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October 18, 1940 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-18

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Advisability Of Entering War
Viewed By Professor Hobbs

Say It Ain't So Joe!


1 _ '_°-

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40
Editorial Staff
Hervie Hauler . . . . Managing Editor
Alvin Sarasohn . . . . Editorial Director
Paul M. Chandler . . . . City Editor
Karl Kessler . . . . . Associate Editor
Milton Orshefsky . . . Associate Editor
Howard A. Goldman . . . . Associate Editor
Laurence Mascott . . . . Associate Editor
Donald Wirtchafter . . . . . Sports Editor
Esther Osser . . . . . Women's Editor
Helen Corman . . . . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff

In accordance with The Daily's desire to keep its
editorial columns open to all its readers and to
present fairly all the opinions on campus, the
editors have invited Prof.-Emeritus Hobbs of the
geology department to present his views on the
current international situation. Other faculty mem-
bers and students will follow him in The Daily's
columns, so that all groups on campus may have
adequate voice in expressing what they believe to
be the proper course for this country to pursue in
these troublous times.
YOU HAVE ASKED ME to contribute for the
Daily an article on the subject of the war
-as it affects the United States.
It is important, it seems to me, to realize that
the war is a world-wide conflict, already on in
Europe, Africa, the Near East, and the Far East.
We may start also with the assumption that in
everything save name we are already at war on
the side of Britain, and it is likely that we must
soon be at war in name. We are, moreover,
committed to the defense of the American con-
tinent, and have already conscripted an army
for this purpose.
The Allies, now largely Britai, are receiving
and will receive from us very considerable
amounts of war material, and we have promised
to send all that can be spared.
TWO VITAL QUESTIONS await solution and
should soon be settled. Should we officially
enter the wai' now, and should we keep our fleet
in the Pacific so as to check Japan in her purpose
to conquer Indo-China, Dutch East Indies, New
Zealand, and Australia?
The argument is often made, and it is sup-
ported especially by those in sympathy with the
Axis powers, that we are not yet prepared, and
that if we oppose Japan our country is in no
condition to defend itself. This is much less true
than is generally supposed, for no one of our
prospective enemies is in a position to start a
large-scale attack upon us. So long as our fleet
is dominant in the Pacific-it is now far stronger
than that of Japan (1,097,500 tons of capital
ships as against 535,000 tons)-and the British
fleet in the Atlantic, no effective attack can be
launched against us.
As regards our war equipment, it is true that
we are without modern tanks and are still far
below our needs in military planes; but we are
building these as fast as is possible, and when
the necessary tools have been manufactured, we
shall arrive at mass production. It is not only
to the advantage of Britain, but to ourselves, as
well, that we should supply planes already in
stock, for we shall in the near future be able to
to secure for ourselves, by mass production
methods, the very latest and best models.
AS REGARDS FIELD GUNS, machine guns,
and small arms, we are well prepared, con-
trary to much false information. (In the recent
war maneuvers, stove-pipe field and machine
guns and the small-arm junk from sheriffs' of-
fices were brought into use and widely publi-
cized.) Of new 75 mm. field guns we still have
5200 after sending Britain 500 from our used
stock. Of new heavy Browning machine guns we
have 80,000, and of the Browning light model
37,000, after having sent to Britain a great num-
ber of the used Lewis guns. Of small arms we
have 2,200,000 used Lee-Enfield rifles in good
condition (the Lee rifle is the standard British
I i

weapon today), 600,000 Springfield rifles, and
52,000 Garand semi-automatic rifles which are
to be our service weapons and are now coming
into mass production at the rate of about 1,000
a day.
As regards our attitude toward Japan, quite
apart from our necessary role in the joint con-
flict, our whole war effort would be doomed to
failure if she were to be allowed to conquer
southeastern Asia, since 90 per cent and more of
many of our essential raw materials come from
that region-rubber, tin, manganese, aluminum,
antimony, tungsten, chromium, wool, manila
fiber, silk (for parachutes and ammunition bags)
and mica. One of our reasons for urging Britain
to open the Burma Road was to secure the anti-
mony from China.
If we were now to enter the war officially, it
would be possible for us to patrol the Atlantic
coast of the Americas (we now have 125 patrol
vessels there), thus releasing British naval ves-
sels which are much needed in European waters.
Far more important, the prestige of the allied
cause would be raised, and would reverberate,
throughout the world.
IT MAY WELL BE a question of our fighting to-
gether with the Allies or of fighting alone;
and we have, let us hope, learned the lesson that
to fight in enemy country is to risk our soldiers
and ,sailors prepared for service, whereas- in
fighting at home it is our families who must bear
the brunt of the frightful total war. It may be
some comfort to recall that our Allies are not
in need of armies, but of planes and naval vessels.

f "S MY '= ."

Business Manager . .
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writera
The Gargoyle
Comes Of Age .. .
and better Gargoyle on sale on
camphs, and from last reports, the sale went
over successfully. All of which is good for the
students of the University and also justifies the
faith of its editors, for the new Gargoyle is no
longer an empty humor magazine as many re-
garded it. The Gargoyle is now the result of a
seemingly successful merger of fun, service and
serious literary effort.
a There is still a good deal of the humor maga-
zine about the publication, and that is probably
a good thing, for good laughs are few and farn
between these days. Curiously enough, the Gar-
goyle manages to get in some pretty funny jokes,
articles and cartoons, many more than the usu-
al similar college periodical does. That is one
part of the new Garg. But its most important
aspect is the introduction this year of the serious
literary efforts of student writers.
And thus Gargoyle leaves the ranks of humor
magazines that are forced to struggle inanely
through several months of publication, looking
frantically each month for .funny stories and
jokes that everyone has heard before. The G
goyle now becomes a magazine, a real magazine,
one that contains all types of literary contribu-
tions. Gargoyle can now take its place beside
Perspectives as an inducement to serious young
writers and as a vehicle of adult literature.
Students will welcome a new and better Gar-
goyle that is bound to improve with each suc-
ceeding issue as its editors get the feel of the,
job they have set out to do. The Gargoyle has
come of age.
-- Alvin Sarasohn
One Good Effeclt
Of The War . . .
W .VAR, as any paie person will agree,
is very nasty business, not much fun
and extremely unlikely to have good results.
Yet one good thing is apparently resulting from
the current brawl in Europe, and we are get-
ing a good indication of it right here at the
We have long realized the need for closer re-
lations with South and Central America. but it
took a war to start the move toward this rap-
proachement.' Now people are talking almost
frantically about, and striving hard for, better
inter-American understanding.
Symptom No. 1 of increased pro-Latin Amer-
ican feeling among students at the University
is the rise in enrollment in Spanish course
Students apparently are realizing that the fu-
ture of American business has been forced into
channels that require a knowledge of Spanish.
IT IS GOOD that we are beginning to realize
this, that we are working for pan-American
accord. Yet it seems a little pathetic that a war
should be needed to bring about this work and
that the rise of Spanish as a "friendly" tongue
should be accompanied by the fall of another
"friendly" language, French.
According to the Romance Language Depart-
ment's figures, the rise in students of Spanish
has been accompanied by a nearly equal drop
in French students. This may be practical, but
it is scarcely a drop to be heralded with .ioy, for
Frenchh has on, been a latiiuage whose suldy

Drew Pedrsos

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By Laurence Mascott
To the University audience, already condition-
ed to superb French films, specifically, "Grand
Illusion," "Mayerling," and "La Kermesse Hero-
ique," last night's showing here by the Art Cine-
ma League of "The End of a Day" was conven-
tional-conventional in its excellence.
And to those who missed last night's per-
formance, there is still the consolation that the
motion picture will be shown again tonight and
tomorrow night at the Lydia Mendelssohn.
"The End of a Day" is the story of a home
for old actors and the actors who lived inhthat
home while still re-living, dreaming their past.
Central figures are those of the actors Marny,
(played by Victor Francen), talented yet too
-austere to have ever won public acclamation, St.
Clair (played by Louis Jouvet), the eternal Don
Juan, who plays that same life-role even in
his old age, and Cabrissade (played by Michael
Simon), the perpetual understudy who tried to
retain his youth by forever playing the buffoon.
Sentimental, yet avoiding the farce that an
ordinary director and cast would have made of
its situations, "The End of a Day" is moving,
powerful, and above all, lacking in the triteness
which its theme could easily and inherently have
The acting is excellent, especially that of the
three central characters and of Jeannette, the
barmaid, (played by Madeleine Ozeray) while
the capable direction is well indicated 1by the
swift pace of the picture.
The photography and technical work was
better than that of most foreign films and can
indeed be classified as satisfactory. The dia-
logue, however, was typically Gallic, sparkling,
clever, alive.
An absorbing comparison is, moreover, offer-
ed to audiences that have seen both the Ameri-
can "Stage Door", with its emphasis on youth
entering into a stage career and the French
"The End of a Day", with its emphasis on the
aged actors, looking back upon their thespian
In the French film one of the actors ex-
claims: "Oh, the theatre, what a life!" Another
replies: "Oh, Life-what a theatrc." And we
affix in conclusion: what a film.

NOTHING has been said about it publicly, but
the Defense Commission has persuaded the
Army to make a revolutionary change in its
purchasing methods. It will mean juicy orders
to hundreds of factories which never had a look-
in before.
The new system junks the old procedure of
advertised bids and substitutes a modified plan
of negotiated contracts. Instead of buying shoes,
shirts, or raincoats in huge quantities from a
few large concerns, the Army will purchase these
goods as far as possible within each of the nine
corps areas.
This means that small local factories will have
a chance to obtain a chunk of the Army's busi-
THE NEW PROCEDURE works this way:
When the Army needs 1,000,000 pairs of
shoes, it will not ask for bids on the total order,
upon which only a few of the biggest firms can
bid. Instead, the Procurement Divisions of the
nine army corps areas will each ask manufac-
turers in their districts to submit a bid on as
large an order as they can fill within a specified
time. The manufacturer must also make a state-
ment on the size of his plant, type of equipment,
number of employes, wage levels, working con-
ditions, and other details about his methods.
At corps headquarters these offers are opened
on a given day and hour, but not publicly as in
the past. Instead, the quoted prices will be kept
confidential until the orders have been allocated.
Each corps abstracts the bids submitted and
makes a report to the Quartermaster General in
Washington. There the awards are decided on
the basis of lowest price-plus considerations of
speed of delivery, labor standards, local condi-
tions and other military factors. Thus, while
price is important, it is no longer all-important
in making the awards.
PROCUREMENT EXPERTS predict that the
new system not only will speed up deliveries,
but also will eliminate many bottlenecks by dis-
persing production, build up, local industries an-
raise the general level of labor standards, since
plants with the best standards will be given
On the basis of orders already granted under
the new system, experts say costs will be no
higher than under the old procedure.
The City Editor's
Tom Harmon has evidence that the umpires
who officiated at Harvard are philosophers.
Or maybe you did see the storm of bad publicity
which fell on the ears of the guessers after that
* * *
Harmon adds this evidence: Michigan has
the ball, Quarterback Evashevski is trying to
shout the signals to his mates. The Crimson
band is blaring away. The Harvard gridders
were yelling their heads off. So Harmon asks
the ump to quiet the field down.
What does the ump do? He tells Harmon to
shut up. "You're doing all right as it is," he
*h* * w
Now w' knIOW why those kids5 were kicked

VOL. LI. No. 17.
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Monday,
October 21, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Tickets for the Ann Arbor com-
munity dinner to the members of
Company K of the National Guard
may be had at the Business Office,
1 University Hall, at $1.25. The din-
ner will be at 6:30 p.m., Monday,
October 21, at the Michigan Union.
The sale of tickets will cover the
dinner to the members of Company
K and will also, it is hoped, provide
a substantial sum for the Company
mess fund when it departs next week
for a year's training at Fort Beaure-
garde, Louisiana.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the faculty
of this College on Tuesday, October
22 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West
Engineering Building. The order of
the meeting will, be: presentation of
new officers and members of the en-
gineering staff; a report on enroll-
ment figures; changes in curriculum,
and routine business.
Mrs. C. B. Green, Asst. Secy.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after Saturday,
Oct. 19.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: ,Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean Walt-
er. Students who fail to file their
election blanks by the close of the
third week, even though they have
registered and have attended classes
unofficially will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College for the
semester. If such students have paid
any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Walt-,
er will issue a withdrawal card for
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, Oct. 19. Students must
report all changes of elections at
the Registrar's Office, Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall. Membership in a class
does not cease nor begin until all
changes have been thus officially
registered. Arrangements made with
the instructors are not official
Phillips' Scholarships: I!reshmnan
.._.-7a - I- s e- - t+-4 - i iml

Greek, as described in the bulletin1
on scholarships, which may be ob-
tained in Room 1, University Hall.
The examination will be held this
year in Room 2014 Angell Hall on
Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 4:00 p.m. In-f
terested students may leave their
names with O. M. Pearl or R. A. Pack,
2030 A.H.
Wanted: Alpproximately 50 men
and 50 women students for the Mich-i
igan Sports Service at the Stadium
on the following dates: October 19,
26, and November 16, from 11:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. Pay on hourly basis.
See Miss McKinnon any morning
after 9:00 o'clock in her office under;
Section 4.
Student Employment Bureau
Room 2, University Hall
Academic Nhiat ices
Seminar in Analytic Number The-
ory will meet today at 3 o'clock in
Room 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. Elder
will speak on "Asymptotic Behavior
of the Class Number Function." If
desirable, the hour of future meet-
ings may be changed.
Botany I Make-Up Examination
will be given Wednesday, October
23, from 7-10 p.m. in Room 2033
N.S. Only students with excused ab-
sences from the June final examina-
tionwill be permitted to take the
make-up exam.
Geology Make-up Final Examina-
tions for geology courses given the
second semester of last year will be
held on Monday, October 21, at 2:00
p.m. in Room 2054 Natural Science
German Make-Up Examinations:
All students entitled to take these
examinations must call at the Ger-
man departmental office this week

to make arrangements.
Political Science 52 make-up ex-
amination (Mr. Heneman's sections)
for those who did not take the final
examination last June will be given
at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 22, in
room 2031 Angell Hall.
H. J. Heneman
Political Science 52 make-up exam-
ination (Professor Preuss' section)
will be given Saturday, October 19,
at 9:00 a.m. in room 2037 Angell
Hall. L. Preuss
Sociology 51: Make-up final ex-
amination will be given today at 2:00
p.m. in Room D Haven Hall.
Physics 203: There will be no meet-
ing today. E. F. Barker.
Make-up Examinations for all his-
tory courses will be held at 3 p.m.
today in Room C Haven Hall. This
is the only make-up examination
which will be given. All students
taking it must present written per-
mission from the instructor in charge
of the course.
Psychology 34 and 42 makeup ex-
aminations will be held on Monday,
October 21, at 2 p.m. in Room 2125
Natural Science Bldg.
Students registering in the Gradu-
ate School for the first time this sem-
ester who did not take the GRADU-
October 4 and 5 must take the make-
up which will be held on October 18
and October 19, in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham Building. If any
part of the examination was missed,
it must be mAde up at the time' desig-
nated for the particular part missed
The schedule of the various parts of
the examination is as follows:
(Continued on Page 6)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Friday Evening
.6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music " The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " Evening Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare-News Josef Marais
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Red Grange
7:30 Al Pearce People's Choice Caron Robison Lone Ranger
7:45 Al Pearce It Chamberc Music I
8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Hour To Be Announced Harry Kogen Orch.
8:15 Kate Smith
8:30 Kate Smith Russell Barnes Observation Booth Death Valley Days
8:45 K. Smith; News Concert Orch. Sinfonietta
9:00 Johnny Presents Waltz Time Mormon Chorus Gang Busters
9:15 Johnny Presents "!Interlude
9:30 Gd. Central Sta. Everyman's The'tre Com'nd Perf'nance John B. Kennedy
9:45 Gd. Central Sta. " Football Revue
10:00 Believe It or Not Winw, Of DEaiuy Canadan News Ray Gram Swing
In: 1 5chevc It nr Not Brtin Sneaks News Ace

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