)BER 15, 1940 ,ri- ICATIGAN .7 ~.L .. 1' nA]. U a asIe 1MJ1CV11 V '1 L\N.1 1'1I V i if

: :: . :- .. :. , ,: .. ' ... . ._ ,; .. " 9 Y" 4 k V:" . t } $ .Vj, i "ti ' . . :4 } w Y :3y 'I ~ further iformation RI NGS BADGES STATIONERY RECOGNITION BUTTONS GLASSES At Michigan it's BURR PATTERSON & AULD 1209 SOUTH U Phone 8887 RUTH A NN OAKES, Mgr. /u /- ( 100 Durability Proven by #Tests In recent WEAR TFSTS Se-Ling's three-thread dollar hosiery walked 25S0 miles before a break, a hole, or a run occurred. A These tests were conducted in many sections of America and participated in by women customers in all walks of life. Proving f that these fine stockings have an amazing ability to "take it." pedometer' wear test of nationally famous Se-Ling Hosiery. In ator, a waitress, a housewife, a salesperson, a newspaper woman f and Aow... 6 U. of M. COEDS are participating with 12 other Ann Arbor women in an actual pedometer wear test of nationally famousSe-Ling Hosiery. In the contest with the coeds are a school teacher, a beauty opler- ater, a waitress, a housewife, a salesperson, a newspaper woman and several high school girls. % Pinafores! Pinafores! Pinafores! 3.95 G0 10.95 CAMPUS LOVE from ocean to ocean! Here they are in versions varied as the scenery . . . plaids, plain color wools, velveteens, menswear flannels. Some with button-on tops change into sepa- rate skirts. Pinafore Blouses . 2.95 to 6.50 PACKETS by Joyce 4.95, Looked for like a love letter! Shoes that take as many inches off your feet as do these squared-off casuals by Joyce of Cali-< fornia. In supple calf- skin; navy with red, brown with white. / 'j EACH CONTESTANT starts with just one pair of Se-Ling stockings and wears them until a run appears or the stockings otherwise wear out. TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK go the New Haven pedometers as they tick off the actual mile walked every day by the Se-Ling contestants. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR DAILY MILEAGE REPORTS Reg. $1 Individually Sized (3 Thread) 3 -Prs. for SE-LING HOSIERY ""s45 During This Contest $2. ... . ......,..._ . _ _ .._ .., a rf lj, / r r s, I I I