier in
the Spanish-American War, adver-
tising writer and owner of a paint
factory, Anderson compiled a store of
experiences that form the background.
for his subsequent stories and lec-
He won a wide following with his
first novel "Windy McPherson's Son,"
published in 1916 and has since
placed seven novels and six books
of short stories on the market. In 1921
he won the Dial Award for creative
Defeatists Are
!Fascists, Says
Liberal Frank
"If we are defeatists then we are
fascists or friends of the fascists,"
said Waldo Frank in an address be-
fore more than five hundred people
Sunday night at the Rackham audi-
torium in the first of the Hillel
Foundation forum series.

"We believe in ourselves, but the
fifth column is made up of the people
who don't have faith in mankind,"
he said, "who unconsciously believe
in fascism. It is fifth columnists who
don't care enough to die for the fu-
Mr. Frank pointed out two ways in

SRA Lecturer

* * *
Robert Calhoun
Will Give SRA.
Lecture Today
As one of the younger Protestant
theologians, Dr. Robert Calhoun, pro-
fessor of theology at Yale University's
Divinity School will deliver the second'
lecture of the series on the "Nature
of Man" sponsored by the Student
Religious Association at 8:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Calhoun is a noted writer and
lecturer among college students for
his analysis of religious problems.
Written especially for students, his
recent book "What Is Man" was pub-
lished under the auspices of the Hazen
His speech will be the second of
four presenting the viewpoints of a
scientist, a theologian, a rabbi, and
an educator, on this year's discussion
of one of the fundamentals of relig-
jon. "The Nature of God" and "The
Nature of Religion" were the topics
of the preceding annual lecture series.
Graduating from Carlton College in
1915, Dr. Calhodn took his graduate
work at Lincoln College, Oxford Uni-
versity and at Yale, obtaining his
Ph.D. in 1923. He became instructor
at Yale in 1921 and professor in
1936 of historical theology.

Choral Union
Will Present
Noted Singer
MarianAnderson To Open
Sixt-Seond Concert
Series Here Tomorrow
Contralto To Offer
4 NegroSpirituals
Marian Anderson, famous Negro
contralto, will make her fourth ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor when she in-
augarates the Sixty-second Annual
Choral Union Concert Series at 8:30
p. m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Conspicuous in her program will be
a group of Negro spirituals which
she had to refuse to render despite
vociferous audience demands at her
last appearance here in a May Fes-
tival because she was appearing on
an all-Bach program. Among the
selections will be "Sinner, Please
doan' let dis Ilarve' pass." "The Gos-
pel Train." Tramp'ng" and "Dere's
no h'dn' place .down dcre."
Miss Anderson, born and brought
up in a modeet Philadelphia home,
has had a unq4e musical record. She
first appeared in special public school
entertainments, and later was audi-
tioned by important musicians which
resulted in a small fund being created
out of the nickels and dimes of sup-
porters for her continued musical
instruction. After winning numerous
contests she appeared with the Phila-
delphia Symphony Orchestra, and
then went abroad where she gained
further recognition. Her American
debut proved to be the start of an
outstanding musical career.
Also to be heard in the series are
Rudolph Serkin, pianist; the Don
Cossack Chorus; the New York Phil-
harmonic Symphony Orchestra, Bari-
bolli conducting; Richard Bonelli,
baritone; the Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Koussevitzky conducting;
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist; the Min-
neapolis Symphony Orchestra, Mi-
tropoulus conducting; the Budapest
String Quartet; and Georges Enesco,
Choral Union Rehearsals
Scheduled For Tonight
There will be a full rehearsal of
the men's and women's sections of
the Choral Union Society at 7 p. m.
today at the School of Music, Thor
Johnson, conductor, announced yes-
A rehearsal for women only has1
been scheduled for 7 p. m. on Thurs-
day at the School of Music.

War Secretary
To Open Draft
Nation-Wide Drawing Plan
Completed At Dykstra,
Roosevelt Conference
800,000 To Train
Within 8 Months
At noon on October 29, Secretary of
War Stimson will draw the first
number in a nation-wide lottery in
which nearly 17,000,000 young men
hold tickets - 800,000 of them good
for a year's service in the Army.
Plans for the lottery were complet-
ed today at a conference of Dr. Clar-
ence Dykstra, director of selective
service, and President Roosevelt. At
first Dystra said the President would
draw the first number, but later it
was announced that Mr. Roosevelt
desired this honor.for Stimson.
Within three weeks after Stimson
lifts the first blue number capsule
from a big goldfish bowl, the initial
contingent of 30,000 draftees will be
on their way to training camps.
Men will be called to training -
800,000 by next June 15 - in the or-
der in which their names are drawn
from the bowl, unless they volun-
teer without waiting to be called or
unless they are deferred from service.
After Secretary Stimson draws the
first 1940 number at the Interdepart-
mental Auditorium, subsequent cap-
sules will be picked by other high-
ranking government officials before
the drawing settles down to its tedious
New York's Mayor
Scuffles With Heckler
DETROIT, Oct. 21.-(AP)-Mayor
Fiorello H. LaGuardia of New York,
paying a. whirlwind visit to Detroit
in behalf of President Roosevelt's re-
election, climaxed a busy afternoon
by scuffling with a heckler on the
City Hall steps today.
As the stocky La Guardia was
walking down the City Hall steps
after a call on Mayor Edward J.
Jeffries, a man stepped out from the
crowd and cried: ti
"Did Boss Flynn send you here?"
Witness said Mayor La Guardia
strode up to the man, seized him by
the shoulders and began to shake
him, meanwhile shouting: "You take
that back. Are you going to take
that back?"
At that moment police stepped in,
separated the two and took the heck-
ler to headquarters.

Headline-Makers Meet At Press Party

Franklin D. Jr. flashed the famous Roosevelt smile here Saturday at
Tom Harmon, '41, and Fred Niketh, '41L, organizer of the campus "Young
Lawyers for Roosevelt Club" which is campaigning for Franklin Sr.'s
election Nov. 5.


Nazis Raid Coast Towns
As Fog Protects London;
RAF Invades North Italy

Clothing Clinic
SSeslns Start
Today .At Union
Association Will Feature
Talks On Inventories,
Business Management
"An Entire Day Devoted To Mer-
chandising Problems" is the theme of
the Fall Clothing Clinic of the Mich-
igan Retail Clothing and Furnishing
Assobiation which opens at 10 a. m.
today in the Union.
After opening ceremonies there will
be an address at 10:30 a. m. by
Herbert V. Prochnow, instructor at
Northwestern, who will speak on
"Problems of Business Management."
Prochnow is also a Chicago banker
and, will deal with the problem of in-
At 2 p. m. Prof. John L. Brumm,
of the- journalism department, will
lecture on "The Psychology of Store
Layout." Following this speech, Prof.
E. H. Gault, of the School of Business
Administration will speak on the
effect on the independent retailer of
the placement of nationally adver-
tised lines in mail order and chain
stores. Mr. Richard Kositchek, of
Lansing will conclude the afternoon
speeches with a talk on "Organized

Opera Beauties To Display Calves

Michioan Party
To~ Lay Plans~
For Expansion
All Students Are Invited
To Attend First Meeting;
Group To Meet In Union
Realizing the need of more co-
ordination among student organiza-
tions and activities, members of the
Michigan Party, formerly a political
group and now an officially recog-
nized campus organization, will meet
at 8 p.m. today in the Union to lay
plans for expanding their program
to include all campus factions and
Last April the Party promoted the
election of eight out 'of 16 candidates
for the Student Senate and polled a
total of 1,200 votes. Since this poli-
tical success the Party has decided to
subordinate its political character to
a wider range of activity which will
include sponsoring prominent speak-
ers and forming a state-wide speak-
ers bureau in which students will
All students of conservative tend-
encies both men and women, fraterni-
ty, sorority members and independ-
ents are invited to attend the initial
meeting and aid in forming the future
policy of the organization. The
Party was officially recognized by
the Committee on Student Affairs at
the last Committee meeting.
The Executive Committee and char-
ter members of the Party are: Paul
Hoper, '42, William Hurley, '42, Rich-
ard Ebbets, '42E, William Langford,
'42, William Comstock, '42, John
Walsh, '42, Winston H. Cox, '42,

Churchill Broadcasts Plea
For Non-Interference
To Nazi-Ridden France
Powers Attempt
LineupOf Balkans
(By The Associated Press)
German bombers, giving London a
virtually undisturbed night's sleep
because of a blinding ground fog,
concentrated their explosive blows on
Liverpool and the towns of the Mer-
sey and Midlands last night and ear-
ly today in the wake of Prime Minis-
ter Churchill's defiant declaration
that Britain intended to "beat the life
out of Hitler."
Churchill, addressing defeated
France by radio last night, declared
that Englishmen defiantly were wait-
ing for the "long-promised" invasion
across the English Channel - "and
so are the fishes!"
While the Prime Minister broad-
cast his appeal to Nazi-dominated
France, "if you cannot help us, at
least you will not hinder us," the
RAF followed up last night's 100-
bombs-a-minute onslaught on Ger-
man bases on the French coast with
another terrific attack, apparently
aided by the Royal Navy. Long-range.
hore guns in the Dover-Calais area
also dueled.
RAF Bombs Berlin
Nazi spokesmen in Berlin complain-
ed of the RAF's countering thrusts
against Berlin as "outright terror"
committed against civilians there.
Other raids on industrial Milan
and Turin in northern Italy were
described by the British as a "fore-
taste of the gathering strength of
the Royal Air Force."
Fascist sources in -Rome said eight
persons were killed and 15 wounded
in the British attacks.
They said their own weekend at-
tack on the oil-rich Bahrein Is-
land in the Persian Gulf had a po-
litical motive - the hope that it
would increase anti-British feeling
in nearby India.
Balkan Line-Up Seen
In the Balkans a redoubled German
campaign to bring Hungary and Bul-
garia completely into the Rome-Ber-
lin-Tokyo Axis was seen and there
were reports of British efforts to line
up Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia
against further Nazi incursions to-
ward the east.
In Yugoslavia, however, Premier
Dragisa Cvetkovic warned against
being drawn into the "misadventure"
and promised to continue "friendly
relations" with the Axis partners.
This readily was interpreted by dip-
lomats to mean a notice to Britain
that Yugoslavia will not join an an-
ti-Axis front with Greece and Tur-
key which have taken military pre-
cautions because of Italian troop
movements in Albania and German
military penetration of Rumania.
School Group
To Meet Here
President Ruthven Invites
Tri-State Conference
The Seventh Annual Tri-State
Conference on Pupil Personnel will
be held here at the invitation of Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven on Nov.
7, 8 and 9 at the Michigan Union.
More than 800 educators and social

Webb Asserts
Talent Is Key
Because union stagehands are un-
reasonably stubborn, The Great Man
lifted a dressing room window a few
inches and talked through the crack.
"What," Mr. Clifton Webb of "The
Man Who Came To Dinner" was
asked, "is theGolden Rule for suc-
cess on the stage?"
"Success," he said through the
crack, slapping white paint on his
cheek, "is a product of talent, hard
work and luck. No one or two is
good without the rest."
"That's fine, Mr. Webb. Now, what
can a young aspirant do toward being
"If he has talent," Mr. Webb stip-
ulated, "with plenty of hard work and
some good luck he is likely to be

workers from Indiana, Ohio, and
Michigan %are expected to attend.
Yost Salute Highlights Heading the local list of those who
are handling plans for the confer-
M-Club Dance At Union ence are Dr. T. Luther Purdom, direc-
tor of the Bureau of Appointments
There are door prizes and door and Occupational Information of the
prizes, but the team-autographed University, secretary, and Nicholas
footballs, baseballs and basketballs Schreiber, counsellor at ,Ann Arbor
to be given out at the M-Club dance High School, chairman of the com-
in honor of Fielding Yost on Nov. 2 mittee on local arrangements.
in the Union will be real door prizes. At the opening session on Thurs-
day, Nov. 7, Dr. Edwin Reeder, pro-
The informal dance is to be the fessor of education at the University
final grand tribute to be paid to Yost of Illinois will speak. Friday the
by the Michigan athletes who have speakers will be Dr. Charles F. Mc-
worked under him. M-Club members Khann, head of the Department, of
will show up in their "M" sweaters; Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases;

* * * * * * * * *

Many of these dancing beauties-
veterans of last spring's Mimes pro-
dction.n "Fnu Out of Five"-wil once

mittee of the Union which will meet
in the near future.
Should the Committee and the
Board of Union Directors give their

dramatic cast were asked to state
wheth-r they had acting experience
in theatricals of any kind or whether
they had done any singing or dancing



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