THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1940 ASSOCIATED POCTURE PRESS N EWS WESTWARD LIES A COURSE OF DEFENSE-Strengthening of American de- fenses in the Pacific is planned with the departure of the 251st coast artillery regiment of California national guard--an anti-aircraft unit skilled in the handling of guns like these shown at Ventura, Cal. The regiment will sail in a few weeks for Hawaii to reinforce the garrison there. LIFE THESE DAYS-Far, far away seem war scares when the Rolling Rork hounds take to the field at Ligonier, Pa., under the watchman Fred Hedges. The hounds were put through their paces for the benefit of socialites attending the Rolling Rock Hunt meet. k,. TH I S A N D F O U R O T H E R S-Nine men moving cautiously and swiftly poured 30 tons of molten bronze into a mold that shapes one propeller for the new battleship Washington, now under construction at Philadelphia's navy yard. There will be four such propellors; each will be 17'3" in diameter and weigh 17 tons. The battleship will weigh 35,000 tons. B A CK. T.O M DIDDLE A G E S ?-To protect his eyes, Britain's ,1949 soldier wears a visor that suggests the helmets and suits of mail worn by warriors of darker ages. British sources say this device may help prevent many eye injuries. WILLINC HANDS BUILD A CHURCH-As longs on energy as they were short on cash, the congregation of the Missionhill Baptist church in Johnson county, Kansas, pitched in to build a 62x30 feet church topped by above belfry, on which the Rev. L. C. Pennington (right), pastor, and R. Cress labor. About 30 men, working week nights, built tiny. $2,000 structure. 'A N E W W O R L D 0 R D E R '-Historic was this Sept. 27 meeting in Berlin chancellery where a 10-year economic and military pact between Germany, Italy and Japan, and a so-called "new world order" claiming Europe as a sphere for axis powers and Asia as a sphere for Japan, were announced. Left to right: Japanese Ambassador Saturo Kurusu; Ciano of Italy; Hitler of Germany. MED IATOR-Dr.H.A.Mil- DOLLAR MAN--As a El- lis, professor emeritus of eco- a-year government worker, nomics at Chicago, was named wealthy John Hay Whitney permanent umpire on labor dif- (above) will fit films into a pro, ferences between General Mo- gram of developing commercial tors and United Auto Workers. and cultural relations among the nations of the western hemisphere. Nelson A. Rocke- feller heads this program. STILL C O M MAN DER-Out of stormy final session of united confederate veterans' 50th reunion in Washington, 'Gen. Julius Howell (left) of Bristol, Va., emerged as re-elected com- mander-in-chief. Gen. R. P. Scott of Dallas is congratulating him. :..:._......:::. ................ , :...:.:.. - .. .........::5".} 't :: 1".1.:x5: .5 . -::: ? ::: -:vi?:{.:.}! : ::::.:.:..... : i:i:":{i"i?:::ii::.v. ::::.: ;.;: ;.;::;t :iP::%::: i?:.:.::::. :. ...::. ::::C:^i:"::'i : ri:::::'t ;: i?::::.::. 'q ..'::