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October 19, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-19

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

Set 'Em Up In The Other Alley?'

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published .every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Assocxited Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Bubcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
-4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Barasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman <
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter .
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

WASHINGTON - Only the insiders are aware
of it, but the new Nationality Act slaps down
another embargo on Japan.
It plugs up a hole in the old immigration laws
which permitted the American-born Japanese to
go to Japan, serve several years in the Japanese
army, then return to the U. S. A. and resume
citizenship. This has been quite a common thing
among the large Japanese population in Hawaii,
where many Japanese parents consider it their
duty to send their children to Japan for military
That the new law is specifically aimed at the
Japanese nation-and her Axis Allies-is shown
by the fact that when the act was originally
written, anyone 'who enlisted in a foreign army
automatically forfeited citizenship. "'This would
have expatriated Americans serving with the
Canadian and British armies.
The bill actually passed the House in this form,
but then the Senate Immigration Committee did
some editing. As finally passed, citizenship is not
lost if no oath of allegiance is taken. Canada and
Britain do not require the oath of Americans.
Japan and her Axis pals do.
Note - The new law also provides that Ameri-
can parents of children born abroad must have
resided in the U. S. at least ten years prior to a
birth in order to transmit citizenship. This is
aimed at expatriates who retain their citizen-
ship, with all its obligations on the Government
to protect them, but don't think enough of the
United States to live in it.
Cautious Cordell
Cautious Cordell Hull has reached the acme of
caution in speaking of Far Eastern troubles.
At a press conference he was asked to what ex-
tent this government was cooperating with the
British in the Orient.
Hull's answer was, 'There have been no sugges-
tions, no requests, no decisions."
Newsman: "What would that leave to talk
about, Mr. Secretary?"
Hull: "Everything.",
Army Promotions
Any lowly recruit in the conscript army has
a chance to become an officer within the single
year of training.
There has been a lot of confusion about this,
and editorials have been written complaining
that this is not possible. But General George C.
Marshall, Chief of Staff, wants it known that
the Army is still democratic.
Marshall points out that after the first nine
months of service, any recruit has a chance to
qualify for the "candidate schools" to train re-
cruits for commissions. There schools will be or-
ganized during the last three months of the year
of service.
In other words, as Napoleon put it, "Every sol-
dier carries a marshal's baton in his knapstack."
Ham Fish's Fright
One of the hottest and most unusual battles in
the current campaign is being staged In Roose-
velt's home congressional district along the Hud-
son, where Representative Hamilton Fish, bull-

voiced, rabid Roosevelt hater and isolationist, is
facing a fright
He is being opposed by Hardy Steeholm,
author, farmer and Dutchess County chairman
of the William Allen White committee for aid
to Britain. And strange as it seems, Democrat
Steeholm is getting the enthusiastic support of
the blue-stocking Republicans in the district.
For many years Ham Fish has been the un-
beatable standard bearer of local Republicans.
So strongly was he entrenched that few - Re-
publicans or Democrats - would challenge him.
But this year, as a result of his bellowing iso-
lationism, his opposition to the draft and to Brit-
ish aid, Fish was first challenged in the Repub-
lican primary. When that failed, aroused Repub-
licans have gone to work for his Democratic op-
ponent, Steeholm, who is a political novice.
Steeholm has only a long odds chance to win.
Fish has a big following built on "personal fav-
ors",over a twenty-year period. Also, having led a
Negro company in the World War, the colored
vote is strong for him.
But church and patriotic forces are up in arms
against him, among them Mrs. Abbot Ingalls,
daughter of J. P. Morgan, who allows her Salis-
bury Mills home to be used for anti-Fish meet-
Fish professes to be undisturbed, predicts he
will win by an undiminished majority. But an
editorial in The New York Times urging his de-
feat was a blow. Should The New York Herald-
Tribune (Republican) do likewise, the effect
might be disastrous.
Privately, Republican leaders in Congress
would shed no tears if Fish was licked. They
shudder at the thought of his ascending to the
chairmanship of the House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee should the GOP capture the House. As
ranking minority member he would get the place
through seniority.
Note - Ham Fish, long a professional Red-
baiter, once announced evidence of a Communist
plot in Baltimore.'But when he opened a trunk in
a Baltimore warehouse he found only cabbages.
Despite Fish's anti-Communism, the Communist
Party this year has raised no voice against him.
European Refugees
Dr. John A. Rosen knows a lot about refugees,
but he overlooked one thing in setting up the
new refugee colony in the Dominican Republic.
He started off his hand-picked group of colonists
in a setting like the Garden of Eden. But he for-
got that the population of the Garden of Eden
was equally divided between the sexes.
Dr. Rosen, thinking in terms of agriculture,
had picked a strong abundance of fine young
men. But when the Dominican Republic settle-
ment had got established, the men looked around
and found that there were not enough women.
Here was a situation ripe for trouble in the age
old pattern of the eternal triangle. Dr. Rosen
acted quickly. He sent a cable to Sir Hubert
Emerson, head of the Refugee Committee in
London, saying "Please send 'us more women."
Sir Hubert obliged, and peace has been assur-
ed in the Dominican colony.

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Business Staff

Business Manager . s . .
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

. Irving Guttman
. Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Immigration Laws
Condemned . ..
In agonized times such as these, it would be
well to remeniber that the United States is a
land of the free. But we cannot deprive people
of human qualities, and so there are prejudices
and hatreds.
There are certain immigration laws that pre-
vent definite groups of citizens fron enjoying
privileges that rightfully belong to them.
Members of the Asiatic group who have been
in the United States for several generations and
are as sound as any, cannot leave the country
for fear of not being allowed to enter again.
Of what avail are letters of identification, birth
certificates, and passports when their bearers
cannot prove they are citizens? To pass through
Canada, as simple an act as that, the most ex-
hausting rigmarole must be executed, while oth-
er Americans merely present a driver's license
or no papers at all but a declaration. Even after
having gone through this elaborate set-up, they
have no guarantee of not being detained once
they cross the border.
There is a justification for this, however, be-
cause there are groups of people who attempt
to gain admission illegally, and rigid precautions
must be taken, but it is a pity that no distinc-
tion can be made. It is extremely discouraging
to find so many distinguished people falling
within this category, while, moreover, nothing
can be done about it.
Why this is, is a question too delicate for dis-
It is like the case where proof was presented
and the judge asked, "But where is your proof?"
-Raymond Jean
France Faces
War Against Culture .. .
Newspaper reports of German activity which
have filtered through from France indicate that
Nazi aggression did not cease when end was
called to hostilities on the battlefields. An un-
compromising warfare is still being carried on
throughout France on all that opposed the Ger-
man definition of culture.
Almost immediately after the treaty of peace
the German government instituted a Kulturdi-
rektion under the direction of three notorious
Nazi propagandists, two of whom were prom-
inent librarians and a third who had an influen-
tial hand in shaping Nazi "ideals." The Kultur-
direktion, defined by member Dr. Adolph Kruess,
was intended to "prepare the transfer of literary,
artistic, and cultural treasures from the van-
quished country to the victorious." But from re-
ports of the decimation of libraries, the disas-
trous "examinations" of book stores and read-
ing rooms, and the destruction of art galleries it
is all too true that the second and more terrible
part of the total warfare is now being carried
on, that French culture is being pruned to the
shape of Nazi ideals.
Evidences of the Nazi campaign are frequent:
the Jewish Alliance Library was removed from
France in its entirety, a Rockefeller Institute for
Economic and Social research was examined and
close inquiry was made into "the racial antece-
dents and family trees of the assistant director
and a scientific editor, Le Crozet"; and a list
of publications which are absolutely banned from


To begin with, there'll be none of this "we" boost like a Kiwanian. I have pet blind spots, and
stuff when I mean me. The editorial "we", or many peevish hates, and they'll show up sooner
"'us" when it is used as the direct object of an or later, but here and now I take my oath that
outrage, has been worked, begging the pardons unless he insults my mother or comes over to my
of my buddies in the adjoining columns, to a room with his gang, I shall not argue with Pres-
standstill. A guy starts out with something like ton Slosson. On the other hand, I won't bait
"We took our girl to a football game yester- reds. I still think one of the rights, not privileges,
day," then he stops and looks at the keys on the of a democracy is to be able to get up and tell
typewriter and wonders if Gertrude is going to any man or any group of men where to go or
like the ambisextrous connotation of that. So where they can put their aphorisms. When I
he bites the nails of the index and second finger stop thinking this way, I will stop thinking. No
of his right hand and drags out a labored, "When jokes.
the man at the gate asked us for our identifi-
cation card-." He stops. He lights a cigarette. Here is the way I feel about the way things
He goes to the show. He drinks some beer. There are right now. On Wednesday I registered for the
is no column. draft, along with a few thousand of the rest of
us. It was all pretty peaceful, not even crowded.
Another thing, this column is not going to be I walked in, dressed fit to kill, sat down in front
well informed. Get wise, reader, none of them of a man who had me print my name on a slip
are. I'm going to write about things that interest of paper, answered a couple of easy questions
mre. ad gi ty iteest ou thnks Godhandif like where do you live and what's your daddy's
me and 11 they interest you thank God;,n' f ae and Iiftcryn itl adta il
they don't I get fired, so let's have lots of letters, name, and I left carrying a little card that will
save me from the clutches of the gestapo. It was
which will probably not be printed unless I get all too simple. I didn't feel any different, I didn't
lazy or they are good. I sometimes read a book, feel drafted or imposed upon, or like the victim
and I may write about it, or I may write about .
people, people around here mostly. There are a there must be something important about a thing
lot of them, so I won't run out of things to talk when it's happening for the first time in history.
about, except when I go stale. There are so many But no soap. There wasn't even a pathetic old
things which don't get into the news columns of lady standing wistfully outside the chamber of
a paper, there are stories behind stories, there horrori singing "I Never Raised My Boy to be a
are slices of a man's character which don't get Soldier." My conclusion is this, and I am strict-
into the program notes, there is a hell of a lot ly not trying to be funny, but in the phrase of
of reasons or excuses for a column like this but the twenty-three skiddoo days, ish kab ibbel.
even if there weren't, I'd write it-if they paid I'm going to take it easy, live my plain ordinary
me fqr it. life as though history were not even in the mak-
It'll be a subjective picnic unless I get cen- ing, and my advice to you is just read this sen-
sored. If I feel low, I'll gripe; if I feel good, I'll tence again. So long until soon.

(Continued from Page 2)
ridor cases, Architecture Building.
Open daily, 9:00-5:00, except Sun-
day, through October 21. The public
is invited.
Events Today.
Varsity Glee Club: Meet in the
League at 6:30 p.m. today sharp. We
will go to Waterman Gymnasium at
6:40 p.m. Wear full dress suits. Any
men unable to appear at the League,
come directly to the running track in
Waterman Gym. The broadcast will
be from 9:00-9:30 p.m.
Roundtable: A discussion of "The
Nature of Man" will be led by Profes-
sor W. K. Frankena at Lane Hall,
tonight at 7:15.
The Hillel Foundation will hold
open house this afternoon after the
football game for all Hillel members
and their guests.
Art Cinema League: Tickets for
the French film, "The End of a Day,"
for tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre are on sale at
the Box Office from 10:45 a.m. to
8:30 p.m. For reservations, call 6300.
Coming Events
German Club will meet on Tues-
day, October 22, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Room will be an-
nounced on the bulletin board. Miss
Gertrude Frey will speak on "A Pro-
gram of American Integration," the
project of Louis Adamic.
Seminar in Religious Music will
be held at Lane Hall, Monday, 4:00
p.m. Mr. Leonard Gregory of the
School of Music Faculty will continue
the discussion of "Medieval Music."
Recordings will be used to illustrate
the discussion.
Tryouts . for the Architectural
Council will meet Monday, October
21 in Room 246 at 5 p.m. All fresh-
man and sophomore members of the
Architectural Society are invited to
Hillel Forum Series: Waldo Frank,
a noted journalist and author, will
speak at the Rackham Auditorium
on Sunday, Oct. 20, at 8:15 p.m. on
"A Chart for Rough Waters." The
public is cordially invited.
Lutheran Student Association will
meet Sunday evening in the Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m.
for supper and social hour. Dr. L. D.
Himler of the Health Service will
speak on "Religion and Mental
Rethlehem Evangelical-Reformed:

the meeting for business 6:00-7:00
p.m. All interested are welcome.
Reform Services at the Hillel
Foundation Sunday morning at 11:30,
conducted by Rabbi Jehudah M. Co-
hen. Also a Symposium entitled
"Whither Judaism?", which will feat-
ure student speakers.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Services
on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by
Rev. Henry Yoder on "To Be Given
Is to Owe."
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Morning Prayer and Address by
Mr. E. William Muehl, Lit. '41, presi-
dent of the Student Religious Asso-
ciation and vice-president of the
Episcopal Student Guild; 11:00 a.m.
Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kinder-
garten, Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m. Col-
lege Work Program, Harris Hall.
First Methodist Church: Worship
at 10:40 a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares
will preach on "The People."
Wesley Foundation: Student Class
at 9:45 a.m. in the Assembly Room.
Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. in
the Assembly Room. Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
First Presbyterian Church: 9:30
a.m. Bible Class for the University
students in the Vance Parlor of the
Student Center. Prof. R. D. Brack-
ett, teacher.
10:45 a.m, "Preventive Religion"
will be the subject of the sermon by
Dr. W. P. Lemon.
6:00 p.m. Westminster Student
Guild will meet for supper (small
charge) and fellowship hour. At 7:00
o'clock there will be a panel discus-
First Church of Christ, Scientist:

Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. Sub-
ject: "Doctrine of Atonement." Sun-
day school at 11:45 a.m.
First Congregational Church: 10:00
a.m. Adult Study Group, led by Rev.
Ernest Evans, will discuss "Our Her-
itage and Polity."
10:45 a.m. Service of worship. Dr.
L. A. Parr will preach on "The Hid-
den Issues of the Future."
5:30 p.m. Ariston League, the High
School group, will meet for supper
followed by a program.
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship will
have a general discussion of the re-
cent presentations of' Professors
James K. Pollock and Preston W.
Slosson of "World Events." Refresh-
ments and a social hour will follow.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. "Life
-Episodal or Epochal," sermon by
Rev. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Round Table Discussion,
on the subject "America's First Peace-
Time Conscription," led by Mr. Har-
old Golds, member of the Local Draft
Board. Refreshments.
Disciples Guild (Christian Church):
10:00 a.m. Students' Bible, Class4H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
6:30 p.m. The Guild will meet at
the Guild House instead of the
church. Mr. Paul Lim-Yuen will
speak on Confuscianism. Social hour
and refreshments will follow.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, Sunday School and dis-
cussion group, 9:30 a.m., Chapel,
Michigan League. M.I.A., 8:00 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Zion Lutheran Church: Services on
Sunday at 10:30 a.m. 'Sermon by
Roland Wideranders on "Cause for

with the German authorities and calls for strict
obedience to the German decrees.
Now we hear that the Jewish are being cen-
sured as responsible for the disintegration of
One cannot but believe that in the near future
reports will be heard of racial persecution and
religious suppression in France. In the broadest
sense the war in France is not done, it has only
-Gerald Burns
"Only free men can carry on a democracy, and
mon ,-- n An hn+ a Pncnnmir.( cirnitilri r

be strangled by leaders with few or limited
ideals." Dr. Louis C. Jordy,
Professor of Chemistry,
Drew University
A Correction
In my communication printed in yesterday's
Daily there was a rather glaring error in two fig-
ures printed in a parenthesis to show the rela-
tive strengths of the American and Japanese
navies. Unfortunately, I discovered this error too
late to make correction. These figures should've
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750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Sons of the Saddle Day In Review
6:15 Musical Revue; News Sandlotters
6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Jim Parsons Record Review
6:45 Himber Orch. S. L. A. Marshall Red Grange
7:00 People's Platf'rm Pastor's Study News-Val Clare Town Talk
7:15 People's Platf'rm Passing Parade Pancho Orchestra Organ Favorites
7:30 News To Life Yvette, Songs To Be Announced The Green Hornet
7:45 News to Iffe'"
8:00 Marriage Club Knickerbocker Play The Charioteers Jenkins' Orch.
8:15 Marriage Club " Football Roundup
8:30 W. King Orch. Truth, C'nsequence News Ace Hollyw'd Tomorrow
8:45 King Orch; News To Be Announced"
9:00 Your Hit Parade Nat'l Barn Dance Hope Tabernacle Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Your Hit Parade " "1Will Hudson Orch.
~ y.1 Y + prrHiP a " Don Turner Orch. John B. Kennedy

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