PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN OXIVY .UNESDt Y. OCTO TT-T~ MTT-T~~AN ATT~ W~fNI~f~v fC!T(- a = ~SSS.aW U a, ra THE MICHIGAN DAILY CAA As Part Of War Machine Arouses Comments Pro And Con Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. -Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The- Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier 44.00: by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. 1NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - Los ANGELES " SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Here Are Both Sides.. . "I pledge myself to apply for further flight training in the military service of the United States." Thus reads the last clause on all applications for training by the Civil Aeronautics Authority this year-a clause which has been criticized by a vast majority of the student body since its existence has been known. However, there are clearly two sides to this argument. It is obvious, of course, that the CAA has changed its policy entirely and that its name today belies its purpose but it should also be re- membered that the government needs pilots and that this is probably the easiest and least objec- tionable way to get them. According to an official interpretation of the pledge, the student completing CAA training is merely held by more or less of a "gentlemen's agreement" to go into the Air Corps "at a date to be set by the trainee." If, however, the trainee becomes eligible for the draft he will immediate- ly be placed into flight training in the military service. The last part of this interpretation is the one which has raised most of the objection because it is maintained by many that this will take from the trainee a chance to escape from the draft through the proposed lottery scheme. Unfor- tunately no statement has come through stating whether or not the student will be forced into training when he is drafted or when he is be- tween 21 and 35 years of age and fit for service. Training in the Air Corps, it is contended by the other side, will be of great benefit to the individual. His CAA license only entitles him to fly his own plane but the additional training will give him the chance to fly all sorts of com- mercial aircraft-at a good salary. Today, whether or not we like to admit it, we are in the face of a national emergency in which we do need large numbers of pilots. With the CAA admitting less than one-half of the stu- dents who wish to enter because of their small quota it is natural that those selected would be those who can help serve in the important work of defense. - Albert P. Blaustein What's Next? This is not in direct opposition to the accom- panying editorial by Mr. Blaustein. With Amer- ica's every resource needed for defense prepara- tions, there can be little argument, it seems to me, against the incorporation of the CAA flight training system into the nation's defense pro- gram. What I am interested in is the fact that the CAA has finally been placed in the open, above board. It is now admittedly a part of the na- tion's war machine. They used to tell us, you know, that the CAA was purely a peaceful organization. They had a glib explanation about how pilots trained the CAA way would not go to war-no, in case of war the pilots on the big airlines would be called to service and the CAA youngsters would take over the domestic air service, the mail, the pas- senger ships. What was wanted was merely a "back log" of pilots to fill the gaps, not to fight the wars. I remember thinking at the time that it would be a lot wiser to leave the veterans in charge of the Stratoliners and the Mainliners and to teach the younger, more flexible men the art of aerial combat. But everyone else, apparently, was will- ing to accept this rather pat explanation, so I said nothing. Maybe it would have been wiser to put the kids on the stratoliners. What gripes me now is that this seems to me another example of the' "double-dealing" which has characterized too much of the New Deal's actions in the last year or so. If you remember the ludicrous "draft" of President Roosevelt at convention time, then the CAA announcement is not surprising. It seems to be in the natural order of things. I wonder what further hypocrisies are up the Administration's sleeves? If the draft, for in- stance, is needed only for defense why does the President demand thousands of men more than the Army thought necessary for adequate pro- tection of America? - Hervie Haufler N>1 MKIE I I 1 Editorial Staff c Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman. Donald Wirtchafter . Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager INVA1?F i GL ANP ,_ Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause m"p"N NIGHT EDITOR: CHESTER BRADLEY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Encouragement To Thurman Arnold .. AN ASTRONOMER who based his explanation of the universe on the proposition that the sun revolved about the earth would soon acquire the reputation of an astrologer, and a physicist who still taught 19th century atomic theory would shortly become a grade school science teacher. Yet in the field of humanities these same men might well be honored as statesmen and law-makers. Stupid indeed that in those questions which affect us so intimately we show utter disregard to the truth of our premises and a contagious inclination to believe in myths however serioN! may be the consequences. No better example of this suggests itself than the state of affairs in the field of monopoly regulation, a problem which at first glance may seem distant but is in reality very closely related to economic de- pression. fOTH the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 and the Clayton Act of 1914 were enacted and, more important, have been prosecuted (very little with the microscopic staff provided) on the assumption that our economic system coin- cided with the theories Adam Smith wrote about 150 years ago. However, our economic system didn't match Adam Smith in 1890 or in 1914, and it is highly more incongruent with him to- day. Nevertheless. exclusively defined as monop- osistic with the broad qualification of "unrea- sonable" were all contracts, combinations, con- spiracies in restraint of trade. Price cutting to drive out competitors, granting rebates, making false assertions about competitors, acquiring stock in competing cornorations and interlocking directorates were outlawed. In essence the eco- nomic system in and of itself was considered to he entirely competitive in character, and monop- oly conditions were thought of exclusively as the results of the conscious acts of individuals or corporations. I TNFORTUNATELY the vast majority of those in control still consider our economic setup in that light. There, however, are a few encour- aging excentions such as the recent prosecution of the four leading tobacco companies on charges of monopoly control by Thurman Arnold. United States assistant attorney-general in charge of anti-trust enforcement. In this case Arnold did not restrict himself to classical notions of mo- nonoly but faced the new character of American economic life realistically. The four leading to- bacco comnanies of the country carr on tre- mendous advertising camnaigns which Arnold declared, in his nrosecution, automatically block the entrance of other sellers into the tobacco market because of the enormous advertising out- lay that would be reouired to attemnt to com- nete. Control is concentrated in a few sellers who can maintain prices without fear of com- petition. Riut Arnold has only scratched the surface; though it is a significant scratch indeed. Monop- olistic influences are exercised through many conditions of our economy that have not pre- viously been thought of as monopolistic in na- ture. Fewness of sellers, differentiation of prod- uct into brands, heavy fixed charges and other conditions substantially modify the functioning of our competitive economy. The monopolistic conditions they engender intimately affect the well-being and af uue of our economie life and 5 Now mb-.- - I. ... ---- - - ---- owlffiwmwmm _ _ _a.__. I FIRE and WATER By MASCOTT (This is a University and one has to cram for finals. So we delegate the writing of this column for today to one Hal Wilson, night editor on the sports staff.) Since this is our first, and perhaps last, ap- pearance on this page devoted more or less ex- clusively tonThose Who Think, we feel it wise to warn what readers do happen to glance at Mas- cott's column that our ordinary hangout is on page three in the realm of sports. This rather defensive gesture is occasioned by the condescending attitude assumed by the edi- torial staff in general whenever the term, sports writer, is mentioned. Our more learned col- leagues have, in fact, frequently ridiculed the very possibility that one who devotes his time to accounts of the athletic world can scatter sylla- bles and words around in anything resembling literate fashion. Despite this handicap of public opinion, how- ever, we would like to mention something that interested us quite a bit when we ran across it the other day. A cream-colored booklet, it had the impressive title, "State Prison of Southern Michigan Football Prospectus for 1940" emblaz- oned in big red letters across the top, with a pic- ture of 30-odd white-jerseyed gridmen adorning the lower portion., Put out by enthusiastic, adjective-minded Ted Douglas, the prospectus bulges with facts, fig- ures and prophecies of the penal institution's gridiron team which is now in the midst of its fourth consecutive season of organized football. And a mighty formidable grid juggernaut it is, too, if you take Mr. Douglas' word for it. Led by such powerful performers as "Truck" Medley, "Alabama" Davis, "Big 6" Ivory, and "Weezer" Marion, the S. P. of S. M. eleven, self-styled the "Golden Lions," has compiled an impressive record in the last four years, winning 24 games, while dropping but five and tying two. Draft Denies Negro Equal Chance In Army .. . THE CONSCRIPTION LAW, when passed, was to show no discrimina- tion in race or color. PresiVnt Roosevelt pledged that Negroes would have the ."oppor- tunity to serve their country" on an equal basis with white citizens, and promised that 36,000 Negroes would be conscripted of the 400,000 men to be called in the first draft. All of this sounds well upon first examination, but the administration of the law is tending away from the democracy we are preparing to defend. The 36,000 Negroes conscripted will be segregated into Jim Crow units,and Negro or- ganizations have protested that the Army does not plan to let any of these drafted Negroes advance beyond the rank of sergeant. There is a basis for their suspicion when the absence of any Negro officer in the present Army personnel is noted. Also only one Negro regi- ment is actually maintained as a combat unit. Besides these restrictions in the Army, the Navy, Marines and Air Corps impose further bars to Negro citizens. The Navy now enlists Negroes only as mess attendants and there is no indica- tion that this policy will be changed during Coached by Jerry Noonan, 'vho played in the same backfield with the immortal George Gipp of Notre Dame as a freshman and later starred as quarterback on the Fordham varsity, the Lions conducted a very successful campaign last year except for one weekend when misfortune, and the warden struck the team a hard blow. Imagine President Ruthven telling Fritz Cris- ler that Evashevski, Harmon, Westfall and Wis- tert were all ineligible on the eve of the Minne4 sota clash. A similar catastrophe befell mentor Noonan before the big game with the South Bend Boosters. In Douglas' words, "The only serious defeat suffer by the 1939 team was the S. Bend Boosters' 27-0 win over the Institution's forces when injuries to three key backfield stars, and punishment of six other first string men for in- fraction of institutional rules left the team shorthanded." Just as graduation is the bane of any college pilot's existence, so is parole a constant headache to Noonan. The Lions lost 16 of its 1939 letter- men through parole and transfer, including one "Flash" Noble, whom Douglas picturesquely tabs as a "pass-snatching, ground-churning speed de- mon who was the damnation of more than one would-be tackler last year." But a number of promising "rookies" seem, to brighten the current grid outlook. Several transfers from Marquette prison "come to thA Lions' camp highly recommended" as. rough, tough, hard-smashing performers. Ancther newcomer, 205-pound Al Colangalo, who played against the Lions last year while with the Bowery Night Club, Detroit Semi-Pro outfit, is also expected to add considerable strength to the Institution's forward wall. The prospectus isn't very clear, however, about the circumstances leading to Colangalo's addition to the squad. Outstanding veterans such as "Frisco" La- Monaco and "Shorty" Day are also returning to bolster the 1940 outfit. A 30-year-old guard, "Frisco hits 'em hard, often, and where it does them the least good," according to the prospec- tus. "Shorty," whose 36 years and bald head make him the dean of the squad, is the Jack Manders of the Institution, his gifted toe boot- ing 18 extra points last year. Incidentally, we are pleased to report that the S. P. of S. M.'s 1940 grid machine inaugurated its current campaign with a 7-6 victory over the Grand Rapids Beers, Sept. 29. The City Editor's SCRAqTCH PAD Add to your signs of autumn: today's picture story in a national magazine attacking sub- sidized football. * * * Francis Wallace, the author, says that the South (which now pays players openly) is start- ing another civil war with the North, where most schools still claim amateur standing. c16- Robert S.Akes AGO -T WASHINGTON-The Dies inves-I tigating committee now has docu- mentary evidence of Nazi fifth col- umn operations in the U.S. so ex- plosive that its publication might lead to a complete rupture of diplo- matic relations with Germany. Because of this likelihood of inter- national complications the commit- tee has been nervously sitting on the load of dynamite, uncertain what to do. It has consulted the State De- partment, which is just as jittery it- self. In fact, even more so. The Depart- ment foresees the inevitable neces- sity of demanding the recall of a1 number of German diplomatic rep- resentatives, with certain retaliation by Berlin by the ousting of U.S. of- ficials. In the present delicate stateI of U.S.-Axis relations, the Depart-I ment doesn't want to run that risk. So on its urgent advice, the com- mittee is sitting tight and continuing its secret probe of the subversive ac- tivities. The documentary evidence in the possession of the committee is staggering. It definitely establishes: 1. That the Nazi government is directly supervising and financing a nationwide fifth column campaign to oppose and obstruct the 'defense program, the U.S. Government's for- eign policy and aid to Great Britain. 2. That this activity is being car- ried on through German consulates and German-controlled papers, plus propaganda agencies of various kinds. 3. That Nazi consuls get detailed instructions from Berlin through reg- ular short-wave broadcasts in code. Column Fuehrer Suspected master mind of the Nazi fifth column is Dr. Manfreid Zapp, head of the Trans-Ocean News Ser- vice, a propaganda outfit with of- fices in New York and Washington. Zapp came to this country after be- ing booted out of South Africa by the British Government. Trans-Ocean records seized by the committee show that Zapp is being financed by Berlin. He has received a number of bank drafts, among them one for $30,000 directly from the Bank of Berlin, and also con- siderable sums from the Bank of Mexico, which have been traced to German sources. Copies of letters written and received by Zapp, in the possession of the committee, end with the salutation "Heil Hitler." Similar evidence involves the Ger- man Railroads Information Office, a professed tourist agency at 11 West 57th St., N. Y. Hot Consuls Two of the consuls implicated in the evidence the committee has turned over to the State Department are Captain Fritz Wiedemann, at San Francisco, and Herbert Scholz, 'if Rnct T Lpffinrcchnw hnt Irh NT.7ic (Continued from Page 2) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 410 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Professor, L. O Case will speak on "Order-dis- order Transformations in Solids." Mathematics 370: This seminar on generalizations of analytic func- tions and related topics will be con- ducted by Professors Beckenbach and Rainich. The first meeting to+ discuss topics and the time of meet- ing will be held in Room 3001 Angell Hall today at 3:10 p.m. Mathemtaics 301, Seminar on Al- most Periodic Functions. Prelim- inary meeting for arrangement of hours, Thursday, at 3 o'clock, in 3014 Angell Hall. French and German Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate will be given on Friday, October 11, at 4:00 p. m. in Second Floor Study Hall, Rackham Building. E. M. 3a-Laboratory Dynamics. Class will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 314 Engineering Annex. Secondary C.P.T. Students: All candidates for the CPT Advanced Flying Course should meet in Room 1300, East Engineering Building at 7:30 p.m. tonight. Physical Education for Women: Completion tests in physical educa- tion activities will be given as fol- lows: Team Sports, Archery, Golf, Tennis, Riding and Dancing, 4:30 p.m. Friday, October 11, at the Wo- men's Athletic Building. Sign for these tests with the ma- tron at the Women's Athletic Build- ing before Friday noon, October 11. Swimming tests are given every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 at the Union Pool. This notice is especially called to the attention of all students who re- ceived incompletes in their physical education last year. Archery: A class in the making of archery bows will be offered again this year. Any student interested is asked to call the Women's Athletic Building for further infbrmation be- fore Friday noon, October 11. Concerts Organ Recital: Prof. Palmer Chris- tian, University Organist, will pre- sent the first concert in the 1940-1941 series of Twilight Organ Recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. These concerts are open to the gen- eral public, free of charge. Events Today Graduate Student Council will tonight at 8:30 at the Michigan Union. All members required to at- tend. Uniforms compulsory. U. of M. Women's Glee Club: First meeting tonight at 7:15, League. Election of officers. Be prompt. Freshman Women's Glee Club: Ini- tial meeting and tryouts this evening at 7:15 at the Michigan League. Phi Sigma meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the outing club room of the Graduate School. All members are urged to attend as the year's pro- gram is to be discussed. The Ann Arbor Independents will meet today at 4:15 p.m. in the League. All members please attend. A seminar in social minorities will meet this afternoon at 4:15 in Lane Hall under the leadership of Doyle Seldenright and members of the faculty. American Student Union tonight at 8 o'clock in the Union. Everyone welcome. will meet Michigan Modern Dance Club will meet to- night at 7:15 in Barbour ,Gymnasi- um. The class in ballet will meet at 4:30 on Tuesday afternoon in Bar- bour Gymnasium. The Young People's Socialist League will meet tonight at the Union at 8 o'clock. All interested are in- vited. All people who are interested in par- ticipating in the activities of the Social Committee of the Hillel Foun- dation are requested to attend a meeting at the Foundation this after- noon at 4:00. Coming Events The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, October 10, in the Observatory lec- ture room. Dr. Robley C. Williams will speak on "Photometry of Ellip- tical Nebulae." Tea at 4:00 p.m. The Society of Automotive Engin- eers will meet Thursday, October 10, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. All engineers are urged to attend. International Center: The program for this week is as follows: Today: 8 to 11 p.m. Open House. All foreign-born students of the Uni- versity and all others, student or faculty interested, are invited. The Director, Staff, and Cabinet will be assisted by the Advisers to Foreign Students of the various schools and colleges. Thur'sday: 4 to 6 p.m. Tea. 7:00