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October 16, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-16

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Continued cold.

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7 i

Russo -wTurkey
Military Pact
Seen If Nazis
Advance South
Move Against Dardanelles
Feared As Red Troops
Line Ruinanain Borders
German Planes Mass
Near Soviet Frontier
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Oct. 15.-()-
Bulgarian friends of Soviet Russia
claimed tonight to have information
that Russia and Turkey are nego-
tiating a military assistance pact.
The government in Moscow ac-
cording to these sources, is willing
to promise Turkey armed support if
Germany and Italymshould develop
a rumored plan to seize the Dar-
The informants asserted they had
been assured by "high Communists"
that negotiations were under way
between Moscow and Ankara and
"have every chance of success."
Russia's reported concentration of
troops along the Rumanian border,
understood here to have been in
progress even before the German
"instruction division" was sent to
the Black Sea, was described by pro-
Soviet observers as a possible fore-
runner of a Turkish-Soviet agree-
Such a military understanding
would of course increase the risk of
a Russian conflict with the Axis-a
conflict which the Soviet heretofore
has tried to avoid-but it is claimed
here that a current lack of warmth
dence that Moscow is considering
shifting position.
The Bulgarian government, at'
pains to stay friendly with both the
Axis and Russia, is reported adamant
in rejecting Axis suggestions that'
300,000g to400,000 men be mobilized
as a gesture against Turkey and
Russia Sees Nazis Mass
BUCHAREST, Oct. 15.-(P)-
Paced by thickly-packed formationst
of German fighter and bomber
planes, 300 Nazi tanks lumbered to-
day into Rumania's important Dan-
ube port of Galati, opposite the
Russian frontier where the Red army
has mobilized between 150,000 and
180,000 men.
Arrival of the military reinforce-
ments carme as the Germansrushed
to remove 90,000 of their nationals
from Soviet-occupied Bessarabia as
a result of Moscow's refusal to ex-
tend the Nov. 15 deadline -for them
to get out.
(The Kremlin, through its official
news agency, Tass, declared today it
had not received satisfactory ad-
vance information concerning Ger-
many's plans to send troops into Ru-
mania, despite a German statement
of Oct. 10 that powers friendly to
the Axis had been notified Nazi
forces had arrived and that more
were to follow.
First Gargoyle
To Be Issued
Revised Magazine Will Go
On Sale Tomorrow
Gargoyle, traditional campus hu-
mor magazine, is dead.
In its place, The New GargoyleI

will make its first appearance tomor-
row morning, Dave Donaldson, '41.
editor-in-chief of the publication,
announced yesterday.
"As a result of a survey made last,
year by the Gargoyle staff," Donald-
son revealed, "we discovered exactly
what features the campus wants in-
cluded in a magazine." Some of these
new features are eight pages of pho-
tographs, the winners of the vignettes
contest announced last week, and
pages devoted to individual student
Popular high spots of the old Gar-
goyle will also be included, Donald-
- ,aAn f--al ,.m t.onrn., PP fln n, mm .nill

Football Stars,
Will Attend
Yost Banquetl

Dr. Fischer
To Give Talk
In Rackham

Uncle Sam


Well Before Using

First Peace


Registration Calls
Over 16,500,000

Coast-To-Coast Broadcast Doctor To Present Views
To Carry Testimonial On 'The Nature Of Man'
Speeches Of Banquet Under SRAAuspices
Student Ticket Sale Scientist And Artist
Will Continue Today; Is First In Series
Twenty-two of the University's All- Dr. Martin Fischer will present his
Americans and 37 out of 40 football views as an outstanding scientist on
captains are expected to attend the "The Nature of Man," the current
testimonial banquet in honor of Field- topic of the annual series of lectures
ing H. "Hurry Up" Yost to be held Association at 8:15 p.- -n. t' morrow in
at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, in the Rackh r Lactire tl.
Waterman Gymnasium. As professor of j:'ysolcgy at the
Featured in the celebration is a University of Cincinnati Dr. Fischer
coast-to-coast NBC broadcast over has become renown for his radical
the Blue Network from 8:30 to 9 p.m. theories on the origin of life ha inert
during which Yost and other promi- m?,ter and the importance of col-
nent figures of the sports world will loids. For his excellence in painting
give short talks. Station WXYZ he Ihas also attained national recog-
will carry the program in Detroit as nition. Dr. Fischer is famous among
well as the stations of the Michigan his students and colleagued as a col-
Radio Network. orful, vitally interesting speaker.
The entire program will conform The series will present controver-
to a football theme with the Gym- sial issues of the character of man in
nasium laid out to form a huge grid- various aspects. The topic of dis-
iron, the tables following the yard cussion is particularly pertinent,
stripes and goal posts at each end Kenneth Morgan, director of the As-
of the room. Tickets of admission sociation and the series pointed out,
will be replicas of the 1940 football because of conscription and man's
tallies. status in relation to the state.
Student tickets are being rapidly The Student Religious Association
sold out, Bill Combs, '41, chairmanof will also sponsor talks by Dr. Robert
soldut, ilkl Cos,'1,chairan y- Calhoun, well-known Yale theologi-
student ticket sales, announced yes an; Rabbi Abba Silver, of the Temple
terday. Only 50 of the original 180 of Cleveland; and the Rev. Dr. Rob-
tickets are now available. Reserva- ert Slavin, philosophy professor at
tions are being made for 1,940 per- the Catholic University of America
sons in addition to the visiting celeb- on the same topic within the next
rities, the University Glee Club, and nths
the Varsity and Illinois bands. The series is free of charge to all
The celebration heralds the "grand students, faculty and townspeople.

Number -bearing capsules like these will be used in a lottery at
Washington after registration today to determine which men must
report first for service. N. 258 was the first 1917 group drawn.
Special University Draft Board
Will Register 5,000 Students

old man's" 40 years of service to the
University and thesports field in
general. Yost' will become 70 years
old on April 29 and therefore must
retire at the end ofuthe coming school
year under the rules of the Univer-
The Detroit City Council passed a
resolution yesterday congratulating
Yost for, his 40 years service as foot-
ball coach and athletic director at
the University.
Grads To Hear
Pres. Ruthveu,
, Dean Yoakum.
Graduate Social Activities
To Open With Informal
Welcome At Rackham
Short addresses of welcome by Dean
Clarence S. Yoakum, of the Graduate
school, and President Ruthven will
feature the graduate activities night
to begin at 8 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Building. Main purpose of the
social event will be for all graduate
students to become acquairied with
each other.
"There will be nothing formal about
this affair," said Abraham Rosen-
zweig, president of the graduate coun-
cil, "just a social where everyone
should have a good time."
There will be many forms of en-
tertainment to please the taste of all,
he continued. Arrangements are be-
ing made to have pictures shown of
one of Michigan's three football
games; there will be a tour of in-
spection of the building; there will
be dancing to a modern dance orches-
tra; there will be bridge and a classi-
cal record concert for those who pre-
fer the quiet type of entertainment;
and there will be refreshments for all.
Pre-Meds To Hold
First Smoker Today
The Pre-Medical Society will hold
its first meeting of the year in the
form of a smoker at 8 p.m. today at
the Michigan Union.
Members of the Medical School

Student Union
Meets Today
.For Elections
Presiding officers and an execu-
tive council will be elected at the
next meeting of the American Stu-
dent Union to be held at 8 p.m. to-
day in Room 229 of Angell Hall,
Margaret Campbell, '42, acting chair-
man, announced last night.
Prominent in the agenda of the
scheduled meeting will be the com-
posing and adopting of five resolu-
tions pertaining to conscription, the
national elections, American defense,
education and the recent dismissal
The program which the ASU is to
follow during the coming year will be
formulated, Miss Campbell said, and
a discussion of plans for action will
be held.
At the last meeting of the ASU
more than 25 dollars was solicited
from the audience toward the pay-
ment for 5,000 pamphlets entitled
"Without Fear or Favor," pertaining
to the dismissal case.

Ass't Registrar Williams
Will Direct Volunteer.
Staff In Alunni Hall
Nearly 5,000 students are being
registered today for possible military
training under the draft act, by a
staff of 165 volunteer workers com-
posing a special University selective
service registration board.
Headed by Draft Registrar Robert
L. Williams, assistant registrar of
the University, the board was to start
the registration machinery rolling at
7 a.m. today, continuing until
9 p.m., recording necessary informa-
tion about all out-of-town men stu-
dents who range from 21 to 35 years1
in age, inclusive.
Exemptions from draft registration
will be few, according to the exemp-
tion lists released by Registrar Wil-
liams. Only eligible students not re-
quired to register with the University
board are those who return to their
home cities to register and members
of the federally recognized active na-
tional guard, the officers reserve
corps, the regular army reserve, the
enlisted reserve corps and the ad-
vanced corps, senior division, ROTC.
Ann Arbor students must register
at their regular precinct polling
places. Foreign students are not ex-
empt from registration with the Uni-
versity board.
Information supplied by out-of-
town students will be forwarded to
their home city selective service'
boards by the Universityregistration
body. Any future changes of perm-
anent or school addresses must be
recorded with these home city boards.
Questions to be asked by the regis-
trars include the following:
Name of registrant, his permanent
home address and telephone num-
ber; his age and place and date of
birth; the name of some person who
will always know the registrant's ex-
act whereabouts, the address of that
person and his relationship to the
Name of registrant's employer'

(students will give school or college
of the University in which they are
enrolled), place of employment (stu-
dents will give Ann Arbor address),
and a detailed description of the
registrant's physical traits and char-
Draft appeal agents for Washtenaw
county were announced by Governor
Dickinson yesterday. They are
Frank B. DeVine, attorney, and Jus-
tice Jay H. Payne.
The examining physicians assigned
to the draft board are Dr. Alfred
W. Coxon and Dr. Harry B. Britton.
The board has been divided to
handle students according to schools"
and colleges.
Hope Of Opera
Revival Noted
In Registration
An encouraging first day's regis-
tration of 61 persons interested in
participating in a Mimes Union
Opera has revived the hopes of many
that the campus will witness a 1941
edition of the shows that made Mich-
igan famous back in the "golden
A number of the registrants are
veterans of last year's production,
"Four Out of Five." The 'misfit
fifth,' Bob Titus, '42; Jimmy Neilson,
'41, of the team of Silcott and Neil-
son; novelty tap dancer, Dick Strain,
'42; "Master of Ceremonies," Jerry
Brenner, '42E; and Art Treut, '41A,
the "sorority girl" of last year's
Opera, have already registered.
However, there is still plenty of
room for many more, as any rebirth
of the Opera depends on the num-
ber who register between 3 p.m. and
5 p.m. and between 7 p.m. and 9
p.m. today and tomorrow in the
Union Lobby.

Where To Register
Students will register in the
following places, according to the
school in which they are enrolled:
Literary college-Alumni Me-
mnorial Hall.
Engineering school-34 West
Engineering Building.
Medical School-Recorder's Of-
Law School-200 Hutchins Hall.
College of Pharmacy, College
School of Dentistry-Kellogg
Institute, Exhibition Hall.
Colle4 of Architecture-Library
School of Education-1431 Ele-
mentary School.
School of Business Administra-
tion-207 Tappan Hall.
School of Forestry and Conser-
vation-4041 Natural Science.
School of Music-Room 107,
Maynard Street Building.
Graduate School-Room 100,
Rackham Building
University Hospital patients will
be registered in their rooms. In-
ternes and other employes whot
have not established residence in1
Ann Arbor are to register in theI
second floor lobby. All employes
who reside in Ann Arbor or int
other communities in the countryt
are to report at their regularf
voting places.
Ann Arbor residents will regis-
ter as follows:
First ward-Basement of city
Second ward-Ward buildingt
on So. Ashley St., south of Liberty
Third ward-Ward building ont
Miller Ave. near Spring St.
Fourth ward-Polling place inf
Armory basement, using Fifth
Ave. entrance.
Fifth ward-Polling place on
Pontiac St.
Sixth ward-Ward building on
Forest Ave. near Washtenaw Ave.;
Seventh ward, first precinct--I
Ward building on Mary St.; and
second precinct, log cabin in4
Burns Park.
Will C. Conrad
To TalK Friday
At Press Clubt
Journalist Will Consider
,Contemporary Events
In Convention Speech
Featured speaker at the Friday af-
ternoon session o the University
Press Club of Michigan will be Will
C. Conrad, editorial writer of the
Milwaukee Journal, discussing "The
Press and the Changing World," ac-
cording to Prof. John L. Brumm, sec-
retary-treasurer of the organization
which will hold its 22nd annual con-
vention tomorrow through Saturday
in the Union.
Tombrrow afternoon's program will
include addresses on "National De-
fense and Social Values" by Prof.
Lowell Carr of the sociology depart-
ment, and "Democracy and the
World Crisis," by Prof. Paul Henle
of the philosophy department.
"The World Outlook" will be the
subject of the 9:30 a.m. Friday ses-
sion, and will be discussed from the
following points of view: social, by
Prof. Robert Angell; political, by
Prof. James Pollock; economic, by
Prof. Arthur Smithies; and ethical,
by Prof. Roy Sellars.
The afternoon meeting, beginning
at 2:30, will include, besides Conrad's
speech, talks on "The Civil Service
Amendment," by Prof. Arthur Bro-
mage, of the political science depart-
ment, and on "The Press and Foreign

Each Comnunity Naies
Draft Places, Officials;
To Begin Task At 8 A.M.
Eleven Questions
To Be Answered
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. -(p)-
The nation's young men will place
themselves at their country's call for
military training tomorrow in the
first drat registration ever conduct-
ed with America at peace.
In every community the men, some
16,500,000 strong, will go to desig-
nated registration places, answer a
series of eleven questions, sign their
names and await the results of a gi-
gantic lottery that will determine
which of them must spend a year in
military camps. All men between 21
and 35, inclusive, must register.
The registration places-precinct
voting headquarters, schools, and
other buildings designated by the
local authorities-will open at 7 a.n
local time. At 8 a.m., EST., Presi-
dent Roosevelt will make a radio ad-
dress on the draft. At 9 p.m., local
time, the registration places will
close, unless there are men still wait-
ing in line. All waiting at that hour
will be registered if it takes until
National Headquarters Quiet
With a gigantic task of organiza-
tion accomplished, national draft
headquarters here probably was the
quietest spot connected with conscrip-
tion today, a condition which officials
expected would continue through to-
morrow. Precautions against every
foreseeable hitch had been taken.
During the day, headquarters an-
nounced local draft boards had been
appointed and approved for 38 states
and the District of Columbia. From
time to time statements were issued
on various phases of registration, in-
cluding an announcement that all
aliens, except those connected with
foreign diplomatic and consular
staffs, must register if they are with-
in the specified draft ages.
Senate Confirms Appointment
The day also saw the Senate con-
firm unanimously the appointment
of Clarence A. Dykstra, president of
the University of Wisconsin, as the
national director of selective service.
The action had been delayed by the
objection yesterday of Senator Holt
(Dem.-W.Va.), an opponent of con-
scription and of the administration's
foreign policy.
For the big registration job, an
army of about a million officials was
mobilized at the registration places.
As each man presents himself, he
will be asked (1) his name, (2) his
address, (3) telephone number, (4)
age, (5) place of birth, (6) country
of citizenship, (7) the name of a per-
son who will always know his ad-
dress, (8) his relationship to the lat-
ter, (9) the address of the latter,
(10) his employer's name, and (11)
his place of employment.
A four by six-inch filing card, up-
on which his answers have been en-
tered, will be handed. him for his
signature, and that is all that each
will be called upon to do tomorrow,
Rebekah, I.O.O.F.
To Install Officers
More than 2,000 delegates of Re-
bekah Assembly and the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows will bring their
annual convention to a close here
today with a series of events climaxed
by the installation of the new assem-
bly officers 3:30 p.m. in the Rack-

ham Building

FormerMinister Thomas, Ex-Editor
Vandenberg, To Give Forum Talks'

'A former minister from Princeton
and an ex-newspaper editor who
once was a Michigan law student
will be the main speakers at the
second and third meetings of the
Michigan Forum tomorrow and Sun-
day afternoons, respectively, in the
Michigan Union.
Norman Thomas, socialist candi-
date for president, is the former
clergyman, and Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg of Michigan the former
Now in diametrically opposite poli-
tical parties, both Thomas and Van-
denberg have experienced long and
colorful careers.
After graduating from Princeton
University in 1905, Thomas spent six
years at Union Theological Seminary,
matriciating in 1911. That same

Thomas headed his party's ticket
in '32 and '36 and was unanimously
renominated as presidential candidate
in the April convention this spring.
He is the author of a number of books,
including "America's Way Out-a
Program for Democracy," "As I See
It," "Human Exploitation," and "War
-No Profit, No Need, No Glory."
Like Thomas, Vandenberg is also
the author of several books dealing
with political and social thought. Van-
denberg, however, has used the medi-
um of the historical approach to ex-
press his convictions, writing a biog-
raphy, "Alexander Hamilton, the
Greatest American" and later "If
Hamilton Were Here Today.'
However, Vandenberg started writ-
ing a long time before the decade of
the twenties. Strange as it may seem

4ti ti.

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