i Wneather Continued Cool Today Y F YAig a ~~Iaiti i Editorial The Gargoyle Comes Of Age... I VOL. LI. No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS S. L. Marshall Delivers Talk At Convention Of Press Club Henle, Carr Also Address Opening Day Of Session; Intelligent Patriotism Needed, States Writer Pollock, Bromage To Speak Today "We must say 'I am an American and therefore whatever I dq, no mat- ter how small, is important'." This kind of patriotism is "the hope of the world" in the words of S.L.A. Marshall, of the Detroit News, who spoke at last night's banquet of the University Press Club of Michigan, holding its 22nd Annual Convention in the Union. Canada, according to Marshall, who has just returned from a visit to that country, is a nation withits jaw set, nearly united in purpo~e believ- ing that it will do its part in deter- mining whether men in our time will live under a totalitarian system or not. Calls For Intelligent Patriotism The press that approves Lindbergh and drums up fear, which sends a democratic people into war was also scored by Marshall. He called for intelligent patriotism which mani- fests itself "in the belief that Mr. Roosevelt can't drag us into war and Mr. Willkie can't keep us out." In the afternoon session, Prof. Low- ell Carr, of the sociology department, speaking on "National Defense and Social Values," described the world crisis as presenting a triple threat, "military, economic and psychologi- cal." Prof. Paul flenle, of the philoso- phy department, also speaking in the afternoon session, discu sed "Democ- racy and the World Crisis." Sessions otinne' Today Today's sessions will include a meeting, at 9:30 discussing "The World dutlook," with talks by Prof. Robert Angell, Prof. James Pollock, Prof. Arthur Smithies, and Prof. Royj Sellars. Prof. Arthur Bronage, Will C. Conrad, and Prof. Preston Slosson will address the afternoon meeting. Orin W. Kaye will speak at the evening banquet, and duets will be sung by Bonnie Ruth Van Duersen and Marian Cole, with Miss Cole at the piano. Also presented will be ar film "The Story That Could Not Be Told." Students' Club W ill campaign For Roosevelt "Willkie's charge of dictatorship and the third term are not issues of, this campaign." With this statement as a basis for their support of the President, the Young Lawyers for Roosevelt Club yesterday began their campaign for Law School support under the direc- tion of Fred Niketh, '41L. "It is the belief of our group," Ni-' keth stated, "that President Roose- velt possesses the qualifications nec- essary to carry the nation safely through these dangerous times. We feel that the President has achieved naitonal unity by winning the confi- dence of the laboring man in his government; we know that as a champion'of the democratic way of life, no personality in the world looms larger; and we know that no other candidate has the training and ex- perience in national and world af- fairs so vital in coping with the ruth- lessness of the totalitarian powers. "The real issue that concerns the, American people in this election is whether Franklin D. Roosevelt or Wendell L. Willkie is better equipped to meet the challenge of the Dicta- tors. The President's record con- clusively shows that he is the one prepared to meet thishchallenge;he has led the fight for peace and he will lead the fight for democracy." Tickets Being Sold For M-Club Dance Democracy Should Purge Itself' Of Capitalism, Thomas Declares By ROBERT SPECKHARD "America has taken the crossroad leading to war and imperialism, but 'there still exists the opportunity to re- turn to the crossroad leading to peace and security. That opportunity lies within the principles of the Socialist Party." Thus did presidential candidate, Norman Thomas, expain his position and the position of his party to a Michigan Forum audience of 500 who Yesterday afternoon jam-packed the North Lounge of the Union to over- f low. The world is experiencing a wide- spread revolt against the failure of private capitalism that is also an at-1 tack on democracy because democracy remains attached to this decadent economic order, Thomas explained. We must rid ourselves of this col- lapsing economic order if the demo- cratic way of life is to survive. Roosevelt has failed to do this and is leading us down the inevitable road toward imperial conquest and war, while Willkie stands on the running board demanding his turn to drive a while, Thomas declared. There is no basic difference be- Annual J-Hop, Prom Petitions Will Be Taken Twenty-Five Signatures Needed For Nomination To Dance Committees Petitioning for J-Hop and Soph Prom committees will start at 9 p.m. tomorrow and continue to 12 p.m. Oct. 25, at the Student Offices of the Michigan Union, according to an an- nouncement made yesterday by Ward Quaal, '41, president of the Men's Judiciary Council. aTwenty-five signatures from mem- bers of the petitioner's class are nec- essary to have his or her name plac- ed on the ballot. All signatures must be placed on official petition blanks that can be obtained only at the Stu- dent Offices. The election itself will be conducted in Oct. 30 under the supervision of the Judiciary Council. Thirteen members will bp elected to the J-Hop com- mitte. Five of these are to be chos- en from the Literary College; three from the Engineering College; and one each from the Music, Forestry and Conservation, Architecture, Nur- sing and Education schools. Eight students are to be elected to+ the Soph Prom committee, five from the Literary College and three from Engineering. This year the chairmanrof both the J-Hop and Soph Prom will be the candidate from the Literary College who receives the highest number of votes. Moreover, two members of each committee must be girls elected from the Literary College. The chairmanship award works on a rotation plan between the Literary College and the Engineering College. Last year the Chairmen of both the J-Hop and Soph Prom Committees were elected from among the candi- dates of the Engineering College. New Co-op Plan To Be Studied Council To Discuss House For MarriedCouples All married couples i terested in living inexpensively according to a cooperative plan are urged to attend a meeting of the Inter-Cooperative Council committee, Karl Karlstrom, '42SM. head of the committee, an- nounced yesterday. The committee will meet at 9 p.m. Sunday in room 302 of the Union to discuss plans for the opening of a cooperative house next semester. The plan of a cooperative for mar- ried couples is not a new one. It has been in use in the University of Cali- fornia for some time with considerable success. Under the scheme, the house is to be managed much the same as other student cooperatives on cam- Burma Road Is Opened n Attempt'To Aid China; Turkey Sound Defiance tween the two chief candidates,E Thomas maintained, appealing the audience "to register protest to the course the candidates are taking the country by voting Socialist in No- vember. Your vote will not be thrown away by such action, he stated, for a sub- stantial Socialist vote will function as a brake on our dash towards war and empire. We must give social direction to our now under-utilized resources of production to build and maintain a Thomas Asks For .Reasons In Dismissals Prxacitga" t 7? i1.1.1 10 c a~on of' vresident Ruthven s statement concerning the "expulsion" of nine University students maintasns that actions and not political belief were the basis for dismissal. Tis state- ment would sound much mole con- vincing if the .fllegd ators w\?r? publicly named," Socialist president-l ial candidate, Norman Thomas de- clared in an inte rview yesterday. "A' 1' ugh I am not in possession of all the facts,,the actions- appear to be of quite a creditable character." It is particularly important at this time for Universities to preserve the highest traditions of civil liberties, Thomas emphasized. "Freedom of the college press is a paramount element of this tradition. It is difficult to imagine a defense of our democratic rights and ideals by students who have b'een asked to accept vigorous paternalism over their political activities and press. "In my contact with college news- papers throughout the country I have always thought those best which pos- sessed a maximum of student con- trol," Thomas concluded. Mimes Opera Gains Members Rising Registration Adds To Revival Prospects Registration total for Mimes Union Oper'a is rising like the thermomter of a community welfare drive these days with such prominent members of the student body as Tom Harmon, '41,' the Sharemets-John and Gus, '42, and Ed Frutig, '41, adding their names to the Mimes talent fund. With 150 already signed up and more expected to come between 3I p.m. and 5 p.m. Monday the hopeI of reviving the Opera is brightening fast. If you intend to put Mimes over the top, however, don't forget to bring your eligibility cards along when you register. And to all those who have already signed up may it be added that au- ditions will take place.Sunday after- noon at the Union, so gargle well and adjust your bunion pads for a full afternoon of singing and dancing. Revelli Sets Date For Varsity Night Varsity Night, the Universityr Band's annual campus show, will take place at 8 p.m. Monday, Novem- ber 4, in Hill Auditorium. Prof. Wil- liam D. Revelli, conductor of the band, announced yesterday. The 135 musicians have arranged a program of new music which will feature Betty Correll, as trombone soloist. Miss Correll has played with Phil Spitalny's All-Girl orchestra for the past two years. ! truly democratic way of life in a world dominated by facism. If we follow this road we will benefit man- kind more than by waging another war, ostensibly for the British or Chinese democracy but actually for English and American imperial claims, Thomas stressed. What else is behind the conscript- ing of millions of men than such a venture? The draft act was passed by raising hysteric fear that we were de- fenseless; after its passage we are suddenly ready to defend the Far East, the western hemisphere, and now are preparing to attempt to wipe Hitler off the continent when the op- portunity presents itself, he pointed out. How can one justify policing the world by our domination when we cannot provide security for our own citizens? Thomas queried. Permanent peace and happiness will never be imposed on the world. We in Ameri- ca still have the opportunity to recog- nize this fact, and can create a life at home that will be the soure of freedom and truth in a world that learned to late that democracy must dynamic if it is to survive. 800,000 Men To Be Called In First Draft War Secretary Discloses1 Conscription Schedule, Announces Facilities WASHINGTON, Oct. 17.-- (P) - Secretary Stimson disclosed a con- scription schedule today which would call 800,000 men to the colors by next June 15 and added that beyond that date "only God and Hitler" know what will be the conditions that gov- ern the rate at which the men will be summoned to service. . The first group of draftees, a con- tingent of 30,000, will be sent to the training camps about Nov. 16, he said, adding that 60,000 would go on Dec. 2; 60,000 on Jan. 3; 90,000 on Jan. 15; 160,000 on Feb. 10; 200,000 on March 5 and 200,000 on June 15. At the'same time, the cabinet of- ficer said Wendell L. Willkie, the Re- publican presidential nominee, had been "misled into making statements that were neither fair nor accurate" cn the provision of housing for the troops. A "great majority" of the new housing facilities planned for an army of 1,200,000 would be ready by 'Dec. 15, he added. Stimson also told of plans for forming two new armored divisions next June, the third and fourth of that type toward an ultimate goal of ten. One will have its headquarters at Pine Camp, N.Y., and the other at Camp Beauregard, La. Sociedad Hispanica Chooses Officers La Sociedad Hispanica in its first meeting of the year held last night in the Michigan League el'ected Stan- ley Fry, '42, president; and Norma Bennett. '41, vice-president, of the society. Guest speaker, Guy Metraux, Grad., former resident of Argentina and a native of Switzerland, related, in] Spanish, several of his experiences gained as a correspondent for Presse Actualite of Paris and noted his im- pression of South America as view- ed through the eyes of an European tourist. Deadline Today For Marriage Series Tickets Social Basis Of Marriage To Be Dr. Mead's Topic For Lecture Opener Tickets for the Course in Mar- riage Relations may be purchased for the last time between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. today at the Michigan Union or Michigan League. Identification cards must be shown at the timne of purchase. The' series of lectures begins at 7:30 p.m. today at Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Margaret Mead of the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History will lecture on the subject, the Social Basis of Marriage. Fee for the series of lectures is $1.00 and tickets are not transfer- able. The course is open to senior and graduate students only. Books for the course are reserved in the League, Union and Lane Hall libraries and will also be available in all the dormitories. Dr. Mead is a well known authority on subjects of an anthropological character. She has written a num- ber of significant books in her field, including: "Coming of Age in Samoa", "An Inquiry into the Cultural Sta- bility in Polynesia", "The Changing Culture of an Indian Tribe", and "Sex and Temperament in three Primitive Socities". The second lecture of theseries will be delivered by Dr. Raymond Squier of New York City who will dis- cuss the Anatomy and Physiology of Reproduction Oct. 24. The following day Dr. Squier will talk on the Medi- cal Basis of Intelligent Sexual Prac- tice. Dr. Mary Shattuck Fisher of Vas- sar College will speak Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 on the topic, Courtship and Pre-marital Relations. The last of the regular series of lectures will be given Nov. 6 at which time Dr. Maud Watson of Detroit will discuss Mar- riage Adjustment. Supplementary lectures dealing with problems raised in the course will be held after the regular lectures. Gargoyle Sells Out In Record Time, Schust Announces Breaking all previous time records for sell-outs, all copies of Gargoyle, campus ,magazine, were sold out by 1:15 p.m. yesterday, William Schust, '42, circulation manager,., announced yesterday. "We have had favorable reports from readers," Schust added, "and as a result of the increased demand, may have to order a greater number of copies printed for next month's issue." Schust urged all subscribers who have not yet obtained copies of the first isue to pick theirs up at the Publications Building today. A num- ber of copies have been reserved to fill subscriptions, he revealed. Subscriptions for the remaining seven issues may still be obtained, Schust declared, for 85 cents each. Fischer Opens SRA Forum At Rackham "Conflict between science and re- ligion never existed except among sectarians," Dr. Martin Fischer, pro- fessor of physiology at the Univer- sity of Cincinnati, maintained as he explained the biological "Nature of Man"opening yesterday the annual lecture series sponsored by the Stu- dent Religious Association. Man has acquired fufctional ca- pacities differentiating him from other animals by making beautiful the reflexes of lower animals and passing them on through inheritance, the noted medical research techni- cians and artist analyzed. To the ex- tent that these capacities are devel- oped, man becomes a poe't and artist. In the understanding of his relation to the earth or material things, he becomes a scientific thinker; in com- prehending his fellowmen, he de- velops a code of living; and in con- ceiving the highest attributes of man, he creates an ideal which he wor- ships as an idol, another man or an fabstraction of the ideal itself to make a deity, Dr Fischer cited. Conclusions reached by biologists on the true character are most cor- rectly contained in the hypothesis that colloids are the most similarto man and may have been his origin, he insisted. Colloids repeat more prop- erties of the cell, namely liquid and solid states, ability to dissolve sub- stances which will not do so in water, and function as a firmament creat- ing synthetic products, that any other system, Dr. Fischer stressed. Plan Record Of Yost Fete Proceedings NBC To Broadcast Dinner On Nationwide Hookup; Gift Presentations Begin Plans are being made for electrical transcription of the entire testimon- ial banquet program honoring Field- ingH. Yost to be held at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in Waterman Gymnasium. Ticket committeemen reported yes- terday that 1,500 of the 1,940 tickets are already sold and only 50 student admissions are still available. An NBC broadcast over the Blue Net- work will carry one half hour of the celebration to all parts of th nation. Presentation of memorial gifts be- gan yesterday when Fred N. Zeder, '09E, vice-president of the Crysler Corporation, gave Yost a 1941 Wind- sor Crysler. Other gifts will be pre- sented by Forrest Evashevski, '41, on behalf of Michigamua, and ,Bill Combs, '41, for the M Club. The floor of Waterman Gymnas- ium will be laid out to represent'a large gridiron with the tables fol- lowing yard lines and the admis- sion tallies will be modeled after the 1940 football tickets. Guests will include all the Univer- sity's living All-Americans and foot- ball captains, leading sports author- ities, prominent Michigan alumni famous sports contemporaries of Yost. Charles A. Baird, the director of the University who hired Yost as coach, and donor of the Baird Caril- lon, arrived here yesterday from Cali- fornia to attend the dinner. Faculty Presidential Votes Will Be Counted Today Final tabulation of all ballots re- ceived in the Congress Faculty Presidential Straw Vote poll will be made at 8 p.m. today in the Union, Albert P. Blaustein, '42, chairman of the voting committee, announced last night. French Indo-China Bases Bring Japanese Planes Within Striking Range Greece Receives Axis Ambassadors (By The Associated Press) CHUNGKING, Oct. 18. (Friday)- China's trucks of war are rolling again on the Burma Road under the threat of imminent Japanese bom- bardment. At the stroke of midnight traffic was resumed across the border with British-controlled Burma after a three-month closure by the British in a futile appeasement gesture to- ward Japan. Instead of using the three months to seek a settlement of the three- year-old China war-or "China in- cident" as the Japanese call it- Japan won, with pressure on French Indo-China, nearer bases for an aeri- al offensive against China and the great highway itself. Now Japanese heavy bombers are only two hours at most from the Bur- ma Road at their Hanoi base. The Japanese have threatened to close the road with bombs. Facing this possibility, Chinese laborsquads were drawn up today at strategic points under orders to re- construct as fast as the Japanese could destroy. As added measures of defense, Chinese will travel spaced apart and chiefly at night. Once again the road, an improve- ment of the ancient "silk trail" which Marco Polo traversed in the 13th cen- tury, shook under the heavy tires of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's mo- tor transport, bringing in the sup- plies necessary to carry on against Japan and taking out the exports to pay for them. The Burma Road, virtually the last lifeline of the Central Chinese Gov- ernment, makes up less than half of a 2,000-mile trade route connecting the Burmese seaport of Rangoon with the Yangtze River. It runs from the Burmese railhead at Lashio to Kun- ming, Southwestern China, where an extension carries it on to Chung- king, the Chinese capital. Turkey Prepared For Attack By Axis (By The Associated Press) ISTANBUL, Turkey, Oct. 17.-(P) -The official Turkish radio said in a broadcast tonight that if the Axis power's attempt to drive / through Turkey or Greec'e to Egypt and the Suez they will find that Turkey "re- sembles neither Holland, Belgium nor France." The commentator accused Ger- many and Italy of trying to con- quer Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greece by various methods and said they had demanded that Greece give up her British guarantee or "she will be made to regret it." Premier-Dictator John Metaxas of Greece received the German and Ital- ian ministers at Athens today, the broadcast said, but failed to say what happened. 'The End Of A Day' Will Continue Run* SaturdayFinal Day "The End Of A Day," a French film with English subtitles, continues its run at 8:15 p.m. today in the LydiaMendelssohnTheatre under the auspices of the Art-Cinema League. IAll women students attending the movie which closes tomorrow have been given late permission by Dean Alice C. Lloyd in order to see the entire performance. Tickets may be obtained for 35c at the Mendelssohn box office, or reservations made by calling 6300. The second in the series of Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. films will be shown 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Mendelssohn Theatre. A few admissions to the one performance may still be ob- tained at the box office. Short sub- jects will supplement the' feature Grads To Return' To Old Haunts During Homecoming Celebrations Old rivalries and friendships will be renewed when "Wily Bob" Zuppke brings his Illinois eleven here tomor- row for the traditional Homecom- ing Day battle. All the campus fraternities and sororities are busy decorating to en- tertain all the grads who are coming to town to see the Wolverines at- tion with a display having a slot ma- chine theme. Michigan conducted the game and other teams were "taken" when they ventured to participate. But this year the nimble wits of 36 fraternities and 15 sororities are expected to relegate last year's dis- plays to the level of a high school bazaar. The Alpha's, however, are reported to be resenting implications lighted displays at 8 p.m. today. All other displays will be judged at 10 a.m. tomorrow. First prize cups will be presented to the winners of the fraternity and sorority competition at high noon to- morrow by Ruth Ann Oakes of Burr, Patterson Auld, donor of the victory awards. The presentation of the cups will