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October 17, 1940 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-17

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Y .1ziW [ZS .'T N

Newspapers Are Being Formed
In East And West Quadrangles
Quadrangle newspapers are being The nightly Louis A. Strauss Me-
formed in both East and West sec- morial Music Hours in the Main
tions of the men's dormitories. Plans Lounge of the West Quad have prov-
are no longer in the embryonic stage, en quite a success. Average attend-
and news staffs have already been ance has been 45 to 50 per concert.
drawn up. However, a program of Strauss
In the West Quadrangle, the tem- waltzes last Saturday night attracted
porary board of editors includes Mar- 165. Tonight Beethoven's third is on
vin' Borman, '44, Herbert Edelhertz, j the program. Rossini's Overture to

'44, Gerard Kevil, '44E, Albert Hyde,
'42, and Robert Sykes, '44. Eventually
the board will include one repre-
sentative from each residence hall.
The same plan will be followed in
the East Quad news sheet, except
that two men will be selected from
each hall. Editor-in-chief for the
East Quad paper will be Jack Gray,
'42. Mr. John Stibbs of the English
department, resident adviser of Pres-
cott House, will be adviser for the
publication. Both papers will be is-
sued weekly.

[William Tell is scheduled for tomor-j
row night, as well as The Sorcerer's
** *
Hinsdale House of the East Quad
entertained Prof. and Mrs. Dudley
M. Phelps of the business administra-
tion school, Prof. and Mrs. Mervin H.'
Waterman of the business adminis-
tration school, and Mr. and Mrs.
Birchard D. Wyatt, at dinner yes-
terday. Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the
speech department was the guest of
Green House.

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Health Service
Will Sponsor
Food Lectures
Union, League Employees
To Hear Three Speeches
In Science Auditorium
The University Health Service, in
order to provide educational informa-
tion concerning the handling of food
and its relation to health, is sponsor-
ing a series of three lectures for food
handlers to be given in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
The first series of lectures is for
employees of the Union and League,
and the first talk is scheduled for
Friday from 8 to 9:30 p.m., with sub-
sequent lectures on Oct. 25 and Nov. .1
The subjects to be discussed dur-
ing the series include: conceptions
of disease and their relation to food,
handling, insects and environment
in the spread of disease, and person-
al hygiene and recent food out-
breaks. It is the hope of thedHealth
Scrvice and those sponsoring the lec-
tures that increased knowledge of
food handling will reduce epidemics
and cases of food poisoning resulting
from improper handling of food. AnI
examination will be given at the close
of the series and a certificate pre-
sented to each individual who com-
pletes the course satisfactorily.
A similar series of lectures for dor-
mitory workers and fraternity and;
sorority house employees will be an-
nounced at a later date.
Adams Unveils
Richard Statue
Near Belle Isle
"The first great social servant of
Detroit" is how Dr. Randolph G. Ad-
ams, director of the Clements Li-
brary, characterized Father Gabriel
Richard in a speech at unveiling ex-
ercises for the Father's statue near
the Ielle Isle bridge in Detroit yes-
Father Gabriel, Doctor Adams said,
made many conrtibutions to the ad-
vancement of learning and general
culture in early Michigan. One of
the most important of his achieve-
ments was the foundation of the Ca-
tholepistemiad, the school which be-
came the University of Michigan in,
1817. ""
The work done by Father Gabriel
includes every type of achievement
from writing texts to actually re-
building parts of the city of Detroit,
the speaker pointed out.

Goal In Sight
As Fund Drive
Nears $35,000
Chairman Ashley Clague
Is Confident Final Sumi
Will Exceed Mark Set

A course in first aid will be given
beginning this week by the Red
Cross at the University Elementary
School at 7 p.m. Thursday. The in-
struction will cover bleeding, breath-
ing, poisoning, essentials in bandag-

With $34,000 already collected, the ing and the prevention of accidents.
Ann Arbor Community Fund is en- What to do and what not to do in an
tering the final quarter with leaders emergency will be stressed in the ten-
confident of achieving their goal of week course. George RIo, chko, '42E,
$56,000. will be the instructor.
With one and a half days yet re-
maining for the campaign, 61.2%/ Ann Arbor police warned all stu-
of the total quota has been collected dent bicycle owners yesterday that
and with several large donors still they must get licenses for their bi-
unreported, Chairman Ashley Clague cycles immediately. Chief Norman
is confident that the final total will A. Cook estimated that perhaps only
rise above the goal set. "On the ten percent of those .who own bicycles
basis of the increased amount re- on campus have licenses now.
ported to date, we are confident that The fee is only twenty-five cents
the goal will be over subscribed this and they may be obtained at the city
year," Clague said. clerk's office. Licenses are especially
The special gifts division still leads useful to police in attempting to re-
nthetotaamuntdofsoneysturnedcover stolen bikes. Those who fail
int toUniversitacont ib ioney tun to observe the ordinance are liable to
ed to $2,348 and the national corpor- n-olrfn, okpitdot
ations donation was $1,890. On a
percentage basis, the corporations' Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the
sum was the highest. political science department will lead
a discussion on "Facts About the
Government Your Vote Influences"
President Rluthven at the final meeting of a series of
,, , j institutes for leaders of community
Gives Statementlforums, being arranged in connection

Ann Arbor

Here Is Today's
In Sumniary


S 7
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'7 N ',,\ ',' 7 '7>

The Casual Coat
Emp~fhasiingt s ) Ic
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G;o-ev-erywhere coats that


Mor ..IrneCC l(


soft and lightweight, yet glori-
ously warm. In the new bright
autumn toncts and camel tan.

MOdes ltly priced
From $14.95

/ 4
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7 7/

a I

with Washtenaw County citizenship
day at 8 p.m. tonight at the Union.

(Continued from Page 1)


On the PreltA c i Lt

its membership is honored on the
campus," he added.
One of the nine students denied
i cadmittance was a girl, he said, and
-f the total, sven had already been
accepted at other United States col-
Dr. Ruthven said that the specific
nature of activities "disruptive of
good order" could not be described,
because it would mean a serious loss
Qf reputation to students seeking en-
trance to other universities and be-
cause there was no exact formula
which could be applied to individual
Students Sign
Draft Blanks
With Sober Air
(Continued from Page 1)
was twenty-one the day of the Cali-
fornia football game, was accom-
panied by photographers when he
registered. As a matter of fact, he
registered three times for the benefit
of the camera-men. Said one of the
registrants, "The President will sure-
ly pick Tom, when he sees that fine
specimen of manhood."
Though the general opinion of
draftees was that conscription was a
good thing, there were a few who
registered as conscientious objectors
and still others who found time to
joke about it. Said one: "I just
signed my life away;" and another
"I can now begin my book - 'The
Belief among most of the regis-
trants was that college men had little
to worry about in this first draft.
Some felt that a man enrolled in a
university should have the privilege
of finishing his education before be-
ing taken by the army.
Gridiron Resale
Bureau To Open
The Michigan Union Football re-
sale will be open for business between
9 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Saturday at
the Travel Desk in the Union Lobby,
Robert Sibley, '42E, of the Union
executive staff, announced yesterday.
All students or faculty who have
Illinois football tickets, other than
those stamped "Student," "Faculty"
or "M" Club, they wish to sell may
hand them in for the Resale where
they will be disposed of to the gen-
eral public.

Battle Night
Will e Set
The freshmen are still not buying
That at present seems to be the
main concern of the University's al-
most 2,000 sophomores who are more
than ever interested this year in
keeping the "frosh" in their place.
So far nothing has been done by
the Class of '43 but a committee to
aid in interclass warfare will be
formed today consisting of a repre-
sentative of Congress, Independent
Men's Association, the Interfraternity
Council and the Union. The group
is expected to select the date for
"Black Friday," traditional day of
class battle, sometime tomorrow.
Formation of the committee was
reqgested earlier this week by groups
of sophomores and freshmen who
were desirous of continuing the tradi-
tion of frosh-soph conflict.
As one second-year man remarked,
"we want to show those guys who's
boss around here and want to get
organized as soon as possible. In
the olden days the freshmen certainly
wouldn't be allowed to do any of the
things they are doing now-and it's
got to stop."
Last year the sophomore class
formed a Committee of Five to or-
ganize their "Black Friday" battle
but the organization failed to stem
the tide of the Class of '43 on the
day of battle

The Soft Wool Dress
In gay colors . . .
for that under-
your-coat chic!
PLIRLC r for the game, equal
smart afterwards are these pe
wools in styles you'll adore. S
them, today!
Sizes 9-17 and 12-20.
From $7.95
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the "'Rig t"'
lccesso ries

Those important little touches
at really "make" an ensemble

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From $1.00

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One of a college girl's greatest joys
is the wardrobe of smart, casuals
and sport clothes which are so much
a part of campus life. And she
knows where she can get just what
she wants.
Others at $9.95 to $22.95





football dates and after-the-game

correct for
teas. Look

at the amazing variety of styles, new and classi-
cal! And for every new style there is a new
color or a different material - corduroy, gab-
ardine, and the perennial soft woolens every
girl cherishes.

Afl9 It

To Please
Give Flowers
T here's no more appropriate way
of appealing to feminine fancies


than by giving flowers. Let us
suggest something sure to please


no Air -



',,, !

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