Weath er
Continued Cool.
Butter And Cxuns--
Of :National Interest .
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
VOL. Ll. No. 16
Official Statement
About Expulsions
Given ByRuthven'
President Denies Action Taken Because
Of Students' Political Views; Hearing On
Dismissals Scheduled For November 9
President Ruthven admitted today, for the first time, officially, that
nine University; students had been asked not to return to the University
for another year.
He said they had been banned for activities deemed "disruptive of good
order in the University." He declined to elaborate on this clause.
He flatly denied that the action had been taken because of the students'
political views, their stand on conscription, their membership in the Ameri-
can Student Union, or their opposition to governmental policies.
"These are deliberate misrepre-
sentations," he said.
Explained Dr. Ruthven: President's Message
Norman Thomas Speaks
At StudentForum Today
An Important Day In Their Lives
"Butter And Guns" will be the sub-
of Socialist presidential candidate,
Norman Thomas, when he addresses
the second session of the Michigan
Forum at 4:15 p. m. today in the Un-
Mr. Thomas' appearance in Ann
Arbor is the first stop of a three-day
tinguished representatives of the var-
ious parties that will include an ad-
dress by Senator Arthur H. Vanden-
burg, Michigan's senior senator, Sun-
day afternoon at the Union.
Mr. Thomas is now on a national
barnstorming tour in behalf of his
fourth candidacy for president on the
Socialist Party ticket. Appearing
with him today is Seth Whittemore,
Socialist candidate for governor, and
state softball commissioner.
Thomas has had a long and tem-
pestuous career in the political and
social life of the country. He was
born in Marion, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1884,
the son of a Presbyterian minister,
and as a youngster he peddled the
"Marion Star," the newspaper owned
by Warren G. Harding.
He followed his father into the
church, graduating from Prinseton
University in 1905 and Union Theo-
logical Seminary in 1911. Ordained
a minister, he worked in the slum
areas of New York as a pastor of an
East Harlem Parish.
Several years of work in the tene-
ments and American participation
in the World War found Thomas in
the Socialist Party. He rose rapidly in
the ranks of his party and in 1928
was its presidential candidate. In '32
and '36 he also served in that capac-
ity, and although he was determined
not to run again this year, the out-
break of the European War evoked
a "draft Thomas" movement in the
Socialist Party which led to unani-
mous nomination of Thomas by the
Socialist Convention in Washington,
D. C. last April.
"It is the opinion of the Univer-
sity authorities that students in
the University of Michigan and
other State schools are guests of
the State, and even if they do not
respect this lhospitality they should
not, in justice to other students, be
permitted to abuse it. As educa-
tors generally are aware, there are
a few, and fortunately only a few,
students in pnbst institutions of
higher educatin today who inter-
pret their civil rights to include
license to do anything they want
to do on the plea that they are
liberals'. This is a perverted con-
cept of civil liberties and not 'liber-
alism' in the best sense of the term."
The Presdent' statement was the
one promised the campus two weeks
ag, and represents the first official
explanation since the incident flared
into prominence last summer.
Demand Hearing
It came in the heat of demands by
the Michigan Committee for Aca-
demic Freedom for a public hearing
on the matter. Only yesterday this
committee wired Dr. Ruthven, re-
questing his cooperation in a hearing
to be held in Ann Arbor on Nov. 9.
Dr. Ruthven's reply to this tele-
gram was: "The Regents have de-
clared the matter closed."
About hearings, the President said
this in his prepared statement:
"It has been asserted that the
students were denied the opportu-
nity to be heard in their own de-
fense. These are deliberate mis-
representations. All who have
asked -for conferences have been
heard by proper University author-
ities, and the others have been told
that they would be heard if they so
requested ...
Two or three asked for a public'
trial. This request was refused as
contrary to the practice of the
University and against the best
interests of the students."
Still, however, representatives of
this Michigan Committee for Aca-
demic Freedom said they would not
cancel plans for their hearing Nov. 9.
This meeting is scheduled for the
2,000-seat Ann Arbor Masonic audi-
torium. Speakers now listed by the
committee are Edward Ross, chair-
man of the American Civil Liberties
Union, and Rev. Owen A. Knox, of
TheMichigan Committee for Aca-
demic Freedom is an organization
which took birth last summer over
the student-expulsion issue. Its com-
posite elements include various labor
and civil liberty organizations.
Dr. Ruthven's statement was pre-
pared and typewritten. He read it
aloud to a press conference Wednes-
day and said it was sanctioned by the
Board of Regents.
No student has been queried, the
President asserted, as to whether he
had been made a member of the
A.S.U. "We recognize the A.S.U., and
(Continued on Page 7)
Opera Registration
Leaps To 112 Total
Yesterday's registration was' suc-
eassful in more ways than one as
"Since the close of the last school
year, nine students have been
asked not to return to the Univer-'
sity another year. The requests
were the unanimous decision of the
administrative officers in charge of
student affairs.
"It has since been sC ated by- a
few of these students and their
friends that the action was taken
because of their political views,
their stand on conscription, their
membership in the American Stu-
dent Union, their opposition to
governmental policies, and so forth.
It has further been asserted that
they were denied the opportunity
to be heard in their own .defense.
These are deliberate misrepresen-
tations. All who have asked for
conferences have been heard by
proper University authorities, and
the others have been told that they
would be heard if they so request-
ed. Everyindividual has been in-
formed of the reason or reasons for
the decision which was made.
"The decision o e University
authorities that these students
were not good University citizens
was in every case based upon activ-
ities which were deemed disruptive
of good order in the University. No
inquiry was made as to member-
ship in organizations or as to po-.
litical, social, or economicrbeliefs.
Such information as was received
on these matters was volunteered
by students, and was offered by
them in defense of their actions.
Their reasoning seemed to be that,
since they were avowed "liberals,"
their activities could not be ques-
tioned without infringing upon
their "academic freedom." Two or
three asked for a public trial. This
request was refused as contrary to
the practice of the University and
against the best interests of the
"It is the opinion of the Univer-
sity authorities that students in the
University of Michigan and other
State schools are guests of the
State, and even if they do not re-
spect this hospitality they should
not, in justice to the other students,
be permitted to abuse it. As edu-
cators generally are aware, there
are a few, and fortunately only a
few, students in most institutions
of higher education today who in-
terpret their civil rights to include
license to do anything they want to
do on the plea that they are "liber-
als." This is a perverted concept of
civil liberties and not "liberalism"
in the best sense of the term."
- Alexander G. Ruthven
Campus Today
The New Gargoyle has a birthday
t day. This issue is the first to com-
bine the popular humorous features
with articles and pictures shown by
a campus survey to the "musts" of
a magazine.
Vignettes by Dave Hunter, '42, June
Tolton, '41, and Gerald Burns, '42,
winners in the Gargoyle contest, are
included in today's edition along
with regular one-page departments
tour of six Michigan cities. Immed-
iately after the Forum meeting he
will leave for Pontiac where he will
speak tonight.
Today's Forum session is the first
of a series of political talks by dis-
Annual Meeting
Of Press Club
ThreeADay Session Starts
At 2:30; S.L.A. Marshall
To Give Featured Talk
Faculty members as well as mem-
bers of the University Press Club of
Michigan are invited to attend ses-
sions of the 22nd Annual Conven-
toin of the Press Club, to be held ii
the Union, beginning at 2:30 p.m.
today, Prof. John L. Brumm, secre-
tary of the organization, announced
At the banquet, scheduled for 6
p.m. today, President Ruthven will
extend greetings to the newspaper-
men, expected to convene from all
,)ver the state. The main address will
be delivered by S. L. A. Marshall of
the Detroit News who will speak on
"War Strategy."
Beatrice Nesbitt Ruthven will §ing
several solos, accompanied at the
piano by Jack Ossewaarde, '40SM.
In the Union Ballroom this after-
noon, Prof. Lowell Carr of the soci-
ology department will discuss "Na-
tional Defense and Social Values,"
and Prof. Paul Henle of the philoso-
phy department will speak on "Dem-
ocracy and the World Crisis."
Student Co-op
Will Welcome
Michigan Wolverine Holds
2nd Annual Open House;
Large Crowd Expected
The doors of the world's largest
student cooperative will swing wide
to welcome 1,000 students, faculty
members and townspeople at 8 p.m.
today when the Michigan Wolverine
holds its second annual open house.
Free dancing, free refreshements
and free entertainment for all will be
one of the evening's main features.
However, the purpose of the Wolver-
ine's annual open house, according to
Philip Westbrook, '43L, chairman of
the social committee, "is to acquaint
the members of the University com-
munity with the many ways the co-
operative is serving the community."
The Wolverine's kitchen, bakery
and newly redecorated and enlarged
basement will be open for inspection
and guides will explain the details
to uninitiated observers.
The Wolverine was originated eight
years ago as a modest cafeteria in
the basement of Lane Hall with a
handful of members. Today its mem-
bership is 775 and promises to sky-
rocket above the 950 mark set last
Daily Photo by Will Sapp
Yesterday was registration day for all men between the ages of 21
and 35,and college studentsare noexception. Above, Frank V. Whitney,
'42E, of Ann Arbor, in the Health Service with an acute sore throat is
shown in the process of registering for the conscription program. Serv-
ing as registrar is Mrs. Madalene Mortensen, Supervising Nurse of the
Health Service. In the lower picture - you guessed it - it's Tommy
Harmon, '41. Instructing the Hoosier Hammer is Prof. K. L. Jones of
the botany department.
Fischer To Open SRA Series
With Talk On Man's Nature
Poor, Rich, Ball Players,
Truck Drivers, Students
Affix Names To Blanks
Nation's Response
Is Termed Succes
(By The Associated Press)
The youth of America, in cheerful
response to the government's call,
registered yesterday for the peactime
draft and a possible year of toughen-
ing and training in the camps of the
Sixteen million strong and more-
sons of the poor and wealthy, truck
drivers, Hollywood glamor boys, big
league ball players, shifty-eyed water-
front drifters, college students, aliens
devoid of English-they streamed in
and out of the registration places
throughout a day unparallelled in
American history.
Henry Ford II, grandson of the
automobile manufacturer, stood side
by side with a Filipino domestic at a
municipal building in suburban De-
troit awaiting his turn to sign up.
Hollywood Actors Sign
Movie actors Henry Fonda and
Jimmy Stewart were sitting on the
steps of a Hollywood registration
place when it opened.
A big dog led by blind piano tuner,
Charles Gillam, to a registration point
at Chickasha, Okla. Gilliam said he
could "play in the band"
Four Chinese boys were first in
line at Philadelphia headquarters.
They signed their names in Chinese
At Miami, Frank Sauliere, who at
12 years of age managed to enlist in
the World War A.E.F., lined up thou-
sands of others.
The 5-year-old president of Wayne
University, at Detroit, Dr. David D.
Henry, led the list of campus regis-
Vincent Catroppa, 24, registered in
a Philadelphia hospital, where he had
gone to correct flat feet which had
kept him from enlisting.
Mrs. C. J. Baker of eSattle, a vol-
unteer worker, proudly registered her
three sons, Charles, 31; Robert, 24,
and Jack, 21.
A Shreveport Negro presented him-
self, carrying a suit case packed,
saying he was ready to go to war.
Form A Mighty Army
And so it went. In the aggregate
they formed a motley but mighty
army from which picked men will
be drawn to swell the nation's armed
By every means of measurement,
registration day was a huge and awe-
inspiring success. Conscription had
been in the headlines and on the air
for weeks, and eagerly, tearfully, or
prayerfully discussed in millions of
homes. Thus most persons under-
stood the procedure, and the huge
task was performed with a minimum
of hitches.
The atmosphere was one of banter
and kidding god nature. The boys
called each other "general," and by
other military titles. In many in-
stances they stood aside to let a fellow
registrant, pressed for time-includ-
ing a Baltimore fireman-sign his
card ahead of the rest.
Dead-Serious Students
Register For Draft
An atmosphere of dead-seriousness
and an air of sobriety pervaded the
various registration places, as men
between the ages of 21 and 35 regis-
tered for the draft. There were few
jokes, less wise-cracking, among eli-
gible men who answered draft ques-
tions, as the smooth-working, effi-
cient machinery for the first peace-
time conscription got under way.
Draft registrants missed no-one,
invading even the confines of the
Health Service and the University
Hospital. In the Health Service,
Axis Sends Arms To Rumania;
Japan Will Bomb Burma Road
An exponent of radical theories;
of the origin of life, Dr. Martin'
Fischer, professor of physiology at,
the University of Cincinnati, will pre-
sent his views as a scientist on "The
Nature of Man," current topic of the
series sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association, at 8:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
A colorful speaker, Dr. Fischer is
known in the medical world for his
experimentation on colloids and in
physics and their relationship to life.
The outstanding hypotheses that he
has propounded have earned him a
reputation as one of the pioneer re-
searcher workers in the field of med-
For his painting and writing he is
also recognized in artistic circles.
Many of his watercolors and oils
have been exhibited throughout the
country and he has published several
biographies of men of the medical
profession and essays.
The series sponsored by the Asso-
ciation directed by Kenneth Morgan
initiated the program with a discus-
sion of other fundamentals of reli-
gion, "The Nature of God," in 1939
and "The Nature of Religion" last
ASU Demands
Expulsion Trial
Michigan's Chapter of the Ameri-
can Student Union endorsed a reso-
lution demanding an open trial in
the dismissalncase of last summer and
accepted three other resolutions per-
taining to conscription, elections and
education in a democracy at its sec-
ond meeting of the year last night.
Plans were announced for a dem-
onstration scheduled for Nov. 9 at
(By The Associated Press)
BUCHAREST, Rumania, Oct. 16.
--Carload lots of disassembled Ger-
man seaplanes and submarines, des-
tined for a Black Sea naval train-
ing base to be manned -y the Itali-
ans, were reported en route today to
Rumania, where German troops al-
ready face Russian army divisions
across the Danube.
To these signs of expanding Axis
power in this country were added
the demonstrations of Nazi warplanes,
which flew in an endless patrol of
Rumania's oil fields, and an an-
nouncement by the German organ,
Tageblatt, of the arrival of several
squadrons of German Messerschmitt
HANOI, French Indo-China, Oct.
16.--A)-The Japanese military com-
mand based in this French colony
served positive notice tonight that
Japanese warplanes will "make the
utmost effort to strike a fatal blow"
at American and other war supplies
or China on the 780-mile Burma
Road, which Britain is reopening to-
Major General Raishiro Sumita,
the chief, announced "Japan is reso-
lutely determined to prevent war ma-
terials supplied by the United States
or any third power from reaching
Chiang Kai-Shek's armies."
year. Among those featured in these
lectures have been Bertrand Russell
and Dr. Anton J. Carlson.
Controversial issues on "The Na-
ture of Man" in view of conscription
and relationship to the state make
this series pertinent, Mr. Morgan
Continuing the lecture program
will be Dr. Robert Calhoun,- young
well-known Yale theologist; Rabbi
Abba Silver of the Temple Cleveland;
and the Rev. Dr. Robert Slavin of the
Catholic University of America
speaking on the same topic.
Dance To Be Given
In Honor Of Yost
Plans for a great M-Club dance
in honor of Fielding Yost to be giv-
en Nov. 2 in the Union were an-