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October 15, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-15

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Light showers and cooler.


41itr 44F
4t gan


New Journal's
Issuance Saluted

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Russia Intensifies
Military Activities
In Balkan Sector

USSR Reported Building
Seven New Air Bases,
Rushing War Planes
German Bombers
Smash At London
BUCHAREST, Oct. 14.-P)-So-
viet Russia was reported in well-
informed quarters tonight to be
hastily constructing seven military
air bases in what once was Rumanian
Bessarabia, rushing squadrons of
warplanes to the half-completed
fields and sending shipload after
shipload of military supplies into
the area tonight as fears rose for
the Balkans' delicate peace.
The Germans, too, were increasing
their military establishment in the
area'near the mouth of the, Danube.
The Russians were reported to be
rushing construction on five entirely
iew fields in scattered parts of Bess-
arabia, and converting two commer-
cial airports, built years ago, into
military air bases.
Supplies Arrive
Refugees arriving from Bessarabia
said shiploads of military supplies
were arriving daily from Russia at
the Bessarabian ports of Valcov, Bur-
nas and Bugaz.'
Meanwhile, German general staff
officers were whisked from one con-
ference to another in speedy motor-
cars, making military plans.
Both men and material went into
what bore the surface appearance of
a race between the two powers to
fortify their /positions, the Russians
on their side of the Danube border of
Bessarabia and the Germans across
the river in Rumania.
Two Rumanian-owned oil wells
and a third belonging to a German-
gontrolled company were destroyed
in the Ploesti district today by a 3-
hour fire which pfficials attributed
to a "spark from machinery."
Nazis Launch
Furious Assault
LONDON, Oct. 14. -(P)- In the
gathering fury of a Nazi assault that
seemed the mightiest yet loosed,
strong forces of Nazi heavy bombers
smashed at London tonight with ex-
plosive and incendiary bombs.
The raiders swept over in bright
moonlight, and an hour and a half
after the beginning of the night at-1
tack the flames of burning buildings
glowed red about the city.
The Nazis dived low and night
workers on the streets threw them-
selves headlong into the gutters to
escape falling bombs.
Day Raids Numerous
This violent night attack "capped
a day of quick, icattered raids over
many areas of - Britain and twof
thrusts at London itself which, ac-
cording to British sources, :were
turned back with but little damaget
Meanwhile Great Britain counted,
on the aid of Turkey and Greece and
hoped for the sympathy of Russia
tonight to resist an Axis drive toward
the rich Mosul oil fields in Iraq.
Well-informed British sources pre-
1. An imminent diplomatic break
with Rumania because of the entry
of German troops into that oil-richc
2. Extension of the drive by Ger-
many and Italy beyond the Balkans,
with a greatly intensified war in the
west if the Axis gets control of the
oil in Iraq.
3. Turkish resistance because of
pronounced determination to fight
any power attempting to cross her
frontiers, and also because of the
pact to assist Britain if the war
swings to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Pre-Medical Group
Will Hold Smoker'
Particular problems of the pre-
medical student will be the subject
of discussion at the first meeting of
the Pre-Medical Society at 8 p.m.
tomorrow at the Michigan Union.
The meeting will be conducted in
the fnrm nf a smoker at which mem-

1,940 To Laud
Fielding Yost
Next Saturday
Over 1940 sports fans will gathc
to applaud the Grand Old Man c
University athletics, Fielding F
"Hurry Up" Yost at a testimoni
banquet to be held Saturday, Oct 19
at 6:30 p.m. in Waterman Gymna
Most important of the banquet's
features will be the coast-to-coast
NBC broadcast over the Blue Net-
work from 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. The
radio program will include talks by
All-Time All-American Willie Hes-
ton, Coach Bob Zuppke, of the visit-
ing Illini, Branch Rickey, president
of the St. Louis Cardinals, and for-
mer Coach of Michigan baseball
teams, and Yost himself.
Included on the program will be
the first rendition anywhere of a
new Yost march composed by Louis
Elbel, who wrote the "Victors" in
1898 after Michigan defeated Chi-
cago, and played by the Varsity Band
under the direction of Professor Re-
velli. The University Glee Club will
sing old Michigan favorites and the
Illinois band is expected to play.
Leading authorities in the realm
of sport who have long been friends
of Yost such as Grantland Rice, Hen-
ry McLemore and Damon Runyan
have been invited. Other celebraties
expected to attend are Supreme
Court Justice Frank Murphy, Sen-
ators Arthur H. Vandenberg and
Burton K. Wheeler, Earl D. Babst,
chairman of the Board of American
Sugar Refining Co., Cornelius Kel-
ley, president of Anaconda Copper
Co., and Fred M. Zeder, vice pres-
ident of the Chrysler Corporation.
So L. Marshall
To Be Speaker
At Press Club
Pres. Ruthven To Extend
Greetings To Members
At Convention Thursday
S. L. A. Marshall, of the Detroit
News staff, will be featured speaker
of the University Press Club opening
its 22nd Annual Convention Thurs-
day at the Union.
Marshall, who will speak at the
first night's banquet at 6 p.m., will
discuss "Blitzkrieg." His book on the
same subject will be off the press
next month.
The same evening President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven will extend greet-
ings and will deliver an address to
the Press Club members, who are
expected to convene from all over
the state.
At the Friday night banquet, Oran
W. Kay, Jr., of the Lansing State
Journal, will speak on "I Saw the
Germans Coming." Kay was in Eu-
rope at the outset of the war and
reported his observations for the
Journal and the Associated Press.
America's position in current af-
fairs will hold the center of discus-
sion in sessions scheduled for Thurs-
day afternoon and Friday morning.
Glee Club Men
To Sing Today
Chorus To Appear Before
IOOF And Rebekah

The Varsity Men's Glee Club will
entertain at 7:30 p.m. today in the
UnionmBallroom more than 2,000
members of the state Oddfellows and
Rebekahs organizations, which regis-
tered here yesterday for their an-
nual convention.
Singing a program of Michigan
songs, the group will be conducted
by Prof. David Mattern, of the
School of Music, and accompanied by
Jack Ossewaarde, Grad. The banquet
performance will precede the cere-

Thomas Plan
Talks Here'
Michigan Senator, Socialit
Candidate To Take Part
In Forum's Discussion
Thursday, Sunday
Are Meeting Days
Norman Thomas, Socialist candi-,
late for president, and Arthur H.
vandenberg, Republican Senator from
Aichigan, will highlight the second
nd third meetings of the Michigan
'orum when they appear on Thurs-
lay and Sunday afternoons, respec-
ively, in the Michigan Union.
Speakers representing other vari-
ties of opinion will occupy the same
>latform at later dates.
Making his second appearance of
:he year on the Michigan campus,
the four-time Socialist presidential
candidate will address the Forum at
4:15 p.m. on the subjecL. "Butter
And Arms." Thp title of SenatorJ
Vandenbr ig's rpcech bas nt vet es

Opera's Fate
Is Dependent
On Tryouts
Registration For Mimes'
Show Is Open Today,
Wednesday, Thursday
girls May Submit
Music And Lyrics
Will Mimes Union Opera be re-
vived? Will the glorioustradition'
that sent the famous "Cotton Stock-
ings" production to New York, Chi-
cago, Philadelphia and Washington
performances in 1923 once more per-
vade the campus?'
No one knows! Not even this year's
chairman, Jack Silcott, Grad., has the
answer. In fact, Jack doesn't even
know if he is chairman, for obvious-
ly one can't be a chairman of nothing.I
The answer is "X," the symbol "X"
being an unknown number of inter-
ested students who will register them-
selves today, tomorrow or Thursday
in the Union Lobby as willing to par-
jicipate in an Opera.

Conscription Officials
Ready For Registering
Of 16,500,000 Draftees

Harmon Shows East

What West


Inv line with the Forum's enIf "X" is large enough, there'll be
purpose to stimulate and mak oe an Opera; if not, not. The hours
sible the free : pression of stu 7ent are between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. to
opi- i r",,a pe" :od of open discussion day, or between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
will follow each address. and 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. tomorrow and
Sponsored by the Union, League, Thursday.
Student Senate and The Daily, the Ofcourse if you're not of the male
Michigan Forum is a series of fre. specie, don't expect to grace the
quent and regular inquiries into con- Mimes stage if there is one. Only
temporary social problies thatwil-men students who have had some
be held throuchou thems at will sort of either technical or dramatical
experience, meager though it may be,
All students and faculty inter- will probably do that. But anyone,
ested in attending a luncheon at with original music or lyrics, boy or
12e15 pm.nThurdngaatnthe Unian girl, can have an audition between
in honor of Norman Thomas are 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. tomorrow in Room
requested to call 2-9414 today or 116 of the Union.
tomorrow. All those who register for the
_ Opera will be asked if they have had
The Forum is guided by a non- technical or dramatic experience in
partisan sponsoring committee com- staging a theatrical production. They
prised of Douglas Gould, '41, Virginia may participate in a variety of com-
Lee Hardy, '41, Robert Reed, '41, and mittees including: costumes, music,
Hervie Haufler, '41, respective officers scenery, properties, dance, makeup,
of the sponsoring committees. James personal and publicity. All regis-
Duesenberry, Grad., program chair- trants must be scholastically eligible.
man, and Harold D. Osterweil, '41, From these registrants will be
executive secretary, help formulate selected the cast and committees, if
and carry out the program of the X" is large enough to make a re-
Forum. birth of the Opera feasible. Note :
Pof. Arthur Smithies of the De- It took 248 registrants last year to
partment of Economics is an honor-rvive the first successful Opera since

(By The Associated Press)
Michigan's All-American breaks into the clear in the recent Har-
vard game as teammates Milo Sukup (53) and Al Wistert (11) clear
the way.


ary mem er or the sponsoring com-
Phrasing of questions for future
meetings and the engaging of student
or outside speakers will be decided by
the sponsoring committee with the
aid of the prgram chairman and
executive secretary. Anyone inter-
ested in speaking or suggesting speak-
ers for future Forums are requested
to contact Osterweil at 7350.
Dance Instruction
Will Begin Today
Beginning and advanced dancers
will hold their first session tonight
in the League Ballroom, it was an-
nounced by Margaret Whittemore,
'41A, chairman of the dance class
committee, today.
The beginners will meet at 7:30
p.m. and the advanced dancers class
will start at 8:30 p.m. Men may pur-
chase a series ticket of eight lessons
for $3, but women will be admitted

French Film
To Be Shown
"The End of a Day," a French film
with English sub-titles, will open
at 8:15 p.m. Thursday for a three
day run at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre under the auspices of the
Art Cinema League.
The film, a tragedy of aged actors,
is one of the last major productions
to come out of the now defunct
French movie industry. All tickets
for the three evening performances
will be sold at the Mendelssohn box
office starting Wednesday. Admis-
sion may be purchased for 35 cents,
and reservations made by calling 6300.
New York critics hailed "The End
of a Day" as a skillful pathological
study, and one of the very best pic-
tures of the year." Selected short
subjects will supplement the feature

Tickets 'eady
For Lectures
On Marriage
Union, League Begin Sale
Of Reservations Today;
Tickets for the course in Marriage
Relations may be purchased between
2 p.m. and 5 p.m. and between 7 p.m.
and 9 p.m. today and tomorrow at
the Michigan League or Michigan.
Union. Identification cards must be
presented at the time of purchase.
The series which opens at 7:30
p.m. Friday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, is open to senior and grad-
uate students only. The fee for the
series of lectures will be $1.00 and
tickets are not transferable. Admis-.
sions will not be sold at the door.
Dr. Margaret Mead of the American
Museum of Natural History will de-
liver the first lecture Friday on the
Social Basis of Marriage.
Dr. Mead has written a number of
significant books of anthropological
character, including: "Coming of Age
in Samoa," "An Inquiry into the
Question of Cultural Stability in
Polynesia," "The Changing Culture
of an Indian Tribe," and "Sex and
Temperament in Three Primitive

Split Doubted
By Ehr'mann
Tells Pro-Ally Committee
That Balkan Occurences
Will Not Affect Alliance
In spite of the current develop-
ments in the Balkans, Prof. Howard
M. Ehrmann, of the history depart-
ment, expressed the belief last night
that Russia and Germany have not
come to a parting of the ways.
Prof. Ehrmann told the audience
gathered for an organizational meet-
ing of the Ann Arbor branch of the
William Allen White Committee to
defend America by Aiding the Allies
that Russia is still following the pol-
icy it began in August, 1939, of forc-
ing Germany to give her concessions
to keep her neutral.
Most of Prof. Ehrmann's discus-
sions dealt with an analysis of the
belligerents' war aims. Pointing out
first that no belligerent has made a
full statement of her war aims, he
stated that Britain's purpose was the
defeat of Hitlerism and !the desire
to make certain territorial restitu-
tions in Europe.
If the English are defeated he pre-
dicted a world divided into five blocs
-Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and
the New World. He gave a picture
of totalitarianism all over the world
except for the Americas. "Germany
would establish in Central and per-
haps the rest of Europe a vast cus-
toms union. The mark would be the
unit of currency.r
SRA Lectures
Start Thursday
Fischer To Tell Scientific
View Of Man's Nature
Opening this year's series of lec-
tures on the current theme, "The
Nature of Man," Dr. Martin Fischer
will present his views of religion from
a scientific standpoint at 8:15 p.m.
Thursday in Rackham Lecture Hall
under the auspices of the Student
Religious Association.
As professor of physiology at the
University of Cincinnati he is well-
known as a colorful speaker. In
medical circles Dr. Fischer is out-

University Machinery Set
To Take Data On 5,000
Eligible Men Tomorrow
Local Registration
Places Designated
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. -(/P)-
Conscription headquarters predicted
today that "not a single hitch" would
occur on registration day.
Maj. Daniel E. Gould of the field
section of national headquarters an-
nounced all states and the District
of Columbia had reported a "100 per
cent state of readiness" for Wednes-
day's gigantic task of registering the
16,500,000 young men subject to com-
pulsory military training.
Gould, at a press conference, said
it was estimated it would take an
average of 20 minutes to register
each man. While five minutes will
be sufficient for most,, he said, oth-
ers, especially foreign-born requiring
interpreters, would take as much as
an hour or more.
Holt Blocks Appointment
On that basis, he added, local of-
ficials had been advised of the num-
ber of men likely to register in their
areas and asked to plan accordingly
for having a sufficient number of
registration officials on the job. In
any event, 'he said, all standing
Meanwhile, confirmation of Clar-
ence A. Dykstra as Director of Selec-
tive Service was temporarily blocked
in the Senate because Senator Holt
(Dem-W. Va.) objected to immediate
More than 160 members of a spe-
cial University selective service regis-
tration board were making last-min-
ute preparations last night to record
data on nearly 5,000 out-of-town
students who will be required to reg-
ister for possible compulsory military
Headed by Draft Registrar Robert
L. Williams, assistant University reg-
istrar, the board will be prepared to
record information olregistrants
from 7 a.m. to 9 pm. tomorrow in
the various schools and colleges of
the University.
Exemptions Listed
Only students exempt from regis-
tration with the University draft
board are those out of the 21-35 year,
inclusive, age group, Ann Arbor resi-
dents, students who return to their
home cities to register and members
of the federally recognized active
national guard, the officers reserve
corps, the regular army reserve, the
enlisted reserve corps and the ad-
vanced corps, senior division, ROTC.
Local Registration...
Students will register in the follow-
ing places, according to the school in
which they are enrolled:
Literary college-Alumni Memorial
Engineering school-348 West En-
gineering Building.
Medical School-Recorder's Office.
Law School-200 Hutchins Hall.
College of Pharmacy, College Of-
School of Dentistry-Kellogg In-
stitute, Exhibition Hall. z
College of Architecture-Library
School of Education-1431 NEle-
mentary School.
School of Business Administration
-200 Tappan Hall.
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion-4041 Natural Science.
School of Music-Room 107, May-
nard Street Building.
Graduate School-Room 100 Rack-
ham Building.
University Hospital patients will be
registered in their rooms. -Internes
and other employes who have not
established residence in Ann Arbor
are to register in the second floor

lobby. All employes who reside in
Ann Arbor or in other communities
in the country are to report at their
regular voting places.
Ann Arbor residents will register
as follows:
First ward-Basement of city hall.
Second ward-Ward building on
S. Ashley St., south of Liberty St.
Third ward-Ward hilding an

Fraternities Formally Pledge 493
As Houses Close Rushing Period

Four hundred ninety-three pledges
were inducted into 40 of the campus
fraternities at bahquets held in the
chapter houses last night. Pledged
were the following:
Acacia: Marcellils Hebden, Cran-
ston Jones, Kenneth Jones, Richard
Lord, Robert Soukup, Richard Spath.
Alpha Delta Phi, John Alerdice, Ro-
bert Bliss, William Brown, Hale
Champion, Walter Freihofer, Robert
Kirkpartick, John Kudner, James,
Harsha, James Lovell, Frank McGee,
John Rodger, Luther Sandwick, Rich-
ard Sheehy, Samuel Sneath, Taylor
Sonke, Richard Sturges, Frank Tem-
pleton, Caleb Warner, John Winters,
Richard Winters.
Alpha, Kappa Lambda: John Cris-
pin, George Damon, John Steding,

Beta Theta Pi: Edward Adams,
Chandler Pinney, Robert Buell, Rod-
man Burley, Robert Finlayson, James
Herbst, John Hooper, Bruce Hub-
bard, David Manning, Fredric Mar-
ble, Robert Reinhart, James Turner,
Richard Youngquist, George Snow,
William Klingbeil; Chi Phi, Fredric
Becker, Thomas Claget, William Cros-
ley, Charles Foster, John Kuivinen,
Robert Mathews, Charles Neilson,
Donald O'Connor, Mark Older, David
Peckinpaugh, Frank Picard, William
Robinson, Clifford Straehley, Philip
Swander, Hessel Yntema.
Chi Psi, Leland Bisbee, Charles
Braznel, Erwin Coveney, Robert Eade,
Robert Gehrke, Charles Gilbert, Har-
old Groves, John Lynch, William
McKay, Royce McKinley, John Mc-
Williams, Thomas Miller, Stewart
Peet Tvlinr Potter .lnn Robinson.

Bruce Cambridge, John Crabb, John
Edmonson, Robert Erickson, George
Grieb, Mark Hance, Harry Hansen,
Jere Harness, John Hickey, John
Holzsfpl, Stan Humphreys, William
Knap, John Larson, William Ludolf,'
John Martin, Paul Meyer, James
Mitchell, Alger Morrison, Paul Neu-
mann, Edwin Northway, Frank O'-
Brien, Robert Parsons, James Ritter,
Robert Schwyn, Robert Shelly, Boyd
Smith, Ira Wilson, Alex Wrangel.
Delta Upsilon, Edward Allmendin-
ger, Walter Cattle, Tom Cheadle,
William Firman Richard Ford, Wil-
liam Garvey, Robert Grunder, Theo-
dor Jacob, Richard Jones, William
Kofel, Donald Lampe, George Ma-
dory, Sterling Maxwell, Bernard Os-

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