THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 ,, , THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control if Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assoiated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. , All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIL3NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablishers Represtntative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman. * . , .Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . .Associate Editor . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports. Editor * . . . Women's Editor S . . .- Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: CHESTER BRADLEY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. New Journal's Issuance Saluted .. . A MQNG the new publicptions of the autumn season can be found a quar- tery of particular importance and timeliness, called Common Ground. According to its editors the magazine is devoted to the cause of unity and understanding among national and racial groups in the United States. To a magazine with ,such a wholly desirable -objective can be accorded a sincere welcome. Common Ground is published by the Common Council for American Unity, an organization which hopes to fulfill its aim by implementing its publishing activities with a comprehensve program of cooperative action and generalredu- cation among the various social and racialI groups. In the key article of the first issue Louis Adamic - presents the thesis that the present international crisis provides a peculiarly appro- priate time for an attempt to find a workable solution for the racial conflicts which today contribute to American disunity. He points out the imponderable effects of the European war on the relative integration of our imminent pop- ulation, and stresses the fact that frictions grow- ing out of social and racial distinctions are, a major weakness of American democracy and a major source of strength for fascism. Mr. Adamic knows whereof he speaks. For many years he has studied the problems of na- tional and racial minorities in the United States, particularly the pressing problem of assimila- tion, an interest reflected in his recent book, My America. He realizes that these problems are now accented by developments in Europe, that the nearness of the Fascist threat underlines the necessity of immediately solving them. Mr. Adamic is correct in vigorously asserting that social and racial tensions in this country are precisely the conditions under which Fascism, whether it be a native product or a result of for- eign infiltration, develops. It is heartening to observe an active group in America with that realization and with a desire to act on the real- ization. In this era of crisis all of us hear a good deal about national defense. But it is almost entirely in terms of externals: airplanes, tanks, muni- tions and manpower. Should we not begin to consider the problem of national defense at least partially in terms of trying to solve and eradi- cate a few of the chief weaknesses of our present democratic structure? Common Ground and its staff is striking at one of the most vulnerable points. May they have success in removing a few of the scars growing out of past social and racial conflicts. - Chester Bradley K.K.K. Joins Legions Burrowing From Wi*thin OME ADAGES do not hold true in S a democracy. A fascist state may quote "united we stand, divided we fall" and patriotically curb the liberties of the individual. A democracy, however, even in times of stress, sustains its bill of rights and often suffers the consequences. The problem is-where to draw the line? Modestly hailing itself "America's No. 1 pa- triotic organization" and demanding "strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands," the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan have openly venting Unwarranted Strikes by Foreign Labor Agitators, and the Limitation of Foreign Immi- gration. Also listed is Law and Order, but whe- ther by this is meant Lynch Law is not stated. Rep. Samuel Dickstein of New York, who re- cently charged the Dies Committee with blocking the probe of Nazi and, Fascist agents in this country, has never mentioned the Knights in his crusading career. This may be caused by the fact that the Klan is definitely an American or- ganization. Occasionally small town editors have waged ineffectual campaigns against this "bor- ing from within" but the apparent inactivity, except for rare lynchings or whippings, of the group, has barred real investigation. There is room in America for dissenting politi- cal parties. The Republicans, the Democrats and the Socialists are having a nice American scrap right now for power. Let them have their fun. The basic concepts of liberty are not involved. The German-American Bund and other fascist organizations, it is known, are actively operating. The press follows their every move with head- lines and never-decreasing vigilance. Let them try their best, or worst. They are in a ruthless spotlight. This is a time of crisis. It is a time when bur- rowing white worms crawl to the surface in aid of decay. The Ku Klux Klan has announced the widening of its "Invisible Empire" through- out the country. But this is not an empire, it is a democracy. Let them have their infantile secret meetings and mumbo jumbo rituals. But let the country know that they have them, and let the press and the people focus a probing spot- light upon them to watch for the first trans- gression against the laws of justice. -S. R. Wallace Campaign Characters Reflected In New Dance AROUND the Publications Building, and maybe all over campus for all we know, there is a new dance coming into prom- inence, the Willkie Hop. It involves no complex steps, no pirouettes, no strenuous gyrations. The dancer rumples his hair, flings first one arm then the other through the air in majestic sweeps, and finally strikes an eloquent pose of benevolence toward all of God's creatures, arms outflung to embrace the world, serene joy on the face. It would be an exaggeration to maintain that the election will be decided mainly by the num- ber of friends won and people influenced by each of the candidates during the campaign. Yet no one will deny that a straight-backed, stiff- knuckled Presbyterian minister wouldn't have a Chinaman's chance against either Mr. Roosevelt or Mr. Willkie, no matter how well fitted for the job the "no-damn-foolishness-for-me" man might be. Election pledges and platform promises made by the Republicans and Democrats coincide in nearly all major issues: conscription, national defense needs, more jobs, aids to agriculture and big business, etc., etc. Now, of course, there are groups which have tacitly associated themselves with one candidate or the other, business, for instance, supporting Willkie and labor organ- izations leaning toward Roosevelt. But there are still thousands and maybe hundreds of thou- sands of voters who will decide what ticket to vote after having heard how each candidate promises the moon. Maybe you won't be dancing the Willkie Hop and maybe you will never see it danced at the League or Union. But we'll bet our shirt that mussed-up hair will draw in a bagful of votes, maybe as many as the dulcet eloquence of, "My friends.." - Gerald Burns The City Editor's SCRATCH PRD. We see that women are still wearing tall fea- thers in their hats. So tall in fact that Audubon societies have begun to protest the damage to wild bird life. w * , A friend of ours doesn't like these tall fea- thers. "How do they ever sit in a car with those things on?", she questioned. Fashions are a queer thing. But the experts must have an answer to such a question. Maybe the girls take their hats off. Still that wouldn't be ladylike. More likely, girls who wear hats looking like that aren't the kind who ride in cars. (coniic Strip Minus Violence Published.. . O ELZEY ROBERTS, publisher of the St. Louis Star-Times, who, shocked by the prevalence of murder, assault, arson, crime and miscellaneous violence de- picted in his newspaper's two pages of so-called "comic strips," has introduced a new type, to appeal to younger readers especially. "Bertram," the pen product of Paul T. Gil- bert, who has written four books and numerous short stories about this curly-headed tyke, has been given preferred position at the top of Page 3 of the Star-Times. The adventures, illustrated by Anne Stossel, concern Bertram and various odd animals. Publisher Roberts wrote an editor- ial deploring his own "funny pages" but is re- taining them-for the time being. His innova- tion is a step in the right direction, and it de- serves public support. - The Christian Science Monitor Students Warned University of California students were warned Ctbe Dren w mso Robert S.Alles WASHINGTON - Wendell Willkie rang the bell when he asserted that the National Defense Commission needs reorganization. He said out loud what privately has been argued vigorously within Administration and Defense circles for a long time. Also, you can write it down as a move that is not distant. The need for reorganization is daily becoming more insistent. With the preliminary tasks of setting up staffs, securing appropriations, and clearing up contract problems out of the way, the Commission now comes to grips with its real job -mobilizing the nation's industry for turning out arms, munitions, planes, tanks, ships on a mass production basis, the key to Nazi military might. Judging from the tenor of behind-the-scenes deliberation,.the reorganization plan favored is not along the lines recently rumored. These were that the President was about to place the Commission under a chairman to boss all its operations. One story had Leon Henderson, price control commissioner, slated for this place. This report is unfounded. Neither Henderson nor anyone else is being considered for chairman because the creation of a chairman, is not con- templated. An entirely different plan is being discussed. Coordinator Nelson As the Defense Commission is now set up, each of the seven commissioners acts more of less independently in his own field. The only tie-up among them is informal and confined chiefly to matters of general policy. There is no organized m2hinery to coordinate the agen cy's far-flung operations. Under the proposed revamping, the members would continue to hold equal rank and be re- sponsible for their individual spheres. But their activities would be coordinated through two ma- jor changes. William Knudsen, soft-talking production wizard, would be relieved of all administrative burdens so as to concentrate his great talents on securing mass production. Functioning as a Chief of Staff, he would be in charge of deciding what models, types, planes, etc., were to be pro- duced to make possible the mass production needed for modern military effectivenes. The job of providing the ingredients of this mass production-raw materials, labor, trans- portation-would be up to the other commis- sioners. And to keep this machinery running smoothly, Procurement Director Donald Nelson, bespectacled managerial genius of Sears, Roe- buck & Co., would be installed as Coordinator. He would act as the link between Knudsen, mapping out the production blue-prints, and the other commissioners putting them into effect. Nelson would be the tie that is now missing and so urgently needed. Nazi Life Preservers The thoroughness of Nazi preparations for an invasion of the British Isles is revealed in a con- fidential report from military intelligence sources in Surabaya, Java. Several months before the attack on Holland, Germany purchased 3.000 tons of kapok in the Dutch East Indies. The shipment went via Vladivostok to avoid British capture, and reached its destination during the summer. Lighter and more buoyant than cork, kapok is used in life preservers; is essential to their man- ufacture. Military experts estimate that on the basis of two pounds per preserver, the Nazis had enough kapok to equip an army of 3,000000 for crossing the English Channel. The sale, made at a time when Holland was trying desperately to appease the Nazis, was through the Netherlands India Association of Kapok Growers, which controls 90 per cent of the world's supply of the pod that grows on a tree native to .Java. At the time of the 3,000-ton purchase there was approximately 15,000_tons of kapok available for export. Political Chaff Intimates ascribe ex-heavyweight champion Gene Tunney's sudden interest in the youth movement to future political ambitions. They, say he is secretly planning to run either for governor or Congress in 1942 . . . Reciprocating Senator Bob LaFollette's declaration for Roose- velt, silver-haired Leo Crowley, head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and po- tent Wisconsin Democratic leader, will back La- Follette against his Democratic opponent-if the latter continues in the race. There is strong inner party pressure on him to quit. The She- boygan Press, leading Democratic paper, caus- tically assailed him as an anti-New Dealer . . . GOP researchers are preparing an extensive re- port on the earnings of every member of the Roosevelt family since 1933. Still undecided is whether and how this material should be used in the campaign . . . Slow on the trigger, the Democratic National Committee allowed the faster-moving GOP to get Madison Square Gar- den this year for the last Saturday night of the campaign. But the Democrats have nailed down the final radio hour, signing up a)l networks for 11 to 12 p.m., Monday, November 4. Absentee Senate If the Congressional Record told the whole story, it would reveal that Congress, during the past month, has been fed up with its own ses- sions. Interest has been low, attendance slack, and members who haven't gone home would ,,ctfhPI, lict4-r#n nhall nn'nn+itln n at. hn04- \ ~~II\ OU [IIj \ Speaking of Con seription ,r' _ .-, u + ' 'S !, _I . p lmionile Says DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r - Between sixteen and seventeen million Jews, the supposed Jewish number in all the countries around the globe, Saturday celebrated Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement. Repentence and prayers for the forgiveness of their sins are central in their celebration. "0 God, I have sinned, acted perversely, transgressed before Thee and I have done . . Verily, I have repented and am ashamed of my deeds and I will never return to such an act." What pathos that the chief sufferers are doing the repenting! Here is a religious practice which is followed by all the great religions. Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Buddhist, Babylonian, Moslem, Parsi, Roman, Teutonic, North American Indian and Christian, all celebrate atone- ment. However, it is in the Jewish emphasis on deeds, acts, behavior, and the Christian devotion to similar ethics that our Western culture is rooted, namely, "I will never return to such an act." Atonement stresses three other fea- tures of our life which are essential to social cohesion and the stabiliza- tion of personal life. (1) The ideal is held in devout contemplation.KThe Messiah for the Jew and the King- dom of God for the Christian are pic- tures of the ideal society. To worship any object of less sweep is to be un- true. (2) That worship is a group practice. The individual stands shoulder to shoulder with all other Jews, past and present, in whatever nation, rich with poor, wise with the unwise, the high with the lowly, aged with youth. (3) The religious man believes that he can so act and wor- ship that God and he will be united, become one. All worship in common with the day of Otonement has that definite function. By repenting the devotee gains God's forgiveness. As an earthly father restores his repent- ing child, so God restores status in the spiritual family. Young America needs to worship not because some seer in ages past received a revelation, important as that is in history, but to stretch his soul and come-into unity with God as well as with his fellow men. Here every one of us can join up and be significant. Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education Registered at the main center of New York's City College are 1,000 men and two girls. Total enrollment is over 22,000. * * * Iowa State College is ready to su- pervise training of more than 1,000 technicians for national defense pur- poses this year. (continued from Page 2) All members are urged to attend. All students of Slavic origin are cordially invited. League Dance Classes: Starting to- night in League Ballroom. Begin- ners' class, 7:30 p.m. Advanced class- 8:30 p.m. A Mass meeting for all Sophomore women for announcement of the 1940 Sophomore Cabaret will be held at 5:00 p.m. today in the League Ball- room. Eligibility cards should be se- cured by those who wish to sign up for activities. All Women Interested in Golf: There will be a tea given by the Pitch and Putt Club today at 4:30 p.m. at the W.A.B. Student Tea at Harris Hall this afternoon, 4:00-6:00. All Epsicopal students and their friends invited. Hillel Players will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Hillel Foundation. All old members and people interested in any phase of play productions are urged to attend to hear plans for the coming year and to sign up for com- mittee positions. Women's Fencing Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the fencing room at Barbour Gymnasium. All fencers are invited to attend. Coming Events English Journal Club will meet Thursday, Oct. 17, at 8 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Bldg. Professor A. H. Marck- wardt will speak on "The Walrus and the Carpenter." The Pre-Medical Society will hold a smoker on Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 8:00 ' p.m. in the Michigan Union. Members of the Medical School fac- ulty and other physicians will lead small discussion groups with the aim of answering the problems of the Pre-Medic. A movie will be present- ed by Dr. Kretzchmar of the Obstet- rics Department of the University Hospital, Classical Students: Phi Tau Alpha will meet Thursday, Actober 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Building. Any student taking Latin 81, or any more advanced course, or any course in Greek, is cordially invited to come and meet informally with other stu- dents and with the faculty of the department. The U. of M. Forestry Club will meet on Thursday, Oct. 17, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2054 aNtural Science Building. Pre-foresters and transfer students are invited. Ann Arbor Independents will mete on Wednesday at 4:45 p.m. in the Michigan League, room to be posted on Bulletin Board. All members at- tend. All others who are independ- ents residing in Ann Arbor are in- vited. La Sociedad Hispanica will meet on Thursday, October 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan League. Members are urged to be present. Patrons, Faculty and others interested are cordially invited. Marriage Relations Course: The first of the series of Marriage Rela- tions Lectures will be given in Rack- .ham Lecture Hall Friday, October 18, 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the Course may be purchased by senior and grad- uate student sat the League and Union on Tuesday and Wednesday, from 2:00 .to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to (Continued on Page 6) RADIOSPOTLIGH T WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Dinning Sisters 6:15 Musical Newscast Dinner Music 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga T me Day In Review 6:45 World Today Lowell Thomas Evening Serenade 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring val Clare Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Meet Mr. Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes Musical Ned Jordan 7:45 Haenschen Orch. 8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Forty Plus Ben Bernie 8:15 Missing Heirs " Cats'n Jammers 8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers "Info," Please! 8:45 First Nighter " Screen Echoes 9:00 We the People Battle of the Sexes Composers' Series Question Bee 9:15 We the People