THE, MTCTTIC.AN. 71ATVV THII AlftAV- nfrMIRPU lrl laaa THmmMU 711L 11 V IL N, LY Tf m. 1..aa a 1J.U 57 ~ A. A a,,p14 T 7'TU \u '1 .1 T l TTu 1 w.'w T s 1 _.- . .. q'uni 1 zn , nl 1llIvn 1W . : I r 1,HI1VIHGAN DAILY Hemisphere Solidarity Is Seen Menaced By Nazi Competition c e Drew Pediso RbetS Ale$ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IlYt I ptCE'~Dm ~ ~r y ' J XpI r Edited and managed by students of theUniversity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier 04.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Cotlegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Donald Wirtchiafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor S . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor S. . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Irving Guttman . Robert Gilmour . Helen Bohnsack . . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Butter And Guns - Of National Interest . . S OCIALIST Presidential candidate, Norman Thomas, addresses the sec- ond session of the Michigan Forum at 4:15 p.m. today on the topic, "Butter And Guns." A highly simplified subject for a presidential candidate to discuss, one might say at first glance, but behind those words lie the real issues of this campaign, the task that must be accom- plished if democracy is to survive today. It is the two-fold problem of any defense pro- gram today, first, to build and expand a satis- factory standard of living that will survive in- dependently of the second, which is the creation o~f a highly specialized and mechanized army and an adequate navy to be used for defense exclusively. o BRING to the students of this campus all possible opinions on how to accomplish this crucial work, the Michigan Forum has dedicateV. itself this fall. That is why Mr. Thomas is here today, and that is the reason Senator Venden- berg will speak here Sunday, a Democratic speaker and any others soon after. We need not and may not agree with anyone of the opinions expressed, but it is the moral duty of everyone of us to hear them all and then to the best of our abilities decide and act, not only on November 5, but throughout the year. To Mr. Thomas, himself, The Daily wishes to extend its sincerest thanks for his willingness to appear in Ann Arbor and speak to the students. He rightly stands as one of the country's dis- tinguished leaders. As a thinker and writer, as a man of action, a fighter for civil liberties and against every manifestation of class, racial and religious prejudice, he has won the respect and admiration of millions of Americans. - Robert Speckhard C Sv By EMILE GELE TRUE TO DEMOCRATIC FORM, the United States loudly declaims on Pan-American solidarity and holds ostentacious conferences on Western Hemisphere cooperation; while Ger- many, true to totalitarian form, quietly and successfully drives a wedge between any future unity of the American continents. The wedge is not constructed of so malleable a'material as verbosity, but is forged of a tempered'sustance universally respected-economic competition. This competition is a definite form of war. And since Germans are adept at classifying types of battle, they call this one handelkrieg or trade war. It is a gigantic duplicate of just the sort of business technique that has made Yankee capitalists notorious. It is just as simple and just as effective. Through the use of the handelmark, a specie worth $1.50 in Nazi trade to $1.00 worth of United States goods, Germany is creating a lim- ited economy advantageous to South American business. Goods equal in quality to the best pro- duced by the United States are sold for 20% less. At the same time a South American product sold to the United States for $60 is bought by Ger- many for $100. Thus Latin Americans make a 606oratio of profit by dealing with the Nazi government. OBSERVERS ESTIMATE that 6,000 agents of Germany, Japan and Italy are spending 250 million dollars each month in cementing Axis- South American economic relations. A specific example is Argentina' The United States bought goods valued at 187 million pesos in 1939, while Germany promises annual purchases of 700 to 900 million pesos of goods and is-rapidly advancing in satisfying the promise. Hitler has- estimated that $1,500,000 worth of trade an- nually in South America would insure Axis economic dominance, and has already promoted one-third of the amount with the British block- ade still going strong! Financing such a grandiose policy seems to be an extreme problem, but is relatively simple for totalitarian powers. The conquered people of Europe are taking the loss with the dictators' military success as security. The whole system is based on the familiar Yankee technique of operating temporarilyin the red in order to curb the market and eventually exploit the monopoly to its utmost. When South American nations hesitate to leap at financial lures and place themselves at the economic mery of the dictators, the in- evitable threat of reprisal occurs. Unable at the moment to use military chastisement, the Axis points out how simple it would be to concentrate their efforts on duplicating South American products in the conquered territories of Europe, Asia and Africa. The ruin of South America's world market would result. The double tech- nique of subsidization and threat is difficult for Latin Americans to ignore. RECENTLY the papers of a German emissary to Panama were secretly observed by es- pionage agents. The contents included a plan to reduce shipping rates on German boats to one-half present charges, and an elaborate economic zoning of the Caribbean and South American areas into six edistricts. One of the zones is to be under trade specialists who will make use of every means of propaganda, imitation, sabotage and coercion to promote Ger- man trade in the southern republics. Organized propaganda is the most effective weapon of the handelkrieg. "Tourist bureaus" holders of Murphy's regime passed for the most part the civil service examinations qualifying them to hold their jobs, the opposing camp saw red. WITH THE REPUBLICANS' return to power in 1938, civil service was doomed to lose the ground that it had gained. The civil service law was so modified by the. 1939 legislature that more than half of the state officer-holders under civil service were replaced through political appointment. Faced with renovating the civil service which existed in name only, more than 150,000 voters signed petitions to place a constitutional amend- ment on the ballot. Through initiative it is pro- posed that all non-administrative officials should become part of the classified service. Exemp- tions would be made only for all elected offi- cials, heads of departments, members of boards and commissions, military and naval officials of the state and the like. Constitutionally made permanent, the pro- posed plan of civil service would be headed by a four-man commission appointed by the governor to serve eight-year overlapping non-salaried terms. N\o more than two members of the com- mission could be of the same political party. The commission would classify all positions, fix com- pensation, determine qualifications of all can- didates, and make all regulations. T ADMINISTER the program a personnel director would be appointed by the com- mission and be responsible to it. The adminis- trator will be selected, as all other employes, through an open competitive examination. If passed, the amendment would become ef- fective January 1, 1941, and the legislature would appropriate a specified amount for the operation of the act. Unless the amendment is fully com- plied with in every way, no payment for state personal services may be made in August, 1941. This is to prevent the legislature from ignoring the amendment and making no appropriation as has been the case in Kansas. National defense, increased social service, and The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD offer free travel films of Germany to theatres. Excellent textbooks are sold to South American schools at incredibly low prices, and often con- tain slight innovations in the interpreting of events. Retired German professors altruistically offer their services free; and, as a result, 5,000 German professors teach in Latin American schools to 100 from the United States.; Germany eagerly sends military advisers to any South American republic free of charge, while United States officers must be paid and boarded by the advised countries. Nearly all the Pan-American radio programs sponsored' by the United States are drowned out by more powerful Nazi broadcasts. Not because the United States stations are incapable of increas- ing their volume, but because the American peo- ple do not'care. . THE UNITED STATES is much better equipped for a handelkrieg than Germany. Proximity and a greater production capacity are United States' advantages. But between empty Pan- American palaver and effective economic action stands a tradition of dollar diplomacy and Yankee imperialism. This tradition must be smashed before the United States seriously at- tempts to exclude fascism from the Western Hemisphere. While vital economic activity is under way, the United States concentrates the bulk of its efforts in preparing for a more obvious future conflict. The American people cluster their military forces about them and watch the west- ern sky for hordes of hostile bombers, forgetting that the dictators employ different strategies to different objectives. The Battle of America has already begun. (Continued from Page 24 students who do not take all parts of the examination or have been definitely excused by the Dean. C. S. Yoakum, Dean We have seen, in yesterday's German Make-Up Examinations: Merry-Go-Round column on the Far All students entitled to take these Eastern crisis, how the United StatesE examinations must call at the Ger- and Great Britain planned to cut off man departmental office this week Japan's scrap iron, oil, cotton and to make arrangements. copper during the first invasion of -_ China in 1937, and thus paralyze the Sociology 51: Make-up final ex- Japanese military machine. amination will be given Friday, Octo- This plan was revived again during ber 18, at 2:00 p.m. in Room D Hay- the Panay incident in 1938. and each en Hall time there were differences of opinion e . inside the Administration and theI plan fell flat aRed Cross First Aid class for Uni- Today, almost exactly the same versity Students, both men and problem faces the Administration, women, starts tonight, 7:00-9:00, and again there are basic differences Room 2016, University Elementary of opinion-differences which are School, George P. Rodechko, Red honest and natural when the future Cross Lay Instructor, in charge. peace of the country is at stake. Well, registration is over, or is it? Maybe you didn't know these things: The federal government will chase students who failed tosign up-not the University. All the records go back to the home town for certifying and listing. In addition to the 4,435 undergraduates eligible for the draft, the'University had the duty of registering another 1,000 persons who are patients in the University hospital and the health service. Michigan's foreign students all must register, even though they are exempt from military ser- vice. Thus, some Canadian students have regis- tered in two nations. Tom Harmon registered legally at 10:15 Wednesday morning. But he was chased through the line two more times by photographers seek- ing poses of the All-American boy. One of our Daily staff men registered, with a certified weight of. 98 pounds. He was told by the registrant fot to worry seri- ously aibout being called tQ the colors. And then another unknown called The Daily- and in real seriousness-to ask: "I'm 21 but we didn't 'celebrate' my birthday. Am I exempt?" By KARL KARLSTROM We are pleased to find that we have been "drafted" as music columnist for this here news- paper, The Michigan Daily. Our experience at this sort of thing has been limited strictly to heated arguments in the foyers of the various concert halls we have frecluented, which have usually been ended abruptly by a evacuation notice summarily served by the hired help of said halls. The column has been in capable hands for the past years, which makes our position some- what more difficult to fulfill. We can only ask that you bear with us on our points of discus- sion. We recommend that all complaints be ad- dressed to the editorial "we," and not to us personally (should I say physically?). It shall be the purpose of this column to in- terpret and criticize fairly all those recitals and concerts which fall in our line of duty. It shall be written in the main for the interested spec- tator who has not technical training. We feel that this comprises the great majority of readers, and shall write accordingly. Further, it is nice that we are here. We hope to uphold the standards set by previous critics. Remember "Degustibus non est disputandem". Yesterday in Hill Auditorium, listeners were treated to another of Mr. Christian's organ re- citals. The program was well balanced, and well played. Mr. Christian led off with three choral preludes by Bach, which ranged in type from the more or less usual fugual development in the first, through a softly liquid melody in the second, and ended in' a merry dance-like third prelude. The Fugue in E-flat started with a sonorous concert of the organ, changed to a never-ending chase of notes, and finally traced the original theme through the final section in a broadly brilliant movement. A work by Karg-Elert proved an interesting deviant from the ordinary scope of organ music. It was crammed with ef- fects, followed a non-strict pattern of harmonic structure, gained stature in the finale. The group inside the Cabinet which favors a complete stoppage of Japan's raw materials of war, especiallyher oil, includes Secretary of War Stim- son, Secretaryeof the Navy Knox, Secretary of Interior Ickes, and Sec- retary of the Treasury Morgenthau- also certain admirals in the Navy. Perhaps ,it is significant that the strongest advocates of complete em- bargoes against Japan are the three Republican members of the Cabinet -Stimson, Knox and Ickes. Japan Might Attack' Specifically, they do not believe in cutting off Japan's oil supply-which is the all-important question under diplomatic discussion between the British and American governments. The State Department concurs that cutting off Japan's oil would paralyze her fleet after her present two and a half months' supply was exhausted. But they also believe it would force Japan to move into the Dutch East Indies immediately in order to get more oil. However, the embargo-now group within the Cabinet contends that the Dutch East Indies are fortified suffic- iently to withstand four months' seige, and that with the U.S. fleet on guard in that general area, Japan could not risk an attack on these islands. What makes the intra-cabinet de- bate doubly vital is knowledge that as long as the British fleet keeps the Italian and Nazi fleets bottled up in Europe, the U.S. fleet can operate as a one-ocean navy, thereby keeping most of its vessels on guard against Japan in the Pacific. But once Brit- ain's naval defense weakens, then the United States will have the navies of the Europeantdictators tocontend with in the Atlantic, plus the Japan- ese in the Pacific. And a two-ocean drive on South America by both the dictators and Japan is more than the Navy likes to contemplate. That is the chiefbar- gument behind the "total-embargo now" group. Limited Embargo The Cabinet difference first came to a head more than a month ago when the action-now group placed on the President's desk an executive order embargoing the sale of oil. They argued that with the military clique in Japan actually threatening war, they could not continue to give the Japanese this vital fuel. The Presi- dent concurred and signed the order. Then it went over to the State De- partment to be carried out.tAndthe State Department revised the order so that it applied only to high-test gasoline. THEATRE1 Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present compositions by Purcell, Handel, and Schubert from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. to- day in his regular Thursday concert. The audience will hear the recitals best at a little distance from the Tower, and where there is not too much street noise Exhibitions College of Architecture and De- sign: Christmas greeting cards, de- signed by well-known artists, are be- ing shown in the ground floor cor- ridor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily, 9:00-5:00, except Sun- day, through October 21. The public is invited. Lectures Lecture: Under the joint sponsor- ship of the National Defense Com- mittee and the Department of Ger- man, Gerhart Seger, of the German- American Congress for Democracy, will speak on "Can Hitler Win This War?" at 4:15 p.m. Friday, October 18, in the Rackham Hall. Events Today English Journal Club will meet to- night at 8:00 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. Pr- fessor A. H. Marckwardt will speak on "The Walrus and the Carpenter." The U. of M. Forestry Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 2054 Natural Science Building. Pre-for- esters and transfer students are in- vited. La Sociedad Hispanica will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan League. Members are urged to be present.dPatrons, Faculty and others interested are cordially invited. Michigan Forum: Norman Thom- as, Socialist candidate for president, will speak at 4:15 p.m. today, in the Main Ballroom of the Michigan. Union. The meeting is open to the public. Discussion from the floor will follow. University Press Club of Michigan: The members of the faculty are cordially invited to attend the ses- sions of the University Press Club of Michigan which begin Thursday afternoon, October 17, and extend through Friday afternoon, October 18. Details concerning the meetings 'are given on page 1 of this issue of the Michigan Daily. Varsity Glee 'Club: Bus for Bay City leaves the Union at 3:05 p.m. sharp today. Wear dark suits, white shirts and dark shoes. The follow- ing men will make the trip: Jim Bassett, Charles Schaeffer, Charles Parthum, Tony Weller, Dave Allen, Erwin Scherdt, James Martin, Jim Bob Stephenson, Ken Repola, John Fry, Russell Steere, Franklin Powers, James Crowe, Chandler Pinney, Frank Mount, Ed Gibson, Donald Mason, William Swenson, Floyd Rechlin, John Verhagen, George Muller, James Conti, Dick Boynton, Harold Stern, Walter Lai- tala, Cary Landis, James George, Wil- fred. Shale, Herbert Neuchterlein, Roy Sommerfeld, Stan Hipwood, Charles Brown, David Mattern, Jack Ossewaarde, Jim Berger, International Center: Tea, 4:00- 6:00 p.m. today. Students who have identified themselves with the Center are urged to invite their student or faculty friends. .5n invitation is extended also to any one interested to meet our foreign young people or to see the Center. At 7:30 this evening, the Class in English for Foreign Students. Stu- dents whose language is other than English who desire to improve their pronunciation, develop their vocabu- lary, and increase their general fa- cility in the use of English will find this work under a specialized teacher very helpful. Immediate enrollment is necessary as the section is limited to a small number of students. The Society of Automotive Engin- eers will meet tonight at 7:30 in room 311 W. Engineering Bldg. All new members urged to be present. Elec- tion of officers and announcement of plans for the trip to Dearborn. Michigan Sailing Club will meet for a discussion of Sailing Principles and Racing Tactics at 7:30 tonight in Room 338 West Engineering Build- ing. Classical Students: Phi Tau Alpha will meet tonight at 7;30 in the Rack- ham Building. Any student taking Latin 81, or any more advanced course, or any course in Greek, is cordially invited to come and meet informally with other students and with the faculty of the department. Seminar in Bible, weekly s at Lane Hall, beginning today at 4:30 -p.m. under the direction of Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Director of the Student Re- ligious' Association. Open to all in- terested students. Alpha Lambda Delta meeting of all members who were initiated last spring today at 4:30 p.m. in the League. Room will be posted on the bulletin board. The Michigan Wolverine Student Cooperative, Inc., announces its sec- ond annual open house tonight, 8:00 to 10:30 p.m. Tours of inspection, free dancing and refreshments. All students, faculty, and townspeople are invited. Coffee Hours will be held at the Hillel Foundation this afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00. All Hillel mem- bers are cordially invited to attend. The first of a series of four lec- tures on "The Nature of Man," spon- sored by the Student Religious As- sociation, will be given by Dr. Mar- tin Fischer of the University of Cin- cinnati in the Rackham Lecture Hall, tonight. Coming Events Rifle Team: All men interested in trying out should report at the R.O.T.C. Hall, Friday, October 18, at 4:00 p.m. Members of last year's team should also report. The Rifle Team is restricted to members of the R.O.T.C. Public Health students (women) are cordially invited to a dessert ridge (games for those who do not play bridge) on Friday, Oct. 18, 3:00- 6:00 p.m. in the Women's Athletic Building. Disciples Guild (Christian Church) will have a Homecoming Party from 9-12:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18, in Recreation rooms of the church. Everybody welcome. Conservative Services will be held at the Hillel Foundation on Friday, Oct. 18, at 7:30 p.m. Gerhart Seger will be a guest speaker at the Fire- side Discussion to follow. The public is invited to attend. .I On November Ballots " * *I O DECIDE whether government can approximate excellent standards of efficiency and, at the same time, remain respon- sible to the people, the voters of Michigan will cast their ballots November 4 on the constitu- tional amendment to establish permanent civil service. The question of civil service in Michigan has been a political football kicked back and forth between opposing party lines. Politicians have been faced with the problem of maintaining and strengthening party lines which have been shat- tered during the past decade by the alternating Republican and Democratic victories. Patron- age has been the bargaining power in both rival camps. But to those who were administering the state, namely the politicians themselves, the selection of personnel became onerous. Fruitful state patronage was a burden not only because of its size but because of its complexity. IT WAS IN 1936 that the late Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald created a study commission to in- vestigate the situation. Inequality of salaries for the same work ranging, in one case, from $960 to $2800 was revealed. The large turnover of employes following election and the fact that more than one-half of the state's employes were related were notable parts of the published investigation. At 8:15 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the Art Cin- ema League will present one of the most distinguished of French films, "The End of a Day." The picture is not only distinctive because of its sure direction, clever dialogue and expert acting, but above all, because the audience, any audience, will realize that this is pos- sibly the last artistic production to emerge from Free France. Sentimentally, but not excessively so, the picture tells movingly and powerfully the story of the inmates of a home for aged actors and espe- cially the story of the egoist, eternal Don Juan, St. Clair, played by Louis Jouvet. "The End of a Day" has, moreover, received gracious tribute from all the leading critics of the nation. The New York Times termed the motion picture "One of the great films of the year"; the New York Post, "An ex- cellent film." In these praises this columnist wholeheartedly joins. On the other hand, the State De- partment plus some of the admirals favor a go-slow policy toward Japan. They believe in applying the embar- goes gradually, or as Mr. Ickes des- RADIOSPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW 1WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Thursday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver 6:15 Himber Orch. Newscast " Dinner Music 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day in Review 6:45 Musical Lowell Thomas " Evening Serenade 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Jan Savitt Orch. Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Pancho Orchestra Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 vox Pop Caravan Boss Meets Worker Green Hornet 7:45 Vox Pop "Evening Serenade" 8:00 Ask-it Basket Good News News Pot of Gold 8:15 Ask-it Basket Football Forecast 8:30 Strange as Seems Aldrich Family On Parade Tom Dorsey Orch. 8:45 strange as Seems 9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hall Baptist Hour Gabriel Heatter 9:15 Major Bowes Life With Father